Twistice (Twi-Stice)

Per Vamp_Princess09

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Twistice (Twi-Stice) Bella Diamond moves to Forks Washington. The only problem is that in a town so small its... Més

My Arrival
The Getaway
Shopping Escapades
Makeover Madness
Sleepover Take 2: Disaster Strikes again
No More Misses Nice Girl
Hell on Earth
Letters part 1
Unspeakable Truths
Lock Down
Looks Can Be Deceiving
The Game Plan
I Can't Believe You Really Bit Me!! Prt 1
I Can't Believe You Really Bit Me!! Part 2
The Talk
I'm Sorry
Half Days
Practice and Flashbacks
Big Mistake
Needles and Teasing
Piercings & First Beach
Beach Party
The Meeting
The Dream
The Assembly and Concert
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
A New Piece of the Puzzle
Letting Go
The Coach
Bella's Day
Drunk Dancing
Inferno to Frisco
Bugatti and Spirit
From Paradise to Confrontation
What the Hell
Going Home
Transformation & New Pack
Show Offs
Latin Lovers
First Dates
We're Having Cajun Tonight!
Hook, Line, and Sinker!!
Through the Looking Glass! Part 1
Memory Loss
Through the Looking Glass!! Part 2
Overreacting My Ass!
Tragedy Strikes
The Recruits
Running & Visions
Remember What I Give I Can Also Be Taken Away
My Turn
Snow White
The Kiss
The Trip

What Arousal Smells Like!

95 1 0
Per Vamp_Princess09

**Ch 62 What Arousal Smells Like!**

**Bella's POV**

            I was glad to see that every one made it on time. “Okay so first we are going to start with basic stretches. Everything is going to be in an eight count. We are doing arms, shoulders, legs, quads, necks and core, before we run. It might seem like a lot but it really isn’t I wasn’t going to make you do everything on the first day but since we have been having issues we are, except you won't be running two laps you’ll just do one. Let’s begin so we can get back inside.” I instructed as we all did our stretches. “Why are we doing all of this I'm tired?” Jessica whined. “Yeah we don’t even do this much in gym.” Lauren said adding her two cents. “Because I need to see how flexible you are and to help you keep up in the dances. I will not have somebody lifting up your heavy ass or vice versa. Now get your ass on the track once you finish your lap you can go back to the gym drink some water and cool down. We shall begin 5 minutes after the last person is finished.” I explained.

            I was the first done followed by the Cullens, Ben, Angela, Kimberly, Tyler, Eric, Mike a couple other boys and girls that I don’t know their name yet. It wasn’t a surprise that Lauren and Jessica were the last to finish. After I sent them all in to cool down I did a few more laps on the track to help me relax I was just wrapping up when I was tackled to the ground. “Why have you been ignoring me Isabella?” Edward growled at me. Fuck when he is on me like this his scent is everywhere I couldn’t think straight. “I haven’t I been trying to teach them how to dance and it isn’t an easy feat by the way.” I purred nuzzling my face into his neck. Fuck I could feel my whole body reacting to his scent. “Edward we need to get up we are still at school and I have a group to teach but I save a dance for you after they leave if you behave please.” I purred licking him from the base of his neck to behind his ears before I pulled it in my mouth and followed the path back down with kisses.

            He groaned but stood up nonetheless pulling me with him. We were walking back into the gym and I froze in my spot. “What the hell are you doing at my laptop?!” I shouted getting the rest of the group’s attention. “I was just trying to put on some different music then this crap you have on here but I can't figure out your fucking password.” Lauren said. “It is fucking locked for this reason right here. That is my personal laptop and if I wanted people on it then I would have fucking left it unlock you fucking idiot. The music that is playing is the music that we are going to be using that why it is playing. I don’t do shit for my health now I am going to have to disinfect it because there is no telling what kind of germs you left on it now move.” I seethed. She huffed and moved away before I headed over there and grabbed the wipes from my bag, once I had that all cleaned I quickly typed in my password.

            I turned up the music a little louder before standing up. “Okay so we are going to mix two types of music together which will be Hip-hop and Latin. Both are very similar to one another and shouldn’t be very difficult to transfer from each other. Like I stated before Kimberly was able to help with one of the transition earlier. Before you ask I have most of the dances down but like I said this is a team and we work together. Tomorrow we will be working on that transition because it will lead into the tango. I will demonstrate that shortly. Today we are going to be working on the tango itself so you can do that transition tomorrow. Edward we are going to do the same thing from earlier but after the last eight count where your hands are on top of mine we’ll proceed into a simple tango.” I instructed. I walked back to the table and took of my hoodie off and placed it on it. I slipped off my shoes and fastened my black heels and walked back over to the middle of the floor.

