Beyond the Portals

By DragonAlpha

2.7K 25 20

There comes a point in your life where you have to grow up. You can't hold onto the fantasies to keep you sta... More

After the Passing of Bellona
Female Roommate Required
Samuel Uley
Ms. Uley
Christmas Special 2020
Grizzly's Diner
New Book Cover
Jared Cameron
Tattoos and Haircuts
Art Club
Paul Lahote
Officer Burke
Dr. Cullen
The Breakup
Curtains Blowing
She Knows
Rumors Spread
Edward Cullen
Authors Note

Christmas Special 2018

103 1 3
By DragonAlpha

Jasper walked into his math class as per usual the last day before Christmas break to find a weird item on his desk with a bow labeled

'To : Jasper Cullen
From: Just Accept the Fucking Gift"

He looked around to find that students were all minding their own business. Or not... he hadn't noticed it until now but now that he was sitting at his desk with a gift in his hands all the students in the class were staring with huge interest. All except one... who was speaking with the teacher heatedly about scientific theories and possible problems that a small mathematical mistake could cause in an 'Case' as she kept referring.

"Sit down Ms. Mohinga! We're not solving crimes here! We're doing high school math!"

"That's applicable to the real world! No wonder students are such naive arrogant idiots when they first go to college." She snapped back turning around and sitting down in her seat with a huff.

"What was that about?"

"I discovered he wrote a clinical trial back in 98 before he taught math he was a surgeon and I caught and pointed out an error. If I caught it as a basic forensic student how did no one else-" she grumbled before rolling her eyes and leaning forward on her desk her hair falling over half her face.

Jasper Hale was quiet as he slowly took off the wrapping which was a book on Myths and a cowboy hat. His eyebrows shot up and he turned to look at the woman on his side knowing full well the creature on the front of the book was also known as Cthulhu. Their first semi civil conversation together.

"Merry Christmas Azazel." Jasper murmured setting the gifts back into the box.

"Merry Christmas Jasper."


Christmas music played through the house and the smell of cookies came through the house along with the sounds of small metal tinkering against porcelain. A woman with small hands and long straight black hair swaying and her son along with a few other boys as they all seem to be eating more then their actually helping cook.

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" A voice causes everyone to jump up in surprise and shout


There was a moment of silence before she then shook her head smiling like a fool as she entered the group. There was Paul, Leah, Jared, and Sam all grinning at the me with a fondness that many others on the reservation didn't quite understand just yet. She remained quiet silent looking at all of them before laughing rushing forward hugging each and every single one of them. "You guys..." she was only able to say looking at all of them, as words failed.

"Are amazing. I know." Jared the humble one finished my sentence and she lightly cuffed the back of his head to which he snorted and held up a cookie to which he then shoved the cookie in my mouth Azazel made a loud sound of protest before she went silent grabbing another cookie because goddamn that was a good cookie.

"Sam brought up the idea as soon as he realized you started humming Christmas songs the day after Thanksgiving." He shrugged.

Sam wrapped his arms around the the small stubborn female making her seem even smaller then she was. "You might be able to fool these idiots that you don't care for the holidays but not your brother." he winked and I couldn't help but let out a laugh while the others looked offended at being called an idiot. "You don't have as bad a singing voice as one could have thought Dan." He smirked at me and I then clapped my hands together.

"He dragged you into this too Leah?" I smiled. "You guys are great." and greatly out of my natural character I kissed everyone on the cheek hugging them as my chest brimmed to the top with a feeling of warmth and belonging. It seems I did have a living family here to celebrate with after all. It meant so much to see them celebrating Christmas with me, I wasn't even sure if they celebrated it in the first place with their culture as it was a mostly Christian or Catholic holiday last I checked.

We spent the morning having breakfast and cracking jokes as we played games and the Christmas tree they had put up was knocked over by Jared and Paul who were roughhousing. At four however Leah got up putting on a coat and jacket. "Leaving so soon? Ms. Uley hasn't even seen you yet!" I called out looking at Leah with a beaming grin and she shook her head.

"Oh Ms. Uley is at my house helping my parents with the Christmas part-"she was shut up as Sam pulled her into a loving kiss effectively shutting her up and when they finally surfaced for air Leah was too dizzy to continue her sentence and had instead left like a giggling school girl.

