Edward and Winry After Fullme...

By WolfPanda95

76.7K 1.6K 742

I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. This just my idea of what could or might happpen. Edward and Winry seem t... More

Edward and Winry After Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Date Night
Chapter 14-Her First
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Morning After
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

3.5K 86 46
By WolfPanda95

Recap: Winry's POV

I pulled away from him and walked to my desk. I sat down and got busy. I felt his eyes on me the entire time I worked, although it didn’t bother me. It made me feel better actually, knowing that he was there. It soon began to get dark out side, because the lighting in my room was fading, and fading fast. Soon Ed was whispering in my ear. “Winry its time for dinner.”

“No I have to finish this.”

“No you need to eat.”

“No I need to finish this.”

“Winry I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you down there, or, you can get up and walk your self, its your choice.”

Ha I would like to see him try. I continued working on his leg, when all of a sudden, I was pulled back, away from my desk, and thrown over his shoulder. He wasn’t kidding, he really meant it. I started hitting his back as he carried me downstairs and into the kitchen. “Edward Elric you put me down right now.”


He put me in a seat at the table and then sat next to me, as Granny started making plates and handing them to everyone. Tonight was chicken, rice, and carrots. Yummmy. Everyone was staring at Ed and I. Ed stopped eating and looked at them. He balled his fist. “Is there a problem.”

“nope no problem here brother.”

Then granny “Ed winry is there something you would like to share?”

Ed blushed, he actually blushed, aww how cute he is. “I am almost done with Ed’s leg and I was letting him help me, if he told me a little more about alchemy, so that I could finally understand what he is talking about.”

He looked at me and everyone said ‘oh’ and focused on their food. Ed mouthed a thanks and I nodded. He is so going to never hear the end of it later. Hahahaha, alchemy boy, just you wait.


Winry’s POV

After we finished eating, I pulled Ed up to my room.

“Can we talk, please.”

“I figured you dragged me up here for a reason.”

“I did, so umm.” I started rubbing my hands together, and I was getting nervous. “Ed what you said to me, before you left……”

I looked at him, and I felt a tear fall down my face. He stepped towards me and then wiped my tear away with his thumb.

“Do you not want others to know?”

“I did it again.” He pulled me into his arms. “I made you cry again. Honestly I thought you forgot.”

I pulled away slightly so that I could look up at him. “How could I forget, you said you would give me your whole life.”

He kissed my forehead, “I was not sure if you really meant what you said.”
“I meant it all, but did you mean what you said?”

He grabbed my chin, “I meant every word.” He kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. I pulled away to breathe, and I asked him a simple question. “So what are we?”

“What do you want us to be?”

“I want……………I want us to be something, something more than friends, I mean if you think about what we said to each other that day, some would say that we are engaged, but you just had to add alchemy in there somewhere didn’t you?’

“Hey, alchemy is a major part of my life.”

“What am I?”

“You, Winry. You are my life.”

He kissed me again, and I felt something soft underneath me. Edward stopped kissing me and was now hovering over me. I pulled him back down to me, and kissed him. I flipped us over, so that I was straddling him. I pulled away and smiled down at him. I kissed him hard, as he placed his hands on my hips, holding me to him. He sat up, and continued to kiss me while running a hand under my shirt. His hand ran up my bare back. I loved the way he held me to him, like this. I loved him, I loved my best friend. I smiled as I kissed him and my hands found their way down his chest. I started to pull on his shirt, and he stopped kissing me, allowing me to pull his shirt off, and over his head. I looked at him, he was hot, nicely built. I ran my hands down his chest and over his abs. Then down his muscular arm and his automail one. I looked him in the eyes, and kissed him slowly. He laid me down on the bed, holding himself up by his elbows, that were on each side of my head. I looked up at him and smiled again. “Winry?”

“Yes Ed?”

“Do you want to finish my leg or continue?”

I felt myself blush and then really took in the sight before me. “Ummm Finish your leg.”

He nodded and stood up. He put his shirt on as I went and sat at my desk. I started working on his leg as he walked to the door. Before he opened the door he said “I will be back later.”


I got busy on his leg, I planed on pulling an all nighter to finish by tomorrow morning.

Edward’s POV

I walked back downstairs, and saw dad sitting on the couch.

“Can we talk?” I looked over and saw Al. “Alone?”

I walked out the front door and left it open. I heard it close and knew he was following me. I walked silently all the way to moms grave. I stopped in front of it. I kept my hands in my pockets, and looked up at the sky. How do I talk to a man that left us. He is still my father. I cant believe I am doing this, and with him. He is back, and mom would have wanted this, wanted us to get along, wanted me to get along with him.

“I want to marry Winry.”

I turned to look at him, he seemed shocked, but quickly covered it up, with a cough, and then a smile. He was actually smiling. “What?”

“You have really grown, my son.” He walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I am proud of the man you have become, and the one that you will continue to be.”

I was surprised at his words, but old habits die hard. I pushed his hand off of me. “If this is some sort of way for me to forgive, your wrong, it won’t work old man.”

He just looked at me with a smirk, “I will be there Edward.”
“Yeah what ever.” I told him as I walked away from him, and back to Winry.

Walking back by myself, I guess he decided to visit with mom for a while. That actually brought a small grin to tug at the corner of my mouth. Then a full on grin when I thought about what I had told him. I want to marry Winry. I want her to be my wife, and if it comes to it, I want her to be the mother of my child, or children. I will let her decide, how many she wants. As long as she is happy, that’s all that matters to me, that she remains safe, and happy. And she will always be loved.

I reached the front porch and looked up to see Winry’s light on in her room, knowing that she is working on my leg. I smile and then walk in. I say goodnight to granny and then go find Al. Finding Al in the room that we share here, I close the door behind me, and Al sits up in his bed.


“He Al, okay so there is this thing.”

“What thing brother?”

I walk over and sit on his bed, we are now eye level. I look down at his bed, and then back up to meet his eyes, filled with worry. “I take a deep breath and then tell him what’s on my mind. “How would you feel about being my best man?”

He looks very confused for a while, then it all seems to snap together, like a light bulb turned on inside his head. “Brother that’s wonderful, you and Winry getting m………”

“Shut up Al, I don’t want her to hear you,” I told him, then slowly removing my hand from his mouth. I had to make him get quiet somehow. I grinned and nodded my head, as he did the same. “I would love to brother.”

“Great, you’re the best Alphonse.”
“Thank you brother so are you.”
I stood and headed to the door.

“Where are you going brother?”

“To winry’s room. I’ll stay in there for the night.”

“When are you…?”

“Soon I hope.”

I left and closed the door behind me, then walking to Winry’s room, I knocked and waited for her to answer before I walked in.

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