Strength and Power

By blue_jay

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Long ago, two gods posed the question; which is superior, Strength or Power? It was a question that ravaged t... More

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - Isa the Outcast
Chapter 3 - Gwenyth, Mother of Miracles
Chapter 4 - Family
Chapter 5 - Gwenyth's Promise
Chapter 6 - Rage of the Moon
Chapter 7 - Wrath of Abyss
Chapter 8 - Evolving
Chapter 9 - Her Name is Morgan
Chapter 10 - Emergence
Chapter 11 - The Trinity Gathers
Chapter 12 - First Meeting
Chapter 13 - Snake in the Grass
Chapter 14 - Pools of Power, Limits of Strength
Chapter 15 - Spawn With a Heart
Chapter 16 - Blue Serpents
Chapter 17 - Zula the Cerulean
Chapter 18 - Isa Meets his Match
Chapter 19 - Family Ties
Chapter 20 - The Coming Storm
Chapter 21 - Calapris
Chapter 22 - Dragons of Calapris
Chapter 23 - Shard the Red
Chapter 24 - Morgan the Heir of Power
Chapter 25 - Morgan's Pain
Chapter 26 - Challenge Accepted
Chapter 27 - Testing the Legend
Chapter 28 - Trust of a Legend
Chapter 29 - I Spy with my Eye
Chapter 30 - Nim'Ganyth the Last Dragon
Chapter 31 - Old Sayings
Chapter 32 - Tul'lavey
Chapter 33 - Troy
Chapter 34 - Looming Shade
Chapter 35 - Three Kings
Chapter 36 - Tale of Three
Chapter 37 - The Chosen Prince
Chapter 38 - Natural Thoughts
Chapter 39 - Gideon the Blessed
Chapter 40 - Perspectives
Chapter 41 - Allurring
Chapter 42 - Pressure of Legacy
Chapter 43 - First Unborn
Chapter 44 - Dark Fire, Sidian
Chapter 45 - Dragon's Gift
Chapter 46 - Dominant Power
Chapter 47 - Spirit of the Sword
Chapter 48 - Kings' Chosen
Chapter 49 - The Tri-Blades
Chapter 51 - Amori Tale
Chapter 53 - First Step
Chapter 54 - Prayers of All
Chapter 55 - Kidnapped!
Chapter 55 - The Hunter
Chapter 56 - Last Stop
Chapter 57 - Mother's Image

Chapter 50 - Inherited Legacy

13 2 0
By blue_jay

~*~*~*~Chamber of the Cosmos~*~*~*~

Iro and his brothers stood by, watching as the Viewing Mirror's light began to fade, the image of the one the blades had chosen to wield their power falling to black. The three of them stood in their own way, Drian had a single hand on his hip, Kenra with his arms crossed over his chest, and Iro stood with his hand under his chin. He knew that Mortals could gain great power when they obtain possession of a Celestial Relic, he's seen it happen several times. But this was no mere Relic... Those blades, there were four blades that resided in each jewel and there were three jewels. Each one had been crafted by each of the Three Kings with the intention of housing their vast power. 

Iro knew this as did his brothers, but even he had to admit that he'd never expected wielding a single blade from his jewel would grant the wielding such an immeasurable change in power. He'd peered into that boy's life, witnessed all events to have befallen him, and how all his past experiences had crafted him into the man that he was today. It wasn't surprising to know that the blades would choose someone like him. By comparison to other Mortals of his homeland he wasn't anything special, yet he alone seemed to display the characteristics that the gem stones looked for in a wielder. 

"Well that was certainly interesting." Drian said raising the hand that wasn't on his hip. "But I can't help but feel a little bothered that he wasn't using one of mine."

Iro was about to make a remark on how childish that was when Kenra spoke up. "For once in a very long time... I find myself agreeing with you brother."

Drian jumped back in a motion of mock surprise. "Do my ears deceive me, or did you just call me brother?" Kenra shot Drian a hard glare which made the youngest of the three slither on over and give Kenra a hug. "Oh Kenra, I knew you cared."

Kenra's body visibly bristled and he flung his arms out taking a massive swipe at Drian who just as he did when they were young hurried over to Iro. Drian placed his black gloved hands on Iro's shoulder and appeared over his shoulder. "Oh dear brother, protect me from this mad beast that's broken loose of its restraints!" He said in a voice of mocking fear. 

"You want mad, I'll give you mad!" Kenra shouted but Iro raised a hand up and his younger brother ceased his actions. 

