[ON-GOING] Detroit: Become Hu...

By midnightXcross

208K 4.7K 3.3K

One shots involving Markus, Connor, Ralph, Simon , Luther and many more characters from Detroit: Become Huma... More

Fighting for a Reason (Yandere!Connor x Reader)
Creating a Masterpiece (Markus x Reader)
A Queen for a King (Yandere!Markus x Reader)
Someone to Live For (Ralph x Reader)
To love an android (Ralph x Yandere!Reader)
You're the Android sent from Cyberlife (Human!Connor x Android!Reader)
The Meaning of Family (Simon x Reader)
A Human Kind of Attraction (North x Connor x Reader Love Triangle)
A Human Kind of Emotion (RK900 x Reader)
Programmed to Love You (Yandere!RK900 x Reader)
My Savior (Yandere! Connor x Reader)
It's not like I'm deviant... (Tsundere!Connor x Reader)
Space Cadet (Tsundere!Gavin x Shy!Reader)
Eternally Beautiful (Yandere!Kamski x Reader)
Growing Up With You (Connor x Child!Reader)
A Human Companion (Daniel x Reader)
Written In the Stars (Deviant!Connor x Reader)
Writers Block?? (Author Note)
Tears of an Android (Human!Connor x Android!Reader)
Caged (Yandere!Ralph x Reader)
Born Deviant (RK900 x Creator!Reader)
True Strength (Markus x Shy!Reader)
Waking Nightmare (Yandere!Connor x Reader) 'Fighting For a Reason P.2'
Vampire AU (Vampire!Connor x Reader)
Someone to Care for (Child!Connor x Reader)

Love Sick (Connor x Sick!Reader)

6.9K 198 130
By midnightXcross

Synopsis: You are the determined and motivated top officer at the Detroit City Police Department. However, when you suddenly catch a fever, Connor becomes increasingly worried for you. Connor takes it upon himself to care for you in your weakest moments.

Connor x Sick!Reader (Requested by MadilineDreams)

So sorry it took me so long to write this! I was struggling with writers block for a long time. I hope you will enjoy <3

Word Count: 2792


The deviant was fast. You and Connor pursued it, even through the blistering cold wind and snow that felt like knives on your skin. The only part of the deviant you could truly see ahead of you was the LED, glowing amber in the light. You heard the Lieutenant's footsteps growing further and further behind you. You continued to chase the deviant, Connor by your side, through the snow covered park. It seemed never-ending, but you and Connor had a plan. You smiled at him knowingly now. You took a shortcut to the left; Connor to the right. Veering off the track, you traveled down a path you knew so well, even the raging snow did not deter you. You soon found yourself by the ice covered lake, and right on time too. The deviant sped towards you. You expected it to freeze when it saw you, and then turn away from the lake, right into the place where Connor hid. However, it took you by surprise when the android continued to speed towards you, the snow too slippery for it to stop. Perhaps it was smart enough to already know of your plan. Without warning, it shoved you with all its strength, causing you to topple straight into the icy lake. You gasped as cold water rushed around your body.

"[F/N]!!" You heard Connor call. You saw his blurry face above the surface of the water, but as you reached up towards him, the ice numbed your limbs, making them feel heavy and unmovable. The cold made your body feel like lead. Soon your eyes began to fall closed. Everything turned black.


You gasped awake, your limbs frantically waving around, trying to swim through the thick icy water. You soon came to realize however, that you felt the complete opposite of 'icy'. Your body felt like it was on the surface of the sun right now. You collapsed back onto a soft place. You gazed around to find yourself in your bedroom, on your soft bed. Everything slowly began to come back to you now. You remembered waking up in someone's arms... but you couldn't remember who exactly. Somehow, they carried you here. You were interrupted in your thoughts by the sound of your phone vibrating on the bedside table. You picked it up, to find several missed calls and texts. Some from some friends, colleagues, the Lieutenant, and to your surprise; Connor. What was Connor doing trying to call you? The thought made you blush.

Wait... blush? That was strange. Maybe this fever was all going to your head. With that in mind, you decided instead to call back the Lieutenant. The phone buzzed for a few moments, and then connected.

"Jesus christ, we thought you were dead!" The Lieutenant grumbled before you could speak.

"Hello to you too."

"Listen we got a major case on our hands. An android has hacked the broadcast system... saying somethin' about rights for androids... have you seen it?"

"Wait... what?" You mumbled, your head still foggy. "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm Hank..." He grouched. "Listen. We need you to get better, and quickly, alright? You're needed for the case." He paused for a moment. Suddenly you became aware of footsteps in the background, as if someone was pacing back and forth. The Lieutenant turned to someone in the background, and muttered, "Would you stop that?!" Before he turned back to you and continued, "Plus, someone here is too fidgety to begin work on a new case, all because you are running a fever."

"Well, it's not like I wanted to get sick..."

