Neverland's Queen (OUAT Fanfi...

Autorstwa SydLizzyFayeClark

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(Sequel to Raven Pan) Raven Pan has finally been reunited with her husband. However, she worries about the pl... Więcej

Chapter 1: Finally Reuniting
Chapter 2: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 3: Even More Secrets Revealed
Chapter 4: Power of Bloodlines
Chapter 6: For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Chapter 7: Something Dark is Coming to Neverland

Chapter 5: When the Past comes back to Haunt you

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Autorstwa SydLizzyFayeClark

Third Person POV: Neverland

Neal sprints through the forest until he reaches a clearing with a cage at the center. He turns around to see a huge wolf staring back at him. The form of the beast towers his smaller orange form. Baelfire hears a voice in his head. 'Get in the box,' the voice growls. Neal's body moves on it's own, obeying the voice in his head. Once Neal is in the box, the Lost Boy's come out from hiding to shut the orange wolf in. The voice enters Baelfire's name again, 'Nap now.' Neal's eyes begin to shut as he drifts off to sleep. 

Once his eyes are shut, Felix shifts back into a human. One of the Lost Boy's hands Felix his club. "You heard Pan," Felix says as he sets the club on his shoulder, "You know what to do with him."


Henry and another boy begin to fight in the camp ground. "Not bad," someone says as things escalate. The boys turn to see Peter and Raven leaning against the tree; one of Peter's hands rests on Raven's hip. "Wouldn't it be more fun with real swords?" Peter asks as he takes Raven by the hand and walks to the group.

Henry stutters, "I...I've never used a real sword."

"This is Neverland, Sweetheart," Raven exclaims, "and you have the heart of the truest believer. You can use whatever you want."  Raven leans down and smiles at Henry. "You just need to believe, Sweetheart." 

Raven's POV

I turn Henry around and pull up his sword to ready position. I hold his hand up. "Now close your eyes and believe you're holding a real sword," I whisper. I stand back up and watch Henry will his sword into reality.

Peter whispers, "I won't let it happen again." I nod as Henry begins to fight the boy again. Henry goes as far as cutting the boys face. Henry apologizes, but Peter tells him he does not have to on Neverland. Peter raises Henry's sword hand in the air as the Lost Boys cheer. Henry looks up at me and smiles. 


Third Person POV

Killian snaps his fingers and the caves torch lights up. Emma moves tarps out of the way. "Need a hand, love?" Killian asks.

"Is that a joke?" Emma answers with a question.

"No," he replies with a smile. "I was being quite serious." Killian helps move the giant pillow. Once they move it, it reveals many tallies meaning days Neal was trapped on the island. 

Emma notices something and jumps on the ledge. Her mother asks what was wrong. "Look here," she says. She points to a particular part of the wall." Neal stopped counting."

"'Cause he got off the island," Mary Margaret predicts.

Emma shakes her head. "He was here longer." David asks why he would stop counting. "Because he lost hope."

"You got all that from scribbles?" Regina asks.

Emma jumps down from the slab. "I got that because I did that every time I went to a new foster home," Emma explains. "I counted until counting seemed pointless."

"You think the same thing's happening to Henry?" David asks.

"The Pan's said that it would," Emma replies. David reassures his daughter they would get him back. "Yeah, I know that and you know that, but Henry doesn't know that. Pan wants him to lose faith and find it in Raven."

Regina rebuts angrily, "So what, you want to send him a message? Because I haven't seen a Neverland Post Office. What are you suggesting?"

"We take a page from the Pan's and we start being clever. We need to send a simple sign, a sign that we're coming."

Regina continues to rebut, "Yeah, with the Lost Boys and a hybrid running around, trying to kill us all?"

Mary Margaret enters the conversation. "Yeah, maybe it's time we used that to our advantage." Regina asks her how. "Follow me," she replies, "I'll show you."

Emma begins to follow her mother when Killian stops her. "What? We're wasting time." Emma says angrily.

"I...I just wanted to let you know that I do know what it feels like to lose hope," Killian says.

Emma sighs, "I know what this is. know, trying to bond with me. So save your breath. I'm not in the mood."

Killian breathes in a sharp breath. 'My king, you must leave the group,' Jerrard says, 'You're reaching the point...' Jerrard is rudely interrupted by David. "Let me give you a bit of advice, Hook," David exclaims, "She's never gonna like you."

Killian smiles, "Is that so?"

