belladonna » finan the agile...

By happyoctober

153K 5.4K 223

"do not think me too weak, lord king. my courage is a match for any man," More



6.2K 219 5
By happyoctober

i feel so guilty for not updating sin today but honestly there's so little Morwenna left and I wanna savour it because i'm gonna miss that chick

word count; 1824


It was announced not long after I left the Lord Uhtred that the King, in all his wisdom, had decided to host a celebration of my arrival. I had been here less than a month and according to Wessex, the arrival of a foreign Princess was cause for celebration. I knew otherwise, however. One of my ladies - who had come with me from Frankia - told me that rumours of the King's health were to be dispelled at this celebration. No doubt they wished to use me as a blockade for the gossip.

Addela, one of my ladies, stood behind me as she brushed out my fiery hair. It was a little wavy from being constrained and knotted rather a lot. I winced every so often from the pulling, prompting poor Addela to issue an apology, but alack, it was no her fault my hair was in such terrible condition.

I sat in my slip by the wooden table as she hacked away at my hair, watching the window. I could see the daily life of Winchester from my own room, watching ordinary people go about their everyday business. I found it utterly fascinating. It reminded me, sadly, of Aquitaine. I could not help but sit in the Palace's chapel, shut my eyes and feel as if I was back at home. But, no, this was my home now. Gwynedd would soon be my home. It was my duty and I had to accept that.

A knock at the door brought me back to reality. I did not turn to glance as Addela placed the brush on the table and swiftly moved towards the door. I could identify it opening by its incessant creaking. I heard Addela mutter a sweet 'thank you' before the wooden door creaked once more, signalling its closure. Her footsteps got louder as they approached me, prompting me to turn and face the brunette.

"What is it, Addela?"

"A note, lady." She said, handing me it. I chuckled lightly,

"From who?"

"They did not say, lady." She said, returning to my hair. I turned back to my original position and unfolded the note,

Tonight, after dusk. Meet by the arch in the courtyard.

The lack of signature suggested anonymity was necessary, which itself implied danger. I would take a lady with me, I thought, for that seemed safer than going alone, even if I was still within the remit of the Palace of Winchester.

There was another knock at the door and Addela moved quickly to open it once more. I glanced back and saw two men came in with piles of fabrics, prompting me to stand and move towards the table on which they sat.

"Who gifts them?" I asked the man. He parted his lips to speak,

"Your Father, lady." The man's voice was gruff. I nodded and thanked the two men, sending them on their way.

"They are beautiful, are they not, Addela?" I spoke quieter, running a finger alone a dark damasque.

"A Lady such as yourself is blessed to wear such fabrics, lady." Addela's tone had a hint of envy in it. I chuckled lightly,

"They are not just for me, sweet girl," I told her. "If we are to attend Alfred's celebration, my ladies must have the finest clothing of all." A wide grin spread across her face. "We will not allow these Wessex girls to act as if we have little finery in Frankia; they act as if we are primitive barbarians."

"It is true, lady. Just yesterday I heard them speaking of your ladyship and the Prince Edward."

I paused, "Myself and the Prince Edward?" I queried. She nodded and I pushed her further. "What were they saying?"

"It is said your Father intends to break your engagement with Owain of Gwynedd and offer you to Alfred as Edward's bride."

I snorted loudly, shaking my head. "Father would never be as dishonourable. He sent me here to negotiate my marriage, did he not?" I paused, feeling my heart pang. "He sent me to Wessex to negotiate a marriage that was with the King of Gwynedd.."

"Yes, lady."

I realised there was some truth to Addela's words. "It seems my Father is proved deceptive once more, Addela. But it is of no consequence. Engagements are made and engagements are broken; I will merely do as I am required. I will fulfil my duty, no matter which King I marry."

"How can you be so sure it will be a King, lady?" Addela asked. She seemed genuinely curious rather than insolent. I took her hand and squeezed it lightly, a warm smile spreading across my face.

"My Father would never settle for anything less than the title of Queen for his eldest daughter." I grinned. "Now, we must look to the fabrics. We have such little time to have the clothing made!"

"Which do you prefer, lady?" Addela queried, glancing down at the fabrics. My Father had clearly been foretold of Alfred's celebration as he had sent a new shipment of Frankish fabric with varying colours and threads. I ran my hand along the soft, rose coloured fabrics that were folded in front of me. I picked it up and took a few steps towards the light,

"This light is too dim," I sighed. "I must take it to some proper light."

"The courtyard, lady?" Addela suggested in a confident tone. I glanced at her and smiled,

"Excellent choice."

