The Gray Sisters: Family Matt...

By angel48183

161K 6.7K 1.8K

Lex and Piper are ready to settle down and have a family of their own. After celebrating the wedding of Mic... More

Please wake up
It isn't fair
Who are you?
New surroundings, sort of
The heart leads the way
Sage advice
Meeting the infamous Grammy Gray
Human emotions
Unexpected help
Getting to know you
It's all good when you're conspiring together
Lock them up, boys and girls!
Getting to know Piper
When you come back to me
Love never dies
Damn son, you need to get a move on
Making up for lost time
Unsettling news
Planning a winter wedding
We cordially invite you to Lex and Piper's wedding
A Gray celebration
Honeymoon nightmares
Settling into married life
Boy or girl?
Welcome to the family Payton Gray
Life is crazy until you realize the raincoat broke
Here comes baby 2, Parker Gray
Family problems
Fearing love
You've got to be kidding me
So far, so good
Letting go with love
Live, laugh, and love
Five is enough
First day of school
A new love
A surprise
A whole new generation of Gray antics with the Gray Family

Have you lost your damn mind?

3.9K 179 51
By angel48183


I opened the door to the house that Lex and I were to move into when we came back from our honeymoon. A honeymoon that never happened, since we didn't get married.

I set my stuff down on a table then walked over to the couch. I didn't know who the dad was talking to at the gate. It lost me in thought; I didn't pay attention. All I know is, when they told me he was awake, I was ecstatic. When he asked who everyone was. I felt defeated. He didn't know us or anyone and didn't know me.

Knock! Knock!

Now what? I got up and walked over to the door, opening it to find the sisters standing there.

"Where the hell have you been?" Lakin asked me.

"I'm trying to figure out my life," I sighed.

"Funny, considering your life is with our twit of a brother who doesn't remember any of us," Larkin told me.

"Get your shit together," Luna added.

"Oh, sure. Hey Lex, you don't remember me, but I'm your fiancé, and we're getting married, but some asshole ruined that," I said sarcastically. I didn't need this shit.

"Piper, look, we're not here to bust your chops, but you and Lex belong together," Lyric told me.

"So, tell me how I get a guy to love me when he doesn't even know who he is?" I asked them. I felt like my heart was shattering.

I turned and walked back into my house as they followed me. I turned around.

"The thing is, I was in that car. Lex told me he loved me, and the next thing I knew, I screamed as someone slammed into us, causing us to hit another car. We bounced around in that car. I still feel the impact. The only thing that kept me sane would see him, and I can't even do that. Because he doesn't remember me!" I finally broke. All I wanted was Lex. All I had now been someone that didn't know who I was. How fair is that?

"Then show him," Lakin told me.

"What?" I looked at her like she was crazy.

"When that asshole beat Mia, she woke up not knowing anything until I showed her. If she can come back from that, then you two can come back from this," Lakin reasoned.

Could we? That was the biggest question.


I walked around the house, looking at everything. Pictures, furniture as Maggie and Nash watched me. That was weird.

Then the door opened and in strolled someone.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," the guy said to me.

I looked at the guy.

"Did your princess charming wake you?" He asked with a smirk.

"No, I woke on my own, and you're weird," I said, arching an eyebrow.

"Usually, people call us crazy but to each their own," he shrugged.

"Who is he?" I asked Nash.

"That's your Uncle Nixon, my brother," he introduced us.

"So, is he always an asshole?" I asked.

"Wait. What?" Nixon asked me.

"Well, I don't know you, and you come in here like you own the place," I told him.

"Listen, you freaking tool; no one gives a shit if you bumped your head. You want to be an ungrateful twit, go ahead, but it worried all of us about your stupid ass," Nixon snapped.

I stood there, not knowing what to say.

"Look, Lex, I'm sorry when I get upset, my mouth overruns. It's just; this is as hard on us as it is you," Nixon apologized.

"Lex?" Nash said.

"I hate this," I whispered.

"What?" Maggie asked me.

"I don't know anyone. I don't know you, and I don't know myself. I had this life, and it doesn't exist anymore. I have this family and not a clue who they are. Do you know what it's like to wake up with your head cloudy? And all you can remember is someone's voice," I said to them.

"What voice?" Nash asked me.

"I don't know, but I kept hearing this voice while I was asleep. Then I heard it again today. The person sounded different from when I was asleep. It's like they were sad," I told them.

The three of them looked at each other. Why does everyone keep looking at each other?