"Well, how could she?" David explains, "You're nothing, just a vampire pretending to be a pirate."


Killian's POV: Many years ago...

I shouted, "All hands on deck!" The men lined up at attention as I inspected their stern faces. I found a man with an unbuttoned shirt. I pointed it out and he apologized calling me lieutenant. "That's Lieutenant Jones, sailor," I corrected him. I had taken the last name of the captain, who I had compelled to believe was my older brother. I had to get away from the mainland - for family reasons.

"The Captain is in transit with new orders from the King himself," I explained, "before he returns this ship will be swabbed from stem to stern, and..." I spotted rum in the same man's pocket. For his mistake, I asked, "Does anyone know what happens to sailors who drink rum? They get drunk and drunkenness leads to bad form. If there's one thing that won't be tolerated aboard this ship, it's bad form." 

I heard a voice say, "My ship has never been in finer hands." I turned to see the returning Captain Jones.

"Aye, Captain," I replied, "We stand ready to receive the king's orders." Much like my father and his sister, I did not like playing by human king's rules; but if I was going to fit in with them, I had to.

Captain Jones commanded, "To your stations!" The crewman give a hardy Aye then returned to their work posts. Captain Jones shook the hand I gave him. Then, he explained, "When the king summoned me I knew there was only one man I could trust to navigate this difficult journey - my little brother."

I groaned, "Perhaps you mean younger brother." Raven had the same habit of calling me her little brother instead of younger brother; I am almost a foot taller and I am still the small one.

Captain Jones took out his bag and hands me a sextant, an instrument to read the stars. "A gift to commemorate our latest voyage together," the captain said.

I smiled at the gift. "You always were the sentimental type," I exclaimed. 

"Look closer, brother," he told me.

I stared at the sextant. "I've never seen markings like this," I said. I turned and looked at him. "To what strange land are we headed?" I asked. 

The captain sighed, "I'm under orders not to say until we arrive." Captain Jones walked away. "But, Brother," he exclaimed, "This is the mission of our dreams. A mission that will bring feasts to the kingdom and glory to the Jones brothers." He slapped my shoulder.

Jerrard suddenly spoke, "My king, I must speak with you." I nodded, and said to Captain Jones, "A hero's journey - that is indeed good form, brother." I turned around and shouted for the men to set sail. 

I excused myself as we set sail and went bellow deck. Once inside the Captain's cabin, I locked the door. Jerrard instantly turned into his human form. I set the sextant down on the table. Jerrard walked over to inspect it. "Do you recognize the markings?" I asked my weapon.

"No, my king," Jerrard said as he touches it with the tips of his fingers. He closed his eyes as if sensing power in the object.

Once he opened his eyes again, I asked, "What do you see?"

He stood up straight as he retracted his hand. "I sense a familiarity, Your Majesty. A power..." Jerrard met my eyes. "...almost identical to your own."


Third Person POV: Now

Killian is starving and leans up against a tree for support. He stares at Emma, who looks back up at him from time to time. Regina says, "A trap? That's your big plan?"

"The Lost Boys wanna come after us, we need to go after them," Snow explains.

"You really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray Pan?" Killian asks, "Better yet, you really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray my sister?" 

"Thanks for the advice," Snow replies as she tells David to get more vines. 

David obliges and walks towards the woods. "You're coming with me, pirate."

"Why is that?" Killian asks angrily. 

Emma butts in, "Because we need more rope."

Killian bows as he stands up. "If the Lady insists..." Killian follows David into the forest. "What would you like to yell at me about now, Dave?" asks the vampire king.

David tells him, "Stay away from my daughter."

Killian sighs, "Well, she can take care of herself. She doesn't need your parenting, which is a good thing." David asks what he means by that. "It means you're gonna die in a day or so anyway."

"Nothing I can do about that. But if I do die..."

"When," Killian interrupts to correct David's statement.

"It'll be helping my family," David explains turning around to face the pirate. "And that's something someone like you can't understand."

His words cut Killian deep. It is true his family was broken in more ways than one, but he understands helping family. "What if I told you there's a way to save you?" Killian exclaims. 

David says, "I'd say no, because anything takes us off course of saving Henry is selfish. And there is no way I'd become a vampire just to live a few years longer. But of course you would think that was the way to go." 

Killian has had enough. "Bugger off. What, you think I'm being selfish? I'm risking everything for all of you, every moment I'm here aligned against them."

