When Rayne Falls (Work in Pro...

بواسطة Artifxct

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WARNING: Mentions of self-harm and suicide- potentially triggering. This story contains mature content includ... المزيد

When Rayne Falls
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Two
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Three
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Four
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Five
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Six
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Seven
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Nine
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Ten
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Eleven
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Twelve
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Thirteen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Fourteen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Fifteen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Sixteen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Seventeen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Eighteen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Nineteen
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Twenty
When Rayne Falls- Chapter Twenty-One

When Rayne Falls- Chapter Eight

365 16 12
بواسطة Artifxct

Demetri's POV

I got in my car and I drove. I drove all the way to my house, ran up to my shower, and stood under the boiling stream to clear my mind.

That mouth of his on mine... I couldn't even believe what had just happened.

I'm not straight. I'm not gay, but I'm not straight. I'm bisexual. And this is the first time in my entire life that the thought ever occurred to me

What did I tell Shelby? How did I explain the situation?

I wanted him. I wanted him badly. But I loved Shelby, not to mention she was my first everything. I couldn't do anything with Rayne. I made that clear... Well, before I kissed him again.

I shut my eyes, and decided. I wouldn't tell Shelby. It was only once. It would never happen again. She wouldn't have to hurt over this. Because there was nothing there. It was just a few kisses. And a little bit of tongue. And his erection against my thigh.


I stepped out of my shower. I had no idea what to do with myself anymore. I went to my room and layed down naked, and decided to text Shelby to come over.

Ten minutes later, Shelby was undressed and on top of me, riding my brains out.

I needed her to remind me of how much I loved girls, and a woman's body, especially hers. Her hips were grinding against mine quickly, her moans echoing through my empty house. I gripped her waist tightly, and she responded by digging her nails into my chest. It still wasn't enough.I flipped her over, quickly thrusting in and out of her while she moaned my name loudly. We climaxed together, and then I let my body collapse onto hers. She was still moaning softly from the aftermath of her orgasm.

Her fingers found their way into my hair, stroking softly, and I closed my eyes, attempting to lose myself in her.

After a minute, I had to stand up and go into the bathroom, because for whatever reason, I couldn't get the taste of him out of my mouth.

I stood in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror for a minute. My pale eyes stared back at me, my hair a tousled mess, my lips red and swollen from Shelby's teeth. I quickly replayed the events that occurred at Rayne's house in my mind.

He had answered the phone as I sat on his bed, and I could hear him outside the door.

"What took you so long to call?" He had asked, his voice shaking and slightly exasperated, as if he'd been holding it.

A moment later; "You're full of it." In an angry, accusatory voice. I felt awful being able to hear his conversation, but at the same time, I couldn't exactly not listen.

"Easy for you? You're a real git. I'm the one that had to move all the way over here. Don't you understand that I have no friends? No family? You have everything you fucking want, and you can't spare two minutes out of your busy fucking life to call me, your best mate, your boyfriend? I'm not even asking for every day, Cody. Just let me know that you still fucking care." He said, and I had felt my heart beat slightly faster. I didn't enjoy hearing his misery, but I was also a little upset and hurt that he didn't see me as a friend. At least, that's what I felt when he said he had no friends here. I thought he and I had a bond. And apparently, we did, because a few arguments later, he had walked back into the room, the phone in his hand, his face slightly flushed.

I tried being sympathetic, knowing that it hadn't ended well.Apparently, Cody had hung up on him, and I was trying to be a "friend" for Rayne to lean on.But then he kissed me. Staring into the mirror now, I looked at my lips, remembering the feel of Rayne's soft ones on mine, and how he had pushed me down onto his bed, kissing and sucking on my sweet spot on my neck, before feeling his erection against my thigh. And I had to admit that I wasn't exactly stopping him. It felt good. Not only good, but I suppose a secret part of me wasn't too upset by the fact that Rayne made out with me.

At least not until I remembered my beautiful, loyal girlfriend.

