The Secret Crimson Princess Y...

By Kiki23245

22.9K 764 107

What if Mikoto had a daughter no one knew about except for Izumo and Tatara. What would happen when she runs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

1K 35 8
By Kiki23245

Days came and went and it was soon spring and the cherry blossoms were starting to bloom. there was gonna be a festival of fireworks you saw someone handing out flyers. you took one heading straight for the bar slamming the door open you went straight up to Izumo. he looked at you confused as to why you were so out of breath.

"hey what happened did a fire brake out or something?"

he joked. you shook your head and smiled and held up the flyer for the festival.

"can we go pleaseeeeee!"

Izumo took the flyer looking at it.

"fireworks huh. what do you think Mikoto?"

he looked up then nodded.


"what are fireworks like?"

Anna said quietly. Y/n raced up to her starting to explain what fireworks are.

"do you think they'll have any red ones?"

"definitely! and there will be food! and we'll get to wear Yukatas! you can wear the one I had when I was younger. I have another one now that I've grown more. come on let's go get them out for tonight."

Anna nodded then fallowed me upstairs to get them out. Everyone looked excited for tonight Yata sat down at the bar.

"you know tonight at the festival would be the perfect time to tell her how you feel."

Yata looked away from the bartender.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"oh come on Yata stop being in denial and confess to her. the king has already accepted you and trusts you and Tatara and I agree as well."

"it's not that I'm in denial. it's just I'm scared she'll reject me and things will become awkward. she's very precious to me."

Izumo sighed and hit Yata.

"ow! what the hell was that for Mr Kusanagi!"

"for being a cowered! if you really love her you got to tell her right, and besides I have a feeling it'll work out."

Yata blinked looking at Izumo confused. he lay his head on the bar thinking about it.

'Mr Kusanagi is right this is my chance. and I already have permission right. I'm gonna go for it!'

he got up from there bar and started heading to the door. Kamamoto looked up.

"where are you going Yata? the festival will start in a couple hours."

"I got to go get something really important. I'll be back in time don't worry."

he waved his hand and went out the door.

"huh wonder what that was about?"

"don't worry about it It'll be fine~" Tatara assures

Later that evening the boys were all waiting for the girls to come down Stairs. finally they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. once they got to the bottom the guys looked at them and couldn't believe they're eyes.

Anna was wearing a red yukata with plum blossom pattern on it, with a yellow Obi. she had her hair up in a side bun with a small dangling Kanazashi with red flowers. what really made the guys jaws drop was Y/n. she had a beautiful yukata that was also red with cherry blossoms on it with a pink Obi. she had some of her red hair in a side bun that was held in place by her normal clip that she always wore then let the rest of her hair hang down her back.

Tatara was filming them coming down the stairs.

"wow~ you girls look beautiful."

Izumo said with a smile.


all of the boys started agreeing and saying different compliments. Mikoto went up to them and gave them each a pat on the head but was careful not to mess up their hair. you took Anna's hand.

"alright let's go!"

and started making your way to the festival.


Once there Izumo gathered everyone in a group.

"alright guys. we'll be using the buddy system. Y/n your with Yata. Tatara, Mikoto, Anna you're with me; and you boys can split up amongst yourself's. we'll all meet back here at the end of the festival got it."

they all nodded and went their separate ways. witch left Yata and Y/n together alone.

"So..... you want to go get some food? we can eat it together while waiting for the fireworks."

"yeah sounds good!"

he held out his hand to her.

"this way we won't get separated there's a lot of people here."


you take his hand and walk up to the different food stalls. you both got a couple different things to share.

"hey I got a perfect place to watch the fireworks from."

he holds up a bag with something in it.

"ok lead the way."

he starts leading you up a path.

Finally you two reach a hill that had a beautiful cherry tree in full bloom. the hill had a amazing view over the city.

"wow, this is beautiful Misaki! how did you find a place like this?"

Yata spread out a blanket and sat down starting to spread out the food for them.

"I found it when I was younger. I remember I was exploring and found it."

"well it's definitely amazing!"

"I also remember that I got yelled at for going to far away. but ever since then it's been my special place to come and relax and think... you know."

you went and sat down next to him. you opened up the food and ate together enjoying the view. you and him finished your food and set the trash to the side.

"hey y/n."


you looked at him, he took a deep breath.

"ummm listen. I'm not very good at talking to girls or even really expressing myself in general so I'm probably gonna mess up in saying this but..."

his hazel eyes met your e/c colored ones with such sincerity and nervousness.

"but I love you. I have for a long time now and I was wondering if maybe you would be my girlfriend?"

by this time his face has at least turned fifty different shades of red. you felt warmth in your chest. you're heart beat faster and you knew the answer for a long time before he even confessed to you.


you hugged him. he froze for a moment taking it all in but hugged back. you slowly pulled away from him and smiled. he took something from his pocket and held it out. it was a small hair pin in she shape of a small gold and red flames, that had a flower carved into the center of the flame with a small tassel hanging down.

