Meeting with my darkest side...

By SadisticSinnerrr

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Abby is a normal girl till she finds her soulmate. With their love and bound, she discovers a part of herself... More

Meeting with my darkest side...
The beginning of my destruction...(Part one!)
The beginning of my destruction...(Part two)
First encounter...
Starting up
You? No...Not again!
A life without meaning...
Losing myself...
The arrival
This is not goodbye
Feels like home
Date me...
Bridges burnt to the ground...
Be mine...
Who knew...
Problems approaching...
Family business...
Unknown man...
This can't be happening...
Slowly dying...
Author's Note

Close to an end...

216 7 5
By SadisticSinnerrr

~“Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.”~

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

After a little while we left the clinic and returned home to find myself caught off guard as I noticed the dead body was missing and everything was cleaned up and set back into place.

“Where did he go?”I smiled sadly at a heavily drugged Andrew.

“Guys cleaned up.” He smiled back while yawning. I sat down on the couch next to him and kissed his cheek playfully.

“Should I make something for us to eat?” a kind smile spread across my face.

“No.” Andrew’s soft smile blossomed into a cocky smirk as he blinked one time and two grand pizzas landed on the living room’s table. A huge knob took its formed on my throat and I tried hard to swallow the pained and disgusted grimace that took over my face. But it was pointless. Each and every thought that I once buried deep inside came spilling out right in front of me.

“Andrew we can’t keep on together.” I stated trying to avoid his pained expression and questioning look.

“What? What do you mean?” his fingers wrapped gently around my biceps, lips hovering an inch over mine as he stared down into my green eyes.

“I am a mortal now.” I trembled in fear. “Don’t you think this…our relationship would be weird?”

“The only weird thing is you wanting to end it with me. I wanted you when I didn’t even know that we had a connection. I promised I would do anything to bring your powers back and I swear it…you’ll get them back.” He firmly stated, pushing himself even closer.

Next morning I called my sister, check how she was.

“Marian?” I said sweetly.

‘Oh baby girl how are you?” she said in excitement.

“I am fine thanks. How’s the vacation going?” I smiled at the phone knowing she couldn’t see me.

“Oh it’s amazing! We are staying at Helen’s and I have to say that this is the greatest vacation off them all. But Abby I gotta go Ramon is calling for me. It was really nice hearing from you little sis but I have to go now!” she whispered on the phone and hanged up.

In ten minutes I was ready wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a purple shirt and some black wedges, light make up on and my hair set on a messy bun. Without making any sound I cooked breakfast and knew that if I woke him up my plan would an epic fail.

And I didn’t want that.

The battle was really close, I could feel it under my skin and with certainty Andrew was bound to leave me behind. In any way, I wasn’t planning on letting this go so easily. I couldn’t let the love of my life go towards death on his own.

Shred a piece of a paper from a notebook I wrote down a simple lie and let it on the table next to his breakfast.

‘Am out taking a walk. Don’t know when I’ll be back. I love you.’ The note said.

I run at my car and thanked God I knew how to drive. I jumped inside and drove away as fast as possible. I tried to remember the address of the store I was looking for but it was nowhere to be found.

“I gotta do something.” I convinced myself and pulled the car off the streets parking it quickly. Taking out my phone I dialed a phone number and waited as the irritating beeping sound was interrupted.

‘Yes?’ a woman’s voice answered the phone.

“Miss Linda I need to see you. It’s Abby.” I smiled at the phone as her sweet and kind voice rang inside my ears.

‘Oh my sweet child we are at the store.’ He sang.

“What but Andrew said? Never mind.” I trailed off.

‘Honey my son doesn’t know we are back and I hope he won’t find out. Okay? I’ll make us some coffee till you get here.’ She hang up the phone and I couldn’t help but laugh at myself for fearing this sweet and kind woman. After a few minutes I grabbed my purse and stormed out of the vehicle running towards the bookstore. Andrew’s father hugged me and motioned me in the back of the store.

“Liza is over there with Kimberly. And yes Abby I will keep this meeting a secret.” He smiled sadly and walked over to a new customer.

“Thank you.” I whispered knowing that he would be able to hear me unless his ears were some kind of a radar.