And it wasn't that I was upset with him. I was upset with myself because I had no idea what to do with myself at this point. Obviously I had to stay with Shelby, and pretend nothing happened. Rayne would see me in school and we would pretend nothing ever happened.

Only thing was; I didn't know if I could handle that.

Jace's POV

Man I hated Monday mornings. I got up, threw on a pair of khaki skinny jeans with a black hoodie, brushed my teeth, and tousled my hair. My eye was still bluish underneath from fighting with Rayne, but nothing too disturbing. I left the house, getting into my cold car. Shelby was with Demetri all weekend, so I assumed that she would get a ride with him.

All weekend long, I thought over everything that had been bothering me. I finally understood why I didn't like Rayne, and I needed to talk to him about it. Did I necessarily want to? No, but I decided that I didn't have much of a choice if I ever needed this anger to go away. And actually, I wasn't angry anymore. I was determined to get it taken care of, and move on with my life.

As I drove, I scanned the sidewalks. Rayne didn't own a car, so I figured if I could spot him walking, I could ask him to get in the car and talk to him, using my words this time. As expected, his slim frame was hunched over against the cold, his dark hair blowing in the wind. I rolled up next to him and slowed down, rolling down my window.

"Rayne," I called out. He looked around, and when he realized who I was, his face twisted into a grimace and he continued walking.

"Rayne, hold on, will you? I want to talk to you." I said.

"Screw the fuck off." Was all he replied. I sped up past him, parked my car hastily, and got out. He was the only person walking in this freezing weather, and I didn't like being blown off. He stopped, and sighed, looking around in an annoyed manner. I walked up to him slowly.

"I know you hate me. I hated you too. Until I realized why," I said, watching him. He remained wary, his eyes judging me with a guarded look. "And I want to talk to you about it. So will you please get in the car?" I asked.

"You beat the shit out of me and now you want me to just pretend that's in the past because you had some sort of revelation? Fuck off, Jace." he said, his accent wrapping around my name. He continued to walk, trying to walk past me, but I stepped in front of him slowly, trying to get him to look at me. I stared at his bright eyes intensely, trying to communicate that I was being serious. I could still see the hints of bruising from my fists on his lip and nose.

"Jace if you don't move-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Rayne, get in my car and let me say what I have to say. If you still want to get out after, fine. Just fucking get in, okay?" I said, becoming impatient. He rolled his eyes and stared at me, hard.

"This better be worth my time." He said, before shoving past me and getting into my passenger seat. I quickly sighed of relief before jogging to my drivers seat and starting the car again, blasting the heat for his benefit. He rubbed his hands together quickly, before looking over at me.

"Is this going to make us late for school?" He asked me.

"Probably," I said, before driving up the street to the Rainbow Delight coffee shop. They were the only place open at seven in the morning. He looked at me questioningly.

"I'm buying us coffee and something to eat, and we're going to sit down, and I'm going to talk." I said shortly.

"As long as you're paying," he muttered, getting out. I smirked slightly, before heading into the store behind him. There was a small line of students, also on their way to school, and we joined them, waiting for our turn.

"Jace, I don't know what the hell you're up to, but I'm just telling you right now, I'm not in the mood for your games." He said, giving me a hard look.

"It's not a game. Like I said, you don't have to care about what I say. I just have to say it." I muttered, looking around.

We got to the counter, and I ordered two coffees, and two breakfast croissants for us. We took them to a small booth and sat down, staring at each other awkwardly.

"So, enlighten me," he muttered, before bringing his cup to his lips and blowing into the coffee lightly.

This was it. I got him here, and now it was the moment of truth for me. Once the words came out, I knew I wouldn't be able to take it back. I looked him over one last time, because after this, we could never look at each other the same way. I took a deep breath, deciding I would just come on out and say it, before I had the chance to change my mind.

"Rayne, I like you." I said, watching him.

"Yeah, I fight people I like too," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Don't waste my time, Jace, just fucking tell me the truth."

I leaned back in my seat, crossing my arms and staring at him hard.

"Do you understand english? I said I like you." I repeated, staring at him. He was quiet for a minute, watching me with those big eyes.

