Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 45

3.9K 98 2
By StephyBoo

Twisted Love Affair

Chapter 45

As we drove through the night the silence was disturbed by the loud roar of the engines, no one seemed to have anything to say as we approached. I hadn't even bothered to turn my radio on, we were a little past the half way point by now.

A little bit more and the guys would soon be leaving us to head back home, I'd gotten over the fact that they decided to tag along even if it was for a little bit. In all honesty its actually pretty sweet these guys are supposed to be hardcore, fuck bitches kind of attitude.

Yet they wanted to make sure that they at least accompanied us because were family and were the Viper women. Well that worked for the Vipers, why Jace made the Sons of Saints join along is beyond me.

Okay that's not true but still it's not like he would have admitted it to me anyway the real reason behind wanting to join along. I was still pissed off from what he said earlier to me in that moment I felt like slapping him right across his good looking face.

It was beyond frustrating we care about each other yet were not together, Johnny's words kept repeating in my head adding another level of frustration. In the end though I left the decision in Jace hands he needed to figure out what he wanted before we could move forward.

After another fifteen minutes of driving I kept my right hand on the steering wheel while reaching with my left to pull the mini radio from my pocket. Turning it on it I pushed down the silver button on the side and spoke into it.

Matt can you hear me?

Yeah Lexi your good

I want you guys to start pulling back already

I we could go for a little more

Matt this is far enough

Jace thinks we should just go a little bit more there's still plenty of drive left

No, Tell Jace he needs to pull back

Um he's not really listening to me right now

Matt if he doesn't back off right now I will ram the back of his bike with my car so help me god!

I switched the signal to Abel's walkie-takie

Abel do you come in?

I read you Lexi

I'm going to need you to start backing off

OK sounds good we'll slow on down to give you some space


Um Lexi


Be careful

I will

We were in a specific type of formation there were twelve cars each holding four members with it being split so that it was two member of each gang. With there being thirty six male members all flanking us.

The way it had been set up was Jace and Matt were leading the Sons Of Saints with eight members flanking each side of them in a upside down V will I led in behind the followed by five other cars. Then there were the other six cars were with Abel and Tiggy leading but from behind in a V.

Switching the signal I made it so that all the girls would hear me.

Listen up! Were getting close the guys are going to start falling back then where on our own.

Switching it back to Matt and Jace

Jace I'm being serious your going to make this really complicated so please just fall back

I'm not making it complicated I want to make sure you get there safe

I'm going to be fine but we need discretion and the motorcycles are the complete opposite

He sighed

Fine well pull back on the next exit

Thank you

As the next exit approached he made good on his word the eight members that flanked us were the first to leave us. Jace, Matt, and John took off with the Sons of Saints members behind them. Not a minute later Abel and Tiggy were off with the Vipers right behind them.

After driving for an estamate of about twenty to twenty-five minutes we had finally reached the town, the clock on the dashboard said it was two- thirty eight in the morning.

We were on a time limit we had to get everything done before the sun started coming up which gave us about maybe three hours the maybe four if we were lucky was that was cutting it close.

I was only worried about one thing and that was attracting attention if we stayed in a place two long or asked to many questions they could get suspicious of us. That was something we couldn't afford.

The girls knew I wanted this to be a slient job I didn't want a body bag count but if it was necessary then they were to go ahead but it had to be a silent kill. I knew there was a possiblity so it was fine with me just so long as it stayed under the radar.

We had to get things done and fast I gave them the word to spread out each one to do there job of setting up the cameras and scoping out the surroundings. Once they had finished the assignement they were given an address that would be our temporary head quarters you can call it.

It was an in a factory one of its back building that was no longer in use it was the perfect place. They wouldn't think to try and find us here and it was only a ten minute drive out of town. I had made sure that it was setup with the proper equipment so that we could get everything up and running smoothly.

That would be our base for the next couple of days until this was over so it was going to have to do it wasn't perfect but it would do the job for mean while.

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