Astro Boy x Reader // The Apo...

By Sailor_Astro

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How long ago was it? I can't remember. Without people celebrating the end of the year, or the beginning of a... More

This Is My Life
I'm Hungry
An Eye For An Eye A Zombie For A House
Finally Meeting Him
Is He Trustworthy?
His Home
Day In The Life Of Survives
Plans For The Future
Penny For Your Thoughts?
Starting A New
The End

Curiosity Killed The Survivor

334 14 36
By Sailor_Astro

You woke up in a bed, with the same scratchy blanket. The floor was as comfortable as you would think it is, but now, you weren't sleeping on it like the past few nights. You groaned and sat up. You looked around to see you were on a mattress next to where the boys slept. Indeed the boys were next to you, sleeping soundly with small snores here and there.

You sat up and pulled down your skirt and tucked in your shirt. You figured Astro had put you into his bed. You walked to look for Astro and say thank you to him, but he wasn't anywhere in the tree-house. You turned back to look at your own 'bed' only to see Astro sleeping there. You had no idea he could sleep. You stared at the sleeping boy for a second before feeling slightly annoyed. You walked to his side and bent down, picking him up.

You placed your hand under his legs and the other behind his back. You pulled him up and leaned back a little so you wouldn't drop him. For a pile of well put together metal, he was pretty light. 'He must need to be light to be able to fly' was the conclusion you came to. You walked over to his bed, glancing at him from time to time. You placed him down on the comfy mattress. You gently pulled your hands out from under him and made sure his head was above the pillow and he wasn't half off the bed. You placed the blanket over him and began to stand up straight to walk away and do something productive.

Astro unknowingly grabbed your wrist. You paused and looked back at him. His hand peaked out from under the blanket just to hold yours. Your eyes wandered to his face, his eyes were closed and his mouth hung open the slightest bit. You didn't frown, nor smile at the sight. You pulled your hand away, making sure not to jerk to hard.

"Thank you Astro." You murmured. You turned away again and looked for something to do.


Astro slowly sat up and rubbed his eye. He patted the mattress below him and furrowed his brow. He looked down and removed the blanket to see he was right, he was on a bed.

Astro remembered that he put you in his bed. He blinked and shook his head. He stood up and leaned a bit to see you weren't in your bed. His eyes widened and you frantically looked around. He jumped off the bed and looked around the small house. You weren't anywhere. "Damn it!" Astro looked to the trap door and saw that it was open. He ran over to it and jumped down, only to see you walking back to the tree house with something big and brown in your arms. The end dragged on the floor as you pulled it across the ground. Astro sighed in relief as he relaxed his shoulders. "(Y/N)!" He jogged over to you. "Why are you carrying.. wood?"

"I over heard Abercrombie and Alejo saying the needed wood." You simply said.

"But.. how did you know where to get some?" Astro tilted his head to the side.

"They said a unfinished house was the only place to get what they needed. Alejo told Abercrombie where it was and I listened in too so I knew where to get some wood." You shrugged. Astro grabbed the wood from you. He sighed and shook his head at how mischievous you were.

"You didn't have to do that." He grumbled.

"I did." You grabbed the other end of the wood to help Astro carry it. Astro smiled sadly at you and then turned back to the house. You both helped each other pull the wood up to the house. After that, Astro helped you up. There was an awkward silence that built up as you dragged the wood to where the other planks were. Astro tapped his index fingers together and then intertwined them.

"You.. you put me back into my bed?" He stated, but it sounded more like a question. You turned back to him and lifted your brow. "Last night you fell asleep so I brought you back in and put you in my bed. I went to sleep where you do, but I woke up in my bed."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You turned and went to the area that had the food stored in and took out two cans of tuna and a pack of biscuits. "I hope your friends like tuna biscuits."

"They are your friends too, (Y/N)." Astro smiled softly at you. You turned your head slightly to glance at him from the corner of your eye. You saw his gleaming genuine smile, he was telling you, you were apart of the team now. You snapped your head back down to the cans and opened them with ease, your cheeks became warm as you prepared lunch for everyone.


"Oh, (Y/N), you've got a cut on your cheek." Astro frowned and got up from the table you were all eating from. You placed your hand up to your cheek and frowned when you felt a stinging feeling.

"How'd you get that?" Reno asked, bring his biscuit up to his mouth an eating it whole.

"I must have scratched myself while sleeping." You remembered getting the cut though, you cut yourself back at that house.

"It seems small, I don't think you'll get infected by that." Alejo reassured you.

"You should see the gash on her leg, last I saw it, it was pretty big, but she's still here." Kennedy said. Astro came back and sat back down next to you, placing the band aid on your cheek.

"Strange." Alejo furrowed his brow.

"I've been hurt plenty of times, I haven't got infected at all." You shrugged, finishing your last biscuit. Alejo shook his head slowly and looked down.

"That's impossible. I've seen people get infected because they have been exposed by cuts." He rubbed his chin. "May I see the cut on your leg?" Alejo sat up. Kennedy smacked his forehead.

"You can't ask her to flash you her leg!" He whispered angrily to Alejo.

"O-Oh, right! Sorry (Y/N)! You don't have to show me." Alejo shook his head. You kept the same blank face and then sighed.

"I have one on my arm." You said. You pulled up the sleeve of your left arm to show a cut above your wrist, it had turned into a scar. You had only three or four scars on your body. One on your left hip, left thigh and on your left hand. Since you used your right hand to stab, you would often cut yourself when you weren't carful with your knife. Other times, there would be small cuts on your legs from other things, so that's why you kept bandages on them.

"That must have hurt." Astro frowned at the scar.

"To be honest, I don't remember getting this one." You admitted.

"This is incredible!" Alejo's eyes widened at your scar. "This should have been big enough to get infected to make you turn!" He scoffed in disbelief. "It's.. it's like you're immune!"


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