"You two... honestly I wish you would grow up." He said making Kenra bow his head in shame while Drian rolled his eyes before coming out from behind the eldest king. "But I must admit, it did feel me with a strange sense of pride to see a Relic I myself created being used in battle. It's been several eons since we've parted with those blades I'd almost forgotten how the Twin Halos looked."

"Oh yes, please to chastise the pair of us for being upset our blades weren't used and then in the same breath go on to express how happy you are that yours were." Drian said rolling his eyes. "And you call us petty."

"Wha- I- I didn't say-" Iro looked at both of his younger brothers and found himself being given an almost irritated look from the pair of them. But rather than own up to his little outburst, instead he made an attempt to change the subject. "Look, brothers, let's not bicker over who's blade is being used first. Instead let's rejoice in the fact that they've been freed of their crystal prison. We'll finally be able to see what a Mortal can do when he's been given the power of a Celestial King."

~*~*~*~*~Several Hours Later~*~*~*~

Troy was looking over himself in the mirror, turning his body this way and that as he tried to assess how the addition of the gems affected him. He stood alone in his room that sat on the highest point of his house, an attic in truth. His shirt lie on the floor at his feet while he continued to look over himself. He'd always been in average shape, never the most athletic of boys growing up so his build was on the slighter side. What muscle he did have wasn't anything beyond what general field work afforded him, but that's not what he was looking at.

The thing that had gotten his attention so much was the fact that the gemstones that housed the Tri-Blades had embedded themselves in his chest. He'd thought that perhaps they'd manifest as a medallion of sorts but no, they grafted themselves into his skin! When he touched one it felt awkward. The best he could describe it as was that it felt the same way that his teeth felt, he could feel when someone touched a tooth... but instead of in his mouth the feeling was on his chest. It was actually quite painful to when he grabbed one between his fingers and tried to wiggle it because he felt a tugging on his sternum with every little movement. They gems themselves weren't protruding from his chest very much at all, they were more like that a knuckle than a protrusion. They stuck out a bit and moved slightly along with his body, but they didn't actually hinder him in anyway. Still...

"By the Kings do these look weird." He said aloud looking at his bare chest with a tilted head. "Hope these don't make me look weird."

 After a while he began to think that the way they were arranged in his skin slightly mimicked the positions of the Three Kings. The Sapphire was the lowest of the three but it was directly in the center of his chest, while the ruby was on the right of his chest, and the emerald being on his left. 

From time to time one of them would give off the slightest of glows and it was only after observing them for a few minutes did he find that they glow actually followed the same pattern as his heartbeat. The light given off was so faint that in truth one would have to either stare at his chest with a focused intent, or be beside him in pitch darkness in order to notice it. 

He let out a sigh letting his shoulders fall in a slump, he still couldn't figure out exactly why it was him of all people that these things chose. He didn't think he was anything special , he was just the same as the next guy so what in the Kings' names possessed these gems to chose him over all others that had been tested. True enough he'd never been tested in his life, he never thought there was any point to it he was just a normal guy so why go and be tested just to be told he wasn't special?

But no, the one time he's near them and needed more power they flew to him like a arrow fired from Iro himself. Shard, whom Isa seemed to view as the perfect man had been rejected by the gems. Even up here in Tul'lavey Shard's name had been known in part because of him retrieving the boots from the Starlit Lake, but also because his legend had reached the sky and beyond. So if someone like him wasn't chosen than he had to ask once again, why him? He may have been the son of a famous knight in the Underworld, but truly there was nothing special or unique about him...

He scrunched up his face for a moment tapping the gems again and nearly jumped out of his skin when they flashed. As that happened he felt as if another wave of certainty was washing over him telling him that he shouldn't mess around with them so much. He still wasn't sure what to do with these things, but within him he felt the knowledge of what exactly they were spring from his thoughts like a newly born flower.  They were the housing gems of the Kings' treasures and power. The holy Relics that his people worshiped and protected, while they waited for the Kings' chosen to finally emerge.

The legendary Tri-Blades, the weapons bestowed upon the Mortal Realm by the Three Kings as a sign of faith for all mortals. According to all the stories he'd heard growing up, whoever wielded the Tri-Blades would posses Power to rival that of the Three Kings themselves. Troy felt a bit wheezy just now as he thought about that, if he was carrying around that kind of power in his chest... Well to say that Troy didn't feel very good about it would be putting it lightly. His eyes though once again went down to the gems in his chest which seemed to be reacting to his thoughts and doubts. He could feel it, almost as if they were- assuring him they'd made the right choice?