"Please. You're not here out of any nobility," David continues to argue. "You're here for Emma. And let me tell you something else." David approaches Killian angrily. "You're never gonna get her. I'll see to that."

Killian smiles and says, "It's a good thing you're gonna die then." David grabs Killian by the neck and tries to swing at him. The punch is weak and no trouble for the young vampire king. Killian dodges it and takes David to the ground. "I don't fight invalids." Killian sees that David is unconscious. "Mate? Mate!" 

Killian takes out a bottle from his pocket. He pours the water into his hand. He closes his eyes, and shoots the water into David's face. David is successfully resuscitated, and repeats that he's okay. "No, you're not," Killian explains, "I thought you had days left." He props Charming up against a tree. "Let me see." After a moment of refusal, David lifts up his shirt to reveal the dreamshade's work. Killian explains, "The dreamshade has almost reached your heart. It's hours now. You have to tell your family."

"No, not when I can still help them save Henry," David says. David tries to stand, but is stopped yet again by Hook.

Killian props the prince against the rock ledge. "Catch your breath, mate, or what little time you have will be less," Killian tells him.

David takes a moment and listens to the pirate. Charming spots something on the ground and picks it up. Killian asks him what it was. "There's a military insignia," David says as he wipes the dirt away. He reads the name on the back, "Jones." David tosses the pouch to Hook. "You know him?" he asks.

"Aye," Killian asks, "He was my captain and..." He sighs, then tells David something he might regret later. "When I was seventeen, after some... family drama - I wanted to leave the main land away from the eyes and ears of the vampire queen as soon as I could. I became a voyager. I compelled Captain Jones to believe I was his younger brother so he could take me along on his voyages. We voyaged this infernal island a long time ago. This was on the strap of his satchel. He lost it during a dual with Pan." Killian looks up at the cliff. "It must've washed down with the rains in the storm that wrecked the "Jolly Roger"." David asks him from where. "There," Killian points. David stands and looks up at where the pirate pointed. "Deadman's peak," Killian exclaims. "I thought it was gone forever."

"What was gone?" David asks. 

Killian shakes his head, "No, it's too dangerous for a human in your state.

David asks him again, "If you know something that can help us, don't hold back."

"If this insignia survived all these years," Killian stops and shouts, "and it is not just my sister playing a dirty trick on me," Killian lowers his voice back to normal, "then perhaps my captain's satchel did as well. And inside that satchel is a sextant that can help us decode Neal's star map that can get us off this island."

David says, "I know how I am gonna spend my last hours. We're gonna find that thing."

"Look, you might reach the top, but you'll die before you return," Killian explains.

"Then come with me and make sure the sextant gets back to Emma," David explains his plan. After a moment of thought, David asks, "Are you ready to be a hero?"


Killian's POV: Many years ago...

We were on the sea when the Captain gave me a book from his satchel. I opened the book, and a powerful feeling washed over me. I sensed what Jerrard was sensing. I looked over the charts in the book. "Star charts," I said to the captain, "I've never seen these constellations before."

"No one has," the captain replied. I stared at him confused. "That's right. We're going to a new land, brother."

Before we could discuss the matter any further, a man shouted that enemies were approaching. I took the spyglass and stared out at the sea. "A frigate and two corvettes gaining fast!" I told the crew. "Master gunner, bring out the port cannons, stand by to bring her about!" I shouted the orders.

"Belay that order!" the Captain yelled. A cannonball suddenly hit the water close to the ship. "That was close," the captain said. I told the captain my fear of not being able to outrun them. "Have faith," the Captain answered, "Deploy the Pegasus!"

I watched as the men bring about a ginormous sail. "What is that?" I asked.

"That is a sail woven with the last feathers of the great creature Pegasus," the Captain explained.

I remembered reading about it when I lived with my aunt. I shivered at the thought. "Legend has it that horse could fly," I exclaimed.

"Indeed, so can we," the Captain said, "Hang on." He laughed as the ship slowly rises from the water.

I smiled from pure amazement. I looked down at the water. I laughed as we moved through clouds.

I turned to the captain when he told me, "Set a course Lieutenant. Second star to the right, straight on till morning." A cold chill went up my spine when I heard the familiar phrase. I knew exactly where we were headed.


Third Person POV: Neverland

"How are you holding up, mate?" Killian asks as he and David trudge through the forest. David had just said goodbye to his family. 

"Don't worry about me," David explains, "just worry about getting us to the sextant."

