Pharaoh's Queen

By BellaRiddle155

17.6K 595 120

what if the pharaoh, Atem, had a wife? what if he doesn't remember her. Story starting on Kiba's blimp during... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Untitled Part 39
Chapter 40
Untitled Part 41
Untitled Part 43

chapter 9

571 20 6
By BellaRiddle155

Yugi jerked awake and looked around startled. a woman was standing over him.

"Sir the plane is about to land." she explained.

At first he looked confused and looked around before realizing he was on a plane.

(im not bothering with language diffrences unless they are commands for K9s)

"Thank you!" Yugi said straightening up in the seat.

The plan touched down onto the ground and drove up the run way to the dock coming to a complete stop.

As soon as they were given the ok everyone stood up grabbing their bags and making their way off the plane.

Yugi looked around the American air port. He walked around looking for a map. He walked out of the air port as soon as he confirmed they were at their right destination.

The pharaoh appeared beside. "Well, now what?" he asked his eyes were wide seeing the foreign area.

"We look for Christine." Yugi said firmly.

"How?" The pharaoh asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Had he come up with a plan?

"Uh, I hadn't thought about that." Yugi admitted with a sigh.

The Pharaoh sighed Of course not.

"It shouldn't be that hard to find her." Yugi said optimistically as he started walking down the side walks as casually as he could with out looking too much like a tourist. 

Yugi spent a couple hours walking around Quantico before finally having to stop for a break.

They were at coffee shop. Yugi had just ordered a to go cup of hot chocolate, and was trying to figure put where to go next. There was a map of the town up on a bulletin board that was inside the coffee shop.

"Hey, you look lost, are you ok?" he heard a male. Yugi turned around and saw a tall dark man standing there.

"i not from around here. I just got off the plane about a couple hours ago" Yugi said nervously. "I was just trying to figure out where things were." he explained.

"New? you got any family or friends here?" the man asked taking off his sunglasses. 

"yeah, um I was looking looking for her, but I took a break." Yugi responded quickly.

"got her number?" the man asked. "Call her up and let her let you're here." he suggested.

"um no, I dont have her number. We normally just correspond through a mutual friend. uh she...doesn't know I'm here. Her brother sent me. He was concerned. " Yugi said scratching the back of his head.

"probably should have gotten some details first kid. you flew all this way. Why didnt her brother come check on her if he was worried." the man replied looking him over with a suspicious look. 

"yeah...Christine isn't one for details though. He did give me this thought..I dont know what they mean." Yugi said trailing off showing the man the numbers written on his arm. 

*I feel like should have sent out dark magician. He could probably find her with no problem* the pharaoh says thoughtfully.

Yugi blinked a little bit. Why had he not thought of that before?

"well at least you got a name. What she look like?" the man asked as he checked over the numbers. "Hm..I'm not too sure, but those look like coordinates." He says. "why didnt he just give you her address?" 

Yugi and the pharaoh began to get worried. Was this someone they could trust? "cause that would have been too easy" Yugi deadpanned. "Bakura, isn't very good at showing positive emotions" he says. "anyway, yeah white hair. long and straight...and like silver grey eyes. and she's really small....i mean...skinny not...Always looks like she's going to pass out. She has a tattoo on her shoulder. and one going down her neck. of Stars" Yugi said trying to describe Christine's counter part.

the dark man looked at him weirdly. "You just described one of my co workers...but her name isn't Christine," the man replied. "Oh the name is Derek by the way," he said. "and the stars..." he trailed off thoughtfully. If it was who he thought it was....Those stars were not a tattoo. 

"Mine is Yugi ....Yugi Moto." Yugi replied taking the offered hand in a shake.

"Well, I'm getting some drinks for my crew. If you want come with me our tech could probably help you with finding who ever it is your looking for." Derek said.

"Oh thanks," Yugi replied looking relieved to have some help.

Derek paid for the to go drinks. "We called ahead," he explained seeing Yugi's confused look.

"Ah" Yugi replied as he got his and paid for his own drink.

He followed Derek down the street. "How far away is it that we are going." he asked curiously. 

"Just to that building across the street." Derek said pointing the buidling where he worked at. 