"Who's turn next on Charades?" Sam asked leaping over the couch and landing with a plop next to me while she remained looking at him. "Oh don't look at me like that!" Sam winced looking guiltier by the second. She shook her head and he sighed. "FINE! It's a Christmas party at her house that the council said you shouldn't go to." He spoke in a rush, "But that's not fair so we decided-"

"To just spend Christmas with you! You're as much our family as they are and if the council can't see that then we'll have to make them see that." Jared spoke determinedly.

"No one is a bitch to our bitch!" Paul thrust a fist upwards. Very Inspirational Paul.

Azazel remained quiet before she stood up abruptly and rushed upstairs each of her footsteps leaving clicks behind her and a door slammed upstairs causing all boys downstairs to flinch.

"That... didn't go well." Jared sighed sounding dejected. "So who goes up to get her?" Jared asked softly looking up whispering so that he wouldn't be heard by the moody woman.

"Don't look at me I talked her down last time!" Sam hissed back. "I could have sworn this would be a good idea!"

"Yeah well news flash Sam. Your idea sucked a di-" Paul's words got cut off as Azazel reappeared on the steps with a red bag in her hands and a mini Santa. "Why do you have a creepy ass Santa?" Paul grimaced at the doll that she had in her grip and then sat it down and the bag right next to it.

"I have the creepy ass Santa because rich people have all kinds of weird porch decorations and luckily because your favorite bitch has sticky fingers." Azazel laughed wiggling her fingers in the air as she then stood up handing each person a box. "Go on! Open them!!!" she clapped her hands a few times looking at the men she had slowly come to consider her older brothers.

"You stole these?!" Sam shouted but Jared and Paul already were ripping through the packaging and wrapping excitedly.

"No! I bought them! Using other people's money." Azazel winked at Sam and Jared and Paul quickly stole the show as they let out a sound of excitement.  Jared held up a box with a drone and let out a shout and  Paul was pulling out an art set and boxes of paints with a silver easel engraved with his name and Sam looked at Azazel with a face that demanded an explanation. "Shut up and look at your present!" 

Sam looked at the both of them and then looked down at his box which made him a little nervous before he opened it and found on the inside a leather jacket and boots all brand name and embroidered with his name. "How much did you spend?!" Sam gasped looking at the jacket. "I've never seen something so expensive! Azazel!"  He looked at the woman who shrugged. He stood up looking at her with wide eyes and then gasped at the sight of a silver watch also engraved. "Why?"

Azazel looked at the expensive presents they were holding and their bright shiny eyes full of questions and then sat down next to the Santa Claus doll. "Well... I'm just showing a bit of appreciation through monetary means." Azazel shrugged her eyes twinkling mischievously and Sam merely couldn't help but  shake his head at the fifteen year old. "I'm worried about what you got my mom and Leah."

"Leah has diamond earrings and I bought your mom that Popcorn Machine I saw her circle in the catalog." Azazel smiled. "Now you idiots need to do me the favor of getting the fuck out of the house and to get to the party at the Clearwaters. I won't hold it against you." Azazel spoke her voice soft. The three men were surprised at her words and Sam opened his mouth to protest before she kissed each of their foreheads silencing them all. "I'm tired. I'm going to take a nap. All those nights of sneaking out the house to get these presents has finally taken it's toll on me. Merry Christmas oh Great Protectors of La Push."

All three gentlemen were quiet as they looked at the woman as she walked up the stairs humming a Christmas song.

"Merry Christmas Azazel."
While most of the tribe was in other people's home's and Christmas tree lightings or bonfires, Azazel was sitting in a diner drumming her fingers nervously on the table that she had gotten for two. She ran her teeth over her lip ring, a nervous habit that never escaped her until she took out her lip ring. She wondered if she should keep the lip ring in if it would expose her so easily.

She had reason to be nervous... what if they didn't show?

It seemed her worries were unneeded because of the burning smell of lavender entering the diner and her head snapped up a soft easy smile coming upon her face. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" She drawled leaning forward on her hands her eyes sparkling with mischief. "How's the family?"