The Lieutenant sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh." You could imagine him gesturing to the person pacing. "This android 'guard dog' of yours has been pacing back and forth all morning. And if you don't get better soon... well..."

"I understand. I'll see what I can do."

The Lieutenant began arguing with Connor in the background as you hung up the phone. You sighed, sitting up from the bed. Perhaps you could push through this enough to go to work with just some headache medicine. That was wrong. The moment you stood up, your head began to swim. You collapsed to the bed once more, sighing. You decided to set your alarm for an hour and get some rest. Perhaps a little sleep would miraculously save you from this fever.


When you woke up, it was pitch black outside. As you slowly began to be aware of your surroundings, a realization came to you. It was night time... but how? You set your alarm clock for only an hour. How could so much time have passed?! You had completely missed work, not to mention lunch, and dinner. Your stomach growled at the thought. That was probably a good sign, considering you felt like eating something. You frowned as you brushed your hand over the bedside table, searching for your alarm clock. To your surprise, it was gone. You were certain you had left it there. You sat up, your head spinning. You closed your eyes, trying to settle your turning stomach before you opened them again. You were about to try and get up from the bed, when you saw something odd.

Near your bed, at the doorway, there was a glowing light. It was small, and it was amber. You wondered if you were dreaming again. You stood up cautiously from the bed and approached the light. You began to see the amber light closer; and the face it illuminated. You screamed in fright at the light it cast over the strangers face. You threw your pillow at him, continuing to scream.

A light flicked on. You squinted in the bright lights.

"Sorry, sorry!" A voice that you recognized said. "I didn't... I mean, I thought..." You raised your head to find Connor standing in your bedroom doorway, holding the pillow you had tossed at him. 

"JESUS CHRIST CONNOR!!" The Lieutenant's language was rubbing off on you. "You scared the life out of me!" You lay back on the bed, trying to calm your racing heart. Connor gently placed the pillow under your head, and sat on a chair next to you.

"I was only checking on you," Connor replied, as if appearing in someone's room in the middle of the night was a completely normal thing to do. "Your heart was pulsing at a rate 0.5% the healthy rate. Your average body temperatures are also much higher."

"I don't need a report Connor." You rolled over in bed, squeezing the pillow in your arms, your face turning red. Why was he here? "Did you come and tell me to hurry up so you can investigate the broadcast?" The words came out harsher than you had intended. You winced.

"No... I want you to recover quickly... but not for that reason," He replied quietly. You turned your head and saw him studying you, with those brown calculating eyes. 

"Why is that Connor?"

"Well..." He straightened his tie, and glanced away. "It's just that well..." He paused, hesitating. "You just need to get better." He finished. Then he smiled and stood up. "You're hungry. Is there anything in particular you would like to eat?"

You sat in surprise for a long moment, wondering if you had just imagined those previous words he had said. After all, it was completely out of character for Connor. Saying something like that was so... human. Your head felt dizzy again, and you pressed your hand to your temple. "Anything is fine," You replied to Connor. He smiled, and left the room. That smile etched onto your mind. You wondered why it stayed there for so long. You hoped this wasn't the beginning of 'love' sickness.


You weren't sure how long you were left there, as you drifted in and out of sleep. But soon you stirred, as you smelt the faint scent of bacon cooking in the kitchen. You groaned as you raised from the bed. You felt your body ache as you forced yourself towards your kitchen. What you saw made your mouth fall open.

Framed by the first rays of morning light from the window, was Connor. He stood in your kitchen, a frying pan and spatula in hand, your frilly apron tied around his android uniform. A recipe book was open on the kitchen counter, turned to a page on cooking eggs. He raised his head when you entered the room.

"Oh [F/N]... you should be sleeping. You still have a high fever."

In your dizzy state, you wondered if you were still dreaming. Connor glanced at the frying pan, tilting his head in clear confusion, and glancing at the recipe book on the counter. You rubbed your eyes, and blinked, but you did not wake up from this strange dream.

"Actually, I am glad you are here," Connor continued, his eyes not leaving the recipe book. "How do you like your eggs cooked?"


"Your eggs..." He muttered, finally looked at you. "Scrambled, fried or... well, I could boil them as well but that's on a different page..." He tiled his head again as he flipped through the recipe book.

"Urm... what exactly are you doing Connor?"

Connor blinked as if it were completely obvious. "I'm making you breakfast."

"Err... yes, I can see that. But why exactly??"

"Well... you're running a high fever. I am no AX400 of course, so I do not have the skills in my program, but I do know that eating is vital for humans to make quick recovery from sickness." You blinked in surprise. He took this moment to continue, "Eating meals in the morning is important, particularly ones high in protein."

"Urm... thank you Connor..."

You collapsed onto a chair at the table. Your head still spinning, you gazed at Connor. You couldn't help but giggle at the bewildered expression on his face as he tried to learn something that he had clearly never attempted before. It felt nice being made breakfast. You could get used to this.


