Don't Think Twice 💞

By bonesandcrisps

9.8K 286 43

Yuzu Okogi was your normal teenaged girl. She loved all things girl. She was bubbly and would always stand he... More

First Day💞
~I see the way you look at me~
~Come closer~
~Breathe, darling; take in air~
🐺~Writer's Note~🐺
~Momma Harumin to the rescue~

~Cat and Mouse🐯🐁~

912 33 2
By bonesandcrisps


"Ehhhh Yuzucchi??? What's up with you today?" Harumin rang out as she nudged her friend in the shoulder. The two girls were on their way to the academy bright and early as usual. As many others were as well.

Yuzu took notice to Mei ahead of them. Walking with her childhood friend, Himeko. Yuzu never really cared for Himeko but they did get along. She became comfortable aroind her but the vice president could be bothersome as well.


Yuzu snapped back to reality.

"Oh Harumin I'm fine, honestly; no worries here!" She cheesed, giving a thumbs up.

Don't lie, Yuzu. It's not good for you.

Harumin frowned and then shrugged her shoulders.

"If you say so; I meaaaan-!" Harumin's voice was going to go an octive. Yuzu quickly grabbed her best friend in a full force bear hug. Yuzu squeezed causing Harumin to gasp for air' squirming slightly.

"Y-Yuzucchi! Let go!"

"Well I need you to know I'm fine, dummy" Yuzu giggled. Harumin looked at her and could only smirk, nodding. The walk was pretty calm after that but Yuzu could only think of Mei. Her words burned their message into her brain.

But Yuzu wouldn't give up without a fight.


The bell rang and class was in session. All was silent in the halls. Mei was on her way back from a student council meeting with Himeko by her side. The walk was the two being silent.

Himeko spoke.



"You seem tired today?; is everything alright?"

Mei nodded.

"Everything is fine, Himeko; I'm doing alright" Mei explained. Her voice, tender and velvet on the ears when she wasn't angry or annoyed.

But her step sister still proded at her brain. It was strange.

Mei was feeling guilty.


Her cheeks brightened and she flinched, slightly. That whisper in the back of her mind was shouting again. Mei.

Whipping her head around, Mei took notice to Yuzu who looked down. Displaying defeat across her forehead almost. Sighing, Mei continued her way to through the halls with Himeko in hand.

Yuzu watched her sister walk away without saying a word.

"Yup...literally hated." She sighed before making her way back to class.


Lunch time was upon the academy's students. There was a wide variety of tastes and flavors among the girls that studied there. That was one of Yuzu's favorite things. Food. Cooking and the like. She loved to prepare lunches for her and Mei when she would get the chance but she was only making hers now since her lovely sister has been very distant towards her.

But Yuzu did say some pretty hurtful words but she defeated herself. Yuzu was not going to look like a fool in front of anyone; if she felt her feelings being attacked, Yuzu would stand tall and proud.

But at what cost?

Yuzu felt like she lost Mei.

" Aihara Yuzu!"

"Oh-umm Himeko! What's-what's up?!"

Yuzu mumbled quickly. Himeko frowned and crossed her arms, taking a seat down across from the blonde.

"We need to talk about MeiMei."

Whoa. Himeko sounded serious.

Yuzu straightened her posture. Her eyes stared, intensely back to Himeko's.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She just hasn't said much to me in a few days and it's been bothering me that I have been allowing this to continue but-" she paused.

Blinking, Yuzu fidgeted in her seat. Her heart racing but her lips moved on their own.

"I'll go and talk to her"

Himeko froze and smirked.

"Surely you must be joking; I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to speak to you and somehow I feel like you caused it" she snorted.

Trying to be a smart ass, eh?

"Well I'm going regardless, she's my sister; now where is Mei?"

Whoa, Yuzu. Easy there.

Himeko sighed. She crossed her arms.

"You'll find her in the chairman's office; Mei refuses to do her paperwork in the student council room anymore." Himeko explained.

Yuzu gasped to herself. Biting the inside of her cheek.

"She hasn't been in there since our encounter...why is that? That's not like Mei to avoid the council room"

Himeko huffed.

"Are you going to talk to her or what, Aihara?!"

Yuzu nodded. Her expression remained poker straight as she turned on her heels. Making her way to the Chairman's office.

This time. She would ask the questions.

This time. Yuzu would get answers.

Whether Mei liked it or not!


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