Walking my way towards them I stepped on my tip-toes to frighten up little Kim but her mother winked at me playfully and the little kid widened her pretty eyes at my sight and run as fast as she could; without falling on her face and hugged my knees making it extremely difficult for me to stand.

A riot of laughter escaped mine and Linda’s mouth as I pulled the kid on my arms to hug her tightly and kiss her forehead. My feet dragged me towards a sitting and tired Linda who smiled widely as I positioned little Kim on her lap.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” she smiled again and motioned the chair next to her. I took a seat and sighed hard, remembering the last events.

“I am okay.” I shrugged.

“I raised one child and now I am making my way towards the other one.” She pointed towards little Kim. “So don’t tell me you are okay little miss. Now I am listening. What’s wrong?” she said while twirling her index finger at me.

“Andrew almost got killed and I murdered my best friend. Well… ex-best friend.” I said in a weeping tone.

“Explain.” She came closer looking at me right in the eyes. Her blood-red ones were full of understanding and love, something I remember seeing in my mother’s face when I was a child.

“Andrew wanted my help. He wanted me to search inside me and find my lost powers due to an angel who thought that I wasn’t good enough to possess all those powers. But we didn’t know when and where my powers would return. So…he asked me to go at a warehouse were he had a prisoner. Information he said. Paul walked me through it and as we reached the ware house…I saw my ex-best friend chained. He was a wolf.

“I don’t know how he did that…but he stole all of my powers, broke my connection with Andrew and took my immortality leaving me with nothing but a mortal soul. I was at the hospital and when we returned home he was there waiting for us. To cut a long story short I disobeyed Andrew’s orders and jumped inside the room but my feet,  my whole being was frozen in place and I drove the wolf crazy making him lose control. His wolf took over…and attacked Andrew but when I saw him lying there with the wolf on his almost eating him alive I couldn’t do nothing else but murder him. And so I did.

“I grabbed Andrew’s sword and stabbed him deep inside reaching his heart. Linda I could feel his heart slowly dying! I have no powers now and I know that Lilith is coming for me and my loved ones. Andrew said he want let me go to the battle. But I won’t let that happen.” I cried out with the tears welling up my eyes threatening to flood my face.

“My sweet child…I know how you feel but there is nothing I can do-“

“I can!” Little Kim interrupted her mother who was starting to get irritated by her child’s invasion. She reached out her tiny arm and opened up her palm waiting for me to hold her hand. I dropped a frightened look at Linda who nodded her head reassuringly.

Slowly grabbing Kim’s hand I felt a wave of happiness and moving feelings that brought tears of joy in my bewildered eyes. Everything slowly darkened till I found myself in a park with a huge fountain in front of me and a few children running around playing happily. My head slightly dropped downwards a I felt my hand rub against my enormous belly, implying I was pregnant. I smiled to myself as I stared at the fountain still caressing my belly.

Andrew was there holding a little blonde boy with curly hair and grey eyes, throwing it in the air and catching it right before it hit the ground. The little boy was laughing like crazy looking into Andrew’s eyes with love.

“Mommy come play with us!” the little boy run towards me when Andrew let him on the ground.

“Little warrior mommy can’t! She has your baby sister in her belly!” Andrew called out and waived his hand at the little boy. He winked at me playfully and send a flying kiss smiling sweetly. The little boy leaned closer staring at my belly before he let his head rest against it.

“Mommy when is my baby sister getting out of there? Is she scared? Tell her not to I’ll take care of her!” he caressed my belly and I felt something move in me.

“I’ll be her warrior. Keep all of the guys away from her! I’ll play with her and love her! Tell her mommy okay? She shouldn’t be afraid! It’s so nice out here!” the little guy laughed at the top of his voice revealing a raw of tiny teeth were a gap stood between them implying he was changing his baby teeth to get adult ones.

As the boy run back to Andrew the image started fading away, returning me back to reality.

“What was that?” I smiled still feeling my swollen belly, but when my eyes landed on it the belly was nowhere to be found; my stomach was still flat.

“This was a vision of the future.” Linda smiled sadly with little Kim reaching out her hand again. I took it with no doubt this time and my surroundings darkened again till I found myself standing in front of a grave.