Addela nodded and followed in suit as I made movement out of my rooms and towards the courtyard, the clacking noise following us as our shoes made contact with the stone ground. I gripped the fabric in my hand and entered the courtyard. It was a frosty, cold morning with fog encompassing the Palace. I stood in the centre of the courtyard and held the fabric out to the light, inspecting it.

"Hmm..." I hummed, watching how it glinted in the light. It was a beautiful shade of pink that mirrored that of a flower. It neither shone nor glittered but stood out in its own way. The fabric itself was 'scrunchy' in manner; it was unlike the fabrics of Wessex.

"Is that what you're wearing to the celebration?" It was Edward's voice that once more drew my attention away from what I was doing. I looked at him, nodded and smiled.

"I feel it will be an appropriate choice, Lord," I informed him. "The fabric is close to my heart; it is has been sent by my Father for this very occasion."

"Clearly he knows what will suit your complexion, lady," Edward spoke with an underlying intent.

"He is a wise man, Lord. I hope one day you shall meet him." I said, folding the fabric. Addela approached from behind, as was indicated by her stomped steps, taking Edward's gaze from me to her.

I swiftly turned and handed Addela the fabric, prompting her to nod. I glanced back at Edward with a fresh smile and bright eyes.

"May I?" Edward asked, gesturing to my hair. I giggled lightly and nodded,

"I would oblige a Prince, Lord. Always."

His cheeks blushed scarlet and he put his hand out, touching my hair lightly. He seemed to admire it, in truth, finding beauty in it that I could not. Edward's breathing slowed and he met my eyes,

"You have the reddest hair I've ever seen." He commented his fingers trailing down the red strands.

"I do not believe that to be a word," I chuckled, "And the most furious temper." I jested, a wide smile spreading across my lips. "My Father said I was borne from the devil,"

"Is the devil as alluring as you?" He asked in a more solemn tone and winking cheekily. I shook my head,

"The devil takes many forms, Lord. I'm sure he has been known to be of great beauty if only to drip venom into the ears of men."

"I see." His words were short but meaningful. Clearly, the rumours of Edward's dalliance with a young girl were true. The man was as flirtatious as an overeager prostitute.

"Do you, Lord?" I asked, grinning. "Are you such an expert on Frankish fabrics?"

He blushed and chuckled, "Not as much as you I'm sure."

"I have the knowledge of Aquitaine, Lord. And soon Gwynedd. Whether it concerns fabrics is another issue, that much I know."

"Of course," Edward nodded, acknowledging my words. "I, too, have knowledge, but of Wessex."

"It is a privilege of our station, Lord." I smiled. He gave me a rather surprising look,

"I would've thought it a burden."

"Alas, no, Lord. I think it a privilege to know our peoples as we do, in such an..." I met his eyes. "Intimate manner."

The Prince blushed once more and nodded quickly, "Of course, of course."

Edward was, as ever, seemingly pushing for a dalliance that would do little but soil my reputation, but I did not mind. A little flirt was harmless.

It was not long before I came across another flirt that had caught my eye. He, himself, was the instigator of the flirtation but I too played a role. It took the two of us to do it and I found it enjoyable. He, clearly, did so too.

"Do you like riding, Finan?"

His eyes widened at improper thought before realising seconds later I meant horses, not women. He nodded,

"I do, lady." It seemed the Irishman was more respecting of station than Edward. Edward and I were seemingly on first name basis; I continued to call him Lord but he preferred my name over my title, Rosamund rolling off his tongue like a bee making honey

"Then, won't you join me one day?" I asked, smirking. "I am not allowed to leave the Palace without a guard, upon my Father's own orders, and I am sure such a..." I paused, "Warrior like yourself would suffice. I would so love to see the country."

"You would, lady?" He chuckled. He was clearly trying to suppress some comment he was going to make. Apparently, after our last meeting, Alfred had gotten wind of our antics and given both Uhtred and Finan a stern talking to about decorum with foreign guests.

"Oh, please!" I exclaimed, taking his hands in mine. "It would be fun! And you'd get to know me."

"And what makes you think I want tha'?" He asked, arching a brow. I pursed my lips and smirked,

"I've seen the way you glance at me in the hall, Finan. Most of my ladies have, too. It is an all too familiar look."

"And wha' might it be? Wha' kinda look are you seein'?" He smirked cheekily, folding his arms.

"Oh, Finan," I said, leaning to his ear. "It is sinfully lustful."

The Irishman could not resist it.

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