"Wow" Yugi said as they walked up to the building. "You work here?" he asked.

"Yup" Derek replied as they went up the elevator. He could not help but feel a little smug about it. 

"Hey, this way." He said as they made their way into the office. Yugi followed him quietly. 

Derek walked over to a desk and set down the drinks.

"who's the stray?" a short haired brunette haired man with brown eyes asked. He had a boyish nerdy look to him. 

"Harsh pretty boy. He's new to town and lost." Derek replied as he looked over at the new comer. 

"Ignore them." a blond woman walked up with a light scowl on her face. "You boys be nice" she added scolding like a mother would do to her children.

"my name is Jennifer everyone calls me JJ" JJ greeted Yugi. 

"Hi, I'm Yugi Moto" Yugi replied. "I'm sorry for all this but I'm new here. I just got off the plane to day. I'm looking for someone but-" he started to explain when a new yet familiar voice was heard.

"Please tell me you have my hot chocolate Derek Morgan, the director is driving me nuts!"

everyone looked over as Bella walked up to the group. she suddenly stopped short when her eyes landed on Yugi.

"What are you doing here!" Bella and Yugi spoke at the same time.

"Looking for you" yugi said and the same time that Bella said "I work here"

*We were that close?!* the Pharaoh says exasperatedly. *its a good thing we ran into that guy, we would have never found her!*

"He,y looks like she's found." Derek said jokingly, but then confusion set in as his eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

"But her name isn't Christine." he added confused as he then remembered what Yugi said earlier. His eyes darted to the stars that were burned into her skin from the back of her ear and down her neck. 

She had gotten them when she was taken turning a case by the unsub they had been tracking down.

Bella rolled her eyes having heard Derek.

"If you'd look in her file you'd know that her middle name is Christine." the director said walking back cuffing Bella in the back of the head for her comment moments ago.

"Ow!" Bella whined a little as she rubbed the back of her head slightly while glaring in the directors direction as he made his way to his office. She pouts a little with a huff and looked back over at Yugi with a look of curiosity.

She tilted her head as though saying 'follow me' and lead Yugi away from the group.

Once they were a good ways away she turned and looked at him questioningly.

"Ok so I know you are now working...but is there...can we talk its really important and also I wanted to give you this." Yugi rushed out pulling out a card and handing it over to her. "oh by the way i told that other guy, your brother sent me...which is technically true...i just may have stretched the truth a bit. I was coming to see you anyway" he added quickly. 

Bella looked at the card puzzled and took it from him. "What....?" she asked turning it over and then froze seeing it was Dark magician.

Christine appeared beside her and squealed (she would deny this later) seeing the card.

"I had two." Yugi shrugged.

"But he's-" Bella started to object.

"He needs to be with you," Yugi said with a tone of finality. Bella had a feeling that it had not been Yugi that had said that. "I....I'd feel better if he was with you." Yugi said glancing at her co workers and holding onto the chain around his neck that was connected to the puzzle.

Bella nods understandingly. "Alright um...I'll get you a taxi. I'll have it take you to my place. Here is my key" she said handing over her key to the house after taking it from her purse. "I can't be for sure when I get off but we normally go out for dinner after wards. I'll let you know. We can talk then." Bella explained as she glanced to her co workers and then back to Yugi.

"Oh um...knock before you go inside." Bella added as an after thought.

"It's alright. I should have called ahead," Yugi says with a hesitant smile. But looked confused as she said the last part. *maybe she lives with someone?* he thought to himself "but like I said...I needed to talk to you...And I wanted to surprise you." he added. 

"well...consider me surprised." Bella says jokingly as she takes a drink of her hot chocolate. She makes a face. "" she commented. "You could have just asked Seto where to find me," she added as she called for a taxi. 

*that's why it's called HOT chocolate* Christine deadpanned.

"i mean...Bakura gave me these numbers but..i couldn't make heads or tails of them..that Derek guy said they looked like coordinate's to him. and Bakura did say you were in Quantico Virginia" Yugi supplied. 

Bella nods thoughtfully.  "right, well i will be sure to be giving my brother a call later" she says dryly, noticing the others were attempting to listen into their conversation. 

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