Andrew Carter

The letter were curved deep inside the stone and as I looked around taking in my surroundings everyone was wearing black clothes crying out loud, including me. I dove in and let one single rose rest on the grave feelings hot, salty drops abandon my eyes. My head mechanically turned around to face people who stared at me right into the eyes, smiling sadly when they saw the pained look in my expression. My sister run towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

“I am sorry sister. I am so sorry!” she whispered in my ear and kept on crying. Ramon shook his head from side to side disapprovingly and everything seemed as if I was the one to blame for this tragedy.

The moment I turned my head back to the grave everything went black and I found myself staring at Linda and little Kim who yawned making an adorable sound. The tears were streaming down my eyes and I couldn’t help but sober silently.

“You have two choices. You go at the battle or stay behind. Each choice has a side effect. Those two visions are the side effects but I don’t know which will bring you the happy future you seek for. I won’t say go or don’t go, I won’t help you choose since I don’t know which choice will bring you the future you won’t. All I know is that my daughter has the power to show you the consequences of your choices but she can’t tell you which choice will bring you what.

“And Abby…knowledge sometimes doesn’t help a lot. Sometimes makes matters worse. I can’t help you more than that. I really don’t know what you saw, neither does Kimmy. She can show you your future but can’t see it by herself.” Linda stated while smiling sadly.

“Thank you. Both of you but I need something more. Liza… does the whip work without any powers?” I smiled happily this time trying to fake joy.

“Yes. But not if you are a mortal.”

“What?” I exclaimed feeling my whole world fall apart.

“It’s okay I think I can fix this.” She smiled again. I took the bracelet of and left it on her palms hoping she’ll help me out. She run further inside the room and after thirty minutes she returned with a wide grin plastered on her beautiful face.

“I made it work. The whip now believes that you do have powers and that you are not a human. But it will only work for you now and nobody else. It’s like…it will recognize your touch and only yours.” She smiled happily with her new invention.

“Thank you Linda.” I smiled back and took the bracelet.

“Abby whatever you do follow what your heart tells you.”

“Thank you again.” I smiled sadly staring down my feet as if they were the most important thing in the whole world. When I reached my car it was already noon. Grabbing my phone my fingers typed Andrew’s number and after a few beeps he answered it, looking a bit frustrated.

“Baby where the hell are you? You worried me!” he bit out in anger.

“I am sorry I needed to go jogging, helps me clear my mind. Would you like us going out for lunch?”I smiled at the phone even though he couldn’t see it.

“Babe I gotta go with Paul I am sorry. We have some things to take care of.” He said sharply.

“Oh. Is everything okay?” I chanted knowing he would lie.

“Yes Abby nothing to worry about.” He answered back.

“Okay then I am coming home.”

“No!” he cut me middle way before I had the chance to keep on.

“No don’t come. Paul will come here with the wolves it’s a matter between me and the pack.” Andrew stated. He was surely lying.

“Fine but you are lying and I’ll get to you for that one later!” I pressed the red button cutting the call. I parked the car and called someone that I knew would be there for me whenever I needed her.

“It’s me.” I whined.

“Yeah my phone informed me for that one. So what’s up?” Rocket’s voice calmed me down immediately.

“Rocket I need your help.” I whispered not knowing why.

“I am listening.” She stated and I knew he was totally up for something not that good. We were going to be in trouble. A great deal of trouble.

“Andrew is doing something behind my back and I know it concerns the final battle. And I am no intending on being out of this.” I stated hoping she would understand.

“Abby you are a mortal you can’t fight with us; please understand!” she tried to convince me.

“Rocket drop the lecture on me I’ve heard the same stuff over and over again by millions of people I don’t need that from you now. Will you help me? yes or no!”


“Okay can you meet me? I can’t tell you via phone!”

“Okay just tell me where you are and in a minute I’ll be there. My name is Rocket sweetheart. Cause I run faster than one!” she laughed hard. I gave her directions to where I was and within a minute she was standing outside my car grinning from ear to ear.

I locked the car after stepping outside.

“Wanna go grab a drink?” she smiled sheepishly.

“Sure!” I stated.

