๐Ÿ’‹Material Girl// Gossip Girl

By notshawn

118K 2.7K 440

3 Alena Collier is not a material girl but as usual, Gossip Girl is sparking up new labels and her labels sti... More

01// European Exposรฉ
02// It's You
03// "Fling with the Co-CEO"
04// Sweet Logan
05// "Talk not flirt"
06// Gossip served sunny side up
07// White Lies
08// Moma's home
09// Crime and Prejudice
10// Romance Gesture Gone Wrong
11// you and I have history
12// Eternal Promises
13// Check me in, Ostroff
14// the bitter truth from an Archibald
15// The kids aren't alright
16// The Calm before the storm
17// The eX's are involved
18// Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
19// Valentines day with gossip
20// Waldorf Style
21// The Legacy
22// believe me
23// Go Home
24// Royal Drama
25// the wrong goodbye
26// City of Angels
27// No More Promises
28// Home
29// Who's the Father?
30// The Wrong Fianceรฉ
31// The Inside
32// Reprecussions
36// Trapping Miss.Jonas
37// Lie to Me
38// Bits and Pieces
39// A Russian Twist
40// In the flesh
41// Bart and Sandwiches

35// Drunk and Stupid

2K 53 7
By notshawn


The sun was beginning to rise, the apartment was just barely beginning to light up naturally. The lamps were on, the ceiling lights as well, and so was the hysteria.

The Devenport industries has a conference meeting in the Dominican Republic, CEO's attendance is required. With Thomas' retirement nearing, Logan's presence is mandatory along with his father. There was no say in it, it was a demand.

A demand I did not favor. I don't want him to go, we have many things to discuss. He knows we need to talk, that we need to have a seat and open up to each other but instead he's running around the apartment packing.

"I don't understand why you can't skip this one meeting. You're not CEO yet, you don't have to go." I said. My arms are crossed in front of my chest as I watch Logan pack up last minute.

"We've already discussed this. I have to go, when my dad retires it's just going to be me and I still have a lot to learn. I need this." Logan said.

He walked into the bathroom, shuffling through the cabinet.

"So you're just going to leave right in the middle of a crisis." I said with a hint of annoyance.

"What crisis?" He asked from the bathroom.

My eyes rolled "Don't play stupid, Logan." I warned, my tone grew stern.

He walked out of the bathroom, his eyes glancing at me seriously.

"We need to talk. Now isn't the time to get up and leave." I state

"Talk about what?" He asked in a irritable home. He left the bedroom and headed to the living room where I followed.

"The elephant in the room." I responded as I stood in front of the dining table and he searched the couch.

"We can talk after I get back." He said, his focus lying on whatever he was trying to find.

"I want to talk now." I said.

"I don't." He sighed in annoyance.

"Why?" I asked provoked by his response.

"Because if I tell you then you're going to know and that means you'll be involved. I don't want to drag you into my problems." He said, his tone growing angry.

"I'm already involved, Logan. What do you think marriage is about?" I retorted

"Just not now. When I get back, I promise." He said, his voice had lowered and settled.

"How long is that?" I asked, my voice had settled.

"I'll be back before Thanksgiving." He responded as he finally found what he was searching for.

He returned to the bedroom, to his suitcase.

"That's two weeks." I said lowly. Thinking about how long that was made my heart sink.

"They'll go by faster than you know it" He said as he zipped up his suitcase, he was done packing.

He was going to leave.

I ran my hands through my hair before I spoke "Two weeks seems like a lifetime for me. It's not just that we haven't talked is the reason why I don't want you go. I don't you want to leave me." My said came out soft.

Logan paused, he turned around and approached me. His eyes gazed down at me softly as he placed his hands on the sides of my face "I'm not leaving you, my love. I'd never leave you." 

"Then don't go." I whispered.

His eyes left mine as his hands fell from my face "I have to." He said softly as his eyes returned to me. "But I'll be back, I promise."

In that moment I knew there was no changing his mind, his company was more important than anything at the moment. More important than me.

He grabbed his suitcase from the bed and rolled it out, he stopped in front of me. His hands cupped my face and he kissed my forehead gently. It felt like nothing, it was too quick.