For the next three days, Connor was practically at your beck and call. Of course, you insisted he return to the Detroit Police station, and continue to work where you couldn't, and eventually he agreed to, but only for a short while during the days. For most of the time, he was making you food or cleaning your house. At one point, to your embarrassment, you think he even tried to do your laundry. 

As much as you felt embarrassed however, you could admit that because of his care, you were recovering much faster than you could have imagined. Your fever was going away, and you were able to think more clearly. The sneezing and coughing was also going away. You requested that Connor bring you case files from the police department, and when you weren't resting, you studied the cases so you could be back on track by the time you recovered.

On one particular evening, you sat at your desk, flicking through the file on the broadcast hijack. Seeing as you were unwell, Connor filled in for you. You looked over the rewrite of the speech the android made. Seeing the powerful words on paper made your headache feel worse. You wondered what this could mean for the future. Your head began to spin, still stuffy from your fever, and you collapsed on the desk.


You awoke to a warmth around your shoulders. As you sat up, the blanket placed there fell to the floor.

"You're awake."

You looked up to see Connor sitting on a chair nearby. It looked as if he had purposefully put it there so he could watch you. You felt your face flush, but not because of the fever.

"Did... did you give me the blanket?"

"Yes. Although you have a fever and probably feel hot the air temperature is 36 degrees farenheit. It would be wise to take extra precautions." He smiled slightly. You felt your face flush again. You watched as Connor reached into the pocket on his chest and pulled out a small metal device. You stared at it for a long moment. He raised from the chair.

"What are you doing?"

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to take your temperature," He replied smoothly. "Lieutenant Anderson said that if your temperature has lowered to a more healthy standard, he would like you to return to work tomorrow."

"Oh urm... okay."

"Where would you like me to put it?" He asked, like this was the most normal and casual thing to ask. "Under your arm, in your ear, in your mouth or... erm..." Suddenly his face tinged blue at a thought he had. You felt your face turn red too. Connor stammered for a moment, then he said, placing a finger to his LED, "Perhaps I should contact a medical android to come here instead..." You snatched the thermometer from him.

"I can do it myself thanks!!" You both fell silent, as you placed the thermometer under your arm, slightly irritable that Connor would even think of something so embarrassing. Connor sat back down, his face still tinged with blue. You continued to look away from him, your face bright red. Finally, you glanced back at him, and giggled with surprise.

Connor was pouting a little. It was rather... well... cute.

"I was just trying to help you get better..." He mumbled, as he brushed a lock of brown hair off his face. He heard you laugh and looked up.

"Connor..." You said, "Just you being here with me makes me feel a lot better..."

Connor's face tinged with blue again. He couldn't meet your gaze. Those words hung in the air for a long time, before he replied quietly.

"I am... happy you hear that," He paused, his LED flicking from amber to blue and back again. "The odd response I get when you are sick... well... I suppose it is similar to the way you must feel, being sick."

"You were worried about me?"

"Yes... Yes, I suppose I was." He finally met your gaze and smiled. And you smiled back.

You never wanted to get sick. However, if you hadn't gotten sick, you don't think you could have ever had this moment with Connor. And at that moment, where you both gazed into each others eyes, you wished it could last forever.

You were interrupted with a beeping sound. Both you and Connor moved away from each other, clearly embarrassed. You eyed the figure on the thermometer, then showed it to Connor. Looks like you were going to work tomorrow after all.



To the other investigators at the Detroit city police department, they wouldn't have seen much a change in you. To them, you were still the clever, sassy and determined investigator you always had been. However, something had changed in you, and it had to do with that moment you had with Connor. Because you now knew a different side to him, and he knew a different side to you.

You walked to the Lieutenant's desk, to discuss where your next move would be on the deviant uprising. Connor stood leaning on his desk, and when you approached he smiled at you.

"Feeling better [F/N]?"

"Yes... all thanks to you Connor." You smiled at him. He smiled back. The Lieutenant noticed this silent exchange.

"So, did Connor follow through with what I said?"

"About what?"

"Well..." He chuckled. He wrapped an arm around Connor's shoulder and ruffled his hair. "Taking your temperature, obviously." You felt your face grow red. "What? You didn't think he learnt that from reading it in a book, did you?" He asked, chuckling. Connor's face was now also tinging blue. You now weren't only embarrassed from the looks the rest of the investigation team were giving you, but now the Lieutenant was continuing. "So where did he stick it? Did he do it exactly as I said?"

"Stop right there!!" You shouted, hitting the Lieutenant weakly on the arm. He released Connor who looked just as embarrassed as you did. The Lieutenant continued to laugh staring at your expressions. You sighed. You looked up at Connor, who was starting to recover. He straightened his tie and patted down the top of his hair. Then he met your gaze and winked at you. You felt embarrassed all over again.

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