“Okay!” she had her human’s form so no one was able to recognize who she was, mostly what she was. After a while we reached the restaurant and Rocket passed her hand before her face and she slowly started changing, taking her primal form. She winked at me playfully and crossed her hand over my face as well. As I rested myself on my seat I noticed my clothes were changed into a green, light summer dress and my hair was a bright pink color.

“Rocket what did you do?” I widened my eyes.

“You see I am not allowed to bring humans here. So now you look like one of us!” she winked again. After our orders were placed on our table and the little green haired waitress left I took the courage to speak to Rocket about the things going round and round my head.

“Rocket you really need to tell me what information you have about the battle.”

“I can’t do that.” She firmly stated and tried to avoid my irritated look.

“Rocket…if I let Andrew go on that battle on his own…he’ll either end up being the father of one cute little boy with blonde hair and grey eyes and of one girl or dead. I’d go for the first one if I knew what would happen.”

“What? Explain now!” she widened her eyes in bewilderment and fear at the same time.

“You first.”

“Abbs we are expecting our enemies…a bit sooner that you probably think. It could happen tomorrow it could happen tonight. Furthermore they are a lot more than we thought. And you were our most powerful “weapon”. You could copy their powers and share them with Andrew. Now Andrew doesn’t want you with him due to his mind being constantly to you. And not in the battle. He won’t be able to concentrate. It’s something else as well…” she trailed off.

“Tell me!”I shouted bumping my fist on the table, earning a few questioning looks from the people around us.

“They’ve already killed fifty five humans and twenty seven of us. This means that they hit humans to distract us and when they achieve, their forces turn against us aiming at our people. My cousin is dead.” Tears filled her beautiful pink eyes.

“And there’s nothing I can do to bring him back. He was the only family I had! And they killed him! Andrew is our leader and he is pretty much losing it! They want you Abby! You and only you! But I am not planning on letting you go with them. If this battle is for your sake I am proud to be keeping you safe.” She grunted with disgust.

“This is all about me? Are you kidding me? I should surrender or something. Andrew told me that this would happen either way!” I cried out in fear.

“Yes it would happen. But not like this. Lilith is after you Abbs and when we are past Amy and Eric she’ll come and get you herself. If we can’t manage with Amy and Eric then can you imagine what will happen if we go on war with her? It will be plain disaster!” she silently whimpered and I couldn’t help but hug her keeping her head on my shoulder as she slightly sobbed.

But one thing kept on running around my head. What if surrendered? I am sure that if it was that easy for Lilith to take my powers then why the hell isn’t she using them?

What if someone else helped her?

Questions filled my mind and I thanked God that Andrew wasn’t able of hearing me.

“So…” I felt the anger rise up in my chest, building a whole kingdom in me as I burnt completely. My senses hit red and all I needed and wanted was someone’s heart on my palms. Rocket slightly coughed and it take to my notice that she was staring at me.

“Are you okay? You are pale white!” she whispered and whipped her tears away.

“Did I actually lose my powers for this little piece of information? We know absolutely nothing! Are you sh*tting me right now?” I grunted in frustration; there was no way I lost my powers just so Andrew and his people knew absolutely nothing.

“Abby calm down we hoped and believe that there would be a way of us learning a few things more. But whoever we captured they all said the same thing ‘Lilith protects me. Surrender to her.’ Every single one of them chanted the same line again and again. It was as if they were under some sort of spell.” She shrugged sipping on her coffee.

“Your turn.”

“Okay so as I said I have two choices: go or stand behind. A girl showed me two different futures. In one of them I am pregnant at a little girl with Andrew playing with our son at the other he is dead and I am crying over his grave. She told me that the future depends on what I choose. But…the worst part is that I don’t know which choice will bring me which future.

“She told me to follow my heart but things are getting tough Rocket and now Andrew is at home with the wolves and…and I can’t lose him again. I can’t! I almost lost him once. My life…won’t exist without him he is my light. He is my everything I won’t let him die I can’t let that happen!” tears flooded my eyes as I hid my face between my palms.

She tried to comfort me and kept on talking and talking about everything but nothing at the same time. Something in her eyes implied she was terribly lying, trying to gain some time. However the moment she half closed her eyes I knew what was going on.