Killian explains, "I meant the good-byes. Looked a bit stormy back there."

"I did what had to be done, and I did it out of love," David answers. "Emma and Mary Margaret will understand that."

"You gonna tell them that from beyond the grave?" Killian asks.

"No, you are," David explains, "Your gonna tell them that I died a hero, fighting for a way home. What you're not gonna tell them is that I left already a dead man."

"The truth, you mean," Killian points out.

David tells him, "Their last memories of me won't be of a liar." Charming moves ahead of Killian.

"Why should I help you?" the pirate asks.

David laughs, "Well, if you didn't have to steal that bean they wouldn't have had a chance to take Henry, we wouldn't be on this island and I wouldn't be dying of dreamshade." 

"Fair point," Killian says, "at least you got to say goodbye. Most people don't get that much." Killian moves ahead of David annoyed.

"You lost someone, didn't you?" David asks.

Killian does not answer. "This is where we ascend. I'll climb ahead and throw down the rope." They stare at the peak ahead of them.

David and Killian walk ahead. "You were talking about your sister, right? I remember you said the two of you have been separated for a very long time." David tries to make small talk. "I had a sibling too, a twin actually. Died before I could meet him."

"Two of you? I can barely stomach one," Killian spits at Charming.

David laughs, "You would've liked him. He was a thief and a liar."

"It's hard to believe you and my sister didn't get along at all. She can be as stubborn as our mother," Killian exclaims, "Now wait here." The pirate turns to him and says, "You might wanna step back." David does so as Killian uses his strength to jump all the way to the top of the mountain.


Killian's POV: Many years ago...

I knew exactly where we were when I saw the island. Immediately after entering this land, a wash of familiarity hit me. I could sense my sister even before we took the rowboat and landed on the island. Captain Jones exited the rowboat first. He helped me out of the boat. I looked around, not spotting my sister quite yet. However, I felt her approaching. I turned around to see the captain taking a letter from the rowboat. "What exactly does the king have to find on this island?" I asked trying to hide the shakiness of my voice. The captain opened the envelope and showed me a picture of a plant. "A plant," I said, "We journeyed across the realms for a plant?" 

"Our sources say its magic," Captain Jones explained, "potent enough to heal any injury."

I sighed, "So we never have to bury another sailor at sea again?"

"Now you understand the importance of our mission," the captain said. 

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Are you two lost?" the male voice asked. The Captain and I took out our swords as we turned around. The first thing my eyes caught was my identical twin sister, Raven. She smiled at me, making me think she understood my little situation. The second thing I saw was the boy who was holding her by the waist. He was blonde with a green outfit that matched the rustic forest. The boy exclaimed, "You look lost to me."

"Identify yourself, you two," Captain Jones commanded.

"I'm Peter Pan. I live here," said the boy. He turned to my sister. "And this is the future Mrs. Peter Pan."

Raven smiled, her heart rushing with joy. "My name is Raven," she answered, "Who are you?" She turned to me and snickered.

"Captain Jones," the captain told him, "and my lieutenant. We're here by order of the king." 

"The king, huh?" Peter explained, "We don't have any kings in Neverland. Just me."

"That's funny," remarked the Captain. I felt my sister's blood boil with annoyance.

"We seek this plant," the Captain explained as he showed Peter and Raven the drawing. "Now tell us, children, where can we find it?" Raven has had about enough of the captain demeaning her.

Raven snatched the paper. "Your king sent you for this plant?" she said.

"You know it?"

"Dreamshade?" Raven exclaimed, "I might be new here, but I'm not ignorant like yourself, Captain. It's the deadliest plant on the island." My sister looked to me, then to the Captain. "Your king is really ruthless."

"Nonsense," the Captain said.

I interject, "It's medicine."

"It's doom," Peter explained, "Why fight a messy battle when you can kill an entire army with the sap of one plant? It's about as dangerous as the blood of the fabled Arius' twins." I coughed when he said my last name.

I turned around and whispered, "Do you think he would turn poison upon our enemies?"

"Don't be so gullible," the Captain said. He turned back to Raven and Peter. "These children are playing games with us, and I'm quickly tiring of them. Come, we should keep moving." Captain Jones snatched the paper from Peter's hand and started walking in the opposite direction.

I began to follow him. I looked at my sister. My enhanced hearing heard her tell me, "Midnight." I nodded and followed my captain. Raven then yelled, "Don't say we didn't warn you!"


