Supercorp oneshots cause I sh...

By Couldbemoregay

359K 12.1K 1.9K

{Requests are open} My collection of Supercorp stories, ranging from Harry Potter AU, to Red kryptonite Kara... More

Before you read
Not the way I wanted you to know
Red Krytonite
Secret admirer
Later life
Caught of guard
When a hero dies
Red kryptonite is back
Role swap au
Golden boy
Everyone hurts sometimes
I had to
Ok here are some more
Caught in the Act
My wife
Mad woman with a box
Jealousy thy name is Kara
Still a sucker for Supercorp
Some More
I got some more
It's Ok
Writers block
Elemantary my dear Zor-el (verison 1)
Elementary (version 2)
Holy f*ck
The supernatural
Bed surprise
It's been a while.
An Act
An act (part 2)
An act (part 3)
An act (part 4)
Script (part 2)
Friendly Neighborhood
Friendly Neighborhood (part 2)
Freed (part 2)
Its been a while
April fools
(In)Correct quote
Stars and stripes
Stars and Stripes (part 2)
'Lena' (part 2)
Definition of Perfect
Rather the fallen Angel
Rather the fallen Angel (part 2)
Rather the fallen angel (part 3)
(In)correct quotes
High Lady
High Lady (part 2)
Elseworlds (part 2)
The Doctor
The Doctor (part 2)
The doctor (part 3)
Secret spilled
Script (part 3)
Sociopath (part 2)
Sociopath (part 3)
Imaginary friend
New Years Kiss
Captain My Captain
Captain My Captain (part 2)
Fire on Fire
Fantastic beast and where to find them
Heathers (part 2)
(In)Correct quotes
Kara Sandiego
Luthor's don't cry
Locked in
(In)correct quotes
Fairness (part 2)
Be prepared
An eye for an eye
I'm the bad guy now
Story 5-
I'm the bad guy now(part 2)
First kiss
(In)correct quotes
Life or death
Jerk, Jock same thing
Jerk, Jock same thing (part 2)
Jerk, Jock samething (part 3)
Let them hate, so long as they fear
~I got tagged~
(In)Correct quotes
What if?
Bad news
Desginated Survivor
Two Queens
Two Queens (part 2)
Two Queens (part 3)
The Great war
Almost perfect


2K 72 10
By Couldbemoregay

Requested by: me



A/N Hungers games au, Kara is from the 12th district, Lena the 1st.
Word count: 1503

Kara nervously fiddled with the end of her sleeve, she looked up at her mentor, her blue eyes glazed over.

J'ohn Jonz looked Sadly at his trainee, he was about to send this teenage girl of to her death "Mon-el will help you through this"

The blonde thought about when the names were picked


Kara helped her injured sister to the main grounds

"Welcome District 12, today we are going to pick out the names" the presenter shouted out

Slowly he put in his hand into the jar full of names

The blonde offered one last look at her older sister, who was barely standing thanks to her broken leg

"Alex Danvers" the man yelled out

The world seemed to stop for Kara, without even thinking she yelled out

"I volunteer" her voice sounded desperate "Please i volunteer"

The white armoured men surrounded the blonde and took her away to the stage, Alex cried out for her sister.

The younger Danvers was pulled onto the stage

"Well it seems your are our first volunteer what's your name?" The presenter asked, a little shock held in his voice

"Kara Danvers" the blonde whispered

The man lifted up Kara's pale arm "Kara Danvers everyone"

The crowd stayed silent

"Ok now for the Male tribute" he stuck his hand in another bowl and took out a name

"Mon-el Daxam"

The crowd stayed silent, Slowly he made his way up.

"Welcome" the presenter lifted both their hands up

One by one the crowd lifted three fingers

Flashback over

"Be careful for James Olsen, he seems to have it out for you" J'ohn said

The blonde bit her lip "I don't want to kill anyone, it's a life I have no right to take it"

The mentor placed his hand on her shoulder "Just find a bow and a place to hide, girl of steel" J'ohn used the nickname that the capital had given her

Slowly Kara made her way into the clear pod, the door sealed shut, her claustrophobia started to affect her, her breathing became shallow, the tube moved up, once at the top Kara took a breath of fresh air, her blue eyes scanned the new terrain

The cornucopia stood in the middle, she looked at her 24 opponents, each one with a plan of their own

"10" the countdown started










The competitors took off, The blonde grabbed a backpack and ran into the forest

Little did she know about the bloodbath that was occurring in the cornucopia, The first canon went off, the first one dead but Kara ignored it and she kept running.

She found a suitable tree to hide in, opening the backpack she grabbed she found a rope and a knife, and water bottle.

Using the rope she pulled herself up, siting comfortable position she sighed in relief and pure terror.