"What do you mean?" He said aloud as he leaned slightly closer to the mirror. "Are you ali-"

"Troy, are you in here?" His sister Yeva called out, opening the door without even knocking, once again nearly making him lose his skin from sheer fright. He whipped around and was ready to swing until he saw his older sister standing there looking at him as if he were crazy. "You okay?"

"By the Kings' law ain't you hear of knocking?" He demanded giving her a hard look which made her give him a look that he didn't like. Sensing he was about to be on the other end of her anger he quickly cleared his throat and went for a topic change. "What uh- What did you need?"

Yeva though was looking at the gems on his chest, making Troy begin to feel extremely self conscious before he brought his shirt up to cover himself. Seeing that she shook her head a bit and finally answered him. "Elder Hallah and the Unders wish to see you."

"The Unders?" Troy repeated not hiding his surprise. "What do they want with me."

Yeva though just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure but- Well you'd better just look out your window because they're not the only ones who want to see you."

"Hey wait what do you-" But she'd already closed the door on him. "-mean..."

He raised his eyebrow a bit before he turned his head to look at his window and walked towards it. He drew back the curtains and his eyes grew wide at the sight of the entire population of Auria having gathered outside of his home. One saw him and raised their hand up, curling their thumb and pinky together so that the remaining three fingers were fully extended. It was the traditional prayer gesture of his people. As though that single gesture were a match being held to a pile of dead leaves, the rest of the people followed suit. Their hands went straight up to the air with their three middle fingers extended while their thumbs and pinkies were curled inwards. After several seconds of the gesture they brought their hands to their foreheads before bowing their heads to him. 

The sight was such a shock for him that his shirt fell from his fingers and he found himself slowly backing away from his window. "No-" He said violently shaking his head. "No, no, no, no, no!"

"Is it such a wonder?" A voice asked making Troy turn his head around to see Elder Hallah standing in his room with Hectir just a few feet away. The old man was leaning heavily on his walking stick, and from where he was Troy could see that the runes were glowing. He'd never seen them glow before unless he was in the presence of the- His eyes went down to the gems once more. "Oh yes, my can responds to those gems. Just as they will respond to other things of the Celestial Realm. It is the way of Relics to respond to each other."

"Th- they shouldn't even be with me." Troy said sharply looking away from Hallah. "There are others more worthy of these things than I am-"

"And who are you to be the judge of that?" Hallah asked tilting his ancient head. "Do you know what those gems seek more than our Kings? Do you presume to have more knowledge than even the great Iro himself?"

"No!" Troy exclaimed a bit louder than he'd meant to before hanging his head slightly lower as a sign of apology for raising his voice. "It's just that... I'm nothing special, I don't see why these things chose me above anyone else. Elder can you lend me your wisdom for this?"

To the side Hectir's eyes grew slightly larger telling Troy that him asking for council was probably the last thing that he expected to come from his mouth. Hallah on the other hand merely let out an obviously aged laugh as he looked at Troy. "My boy, if you hold me at the same height of wisdom as our Kings than I must say that is a great honor indeed. But no, I cannot tell you what to do my boy. Those gems, and all of their power have chosen you for a reason that is known only to them.

"Only in you did they find the qualities that they sought. Perhaps in the past you lacked the Strength the Ruby desired, the Wisdom the Sapphire sought, or the Freedom that the Emerald wanted. How am I to know that when there is nothing but the knowledge of a mortal in my body." Troy looked up at that and he could see that even through his great beard that the Elder was smiling. "Regardless of why you think you may not be worthy, the fact remains that now you are. Just look-" Hallah gestured to the window where Troy could see glowing orbs of light beginning to float from the people below. He hurried over to the window and saw that his people were creating prayer lights that carried with them the prayers of them all to the heavens above. "You merely possessing those gems has reignited the faith of our people. It's something you should be proud of-"

"But I'm not!" Troy yelled cutting the old man off. "I'm not proud of this, I'm not proud of these things in my chest. I don't want to be known for these... I want- I want them to know me for me. Not for being the son of Eriq, and certainly not as some religious savior. If I'm going to be remembered it's going to be because of what I did, me and nobody else! What don't you understand about any of that? I don't want this, I don't want anything handed to me! I want to earn my memory!"

With that Troy ran past Hallah and left through the backdoor of his house so that no one from the town would see him. Hallah and Hectir however remained in his room looking in the direction that Troy had vanished in. Yeva his older sister came back in and asked them both what happened which only made Hallah grin. 