Third Person POV: Now

Killian ties the rope to a rock. He moves toward the ledge and spots David down below. The prince waves at him. Killian reals back to throw the rope when he hears, "Don't pull him up yet." He turns around to see Peter standing on the ledge above him. He says, "I wanna talk. Alone."

Reluctantly and annoyed, Killian tosses the rope on the ground. He slowly approaches the Lost Boy. "What do you want?" Killian asks. "More rather, what does my sister want?"

"We want to offer you a deal," Peter explains. "Come back and work for me, like the old days."

"I don't miss the old days," Killian exclaims. 

Peter says, "What if I were to offer you something very hard to come by?" Peter speeds close to Killian. "Passage of the island."

Killian tells him, "Still not interested."

"What if I were to sweeten the deal? You are my brother-in-law, after all," Peter says, "You can take someone with you - Emma."

Killian looks down at the ground. "Emma would never leave her son."

"She did once before," Peter rebuts, "and you can be there to pick up the pieces." Killian does not reply. "We've known each other a very long time, Killian. We've done business before. I am married to your beloved sister. I think this is the perfect time to restart that relationship."

"What if I'm not interested?" Killian asks.

Peter retorts, "Of course you are." Killian still does not budge. "Killian," Peter explains, "We are both interested in your sister's well-being - maybe I more than you. Henry is like a son to my wife; and as he has stayed here, has become one to me. Raven needs him here."

"So that's it." Killian readjusts himself. "That grave on top of the hill." Killian's words made Peter look down. "Merlin Vladimir, he was your son. You and Raven were going to have a son."

Peter looks back up at Killian. Shock hits the vampire king as a tear falls down Peter's face. "Raven needs Henry here. Like it or not, Emma will not get her son back. Raven and I will fight the entire army of Storybrooke to keep him here." Peter snickers, "I think you and I both know your "blood problem" is the reason you don't have the power to stop us. But that's what I like about you. You're good at surviving."

Killian thinks for a moment. "What do you want me to do?" he asks.

"Be in my employ," Peter explains, "Do my dirty work." Killian asks him what dirty work he needs done. "That's my job to know and for you to find out; but first, I need a signal that you've taken my deal," Peter tells the pirate.

"So my word right now wouldn't be good enough?" Killian asks.

"You know me. I like action. I'll know you've taken my deal when I see the prince's dead body on that peak."

Killian turns around and says, "Well, you'll see that anyway. He's on his last legs, thanks to dreamshade."

"I want to see you kill him before the poison," Peter exclaims, "I want to see your fangs inside his neck."

Killian whispers, "And what if I refuse?"

"Do you remember the last time you didn't listen to me?" Peter questions in reply. Then, Peter says, "It's not long before your survival instincts take over. You'll have no choice." Peter makes a blood bag appear in his hand. "Have a drink," Peter says to his brother-in-law, "It helps you think."

Peter disappears as David climbed the cliff on his own. Killian yells, "I told you to wait!"

David approaches him, out of breath. "Were you talking to someone?" he asks.

"Just talking to Jerrard," Killian lies, "Just giving me kingly advice before we set off on the next leg. My apologies, mate. It's not much farther now."


Killian's POV: Many years ago...

We reached the peak of a high mountain when we found the dreamshade. I stared at the thorny black buds. "Well, it certainly doesn't look like medicine," I commented.

"You choose to believe those children over our king?" Captain Jones asked. Generally, if I was not undercover, I would have defended my sister. When it came to plants, the theurgist (controller of earth) would know what was what in terms of anything remotely green. However, I could not let him know I was related to Raven - even though we are identical twins.

I exclaimed, "Those children..." My sister probably heard me said that and probably wanted to stake me after calling her a child. "...showed us the path to the dreamshade. Why would they lie about its nature?"

"Keep it for themselves," Captain Jones replied. "You actually think our king would send us to retrieve something so dangerous?" I told him it was not what I signed up for. "You signed up to listen to your king," Captain Jones said. 

"Because I thought he was a man of honor."

"He is."

"If this is a poison," I said, "It won't just end war. It will obliterate an entire race." Jerrard commented, 'Worded like a true king, sire.' I coughed instead of rolling my eyes. 

"What do you know of any of this? I'm your brother and your captain. You will listen to me," he explained to me.

I shook my head, "No. I'll fight my enemies, but I'll fight fair." 

The captain rolled his eyes. He drew his sword. "Then allow me to disabuse you of that notion." He chopped off a branch of the plant.