"A little unhappy with my choices as always." Lunette answered sliding into the booth across from Azazel. "How's your fellow furry friends?" The smaller girl asked in her melodic tone.

"At a party I'm not invited to." Azazel shrugged dismissively her eyes traveling to a family that just walked in. "Turns out the tribe does celebrate Christmas. What a kicker right?" Before she could let herself dwell any longer she called the waitress over so they could order. She ordered three plates before looking at Lunette bashfully waiting for Lunette to order as well.

Being a wolf was a challenge as that high metabolism and constant hunger. You called call Azazel as "hungry as the wolf" like that one song. "Just the chicken broccoli skillet, thank you." Lunette spoke her voice elegant as she addressed the waitress who blushed a tad.

Azazel watched the waitress walk away before she leaned over the table batting her own eyelashes at Lunette. "Look at you so charming." She complimented Lunette before commenting on the waitress. "She's cute. But don't worry, you're still cuter."

Lunette of course allowed Azazel's comments to roll off her back with a playful smile and a roll of her eyes, "Benefits of being part vampire I guess." She shrugged.

You've always been this attractive Lune. Vampirism has nothing to do with it.

Azazel smirked shaking her head but remained quiet on the subject by changing it to another subject by speaking in a sing songy tone "I got your family one of those cheesy ass Hallmark cards. I wrote a poem in it see?"

"Oh god." Lunette stuck her hand out taking the carefully homemade card.

"Got it for cheap at CVS." Azazel spoke shrugging as Lunette read the Delicate Calligraphy that said

"Dear Cullens with skin so fair
Not to mention the hella good hair
You care for my favorite pal
You know her, my right hand gal
I'm a pain in your neck
But what the heck
I'm taking time out of the day
Just so I can say
Merry Christmas

"You're horrible!" Lunette laughed putting the card down and Azazel shrugged. She wasn't an English major. Fuck if she knew anything about writin poems. She couldn't just leave it blank.

"What are ya talking about? Card came like that." Azazel scoffed acting like the problem was with the decorations and not the poem. Yeah she needed a bit of help in the creative writing department. "And here's your present." Azazel changed the subject again handing a carefully wrapped box to Lunette before her interest was caught in a rather enticing smell. The food had arrived!!!

Lunette took the gift from Azazels hands while throwing over her own gift to Azazel which made the wolf girls eyes to be filled with a sudden fondness and a bittersweet gaze when she caught the present in the air.

"You got me a gift? Holy shit." Azazel smiled setting down the present close to her side and asking "Do we Open it at the same time after we eat?"


Azazel got started on her plates and while she ate fast she didn't eat sloppily like the boys or how she used to before. It seemed with time she learned how to avoid basically inhaling her food like some kinda psycho vacuum. When she finished her plates she leaned back patting her stomach and grinned. "Wow. I'm actually full." She said the statement like the miracle it was before stretching.

"Isn't that a surprise?" the smaller lass smiled looking down at her halfway finished plate while Azazel laughed.

"I know. It's hard to imagine I have such an amazing body but it's really all in the diet." Azazel teased.

"All in the genes I'd say." Lunette spoke quietly back to her hotheaded friend taking a sip of water.

"Hey I work hard. It's exercise too. I take the dogs out for walks , play fetch and scratch their bellies. They're active boys." Azazel snorted stacking her plates making it easier for the waitress.

Lunette had gone quiet as she shook her head and continued to eat the meal in front of her. Azazel stares out the window award the conversation had dwindled and for once the quiet actually felt pleasant. She didn't feel that dawning grief... until it returned and she caught sight of a woman and man taking care of their daughter and sun who were play fighting and running around the parking lot which caused the parents to grow distressed.

"Merry Christmas Lunette Dunn." Azazel murmured softly watching the family enter the restaurant and the children seem way to energized for the time it was in night.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Azazel Addanc Mohinga." Lunette smiled causing Azazel's eyes to flicker with surprise at Lunette remembering her full name. Azazel watched as Lunette finished her food and stacked her plates to the side.

After the time Azazel finally couldn't take it anymore and gave a dramatic look to the present attempting to signal that she wanted Lunette to open the gift she had made for her. "It's the only handmade present I've given out this Christmas so try not to hate it too much." Azazel drawled acting disinterested and unbothered.