"You're brother is- just proving to me why he above all others was so much more worthy to obtain the gift of our Kings." And with those words, Hallah and Hectir both assumed the prayer gesture. After a moment they were both sending a prayer light into the air where it vanished into the ceiling, before it would ultimately ascend into the heavens above. 

But all three of them had their attention brought to the front door when someone knocked on it. Yeva hurried to it and when she opened it the young Under named Avil stood there. "Avil!" She exclaimed. "Wh- What can I do for you my king?"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about your brother." He said rubbing the back of his head. "How- How would you feel about him leaving Tul'lavey?"


Troy was still running as hard as he could through the woods outside of Auria, he didn't know where he was going, he didn't care where he was going. He just didn't want to be at his house, surrounded by all those people. He wasn't even sure how far he'd gone but when he looked back up he found himself surrounded on all sides by thick brambles. He was breathing relatively heavily when suddenly he heard something behind him and when he turned around he found himself face to face with a small white reptile. 

He jumped backwards and the little one mimicked his cry before scurrying behind the head of Isa. The Wereman himself was smiling and nuzzled the little dragon receiving a light cooing sound from the little one. "What are you doing here?"

"Following you." Isa said tilting his head as if he didn't understand what was being asked. "I saw you leave your house and wanted to see where you were going."

"Yeah well- I prefer to be alone right now." Troy said and began to turn but Isa wasn't quiet willing to drop it. 

"Why would you want to be alone?" Isa asked again sounding rather confused. "Being alone, well you have no friends if you're alone."

"Look I don't-" Troy let out a frustrated growl before he rounded on the boy finding the little dragon nestled atop his head now. "I just mean that I want to be alone right now."

"Okay." Isa said but once again before Troy could leave the other boy said something that made him turn around. "Do you want to leave?"


"Do you want to leave?" The Wereman repeated once again with an inviting smile and the little dragon chirped as if to confirm it. "You can leave this place and have your own adventure just like us."

"Why would I- I don't have a reason to want to leave here though." Not even Troy believed those words though.

"But you seem so sad here." Isa said taking a step forward. "If you leave you might find more friends. You can even come with us if you want."

Troy's eyes left Isa's face and he mulled over those offers. He was right of course, Troy hadn't exactly been happy with himself or this place since he was old enough to understand why his father left. The people here always held him to a different standard than they did others. He was Troy, son of Eriq the one and only hero of Tul'lavey. It was a title than haunted him since he was a little boy and he'd come to resent it. Now? Now he had a new title to bother him and it was Troy the Tri-Blades' Chosen, and it was a title that was just given he didn't feel as though he'd earned it. Maybe going with Isa and his friends would help him out, at least he'd be able to get away from the shadow of his father and the shadow of his peoples' faith...

"I don't know." He said flatly looking away from Isa. "I don't have anything to offer..."

"You're strong right?" Isa asked tilting his head before he poked his chest. "Even without these things you're strong. You'll be able to help a lot of people if you come with, and you'll meet others just as strong maybe even stronger." Isa paused a moment before he looked like he got an idea. "Hey I know, let's fight!"

"What?" Troy asked aloud with genuine confusion. "What are you-"

"Yeah we can fight!" Isa said with a big beaming smile. "I want to get stronger so I can be like Shard one day. Morgan said I should fight and train so that I can become just like him. So, how about it?"

"I really don't see the point in-" But before Troy could finish his sentence the gems in his chest shone with bright light before suddenly he was enveloped in red light.

His shirt was replaced with a black tunic that hung down to the middle of his thighs and was rather snug. His pants became as white as freshly fallen snow with black boots on his feet. Over the black tunic was a deep red harness that crossed over his chest. Resting on his shoulders were deep red pauldrons and plate-like armor going down his arms and black chainmail was clinging to his arms and torso. However the pauldrons were mostly hidden by a crimson shoulder cape. In his hands were two twin battle axes that if he set them on the ground would be up to his ribs. Both looked rather intimidating and he could feel how heavy they actually were but somehow to him they felt as light as a feather.

But not only that he felt a foreign feeling ignite within him, one that he hadn't had, ever really. He- he wanted to fight, something deep within him was beginning to wake up and he was feeling as though he were ready to take on anything that came his way. 

"Okay." He said as his eyes took on a shade of red. "Let's fight."

A/N: Sorry for the late upload I've had some writer's block. Hopefully this one is alright for you guys. So you think Troy will take up Isa's offer to join them? How do you think the dynamic will shift with lover boy here if he does join in?

Hope you're ready for another fight this time with some of Kenra's Blades!

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