Captain Jones took one of the thorns and began to scratch his arm. "Brother, don't," I shouted.

After a moment, the captain looked at me. "See, perfectly fine," he exclaimed. "I told you, our king would never lie to us. Now lets collect our specimens and get off this..."

The captain took in a sharp breath. I heard his heart sputter. "Liam?" I said. He turned around to show me the wound. He said my name as I watched the poison crawl up his veins. He fell to the ground. "Your arm!" I shouted.

He whispered, "I'm sorry, Killian." 

"No!" I yelled, "No! No!"


Raven's POV: Echo Caves

I watch Neal as he begins to wake up. When he sees me, he flips out. "Hey, hey, easy," I say calmly. "You are alright, my little wolf."

"What day is it?" Neal asks me.

I sigh, "Two days after Felix forced you to shift. It's the day after the full moon." Neal heaves a heavy sigh of relief. "I'm sorry we had to do this. You should have listened to me. I told you I would never lie to you," I exclaim.

"Where's Henry?" Neal asks.

I reply, "He's safe with me. There's no need to worry."

"Then let me out," Baelfire demands.

"You know I can't do that, my little wolf," I explain. "I want to let you out but not until you promise to come back and join us." Neal shakes his head. I sigh again, "You know that the boys will accept you. You will not be shunned for who and what you are, Bae. I've always told you that." Neal still does not budge. "I will promise you this. I won't let it happen again." Baelfire looks at me with his orange wolf eyes. I turn around and walk away back to camp.


Third Person POV: Dead Man's Peak

Killian moves to the side of the dreamshade blocking the cove. Killian turns around to help Charming when the prince pulls his sword on him. "I know about your deal with Pan," David says. 

"How much did you hear?" Killian asks. 

"I head about your plan," David answers. Killian has a small sigh of relief. 

"Then you know I didn't agree," Killian retorts.

David rebuts, "Yeah, you also didn't disagree." 

"This is what he wanted," Killian exclaims, "to turn us against each other." David does not budge. "You're making the poison spread quicker, mate."

"I don't care," David says. "I just have to last long enough to get the sextant back to my family. Now take me to it!"

"The captain didn't lose his satchel up here," Killian admits. "I made that up." David asks about the insignia. "I dropped it on the path so you'd find it," he answers. Charmin asks him why. Killian replies, "Because I knew you'd never make the journey here if I told you the truth."

"The truth?" David asks. "The truth you brought me here to die?!"

"I brought you here to save your life!" Killian yells. David takes a swing at him. Killian throws a punch, being mindful of his inhuman strength. He hit him good enough to knock Charming out.


Killian's POV: Many years ago...

"Come on!" I shouted, "Liam!" I looked at his arm. "Come on. Let's get you back to the ship," I said holding back tears. I tried to pick him up to no avail. I brought his arm out. "Maybe I can suck the poison out," I exclaimed. I released my fangs and went to bite his arm.

"I tried to warn you," I heard my sister say. I turned to see her and Peter standing there. I retracted my fangs as the two approach me. "He'll die as soon as the poison reaches his heart," Raven said.

"Sister, please," I begged her. "He's the only human whose shown me kindness sense I was released from Avala's imprisonment. I compelled him to believe me to be his brother because  I was so alone. He helped me feel like I was free to be me."

Peter butted in, "Well, maybe you shouldn't have goaded him into it."

"My love," Raven said. Peter looked to my sister. He nodded and stepped back.

I asked, "Can you help me?"

"There is a way to stop him from dying," Raven explained. She walked up to the walls of dreamshade and waved her hand. The vines moved back to reveal a spring. "This spring is rich with the power of Neverland. It's what keeps this land and all on it so...young - minus myself and my love. If someone was to drink from it, its power could cure any ill."

"Thank you," I said as I rushed towards the spring. 

"Wait," Peter exclaimed as he grabbed my shoulder. "I must warn you. All magic comes with a price, and that spring is no exception. Don't leave the island unless you're willing to pay it."

"Of course, anything you want," I answered. I could raid the vampire castle treasury. I could find someone to spin straw into gold. I could go see my...

"Ian!" Raven says. "The water might undo the compulsion. You must be ready for those consequences." 

I nodded and filled the canteen with the spring water. I rushed out and told Liam to drink the water. He woke up quickly. "Now let's pay the boy and go. Boy..." I looked around to see Peter and Raven had disappeared. 