            We got into position and I counted off. We breezed through the first part of the transition and when he grabbed my hands and leaned in like he was going to kiss me before spinning me out and begun a simple tango with very little turns and dips except at the end where he did a deep dip before pulling me back up. I looked into his eyes and pulled away before he acted on the emotion I seen burning in them. “How in the hell are we supposed to do that?” Jessica complained more like whined. “That is what I am teaching you now I need everyone to partner up. It would be nice if you willingly picked your partner because if I have to for you you’re not going to like it.” I explained. “Edward, do you want to be my partner?” Jessica and Lauren asked him in a sound that was supposed to be a purr, but sounded like they had a frog in their fucking throat. “No I’m Bella's partner in every sense of the word.” He told them moving away. “Lauren your with Tyler and Jessica you with Mike.

            I looked around and it looked like everyone had a partner good that makes this a lot easier. I walk over and turned the music off. “Okay I need you all to line up across from your partner. I want it so you have enough space from the people on either side of you but only a few feet from you partner in front of you. Edward and I will show you the first two four count twice. Ignore the arm and hip movements we are just working on the feet right now.” I said as we demonstrated. I had them do it several time until they got it and we moved on to the next steps until we had all the steps. I made sure that they had plenty breaks before we worked on the hips and arms. It was still sketchy by the time we finished but we did get further than I believed we would. “Okay I want you to practice the whole thing at home, so we can run over it a few more time tomorrow before we add music and try the transition. Oh and before I forget don’t be late tomorrow or I’ll add more to your punishment for tomorrow bye.” I told them as I headed over to my computer and changed the music to my Latin mix. I turned the music up and walked back to the open floor as I pulled Edward with me.

            I smiled up at him. “Why I do believe that I owe you a dance Mr. Cullen.” I purred. “Mmm I believe you are correct Ms. Diamond.” He said pulling me closer just as the music started. Again I lost myself in the music, well I was partly lost in the music the other part I was lost in his scent. I pulled back from him after we had danced for a while and went to go put all my stuff away I slipped back on my shoes before heading out to the parking lot. Edward already had the trunk popped so I put my bags in and closed it. As soon as it was closed I found myself sitting on top of it with Edward tongue down my throat as he stood between my legs. God he was so forceful that I felt my body bending to his will. When he started grinding into me I lost it. all the bent up emotions started to come through just as we were pulled apart.

            I didn’t even think about it I just hopped off the car and snatched my cover off my bike shoving it in the compartment with my helmet and speed off. I heard shouting behind me and cars starting but I cut off my scent and just kept driving never looking back. I don’t know what is happening to me, so against my best wishes I headed to the one person who might. I drove up on the path leading right up to the grave and hopped off of my bike. “Okay I know I wasn’t very friendly the last time we met, but I need your help now Gran. What is going on with me?” I asked pacing in front of her grave. I didn’t get an answer or any sort of reply from her and that just pissed me off. I growled shouting at her. “Why are you ignoring me?! If anyone should be upset and refusing to talk to someone it should be me dammit!! I mean you said you were going to help me but you haven’t done shit! All you did was pop up with semi-useful shit; you know what fuck it!!” I yelled before running to my bike and hopping on leaving nothing but dust in my place.

            When I got home I wasn’t expecting to be assaulted by the most appetizing smells that not only makes me want to immerse myself init but also devour it. It was like I was possessed just following this smell throughout my house. I must have been all over trying to pin point the exact location of that smell. Every step I got closer to finding it the more my body tingled. I knew there was something that I was forgetting that was important, but I just couldn’t seem to care. I was losing control of myself fast and the tingling sensation seemed to be getting worse, but it wasn’t unpleasant by any means. If anything it made it more pleasurable. By the time I found out where that delicious smell was coming from I couldn’t turn back for it was too late. I no longer had control and the only thing registering in my mind was, “What the fuck?!” after that I pounced.

**Edward's POV**

            God I need more I just can't get enough. Shit I don’t know what I even need more of but I know I need more. “Let me the fuck go!” I growled at them. “Not until you calmed down.” Emmett said. I let my body slump forward giving them the false security that they need to release me. After pulling away from both Jasper and Emmett I climbed into the car before driving to her house. I parked back in the garage and grabbed her bags out of the car. I looked to see if her bike was there but it wasn’t.  I started to freak out but as soon as I entered her house I was on sensory overload. I was growling trying to pin point that scent. At one point I found myself on her lounger just nuzzling my face in it but it wasn’t enough. I needed more.

            I ignored the others as I was running through the house on my hunt for the source of this ravishing scent. I got to the second floor and the scent was stronger here but is still wasn’t enough. I ran up to the third floor and straight into a door. I paused for a minute before opening and closing the door behind me. I stripped down to my boxers and climbed on the bed getting under the covers before I started rubbing my body all over the sheets. I don’t know what possessed me but one minute I was fine just rolling around under the covers then I am grinding myself into the bed as I nuzzle my face into the pillows there. Fuck I need more. I was growling as I began stroking myself but it still wasn’t enough. I was on the edge of my climax just waiting to fall over the edge when something landed on the top of me. I pushed them off as I moved the covers to see who dared to disturb me.