“Are you f*cking kidding me? You are mentally discussing with them right in my face?” I cried out, knowing that she was lying all this time. I through some money on the table and left the restaurant, as soon as I passed the door my image changed again and I was in my usual form. Entering the car I had no idea what I was about to do, stay here or run away? My soul could have stayed locked in that car for ever and maybe more than just eternity.

Trusting my guts to drive, soon enough I was at the beach where Andrew had taken me to reveal our connection, our bond. A sweet and sheepish smile spread across my face as I felt the slightly cold water on my bare feet. I grabbed my i-pod and pushed the earphones in my ears turning the volume up. As the nice cooling summer breeze caressed my face I felt free, no bounds no boundaries. Nothing to hold me back I was fearless ready to conquer the whole world.

The time passed by and I watched the sun slightly leave the sky, letting the moon take its place. Checking my watch, there was high time I left and gathered my stuff checking my phone to see if I had a text. And I did have on that caught me off guard.

“Get home now! Lock the doors and the windows. Andrew is with us, stay safe and don’t do something stupid!” Rocket had texted me and at that second everything fell apart right before my frightened eyes. The war was here.

I pushed the key in the ignition and knew that if the car had a soul it would stop and start cursing at me for pushing it too hard, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was going home. I was about one hour away, supposed to be at home already but I wasn’t.

Tears blurred my vision as I passed every single street light weather it was green or not. Drivers pressed their horns at my insane driving abilities and I bumped into an old lady who turned around and started cussing under her breath. Everything begun to twirl around me and my head felt extremely heavy.

‘For crying out loud I am trying to drive over here would you please stop moving?’ a little voice in my head yelled. Without a clue of how I got home I burst the door open to find a destroyed household: three of our chair were broken and shuttered all around the floor as there was a print from a punch on the bathroom’s door, water was running from the found and there was another punch on the bedroom’s door.

“Who the hell kept on punching my home?” I grunted and soon I realized that this wasn’t my main purpose. I was home and as my world stopped twirling I knew that this was terribly wrong.

“Concentrate you stupid b*tch!” My phone started vibrating and I checked the message.

“It’s chaotic. We were attacked. Please baby don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Stay there and be safe. I love you, I will always love you no matter what happens tonight.” The message was from Andrew and it came to my realization that the battle was already taking place. Actually the message from Rocket implied that thing meaning that…

“I am lost.” I cried out in fear. “But my love…is there anything you wouldn’t do?” a sad but at the same time, sarcastic smile spread across my trembling lips. If my world was about to crash then there was one thing left for m to do.

“You are going.” My voice whispered at myself and I hoped this was for the best. My hands searched for the drawers and as I grabbed my costume quickly pulling it off one single piece of paper escaped and landed on my hands. I read the message out loud with my voice cracking at some points.

‘You chose correct. I am waiting for you. Sebastian.”  I threw the piece on the garbage can and pulled on my costume placing my guns and weapons as fast as possible. The last memory I have from being home was the gun in my hands and the sparkle of determination conquering my eyes.

Next thing I remember?

The dark forest wrapped in smoke and complete chaos, my guns yelling in frustration as I pressed the trigger against one silly human that dared to come closer. A dark smile took the leadership on my lips as I whispered in the night sky:

“You better be right about this one Sebastian. Let’s go kick some as*es girl.” I growled out and threw myself in the battle.

A/B: Hey guys this book is slowly but steadily coming to an end and I am sure about making a sequel I just don’t know when exactly there might be about two to four next chapters and from one side I feel great that this book is ending but on the other hand I can’t believe the final battle is there and I feel freaki’ amazing about it!!!!

Thank you for your support so far so yeah…




Etc and I have a writer to suggest she is one of my favorite writers so far but her books are rated R (restricted) to those who don’t like sex scenes I have to inform you that her book are like anything I have ever read including sex scenes. Her books and her work brought a new vision in my head concerning writing and reading so if you are interested in reading something spicy her books are just the right type! Her name is KelliAubreyBrown I will be dedicating this chapter to her so that you guys can find her works.

I need to point out that she didn’t ask me to do that, I just do it cause I appreciate her as a friend and as a erotica writer or generally a writer.

Bye for now :D 

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