We departed Neverland later. We sat in the captain's cabin. I asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Shipshape," Liam replied. "I should have listened to you."

"I'm just glad you survived," I answered. "What now?"

"We reveal our king's cowardice," Captain Jones explained. "To fight battles using unholy weapons is, as you say, bad form." 

smiled as we landed back in our land. "What do you say, Liam? You want some company when you report to the admiralty?" I turned around to see Liam falling to the ground. I shouted, "No!" I used my vampire speed to rush over to him. I shouted for help. I released my fangs and bit my wrist. I tried to put my blood into his body to change him, but it was too late. 

In my sadness, I screamed in sorrow. The entire cabin set itself on fire.


Third Person POV: Dead Man's Peak

Killian takes David's canteen. He turns to the dream shade. "Jerrard," he says. His ring turns into the giant scythe. Killian spins it, sending a rush of heat through the scythe. The end sets on fire. Killian shoves it through the dreamshade, cutting an opening in the wall. "Thank you," he tells Jerrard as he turns back into a ring. Killian runs to the waterfall and fills up the bottle. He sprints back to Charming. He kneels down and slaps his face. "Mate, wake up!"

David regains consciousness slowly. "Hey, get off me!" he shouts. Charming starts to fight against Killian.

"Whoa!" Killian yells repeatedly. He holds up the canteen. "Look, in this canteen is the water that will stop the dreamshade, that will save your life."

David coughs, "That's why you brought me up here." Killian replies with a yes. "You knew I wouldn't come on my own," David explains, "That I wouldn't leave my family."

"That you were stubborn?" Killian rebuts. "Yes, I gathered that rather quickly.

David coughs again and says, "Well, give it to me."

Killian pulls away the canteen. "There's something you need to know first. Because its power comes from the island, once you drink this water you can never leave Neverland," Killian explains.

David nods, "It's a small price to pay for what I get in return - a chance to save my grandson and to help my family get home." David drinks the water. He laughs as the magic starts to take effect. Killian laughs with him and helps him stand. Once he stands, David asks, "Why risk your life for me when there wasn't anything for you in return?"

"I didn't do it for you, mate," Killian says. He winks at David as they begin their descent.


David and Killian meet up with Emma, Regina, and Snow in a clearing. Charming runs to his wife and begins to kiss her passionately. Regina turns to her son and asks, "Where's the sextant?"

"I'm afraid Pan got to it first," Killian replies. Once he finishes his sentence, Regina runs to her son and embraces him. Killian, shocked at first, warms up to it and embraces his mother. "What was that about?" he asks.

"I know I have a lot to make up for," Regina explains, "one step at a time." 

Killian smirks as he turns to David. "Hook," Charming exclaims, "He saved my life."

"You sure you wanna tell them that, mate?" Hook says. 

Charming lies, "On our trek, we were ambushed by Lost Boys. Pinned down, outnumbered. But Hook, stopped me from getting hit by a poisoned arrow. But if it wasn't for Hook, I wouldn't be alive. I thought he deserved a little credit."

The rest of the crew begins to make camp, but Emma stays behind. She asks, "You really save his life?"

"That surprise you?" Killian answers with a question.

"Well, you and David aren't exactly...How do you say it - mates," Emma says. 

Killian exclaims, "Doesn't mean I'd leave your father to perish on this island. I know what it's like to lose a father, Swan. I didn't want you to face... the grief."

Emma sighs, "Thank you." Killian smiles at her and tells her gratitude was in order. "Yeah," she tells him, "That's what the "thank you" was for."

"That is all your father's life is worth to you?" Killian asks. Emma says he could not handle it. Hook whispers, "Perhaps you're the one who couldn't handle it." Then, Emma kisses Killian passionately. After kissing for a few moments, Emma tells Killian to stay behind and wait.

While he waits, Killian takes out the blood bag from his pocket. He releases his fangs and bites into it. He takes a sip, then spits it out. "That's disgusting," he mutters.

"An acquired taste," someone says behind him. Killian turns around and spots his sister leaning against a tree. "You'll get used to it after a while."

Killian scoffs, "What do you want, Raven?"

"What if I came to check up on you?" Raven asks. "Isn't that what older sisters are supposed to do?" Killian stares back at her blankly. She then says, "We were disappointed you didn't take our offer. I'm honestly surprised you were able to in the first place."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hook asks.

