Chapter 37 - Over

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I turned around the key gently and was welcomed by the familiar fresh scent. I looked around for a few moments and swallowed. 

This was probably the last time I would come here. I still couldn’t believe we really broke up. Every time they said: ’But you’re made for each other, you’ll come back together.’

But I was sure we wouldn’t, to many had happened in the past couple of months. Sure, there were positive things but when I thought back at what he did I realized it had to be like this.

'I didn’t expect you here so early.’ I heard a familiar voice murmur and I turned around. 'Sorry, I’m here to pick up my last box.’ I said apologizing. He shrugged, smiling a half smile. 'It’s okay, take your time.’ I nodded and smiled before turning away.

I looked at a few of our pictures who were still resting against the wall and I bit on my lip while smiling. 'Time flies by.’ He stated and I followed the frame with a finger. 'It does.’ I whispered before grabbing my keys once again from my bag. 

'I miss you.’ He softly said and I looked up to see his eyes resting on my face. I shook my head. 'Don’t start.’ He smiled a little. 'Just as bossy as always.’ I softly giggled. 'Oh, shut it.’ I swallowed and grabbed my box. 

I walked towards the door and he coughed which made me turn around. 

'I .. I’m gonna miss you. I’ll miss us.’ I felt tears well up in my eyes and I couldn’t prevent myself from letting a few slip away. 'Thank you for everything.’ I softly said before pulling open the door. 

'I love you.’ The words left his words and I turned my head slightly and saw him standing there nervously. 'I ..’ I felt my throat close a little and I let out a sob as more tears joined the other ones. 'I love you to.’
I closed the door behind me and cleaned my cheeks with the back of my hand

When I checked my phone later that evening I noticed I had some missed calls from Isa.
I shook my head while swallowing. Maybe she had a point in not telling me. 

Or maybe not. But I decided to call her back anyway, even though I didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now.

After ringing a few times the oh so familiar voice greeted me with a nervous hello.  'Isa.’ I simply said. 'Thi told me that you know about..’ She was lost for words for a few seconds. 'Anyway .. You have to understand I didn’t had any other choice, I couldn’t .. I thought ..’ I interrupted her. 'It’s okay .. I think.’ 

'Any chance of getting back together?’ Her question didn’t even make me flinch anymore. 'I don’t think so.’
'I wish I could be with you.’ She softly said and I hummed approvingly. 'I’ll talk to you later.’ And I ended our call as soon as I could.

I read the message I just got from Jessie over and over again. 

”Meg, make an official statement. If it has to, together with him. But do it.

Love <3”

It made it permanent and that was what scared me. No way back. 

But then I realized I had to do it, not only for myself but also for him. The sooner we were done, the sooner we could move on.

'We decided to part ways as friends, we got absolutely no hard feelings towards each other and there is definitely not another person between us.
The magic we had..’ I heard him sigh. 'Scratch that last sentence.’ He mumbled. I bit on my lip and repeated his words. 'Megan and I decided after many years of friendship and love, to part ways as friends, we got absolutely no hard feelings towards each other and there is definitely not another person between us.’ I took a deep breath. 'I think that’s it.’ 

'I think so to.’ I swallowed. 'Thank you.’

'I miss you, Meg.’ He softly said and I could imagine him standing there, looking out of the window.

'I miss you to, Neymar. But it’s better like this, it’s better for both of us.’ I bit on my lip. 

'Please, give me another chance.’ He whispered and I bit on my lip to keep myself from crying on the phone. I gave myself a few seconds to calm down and took a deep breath. 

'I think I gave you enough chances, don’t you think?’ I could hear him shuffle a little and I swallowed. 'You did, you’re right. I’m so sorry for being an asshole, Megan. You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve any of this.’ 

'I don’t, but you don’t deserve this either. You don’t deserve all this drama and shit.’ I took once again a deep breath and continued my sentence. 'I can’t go on with you, not now and I don’t know if I can ever do that again. I loved you and nothing will ever change that but there is nothing that will stop you from getting laid like that again.’ I recalled Ariana her words in my mind and rolled my eyes. 'And I don’t think I’ll be able to trust you soon.’

For the first time in a long time I heard him sob uncontrollably and I closed my eyes. 'Bye.’ I whispered softly before dropping my phone next to me and searching the comfort and warmth that I was already missing in the blankets.

I woke up feeling like a truck had hit me.
I walked with small, light steps to the window and pulled the curtains away. The warmth of the sun welcomed me and I closed my eyes while resting my head against the window.

I texted Jessie to cancel all of my appointments that day and just went straight back to bed. When I heard the door screech I didn’t even bother to open my eyes.

'So this is what you’ve been doing all day.’ I opened my eyes to the very familiar voice and gasped. 'Rafa.’ She smiled and opened her arms. I got up and ran in to her. 'Oh, I missed you..’ She softly said en released me after a few seconds. 'Ney called me..’ I ran a hand trough my hair. 'And .. Well he told me everything.’ 

'Doesn’t surprise me, regarding the bond you have.’ I smiled for a moment at her before closing the door behind her. 'You’ll be staying here for some time or are you moving?’ I shrugged. 'I think I’ll move. I’ve always wanted to see the world and well, now I get time.’ Our gazes crossed and she sadly smiled. 'Are you sure?’ 

I softly laughed. 'Believe me, honey. It’s for the best.’

And I stayed strong, for her. Because being best friends wasn’t that easy anymore.
I stayed strong, for myself. Because I couldn’t let myself break down.


I apologize for not updating so long! I had a pretty rough time and I hope you forgive me.. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

More than friends, less than lovers. (A Neymar Jr. Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now