"I promise I won't... I think." Lunette giggled as she slowly and delicately began unwrapping the gift. Azazel's foot started tapping and she kept looking from the gift to Lunettes face fighting the urge to open it for Lunette already.  However judging by the cheeky smile on Lunette's face  that was indeed the intention.

"Oh my God! You're killing me!" Azazel growled letting her head fall forward and land on the table. "You're doing that on purpose!" She complained her voice muffled.

Azazel has spent time with one of the elder tribe members on the reservation. He had taught her wood carving and to show her affection for Lunette, Azazel had carved a necklace with a leather chain and amateur carved wooden butterfly. To hopefully literally and metaphorically sweeten the deal there was a brownie with frosting in the shape of a crescent moon atop accompanied by homemade crystal earrings.

Now looking at this from an objective standpoint Azazel had seriously sucked at choosing presents when she realized it. "I got the materials at Micheals." Azazel shrugged looking away or suddenly regretting her choice when she looked at Lunette. She should have just gotten a diamond ring for Lunette or something.

"I love it." Lunettes melodic voice caused Azazels head to snap up and look at the brunette with soft brown eyes and a big grin. Lunettes smile was contagious so could you really blame Azazel when she too beamed with blushing cheeks.

"Thanks." Azazel hummed looking at her fingers again and playing with the lip ring.

Grinning Azazel rubbed her hands together mischievously as soon as Lunette has ushered out "Your turn." In reference to the gift Lunette had brought out for Azazel.

"Your turn." Lunette tilted her head at the wrapped gift in Azazels hands. Azazel merely glanced down before looking back up at Azazel and asking with a tense voice.

"Should I expect something to jump out at me?" Regardless of her concern with the present she tugged on the wrapping regardless.

"If you're asking that, you must not know me." Lunette sighed shaking her head while Azazel opened the gift no longer cautious because the petite brunette had a point.

And Azazels eyes watered as soon as she caught sight of the gift. A silver bracelet with multiple charms. Vampire fangs, a silver wolf, a ballet shoe? A stethoscope, the letters A and L with a tiny diamond heart. Not only was the gift expensive as hell but thought through and carefully considered. Enough that Azazel could recognize the symbolization Lunette had wanted to convey.

And she agreed.

Azazels handed immediately flew to her mouth in shock as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to make an appearance. The gift was so sweet and she loved it. The appearance of the gift itself and what it meant. But she didn't want to give that away. As though to gather her pride and to avoid being some mushy sap Azazel cleared her throat making her voice deeper. "It's alright. Didn't think I was much of a jewelry person."

Azazel couldn't lie to herself though. She loved it. She only wished she had also gone the expensive route in showing she cared for Lunette instead of believing in that silly idea that home made gifts showed more love and care.

"I wasn't sure what to get you." Lunette spoke her voice regretful. "If you don't like it you can return it." She said sounding disappointed as she stuck her hand out when Azazel let out a shriek.

"NO!" Azazel pulled the gift back. "It's mine and I love it and I'm never taking it off my body! What kinda heathen are you trying to steal prized possessions!?" Azazel scolded Lunette holding the bracelet close to her body protectively before she blushed. "Sorry?" She didn't know what to say but figured that saying Sorry might have been the best way to go for trying to act cool one second then acting like Lunette was gonna cut off her life support by taking the bracelet the next.

Lunette paused before bursting into laughter covering her mouth to muffle her laughter while Azazel grinned like a Cheshire Cat staring at adoration at the smaller brunette. "You haven't even had it for a minute and you're calling it a prized possession?" Lunette teased.

  "It's mine and it's made from someone I care about. Damn right it's prized!" Azazel had attempted to keep a straight face but she too has caved laughing loudly and her normally angry features to lighten up greatly.

When their laughter had finished Lunette threw a genuine sincere smile at Azazel saying "Glad you liked it."

Now gone with the tough that Azazel had attempted to use before she now  grinned sincerely. "Like it? I love it!" She laughed again her eyes crinkling from her smile. "It's better then anything nice ever seen here."

Well almost better then anything. Lunette's presence was the best Christmas present she had gotten that year. 


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