The Gray Sisters: Family Matt...

By angel48183

161K 6.7K 1.8K

Lex and Piper are ready to settle down and have a family of their own. After celebrating the wedding of Mic... More

Please wake up
It isn't fair
Who are you?
Have you lost your damn mind?
New surroundings, sort of
The heart leads the way
Meeting the infamous Grammy Gray
Human emotions
Unexpected help
Getting to know you
It's all good when you're conspiring together
Lock them up, boys and girls!
Getting to know Piper
When you come back to me
Love never dies
Damn son, you need to get a move on
Making up for lost time
Unsettling news
Planning a winter wedding
We cordially invite you to Lex and Piper's wedding
A Gray celebration
Honeymoon nightmares
Settling into married life
Boy or girl?
Welcome to the family Payton Gray
Life is crazy until you realize the raincoat broke
Here comes baby 2, Parker Gray
Family problems
Fearing love
You've got to be kidding me
So far, so good
Letting go with love
Live, laugh, and love
Five is enough
First day of school
A new love
A surprise
A whole new generation of Gray antics with the Gray Family

Sage advice

3.9K 175 47
By angel48183


Nash and Maggie decided I needed a break. That meant no going anywhere, just taking it easy, although they left me with a babysitter. That would be Luna. I didn't know why. It's not like I would burn the house down. I have amnesia; I'm not stupid.

"So, how are you feeling?" Luna asked me as we sat there on the couch.

"Fine, I guess," I shrugged.

"Okay. Nice weather?" Luna asked.

I looked at her blankly.

"Sorry, I don't know what to say. Dad said, people tried talking to you, but it doesn't end well," Luna said nervously.

"Yeah, I will go to my room and lay down," I said as I got up from the couch. It's not that I didn't want to sit there with someone I didn't know; it's that it was awkward.

While I went to my room, Nash and Maggie went to visit someone. By someone, I mean a guy named Nolan.

Nolan came out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee, setting them in front of Nash and Maggie before taking a seat with their brothers.

"This is a freaking nightmare," Noah sighed.

"You're telling me. Every time I walk into a room that Lex is in, he leaves," Nixon added.

"Is it bad I wanted to throttle him the other day?" Nathan asked them.

"I think what everyone is forgetting is that Lex isn't the same person he was," Nolan told them.

"Huh?" Nixon asked.

"Everyone is so busy shoving memories of him that they're forgetting, he's not the same. He's not that shy kid he was. His personality is different. You throw in amnesia, and you got a different person," Nolan explained to everyone.

"That makes sense. I mean, I was different after I got sick," Maggie told them.

"Yeah, but you got some of your memories back," Nixon reminded her.

"I got some of them back. Waking up and not knowing who certain people are is hard. Imagine waking and not knowing anyone or yourself," Maggie told the others.

"She's right," Noah agreed.

"What do you suggest?" Nash asked Nolan.

"Stop tiptoeing around him and treat him as the person he is now. He'll find his way back. It might not be complete, but he will. Let him take the lead. I think that's why he's having a difficult time with everything and everyone," Nolan advised.

"Well, little brother, for once you make sense," Nixon smirked.

"I had practice," he countered.

I heard the front door open, coming out of my bedroom. I walked downstairs to see Nash and Maggie home. They were talking to Luna.

She gestured to them, and they turned to me, "Hey, Lex."

"Hey," I said as I came downstairs and walked over to them.

"How was the visit?" Nash asked me.

"Fine, considering I had a babysitter," I said curtly.

"We didn't ask Luna to come over to babysit. We had her come by in case you wanted to go somewhere since she knows her way around," Nash told me.

I looked at Luna.

"It's true," she smiled.

"Sorry, it just feels like everyone is watching me like a hawk. I say the wrong things, do the wrong things, feel the wrong things. It's like I don't know how to be me or me; everyone wants me to be," I said truthfully.

"Then be who you want to be," Luna suggested.

We all looked at her.

"Nowhere is it written that you can't be who you want to be even if it's not who you were," she reasoned.

That's the first thing that made any sense to me.

"Here," Luna said as she reached into a bag and pulled out a book, handing it to me. "Read this. It may help."

I took the book and looked at it, The Gray Brothers.

"I get you're frustrated, but I think if you read this, you will understand everyone else a lot better," she explained.

I stared at the book and then took a seat on the couch. I opened it up and started reading. Maybe this will give me insight into things because I didn't have a clue.

As I read, I got lost in the book. I laughed at parts; some made me angry; others broke my heart. As I read, I realized this was about my parents and uncles.

I read for a while, then marked a page in the book before closing it and setting it down on the coffee table. I looked at them as they sat there.

I looked at Maggie. "Did this help?"

"It did, but it also made me realize I wasn't the same person, and I had people that loved me," she said. "The thing about the brothers is no matter what happens with family, family matters," she explained to me.

I looked at Nash, who sat there.

"Maybe it's time I got to know the brothers," I suggested as a smile curled upon Nash's lips.

I sat there as Nash and his brothers talked. They told stories about when they were growing up, and I had to admit; they were pretty funny. They also spoke about Maggie.

It was surreal to listen to them. I sat there as the brothers all talked and joked around with each other. They threw digs at each other, and I realized they weren't nasty to each other. It was their way.

"Lex," Nash said, realizing I was looking at them. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I said as they all looked at me. "It's just that I didn't understand any of you, but listening to you talk, I understand more."

The five of them looked at me.

"Lex, we know you're confused. We're sorry if we thought by throwing memories of you would help. Sometimes when we try to help, it backfires," Noah explained.

"I guess I didn't realize how important memories are. The thing is, it's not memories I have but this feeling," I said, placing my hand on my heart.

"I feel like I'm on the outside looking in, and it hurts. Knowing that there's a chance, I won't remember anything," I said as my voice cracked.

"Maybe it's time for new memories," Nixon suggested.

I looked at him with furrow brows.

All I wanted to do was cry. Everything was becoming so emotional, and that's what I did. I sobbed. Then I felt that warmth. I opened my eyes to have five guys hugging me. I buried my head into them and cried.

Luna looked at Maggie. "I think they need him as much as he needs them."

"I think you're right," she smiled as the people who referred to themselves as my family comforted me.

Once I got my composure, I sat there. I hated crying so much. So many emotions were flooding me.

"Lex, we get it. Trust me; we do, but you got to work with us," Nolan said to me.

I looked at all of them. I had let my anger and frustration get the best of me when all the brothers were doing was trying to help me. I had nothing to lose.

"Okay," I said.

They all smiled, then I asked, "Who's Piper?" It was a name that kept flashing in my mind.

Their smiles promptly disappeared, and they looked around, whistling. Something tells me that Piper is the key to everything.

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