"Sweet rao, I hope your ok Alex"

Thanks for Kara's good hearing, she picked up a group of a few people coming in her general direction, she snuggled closer to the bark.

The group sat down and started a camp fire, a light gasp came from her lips when she noticed that Mon-el was among them, carefully she listened to their conversation

"So you and the blonde, you guys have anything" a young man asks, Kara recognised him as James Olsen of the 2nd district

Mon-el chuckles "She totally has the hots for me"

The blonde almost gagged in disgust, there was no way she would ever like him, her eyes scanned further in the group as they continued talking, quietly Lena Luthor sat in the corner, her green eyes didn't miss a beat, she noticed Kara shuffling in the tree.

"I see you have decided to join us Ms. Danvers" The Luthor announced

The whole group looked up and readied there weapons, Lucy Lane drew her bow

"Wait" Lena ordered "Let's stake her out, wait till she starves, and then we can have fun"

The other grumbled and grunted but listened to the brunette.

Kara groaned in turn, thankfully she did have water, she kept an eye on the bow that Lucy held in her hand, that was the weapon she needed.

Around about 5 hour passed, the group we're getting bored, This didn't go unnoticed by the Luthor

"How about I stay here and watch and you guys go off and find something to eat" she offered

"I don't trust you yet, Lucy stay behind" James ordered

The group left the two girls behind, Lena looked up at Kara, before Lucy could react Lena stabbed her, spluttering blood the younger Lane fell to the ground

"Get down here Danvers, I won't kill you, Come get your bow"

A traumatised Kara slowly slipped down and carefully grabbed the bow with some arrows "Why are you doing this?"

"Because if anyone is going to make its you, now get out of here, girl of steel"

The blonde heeded the order and fled further into the forest, she found a safe place and set up camp, her ears picked a footstep, immediately she drew her bow.

"Whose their?"

A little girl walked out "I'm ruby Arias, I need your help"

Kara released her aim "Oh my rao Your Just a kid"

"I know, I'm really scared, and your the only nice person" The young girl was shivering, the blonde took off her coat and gave it the brunette

"How about you make a fire and I'll keep watch, Is that ok Ruby"

"Sure" The girl from district 9 did as she was told

A day later

Kara laughed happily along side of Ruby, the pair had gotten close

"Kara than-" the young girl was cut off

A spear protruded from her chest, as soon at the impact came Kara shot up and drew her bow in the direction the spear came, Ben Lockwood stood their

"I didn't mean to kill her" he said quietly

The blonde hands shook, tears blurred her vision "You had no Right"

"I was trying to kill you" he yelled back

"Well you sure as hell failed to do that"

Ben started to flee, the arrow went flying from Kara's bow and pierced his neck, he dropped dead to the ground.

The Danvers went over to the dying girl

"I'm so sorry Ruby, I should have protected you"

"'s ok" her hand shaking, she kissed her three finger and raised them.

The light faded from Ruby's eyes, until it was gone

"No, please no" Kara begged "what did she do to deserve this, I'll finish this for you, I promise"

Quietly the blonde surrounded the body with flowers

"You know back home people do this for heroes"

Kara left the body and went to find other people, she was going to end this once and for all.

James Olsen and his gang surrounded the blonde "looks like we got the girl of steel"

Kara looked at her former friend, Mon-el raised his sword.

"You people killed Ruby"

"She got in the way, accidents happen" James explained

Taking a deep breath Kara fired three arrows, three bodies dropped, only Mon-el was sparred

"Get out of you son of a bitch"

Only the final three remain, Kara Lena and mon-el and there on the cornucopia

The trio stared at each other

"Kill her Kara" Mon-el ordered

"It's better than dying to you" Lena muttered, she held her dagger in her hands

Kara had the advantage of having a bow, but only one arrow

"Which ever one I kill I'll still have to face the other, I have an option, we can end this now, each the Nightshade berries and not give the capital the satisfaction of winning"

"Your talking about a suicide pack, that's cra-"

"I can roll with that" The brunette cut of the 12th district boy

Mon-el angrily charged at Lena, Kara released the arrow, it pierced his chest, his body dropped and only The girls remained

"Your out of ammo, I can win it now"

The blonde kneeled down and left herself defenceless "please just kill me"

"I can't, you just" Lena leaned and whispered "Your going to start the revolution and end the Capital for good"

"Why me, Why is it always me" She whispered to herself  "If we take the berries we'll be martyrs"

The girls shook hands and place two berries in their hands

"Stop" The announcer yelled out "Your both the winners"

Kara started to cry in relief, so did Lena

It was over they did it, they had one the hunger Games

Hope you enjoyed, not going to some a part 2, sorry for those of you who wanted one

Also for the last A/N (sup) I'm almost coming to a conclusion thanks for the aid


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