He proceeded to the door, the suitcase trailing behind him. He opened the door and stepped out, he began closing the door but he stopped. He turned his head and his eyes met mine, he spoke "I love you."

But I didn't say it back.

And then he was gone.


A shower is supposed to make you feel fresh and clean, but on the Upper East Side, they're where I get the most dirt. And B's bridal shower tonight promises to be an absolutely filthy affair. The only two people left off the list? Number one, Chuck. As for number two, in high school, D got left off the list because no one knew who he was, now it's because they know all too well. Looks like Lonely Boy needs to change his name to Banished Boy.

-Gossip Girl

A week has passed, something felt different in me. Maybe it's been the fact that I haven't been able to sleep on my own in that lonely apartment so I've been bunking with Serena. It's been like a slumber party every night or so she's tried to make it.

At the moment, Serena and I are creating gift bags for Blair's bridal shower this evening.

As I sip on a mug of coffee, my phone rings from the table. Logan's photo and name pops up as it continues to ring. I avert my eyes and continue drinking the coffee, ignoring the call.

I looked at Serena who sighed lightly then she said "You can't keep ignoring him, L."

"I just don't want to talk to him right now." I said lowly.

I haven't answered any of his calls, only his texts just to let him know I'm alright.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened?" Serena asked as she glanced up at me from assembling a bag.

"If it'll keep you from pestering me then ok." I responded in a non-rude tone.

Serena and I had a plan, to throw Blair off track of her bridal shower. Blair's expecting something elegant and opulent just as she is but we're making it seem like it's a backyard bbq.

We had people take part of throwing Blair off track until the time came when the party began and she arrived. Blair looked shocked to her party based off of Breakfast at Tiffanys.

The party was going well until a gossip girl blast went off that revealed everyone who has ever sent a tip to gossip girl. Those who did, being presented off as cruel and for Blair: vindictive.

To top it all off, Dan arrived in which he crashed the party. He was drunk out of his ass, he was stupid drunk.

I grip onto Dan's arm, trying to control the collateral damage. "Dan you're drunk, you shouldn't be here." I said as I tried to pull him away from the crowd.

"No I should be I just wasn't invited." Dan slurred as he resisted.

The only people on the not-invited list were Dan and his recent pal, Chuck. Speaking of Chuck, he just walked in. Seeing Chuck only seemed to provoke the bride to be even more.

"Chuck." I called out as I held onto Dan's arm.

Chuck left Blair's side as they conversed briefly and he helped me drag Dan out of the party where we went to the Empire.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Chuck as we carried a sleeping Dan onto the couch at the Empire.

Chuck was quiet for a moment before he spoke in monotone "He loves her."

I was able to depict who he was referring to, Blair. Dan has spending a lot of time with the soon-to-be princess. I looked at Dan in sympathy and looked at Chuck.

Chuck avoided my eyes "I'm going to shower." He said.

"I'll stay here for a while in case Dan has an accident." I said as I sat on the floor. I wouldn't want to leave Dan in a vulnerable state.

I found myself laying down on the rug and kicking off the heels. My eyes were glued on the ceiling, my mind pondering constantly. I should call him, I thought but my phone is still on the table and my hands are still by my side.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as footsteps emitted from the hall. My head shifted and my eyes moved to the hall as I remained on the floor. It was Nate, his suit jacket in his hand and an exhausted look on his face.

He saw Dan, his eyebrows creased together as he saw me. He look perplexed and so he asked "Are you ok?"

We were still apart, we've drifted to different continents. Moments we shared were becoming memories, just memories. Something that occurred in the past and could be remembered, nothing in the present.

"I'm fine." I responded as I sat up from the floor.

He nodded slightly and there was a moment of silence where we just stared at each other and looked away then stared again. We didn't know what to say or we wanted to but we didn't, neither of us wanted to break first.

He left to his room and I decided it was time to go. As the elevator rode down to the main floor, a stupidly ignorant idea popped into my idiotic brain.

I scrolled through my contacts on my phone, my thumb clicking over a contact I should have erased months ago. A contact who isn't even a someone, just a moniker.

The phone dialed the phone number of Shay Jonas who isn't even a person. I just want answers after that ambiguous encounter a few weeks ago.

