Astro Boy x Reader // The Apo...

By Sailor_Astro

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How long ago was it? I can't remember. Without people celebrating the end of the year, or the beginning of a... More

This Is My Life
I'm Hungry
An Eye For An Eye A Zombie For A House
Finally Meeting Him
Is He Trustworthy?
Day In The Life Of Survives
Curiosity Killed The Survivor
Plans For The Future
Penny For Your Thoughts?
Starting A New
The End

His Home

397 15 45
By Sailor_Astro

You woke up to a falling feeling. Astro's grip on you loosened and you both hit the ground and started bouncing across the floor. Your bag fell off and you dropped your knife, thankfully it didn't cut you. You leg skidded across the concrete making a small gash.

"Astro!" You groaned, getting up and picking your knife up.

"Sor-r-ry." He glitched. You looked over to see that he was struggling to get up.

"Astro??" You ran over to him and let him fall on you. "What's wrong?"

"I'm loosing energy.." His eye lids lazily hung over his eyes.

"Quick! Tell me where your home is!" You needed to make sure you two could get there before he shut down.

"The forest.." His legs collapse beneath him. "Treehouse.."

"Right! Treehouse!" You placed his arm around your shoulders and dragged him as he began to move with you less and less.

"Overrr thereeeee." He held his hand up to point at a tree which had a fully blow mansion on it.

"Come on Astro! No more talking or moving, we can't let you shut down forever.." You dragged him over to the tree house and set him down, leaning him on the tree. You looked around frantically. How could you get up there with Astro?? You grabbed a stone and threw it at the house. "Hey!" You yelled. "I HAVE ASTRO!" You cupped your hands over your mouth and screamed as loud as you could. Although, in your time of panic, you had no idea that any zombies could have heard you. "Son of a.."

A head popped out of the cabin and looked down to see Astro and you. They put down a ladder. You had no idea how you would get Astro up inside the tree house. You then heard a all too familiar groan behind you. You quickly grabbed Astro's arm and wrapped the vine ladder.

The boys pulled Astro up quickly and then didn't put the ladder back down. You gripped your knife and stabbed the zombie behind you in the head, only to see three others behind it. "Shit!" You hiked up the bag on your back. "Bring the ladder back down!" You pleaded. You backed up against the tree. Then, the green ladder came down just as you asked. You quickly grabbed onto it and climbed up a little before you got pulled up. A hand reached out to you and you grabbed it.

The hand pulled you up and into the cabin. You rolled across the floor and dropped the bag. You gripped onto your knife and looked up to who your saviours were.

"It's a real girl!" A small boy with dark skin and dark hair said.

"I guess we won't have to worry about repopulation then.." Another boy with brown hair that looked like it was a mohawk mumbled to the first boy.

"Ugh.." you held you head in pain and touched your thigh, it was bleeding from when Astro crash landed. "Where's Astro?" You asked, looking at the four boys. The boy with the mohawk turned to Astro and went to his side quickly, like you had distracted him.

"Astro, Astro!" He shook the robot. "I think he needs energy."

"I'm on it." The boy with a red hat walked over to a chest and took out something. He then handed it over to the boy next to Astro.

"Thanks Alejo."

So his name was Alejo? You grasped your hand over you gash in an attempt to stop the bleeding. The dark haired boy noticed this and gasped. He quickly fumbled through what seemed to be a rusty first aid kit to give to you a roll of white fabric.

"Here, use this to cover it up." He passed it to you. You took it and blinked away steaming tears. "I'm Kennedy." He smiled slightly.

"Thanks.." You took it and began wrapping the bandages around your leg. So much for the clean ones that you got from school.

"(Y/N)!" Astro jolted up, startling everyone. "Reno?" Astro looked up at who you knew now was called Reno and used him to stand up. "Where is (Y/N)??"

"I'm here Astro. Calm down." You tied a bow with the bandages to make sure they wouldn't fall off your thigh. Astro sighed in relief as he sat back down.

"Are you okay? I remember having a rough landing with you.."

"I'm fine." You said. "So this is your home, huh?" You looked around at the large cabin. "I thought it would be more.. grounded."

"It's better to stay up where the zombies can't get you." The large blond crossed his arms.

"So, are you going to tell me who everyone is?" You lifted your brow at Astro, putting down your knife, you sill didn't know what to think about these boys.

"Right!" Astro nodded. He gestured over to the blonde that spoke before. "This is Abercrombie." Abercrombie have you a small nod as a greeting, to which you didn't greet him back. "This is Alejo." Astro pointed to the boy in the red hat.

"Hi." He tipped his hat down.

"This is Ken-"

"She already knows who I am." Kennedy smiled at you.

"And this is Reno." He pointed to the last boy. You didn't exactly know how to respond, so many people, it's been so long since you've been near anyone!

"Are any of you robots?" You asked, that was the first thing that came to mind.

"Nah, Astro's the only robot kid here." Reno knocked on Astro's head, making a metal banging noise.

"Ow." Astro mumbled and rubbed his head.

"Well, I'm (Y/N)." You introduced yourself.

"Welcome to our home stranger." Reno grinned at you.

"(Y/N), do you think it's okay if my friends could have some of the food?" Astro asked, pointing to the bag behind you. You turned around and looked at it.

"Knock yourselves out." You grabbed the duffle bag and threw it to them.

"Sweet!" Kennedy opened it to reveal all kinds of treats.

"Oh man I'm so hungry!" Abercrombie rubbed his hands together. Alejo was trying to reach past the three bigger boys in order to grab some for himself.

"Hey- Hey! Leave some for me!" He cried. The side of your mouth twitched up into a smile for a split second.

Astro, not needing to eat, came and sat next to you. "Do you want to stay here?" He asked you.

"I've got nowhere else to go." You shrugged, leaning back on the wall of the wooden house. "So why not?"

"Great!" Astro grinned happily. "I'll make sure you feel right at home here!" He winked at you. You felt hotness reach your body and mostly your cheeks. You looked away and 'tsk'ed at him.

"Don't get too friendly, android."

Astro rubbed the back of his neck and sweat dropped. "Sorry!"

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