More than friends, less than...

By WeCrushAllThoughts

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Hi, this is a Neymar Jr. fan fiction! I hope you like it! Megan and Neymar became friends at a young age. Slo... More

Chapter 1 - Coming home.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to see you hurt
Chapter 3 - being close
Chapter 4 - Friends with benefits
Chapter 5 - A hug doesn't solve anything
Chapter 6 - I don't know what to do
Chapter 7 - Finishing what he began
Chapter 8 - Talking
Chapter 9 - Becoming an angel
Chapter 10 - The sooner, the better
Chapter 11 - pressure
Chapter 12 - Coming home
I'm sorry
Chapter 13 - No regret
Chapter 14 - Big step
Chapter 15 - First Day
Chapter 16 - Making plans
Chapter 17 - Interview
Chapter 18 - Some things don't go as we plan them
Chapter 19 - Decisions
Chapter 20 - On your own
Chapter 21 - Stupid
Chapter 23 - An ordinary day
Chapter 24 - Special presents
Chapter 25 - Brazil
Chapter 26 - Drunk
Chapter 27 - Granny
Chapter 28 - staying longer
Chapter 29 - Thank you
Chapter 30 - Yelling
Chapter 31 - Together
Chapter 32 - Yes!
Chapter 33 - Verona
Chapter 34 - Night Calls
Chapter 35 - Break
Chapter 36 - Done
Chapter 37 - Over
Chapter 38 - Betrayal
Chapter 39 - Not going anywhere
Chapter 40 - Be mine
chapter 41 - Cute
Chapter 42 - Shocked
Chapter 43 - Last game
Chapter 44 - Champions
Chapter 45. Strong
Chapter 46 - Away
Chapter 47. Home again
Chapter 48

Chapter 22 - New York

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By WeCrushAllThoughts

'Bye Davi!’ I pressed a kiss on his cheek before closing the door. We walked towards the car. He held the door for me so I could get in. I smiled while thanking him. He nodded towards me. He walked to the other door and got in. 'You got everything?’ I nodded while he put on his seatbelt. 

'Yes and you?’ He nodded while driving of. 'I do.’ I smiled while putting my seatbelt on. 

'Can you believe that it is just 2 days until Christmas?’ He excitingly said while humming with the song on the radio. 'No, I’m still with my head in summer.’ I grinned. 

He softly laughed. 'But that’s just you. You’re always running behind’ I rolled my eyes. 

'But it doesn’t matter.’ 

It was quiet in the plane. There weren’t many people on the flight which I was thankful for. It gave us the chance to talk about things. 

My head was resting against his chest which was going up and down in a steady rhythm. His hand was resting on my back.

'What do you think about flying to Brazil after New York?’ He softly said while making patterns on my back. 

'Yeah, we could do that. We could stay with your parents and visit mine a few times.’ I softly said back. 'You don’t see them that often .. Don’t you miss them?’ I bit on my lip while thinking about my answer. 'It depends. In hard times .. I miss them more. But I miss them a little everyday.’ I smiled. 'But I’m used to it. I knew what I was getting myself in to when I moved with you.’
'Did you ever regret it? Moving with me?’ 

I bit on my lip before answering. 'Only once.’

'When? Why?’ I turned my head so I could take a look at his face.

'In the beginning. It was hard to adapt at first and then you left for 3 weeks because of a camp..’

I rested my head back at his chest and smiled. 'It was weird because I didn’t really have friends but then I met Ariana.’ I looked outside for a moment and started grinning.

'It’s beautiful, don’t you think?’
'Almost as beautiful as you.’ He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I felt a blush creep on my face. 'That’s so cheesy..’ I softly said while intertwining our fingers. 'Cheesy but true.’

We talked about some things, random things. It was nice to be normal for a few hours. Not taking pictures and stuff with people, fans. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fans! But sometimes it’s just exhausting. 

'Wake up, sleepyhead.’ I heard a soft voice in my ear. I fluttered my eyes open and a smile found his way on my lips when I looked to the side and saw him. 

'You’re a nice sight to wake up to.’ He chuckled while undoing our belts. He grabbed our bags from the ground. 'I know I am.’ He said before winking and stood up after that. I stood up too and began walking with him towards the exit. 

'I’m sorry..’ A voice startled us causing us to turn around. 'I’m sorry to disturb you, but my son is a big fan of you. I .. I was wondering if you maybe could take a picture with him?’ I looked down at his leg to see a little boy standing there. 'Of course, I don’t mind at all..’ 

Ney crouched down at his level and smiled at the little boy. 

'Don’t be shy.. You like to play football?’ He softly said

He nodded. 'Great! Now, don’t ever lose faith in yourself. You need to believe in yourself. Every player had his ups and downs!’

The energy that he was radiating had a positive effect. The boy became less shy and talked for a moment with Ney. 

It was really sweet to see. 

'Excuse me, but I’ll take the picture.’ I took the camera from the man as he stood next to his son. 'Thank you, miss..’ I smiled. 'Megan, you can say Megan.’ I took the picture and smiled. 'It’s beautiful!’ I returned the camera and grabbed my purse from the ground. 'Thank you, Megan!’ The boy said. He hugged Neymar and me and took of with his dad. We sauntered towards the exit.

'He was cute, the little boy.’ I looked over to him. He nodded while grabbing my hand. 'Indeed, he was. His dad was very nice to.’ I nodded while looking over to my suitcase. 'Grabbing a cab?’ He nodded. 'Yeah, I’ll call one.’ And so he did.

We rented the apartment where I stayed for 3 months. When I opened the door I was welcomed by a nice fresh smell. It was just as beautiful as I remembered. It was just as clean as when I closed the door behind me. 

Memories came back to mind as I dropped the suitcase behind the couch.

'You stayed here for 3 months?’ I nodded while walking over to the balcony. 'Yeah..’ I softly said while crossing my arms. 

'3 Long months..’ His arms snaked around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. 

'Beautiful view..’ I nodded once again before turning around. 

I looked at his face. His eyes were resting on my lips. He looked back up in my eyes and kindly smiled. 

'I love you.’ I whispered before kissing him

'I love you to, so much.’ He murmured between the kiss.

I stopped and pulled away. 'I think we should unpack..’ He grinned while resting his hands on my waist. He squeezed which caused me to squealed in surprise. 'That thickled!’ He shrugged squeezing again. 

'I see what game you want to play..’ I murmured. He frowned but a smile kept playing around his mouth. 'Oh, really?’ I nodded. Our mouths were only inches apart. 'What game am I playing then?’ 

I looked up at his eyes and a grin came up.

'A fun one.’ 

I ran away and I heard him groan behind me. He never liked teasing, I mean .. Who did?

'Garcia! This isn’t fair! I’m finding you anyway..’ 

I hid myself behind the curtain in the bedroom which seemed like a very good idea. 

I heard soft footsteps in the room for a moment but they weren’t heard again. I bit on my lip while holding my breath. 

Suddenly the curtain was gone and I was in his arms. 'I knew it!’ I groaned while trying to escape his hold. 'Nuh-uh..’ He held me close. He laid me down on the bed and hovered over me. 

'I think unpacking can wait .. Right?’ He whispered against my lips. I closed my eyes while connecting our lips. 

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