The call was forwarded to voicemail, the line was still contacted. It was odd and stupid. My decision was plain stupid but I'm tired of living in the shadows.

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open. As I stepped out, a British blonde was walking in. Jace Michaelson is still in town.

He smirked, as usual "Alena. Haven't seen you in a while." He said.

"Sorry, I've been living underneath a rock lately." I replied sarcastically .

He rolled his green eyes and spoke " Ha ha."

"I didn't know you were still in town." I said as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, my eyes fixed on him.

"I don't plan on leaving soon, love" He responded.

"Why?" I answered inquisitively even though I knew he was going to lie.

There's obviously something holding him in New York and something that's been keeping Logan on edge lately. Something that's affecting the both of them.

"I came back home. It's where I belong." He said with a smirk.

"Bullshit." I said

His eyes widened by surprise as he was taken back. He was not expecting that response.

"Logan may be able to lie to me and keep hiding away but you can't. You absolutely hate New York, Jace. The last time you set foot here, you were so eager to go back to Cambridge. You were never a good liar anyway, great sweet talker but horrible liar." I said calmly.

His expression was easily read, he was caught in a lie and he didn't care to cover up.

He sighed lightly before speaking "I really hate New York."

"What's going on, Jace?" I asked in a calm tone.

His eyes averted from me and he took in a deep breathe. "Logan will kill me if I tell you." He said as he shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And if you don't tell me, I'll be the one with blood on my hands." I said.

He opened his eyes, looking at me. "I'm more afraid of you than him."

"Good, so what is it?" I asked.

"Not here, let's go for a cup of coffee." He said.

We left the Empire and went to a nearby coffee shop. We ordered and now I wait for answers as Jace sits in front of me in silence.

"Is it so bad that it has you silent and quivering?" I asked.

"I'm not quivering." He stated as his eyes shifted on me.

"No but it fits the profile." I said.

His eyes remained on me this time and I knew he was ready to speak.

"Back in high school when Logan and I were on drugs and shit, we met a guy. He was willing to provide us with what we wanted for a reasonable price, we were rich kids yeah but we couldn't obtain money so easily without our parents asking questions. So this guy, he kept providing us with the stuff and we kept taking. We were young and complete imbeciles thinking nothing was going to happen but just a few months ago, this freaking drug lord devil comes out of nowhere and tells us we are in debt." He explained, he was getting angry.

"Why can't you just pay him off?" I asked, putting on a brave face but I was fearing the story.

"Tried that, love. He doesn't want money... he wants our affiliation-ship. Logan and I have been doing some things for him. Delivering his orders..." he trailed off, his expression was uneasy.

"What did he tell you two would happen if you didn't comply?" I asked knowing the answer wasn't a good one.

My heart was already beating rapidly and I felt unsettled by what Jace had just told me.

"Don't make me tell you, Lena." He said softly.

Deep down I knew that the consequences had to be somewhere along the lines of loved ones, including myself.

"Promise me you'll stay away from any southern rich-looking guys. Walk the other way, Lena. Just walk away. Understand?" Jace asked, his eyes studying my face as he waited for an answer.

"Walk the other way, got it." I responded, my voice came out more as a mumble.

"I'll take you to The Palace. Logan's had me on watch duty since he left." He said as he stood up from the table.

I looked at him in awe "He told you to watch over me?" I asked.

"He would've had me with binoculars at the apartment across the street but I told him that was overboard." He responded as he draped his long arm over my shoulder.

I was accompanied home by Jace Michaelson, we rode in a can in silence. Too much had already been spoken, nothing needed to be said anymore.

Before I entered the elevator, I turned to Jace and said "Thank you for telling me."

He smiled and nodded "I'll check in with you tomorrow."

"Let me tell Logan. I'll also tell him to take it easy on you" I said

He snickered "I'd appreciate that."

"Goodnight" I smiled

"Goodnight." He said with a short wave.

I entered the elevator and pressed the correct floor button. As the the elevator began to head up to its destination, my phone rang. My eyes looked down at the device in my hands, along the screen was the same number I tried to call. The phone number of Shay Jonas.

A/N: In the next last chapters, I'm going to resolve EVERYTHING. I need everything to be explained and whatnot before the book ends.

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