            But I never got to see who it was, for as soon as the covers were off I was attacked by that scent. I couldn’t control what happened next even if I wanted to which I didn’t. I pulled the persons face to me and started kissing them full on before rolling us so they were on the back while I was hovering over them. I was just about to thrust my hips against them when the person hissed and rolled us over so I was on my back. I was going to protest when they sat on my covered erection and started rocking against it. I growled as I moved faster against them. We were soon over the edge both of us panting very hard. I was finally able to focus on the person above me I pulled her to me. “Fuck love that was amazing and the way you nails dug into my skin but retreated again felt amazing. Who knew your retractable claws against my skin would be such a turn on, not as much as you pinning me down with your tail like last night. Fuck just thinking about it makes me want you more.” I growled reaching for her.

            Unfortunately she was out of my arms in seconds. I had enough sense to pull on a pair of pants before chasing after her. When I got downstairs I was frozen in place by the sight in front of me. Fuck it was like everything was going in slow motion and I was conflicted on what to do. I wanted to pounce on her and continue where we left off at but at the same time I want to watch her. She was a vixen hands down. Just watching her stretch sensually on her lounger arching her back in the air almost made me pounce, but what she did next did. She started sharpening her claws in the cushions and all I could think of was her doing that to me last night and just a few minutes ago. I couldn’t help myself I needed more so I pounced.

**Emmett's POV**

            I am so fucking tired of these two at the moment. “Emmett what is the matter with you?” Jasper asked, but I didn’t answer. “Why are you so jealous?” he tried again but all I did was growl at him in warning as we watched Edward act like one of those mutts sniffing the air for something none of us could smell. We stopped chasing after him once he disappeared upstairs. What made it worse was when we heard him moaning I wanted to go up there and rip him a new one. A few minutes after that Bella burst through the door and freezes for all of a second before she starts acting like Edward but ten times worse since it looked like she was vibrating with every step. We tried to ask her what was wrong but it was like she couldn’t hear us. We watched as she started to turn into her in between form with tail and all.

            If I didn’t see the tail yesterday that would probably freaked me out for a minute. as soon as she disappeared upstairs the growling got louder and I decided I was just going to wait down here until they finished pulling my Rosie onto my lap. We haven’t had sex since the beginning of our spring break trip and if we don’t fix that I might lose it. I was brought out of my thoughts when the parents and Laurent came in the house just as Bella comes prancing down the steps and over to her lounger. She started stretching on it when Edward came down only in pants and froze before he even enters the living room. His eyes were trained solely on Bella as she sharpened her claws on the couch. Wait when did she get claws? The next thing I knew Edward was on top of her. Shit I didn’t even see him move.

            Just as he started sniffing her she pushed him off hissing at him as he got off of her. I saw his eyes darken as he stared at her tail. “I'm sorry love I didn’t mean to get your tail.” He purred as he stalked towards her as she was on her hands and knees facing him. it looked like she was getting ready to pounce if the way her shoulders were moving any indication of that. “I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t have no tail. I just wanted you off of me because your heavy ass was making my ass uncomfortable. Oh that also reminds me I don’t have retractable claws at all I just checked them and they are the same.” She hissed never taking her eyes off of him. I had to say that this made us all stop and just stare at her even Edward stopped and stared at her. He took a few steps back to clear his head a little. “Love you do have a tail what are you talking about? I watched as you sharpened your nail on the couch a few moments ago before I jumped on you.” He said.

            This only caused her to growl. “I am so confused.” I mumbled into my Rosie’s neck and she nodded in agreement. “No I don’t.” she growled as I saw what Edward meant about the claws. They just started to grow before shrinking back into her nails. It did that a few times before they stayed out. “Yes you do Bella!!” Edward growled. “No I don’t!!” Bella growled. I actually jumped back when I seen her eyes turn into black slits. “Yes the fuck you do!” he growled just as Bella's fangs extended as she pounced. Her teeth were extended and heading for Edwards neck but when she got about 3 feet from him her teeth retreated as her hands reached out for him. They fell on the ground with her rubbing herself against him purring. I watched as Edward's hand reached down and grabbed Bella's butt pulling her towards him as both of them nuzzle each other’s neck.

            I know one thing for sure is that I am getting some tonight because if I have to deal with these two going at it I am got to blow a blood vessel and I would have said it was impossible but not anymore.

