Astro Boy x Reader // The Apo...

By Sailor_Astro

5.9K 213 599

How long ago was it? I can't remember. Without people celebrating the end of the year, or the beginning of a... More

This Is My Life
I'm Hungry
An Eye For An Eye A Zombie For A House
Finally Meeting Him
His Home
Day In The Life Of Survives
Curiosity Killed The Survivor
Plans For The Future
Penny For Your Thoughts?
Starting A New
The End

Is He Trustworthy?

396 12 18
By Sailor_Astro

"You fixed me pretty well.." Astro moved his foot up and down. You gave his leg a little glance, then continued to pack up without replying. "Are you any good with technology?"

"(Y/N)! You got second best! Right after Ami!" Minako cheered.

"What?? No way!" You pushed past the students to look at the test results board. "I did!" Your eyes widened.

"Nice going!" Makoto gave you a thumbs up while Minako tackled you in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" She nuzzled into your chest.

"Not bad, for you." Rei crossed her arms and flashed you a smile that only went for a split second. Minako pulled away from the hug. You turned to Ami who cams to see her scores.

"Great job- oh!" You hugged her waist gently.

"Thank you for helping my study Ami!" You said.

"I-It's no problem." She smiled nervously and pat your head.

"I used to be second best in my class." You shrugged.

"Cool!" Astro smiled. "Who was first?" He asked. You gripped tightly onto the screw a littler tighter. You hadn't said Ami's name in so long, you remember so much about her, but it hurt to think about you friends.

"One of my friends.." You grumbled, not really wanting to say much more to a stranger.

"I bet she was super smart!" Astro hoped off the table and looked around. "Do you mind if I ask if you know any survivors?"

"I've been by myself since the apocalypse started." You explained, turning back to him. Astro pressed his lips into a thin line, you have been alone with your thoughts for three and a half years! You moved your hair out of your face. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was wondering, since you helped me.. would you like to come back home with me?"

"Eh?" You looked froze. "Where is your home?" You asked.

"It's a three days walk." Astro said. You blinked a few times. To go would mean you would need to leave your school, your home and everything you knew. You put your head down, letting a shadow cast over your eyes.

"Why are you here Astro? Not just at this school, why are you in this area?" You continued to face the floor.

"Well, the shops near my family have been raided. He have eaten everything there is to eat." He sighed. "I came out here looking for food."

You stared at Astro to try to see if he was lying or not. He seemed pretty down, like he was remembering something that made him sad. "I know a place that's filled with food. I'll take you there."

"Really??" Astro's eyes lit up. It amazed you how someone could be so happy when the whole word was in such a state of depression. "Thank you so much!" He clapped his hands together and held them to his chest. "Wait till the guys see the new recruit I'm brining!" Astro started to walk out of the room.

"Hold it little robot." You walked up behind him, your blade pointing down to the floor.

"What is it (Y/N)?" He asked, still smiling.

"Just because I'm going to help you. Doesn't mean I'm going to be apart of your little 'gang' okay?" You crosses your arms and held your knife out. Astro frowned and nodded, kicking the floor with his foot.

"Okay.." He rubbed the side of his arm. "Just tell me if you change your mind!"

"Sure.." You pushed him aside and began to lead the way. Was this robot programmed to be so childish?


"Woah! So much food!" Astro smiled widely.

"Shut your yap would you??" You scolded him. "You know there is a mob of zombies out there! If they heard us you can forget about seeing your family!" You whisper shouted. Astro hid in his shoulders as he apologised to you.

"Sorry (Y/N).." He mumbled. "I'll go look for some food now."

"(Y/N)! That's too much food you idiot! How could you ever eat all of it before it goes off??" Rei almost smack you over the head. You looked down.

"I just got excited.." You tapped your index fingers together.

"Don't give me excuses would you??" Rei crossed her arms. "If you eat all that you can forget about having a good body shape!" She grumbled.

"Sorry Rei.." You mumbled. "I'll go put it back.."

"Astro." You called put softly. "Astro we need to stick together..!" You cupped your hands over you mouth as you searched the isles looking for the robot. "Damn it Astro.." You kept looking for him until you heard a cry then a banging sound of cans dropping to the floor.

"(Y/N)!" Astro cried out.

"Shit." You began running to where you heard the yell for help. Astro was surrounded by a pack of hungry looking zombies. It amazed you how they could tell if he was alive, because he wasn't. Well at least you didn't think he was. Astro was struggling to keep them away, he didn't want to waste his energy because he needed to get back home.

"Get off me!" Astro kicked away a zombie pushing them back. You quickly joined Astro and made sure he was behind you. Even though he wouldn't turn if he was bitten, you still felt like he needed to make sure he was the one to get out of this okay. Astro frantically looked around for an exit but he saw none. He looked up. "(Y/N)? A-Are you afraid of heights?" He asked quickly.

"Is this really the time to be asking those questions??" You growled at him, stepping back only to coiled with the wall. You felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist. "Astro what the heck are you doing?"

"Hold on tightly. Please." Within a blink of an eye you were being lifted off the ground and up through the roof. You quickly looked down at the source of the flying to see Astro's feet had rockets! Afraid of falling, you wrapped your leg as around Astro's waist and hugged his neck.

"You can fly?!" You questioned him.

"Yes, but I really prefer not to do it. Since it takes up my energy." He explained.

"Who cares about energy! Let's just get out of here!" You buried your face in his neck to make sure you didn't looked down. He would surely be at the last of his energy by the time he took you back to his home. He estimated that he could survive, but the bag full of food you had wouldn't be helping the weight.

You shut your eyes tightly, making sure not to open them. It didn't matter where he took you, just as long as it was without zombies.

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