I went up to the room that they said was mine. I needed to lie down.

"Christ, that was Piper he was talking about," Nash said to them.

"How is it possible that he remembers only her voice?" Nixon asked him.

"Because she came every day and read to him. She would talk to him all the time," Nash told Nixon.

"Then bring her over," he exclaimed.

"We could, but it could overwhelm him," Maggie told him.

"What are you talking about the peanut gallery?" Nixon asked her.

"When I lost my memory, I felt overwhelmed. It was difficult to handle everything, but the one thing Nash never did was force me to remember. He let me take the steps on my own," she reminded them.

They looked at each other.

Later on, Nash, Maggie, and Nixon met up with Nathan, Noah, and Nolan.

"Well, what do you think?" Nash asked them.

"Okay, and what happens if it backfires? Think about it. Maggie got some of her memories back. Who's saying Lex will get any of his memories back?" Nathan asked them.

"Yeah, but even if he doesn't, it doesn't mean his heart doesn't have the memories," Noah told them.

"What?" Nolan asked him.

"Think about it. Maggie didn't remember Nash, her heart did. It led her back to him. The thing about memories is your mind need not remember unless your heart does," Noah explained.

"They robbed our boy of happiness because some asshole got behind the wheel drunk. When he should have gotten married and been on his honeymoon, he was lying in a bed, hooked up to machines," Nash told them entirely as they looked at him. "He didn't deserve this, and neither does Piper. They deserve to be happy." Nash broke and started crying.

Maggie wrapped her arms around him.

"Mags, he didn't deserve this," he cried.

"I know, Nash, I know," she comforted him.

"Then we show him the way," Nathan said as they looked at him. "We give Lex and Piper the happiness they deserve."

"Agreed," Nixon, Noah, and Nolan said together.

The next morning I awoke and got dressed. I came downstairs to find Maggie and Nash in the kitchen. They were in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Hungry?" Nash asked me.

"A little," I said, standing there.

"Plates are in that cabinet and cups are in that one. Help yourself to anything you want," Maggie told me.

I nodded. I opened up a cabinet and pulled out a glass. Then I went to the fridge and pulled a container of juice. I poured a glass and put the carton back.

As I took a sip, I heard voices. I looked through the doorway of the kitchen to find a woman and guy walk into the house.

"Hey, Lex," the guy greeted me.

"Hey, a man I don't know," I said to the man.

"I'm Lyric. Your older sister," she smiled.

"And I'm Michael, her husband," the guy introduced himself.

"You will not yell at me and call me names, are you?" I asked them.

They looked at me, confused. That makes two of us.

"Nixon came by yesterday," Nash told them.

"Ah, that explains so much," she chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go," I said as I walked away.

Once I was out of earshot, they talked.

"Was it bad?" She asked Nash.

"It could have gone better. So?" Nash asked.

"We did our part; now it's your turn. Piper only agreed to this if we promise to leave her alone if it didn't work," she told him.

"It'll work. We just got to believe," Nash told her.

They looked at him as it made him determined for me to find the happiness ripped from me. I mean, what do you do when your child almost dies because someone makes the wrong decision? You fight like hell for them.

I came down for breakfast after Maggie called me to say the food was ready. I walked in to find more people I didn't know here. What is this place? It was like a revolving door.

They all introduced themselves to me. To say that I was feeling overwhelmed was an understatement. We sat down and ate; I listened to everyone talk. Then came things they talked about that I didn't remember. It's so much information thrown at me at once.

My head started throbbing.

Finally, I had enough.

"Stop!" I shouted.

They all stopped talking and looked at me.

"I don't remember any of you or anything you're talking about now! You act as I should!" I yelled.

"Lex," Maggie said.

"No! None of you get it! I can't remember anything! I wish I could, but it's like a fog around my brain! All I want to do is to be the person you all remember, but I don't know who he is!" I snapped.

I got up from the table and left the kitchen. These people didn't get it. All I wanted to do was remember things, and I couldn't. It frustrated me so much that I went up to my room and knocked stuff off the dresser, trashing my room. I had so much pent up aggression from being frustrated that I didn't know how to handle it.

They heard me and ran upstairs. It took Nash along with the guys to calm me down. Then I broke. I cried as arms engulfed me. All I wanted was to remember. Why couldn't I?

"We got you, little brother," the people who claim to be my sisters said. At that moment, I felt peace. Something about them seemed familiar. It's a feeling I couldn't describe. All I knew is its one that I liked.

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