**Bella's POV**

            Tail I don’t have any tail except when I am in cat form. I was so made that he was say things that weren’t true but as soon as I was about to rip into his neck his scent hit me and all I wanted to do was bathe in his scent. Fuck he smell so good I just want more and from the way that Edward felt underneath me so did he. I momentarily shocked when I seen his hand lift above his head as he groaned. Why did he move his hands? When I looked to see something wrapped around them. It took me a minute to realize what it was and when I did I was up and on the other side of the room with my shield up. I looked at Edward who seemed to be coming out of a daze only to crouch down with the blackest of black eyes I have ever seen as he sniffed the air. “I need more.” He stated before he pounced only to hit the shield and slide back. “No I need more let me in.” he purred.

            I just shook my headed as he began to rub himself against it causing me to purr. “Okay I don’t think I can take this anymore can someone explain what happened this time?” Charlie said. “Shit you guess is as good as ours.” Rose said. I had no idea that I moved to stand in front of Edward as I rubbed myself against the shield where he is standing. I could taste him on it and I just needed to be more. A part of me saw someone run up the stairs but not exactly who it was. “Baby let me in please baby.” He purred to me. “Don’t you dare put that shield down Isabella.” Said a voice that put my hairs on end. When I looked up I saw Gran standing there. I hissed at her and when back to see my Edward growling at her in his crouch. “She is mine and will do what she pleases.” He roared at her.

            That resulted in Charlie hissing at him. “You better watch who you are talking to boy.” He said and started to advance when Gran stopped him. “Don’t Charlie you will only make matters worse. He can't help what is happening and neither can she. She came by the grave to talk to me earlier but I couldn’t answer her because I didn’t know myself so I had to ask around. I just found out what was going on when Angela summoned me here from the looks of it just in time. You see when Bella takes a mate that isn’t like her he has the tendency to change to help her out. Not to make it sound like Edward is becoming what Bella is but more that he is just becoming a different version of what he is. In a sense all of you are as you can tell but with him it’s more. His scent has changed to Bella as hers has for him. If you try and smell them you won't notice the difference because it has to do with their connection.” She said.

            This was starting to piss me off and obviously the others felt the same especially Edward who was growling at her. Fuck that was so hot I just want to wrap my arms around him. Apparently my tail has a fucking mind of its own because I saw it slip through my shield and rub against Edward's back. He was soon purring which caused me to purr in response. I must have been completely out of it because I missed the question that was asked but her respond. “I don’t know what that means for everybody right now. Only Bella will when she comes to terms with what she is and her destiny. As for the situation with these to it is quite simple. Each ones scent was changed to attract the other one to them, so Bella smells like an aphrodisiac to Edward and the same for Bella. The only thing right now is the fact that Bella is more animal at the moment so Edward scent resembles catnip in a way. I have a potion that should neutralize the effects their scents have on each other so if you give it to them before they have to be by each other every day until they can control it you should be fine.” She said but something hit me for a moment.

            I cocked my head to the side at her. “How are we supposed to get used to it if what you are giving us is supposed to neutralize the effects and what do you mean by control it?” I purred unable to help myself as my tail has made its way into his hair. “You will still be able to smell each other but you won't have the urge to act on it. As for what I meant on control it’s quite simple. Both of ya’ll want the other on a regular basis because of the connection and mating thing. Well because of that you scent is another thing like that. All of your urges that you feel towards one another is expressed in you scent. In layman’s terms instead of your arousal being smelled bye everyone your scents change so only your mate knows.” She said exasperated. Everyone was quiet for a minute before she spoke again. “Bella please understand that I have never been mad at you dear. I am so incredibly proud of you my swan. Whether you know it now or not, what you are a blessing not a curse even though sometimes it feels like that. You are the way you are not because of your genealogy but because of who you are. And you my dear are my swan a very rare diamond in the rough that out shines even the brightest of stars.” I was going to cut her off she continued.

            She looked me dead in the eye as she spoke. “You aren’t afraid of your destiny you are afraid of what you are, well I just told you who you are and that is all you need. All you need to do is think about it and believe in not just yourself but your family as well. It is almost time dear and when the day comes to step up to the plate just know that you are you not because of what was placed upon you. But what you decide to do with the knowledge that was bestowed upon you. Come along Angela it’s time for me to go.” And with that said she disappeared upstairs with Ang. on her tail. When she came back down she grabbed her bag and pulled Ben with her. “Alright Bella will see you at school tomorrow.” she said before they disappeared. It took everyone else to get Edward out the house. I knew Carlisle wasn’t happy when Edward bite him and Jasper but he didn’t say anything.

            As soon as I knew the others were gone I started packing my bag. It was going to be Thursday in a few hours and I plan to disappear the day after. The only thing is doing it without them noticing. I need to plan I think I will go to the ranch for few days just to help me clear my head. After I packed and hide it in the back of my baby and head back in the house to try to sleep cause I know the next couple of days will be hell.

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