"wow. it's beautiful."

he carefully clipped it next to the the one that was once your mothers.

"I remember you once told me that Mr. Mikoto gave a that hair clip to your mom, saying she was fierce like a tiger but beautiful like a flower. and how he said that you two were very similar and while I agree with what he said. I also feel you have a special flame unique to yourself that makes you. you. and it's beautiful."

You felt a couple tears come down your cheeks.

"w-what's wrong you?!"

shake your head.

"nothings wrong. I'm just so happy. I love you Misaki, I love you so much. I have for a while now but I was really nervous."

you felt yourself leaning in and him too. you felt you're lips touch his felt the heat rises in your chest slowly the kiss got more passionate. you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring you closer to him. he tilted your head to the side to get a better angle and nipped a little at your lips asking for entrance witch you witch you granted. it was almost like you were both in your own world it felt amazing. you heard the cracks of the fireworks in the background while he kissed you and you kissed him. you slowly drew back for air that you didn't even realize you needed.

"that felt really good."

you looked at him.

"yeah that's your real first kiss and mine."

he blushed a looked away. a slight tint of red on his cheeks you smiled the only words you could think of saying in this moment.

"I love you Misaki with all my heart!"

hugging him tightly once you broke apart he stood up.

"we should probably go back to the others. before they get too worried."

he held out his hand to you with a grin on his face.

"yeah you're right."

you both picked up everything and packed it up and started heading down the hill.


Once they got to the bottom of the hill they made their way to the meet up spot. everyone was already there you were smiling and on cloud nine. Anna looked at you through her marble.

"Yn's red is brighter than it ever was before. so is Misaki's."

Izumo looked at the two noticing the two connected hands and smirked. but the first thing Mikoto noticed was the hair pin. he walked up to the two who looked at him. he carefully touched the new hair pin.

"you told him the story didn't you."

you smiled and nodded he turned to Yata.

"Copy cat."

Yata blushed.

"so what made you want to do it this way?"

he looked straight at Mikoto.

"I heard why you chose the hair pin and why you chose that flower."

Mikoto's eyes widened and he looked at his daughter with a you-could-have-left-that-part-out look. she gave him an apologetic look he sighed looking back to Yata continued.

"you said she was a lot like her mom and that it was a good luck charm to keep her safe and I agree with the meaning of your hair pin. but I also think she has a beautiful fire that's all her own that makes her. well her. and I I love her flame so much."

he said blushing. Mikoto just closed his eyes thinking over the words. he knew Yata would only speak the truth to him he was too loyal to do otherwise. everyone was watching interested to see what'll happen. Mikoto stepped toward the new couple walking up to his daughter first setting a hand on her head smiling.

"you chose a good man. I honestly probably wouldn't have excepted anyone else. I'm happy for you."

she smiled

"thanks dad. it means a lot."

he then turned to Yata.

"if you ever hurt her me, Tatara, and Izumo will burn you till there's nothing left got it."

Yata nods with a serious look on his face.

"take care of her kid."

with that Mikoto turned and started heading to the bar the others fallowing. y/n smiled and kissed him on the cheek with that they started walking back he spoke up after a minute.

"when it comes to burning people Mr. Mikoto and Mr Kusanagi I can understand. but Tatara?..."

he looked at you.

"yeah you'd be surprised. if he gets angry with someone he'll get sadistic. not very often but once he snaps your done for. and it's not so much he'll burn you as poison your food."

she giggles.

"wow. I never knew."

"yeah I know right! anyway we better get going."

with that they started catching up with the others it was a end to a perfect night.


Later after everyone fell asleep Mikoto, Izumo, and Tatara were sitting at a table in the bar drinking.

"so it finally happened."

Izumo decided to start the conversation they were all thinking of Mikoto nodded.

"you have to admit she did chose a good guy."

Tatara chimed.

"yeah but if you think about it it was bound to happen they were spending a lot of time together. although I didn't think our king would agree so quickly."

Izumo smirked taking a sip of his drink.

"she looked so happy with him. I couldn't deny her, plus Yata is loyal and kind sure he's one hell of a idiot. but he's someone I trust with her to treat her with love and kindness."

The other two looked at him surprised.

"wow Mikoto I think that's one of the nicest things I heard you say."

he shot Izumo a glare at the comment, Tatara laughed at the exchange.

"I think they'll make a good pair, and who knows they might even get married and have kids."

Mikoto stiffened at that sentence and drank the remaining liquor in his glass.

he stood up.

"I'm going to bed I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"right see ya in the morning."

"see ya tomorrow."

and with that the night ended peacefully.

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