"Don't play stupid, brother," Raven yells. She approaches slowly. "Emma might not have noticed, but I did. Your eyes turning red while you kissed. You think I wouldn't know you want to sink your fangs into the Savior's neck!"

Killian runs at his sister, grabbing her by the neck, and pinning her against the wall. Raven tries to command the tree next to her, but her brother throws her into the air. He jumps up after her, using his supernatural strength to give him a boost. His eyes turn stormy. Dark clouds form in the sky as Killian commands them to send a lightning bolt down towards his twin. Raven turns into a storm of bats, flying straight at her twin. Killian is taken down to the ground. Before he could make another move, Raven commands the roots to tie her brother's arms and legs to the ground. "One more chance," Raven says out of breath. "Ruin it, and you will regret making an enemy of me." Once she finishes, she disappears into the night.


Killian's POV: Many years ago...

The crew and I buried Liam at sea. I had a hard time keeping myself together. As soon as his body hit the water, a crew member handed me the sextant. "This is yours," he exclaimed, "Captain."

I traced the emblem on his satchel. "I will never forget you, Liam," I muttered. I raised my voice so the crew could hear. "We are sworn to serve the king and the realm." I reached for a torch and the member of the crew handed it to me. "They sent us to retrieve an unthinkable poison - one that killed our dear Captain," I yelled. The fire in my hand started to grow brighter. I looked to the mast as I ran to it. "Never again," I said, "Shall anyone set sail to that cursed land." I set the Pegasus winged sail on fire. As I continued to speak, the fire burned quicker and stronger. "And never again shall we take such orders. Serving the king, fighting his wars!" The men started to get encouraged by my words. "That is the way of dishonor! And all you who disagree, flee now or walk the bloody plank!" The fire flared with my last sentence. "For those who stay will be free men, and I will be your captain." The men shouted in agreement. "We'll set sail under the crimson flag and we'll give our enemies no quarter. We'll take what we please! And we'll live by our own rules. For that is the best form of all!"  The men continued to shout in agreement. "The kingdom is greedy and ilmoral. They took Liam away from me and I'll take everything they got starting with this ship!" I told the men to repaint the ship as the Jolly Roger as they chanted Captain Jones.


Third Person POV: Neverland

Killian sets his wrists on fire to free himself from his sister's trap. He sits down on a stump. Gagging, he drinks the blood from the blood bag.

Suddenly, he hears someone clear their throat. Peter stands near a tree. "You really should've taken my deal," he says.

"Listen, Raven already beat me up and damaged my pride," Killian exclaims, "Besides, it doesn't look like I need your help with Emma after all, mate."

Peter scuffs, "What, you think that kiss actually meant something?"

"I do," Killian explains, "I feel like she's finally starting to see me for the man I am."

Again, Peter scoffs, "My one-handed vampiric brother-in-law with identity issues." Killian rolls his eyes. "I'm no grown-up," Peter tells Hook, "but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing."

"A man of honor." Killian sets the remnants of the blood bag on the forest floor. With one snap, he sets the bag on fire. 

"So tell me," Peter asks, "what would a "man of honor" like yourself do with a big, fat secret?"

"Well, that depends on what the secret is," Killian answers. "I'm already keeping plenty of my sister's secrets. What's one more to the pile?"

Peter snarls at him. "Baelfire, Neal - whatever name he goes by these days. The guy Emma loves, Henry's father."

"What of him?" Killian asks standing. "He's dead."

"No," Peter replies, "I'm afraid not. That's not even the best part." Peter begins to walk away. He turns around. "He's in Neverland."

"Is he?"

"Oh yes. I"m sure Emma would love to know that Henry's werewolf father is still alive," Peter says. "But I'd hate for that to get in the way of a budding romance. "So I'll leave it up to you, to tell her or not." Peter is about to walk away when he says, "Let's see what kind of man you really are."


Raven's POV: Camp

I lay on the bed. Killian hit me with lightning, so I am still a bit banged up. My body is sore, but is slowly healing.

I hear Peter walk in. "Sorry, love," he says as he lays down next to me. I groan as I turn to lay on his chest. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"My brother hit me with lightning," I answer, "Never thought that would happen." He kisses my forehead as he brings the blankets up over us. "Why are they so stubborn, Peter?" I ask.

"They just don't see how good our side is," Peter replies. "But they don't know the better side has you." I smile and kiss him. "Now get some sleep, my love," Peter tells me. "Our big day is almost here."

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