"Right. Mm so, when you like someone, you tend to beat them up and treat them like shit? That doesn't sound promising." He said in a mocking tone. I had to ponder his words for a second.

"You're absolutely right. It's not promising. But you know why it happened? Because I didn't know I was attracted to guys, dumbass." I said to him. I probably didn't have to call him names though.

"Wow, Jace, I'm really feeling the like right now." He said sarcastically. I took a deep breath. I needed to explain myself better than this. "Rayne, please just take me seriously for one fucking minute." I said, looking at him as genuinely as I could. I watched something change on his expression, and I knew I had his attention for the time being.

"So, you moved here. And for some reason, when I saw you in the stairwell that first day, I knew something was off by how I felt when I saw you. I didn't know why, but now I do. I was immediately attracted to you. You're attractive and you don't know it. The problem is, I subconsciously knew that I liked you. Not in a friendly way. But consciously, I refused to believe that I liked men in any kind of way. So instead of knowing that I liked you, I was subconsciously pretending I hated you, and that's why I've been such an ass to you. And I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me and have everything be all perfect, but I don't want to hide it any more. At least not from you. You're a good person that I know nothing about and I want to know more of." I said, watching him the entire time.

He let out a breath as if he'd been holding it in all this time, and then looked around, and then down at his hands.

"Jace I don't know what to even say." He said quietly. I shrugged a little.

"Then don't say anything. Let's just get to school." I said, standing up. His big eyes looked up into mine for a moment before he stood up.

"Okay," was all he replied.

Ten minutes later we were at school, and Rayne stopped walking to turn to me.

"We don't have to fight anymore. But I can't say I like you back, alright?" he said. I laughed quietly.


And then I walked away, the entire time plotting how to make him love me.

Rayne's POV

I walked to class, in a slight daze. I couldn't even process what had just happened. Instead, I walked into the nearest bathroom, walking straight to the sink and running cold water over my face. I looked up into the mirror the way I did on my first day here. Behind me, I saw Demetri's face. I immediately turned around, looking at him, my heart racing as our last memory together raced through my head. His eyes widened, but he didn't make a move for the door, which comforted me.

I didn't know whether to say something or not. Demetri gave me a small wave. He was standing awkwardly, his eyes skimming me over quickly and then a small wave of pink spread over his cheeks. And then signaled that he had to leave. I barely had time to nod before he was out the door and out of my sight. I absolutely hated that he couldn't speak. I wanted to know what he was thinking, whether he hated me now or not, and if we'd ever be friends again. At least now Jace didn't "hate" me.

It gave me one less thing to stress about.

*             *             *

That day at lunch, I sat alone in one of the stairwells, not bothering to even get food. I couldn't deal with facing Demetri right now. Luckily for me, just a few short minutes into lunch, Jace found me and sat beside me on the steps.

"Why are you here alone?" he asked.

"Why are you here at all?" I retorted, not really knowing how to feel towards him with everything else my mind had brewing.

"Ouch. Hostile. I wanted to see if you were okay." He said, not fazed at all.

"Jace, I'm flattered, but I don't like you back." I said, not entirely lying but not telling the truth either.

"That's okay, I don't need you to like me. Don't act so high and mighty now." He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smirking.

"Sorry. I'm just in a bad mood." I mumbled.

"Let me take you out." Jace offered spontaneously. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I just told you I don't like you back." I said to him incredulously.

"You don't have to like me back to have dinner with me. Come on. Break starts this Friday, and we'll be out for a full two and a half weeks. Just go out with me on Friday after school." He asked, his eyes skimming over my face, gauging my reaction. I sighed quietly.

"Alright. But you're paying because you offered." I said with a small smile, but I wasn't kidding.

"Of course, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?" he said sarcastically before getting up.

"I'll let you wallow on your own then. And I'll be picking you up every morning for school from now on. As a friend," he added, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Aye, aye, captain," I said sarcastically. Then he disappeared and I spent the rest of the lunch period in the stairwell.

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