The Slightly Stalking Photogr...

By Astramine

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❝Stop staring at her, she'll think you're creepier than you actually are, Colin!"❞ ❝I'm not creepy, Denise!❞ ... More

⚡️The Slightly Stalking Photographer⚡️
⚡️1⚡️- Ravenclaw!
⚡️2⚡️- For whom the duck quacks
⚡️3⚡️- Moi
⚡️4⚡️- The Gilderoy meeting
⚡️5⚡️- First fabulous meeting with Peeves?
⚡️6⚡️- Dog drool and frog breath mixed with water
⚡️7⚡️- The jelly fighter that won over a human
⚡️8⚡️- The chocolate stalker
⚡️9⚡️- F.A.R.T.
⚡️10⚡️- Bugs that would suit other names
⚡️11⚡️- Colin's wish of a friend
⚡️12⚡️- The quack of silence
⚡️13⚡️- Love, Emilia.
⚡️14⚡️- weird overgrown turtle-dolphins
⚡️15⚡️- some people are born scared
⚡️17⚡️- The wobbling broom
⚡️18⚡️- Harry's chance to be fabulous
⚡️19⚡️- caught in the act

⚡️16⚡️- Truly fabulous

76 3 3
By Astramine

Esmeralda sneaked around a corner of the cold and dark halls of Hogwarts, walking on her tiptoes so no one would hear her, even if the chances of a person hearing her in that ginormous castle were a fat chance.

Behind her, was Benjamin drowsily and clumsily walking after her like a tired drunk bear? Earlier that evening, he had insisted on coming with her, but for the last half an hour, he had been complaining about having to be with her that late when he could have been in his precious bed.

"Psst!" said a hissing voice that seemed to belong to an ugly one-eyed statue of a witch.

Esmeralda leapt on her tiptoes towards the ugly statue with a drunk-looking Benjamin trailing behind her.

Behind the statue, two boys a couple of years older than them appeared with wide mischievous grins plastered on their freckled faces. Their ginger hair looked like fire in the dim light of a torch behind them making them look a lot like tall torches themselves.

"You got the stuff?" one of the twins asked, which one, she was not sure of; they were the same person in two bodies.

"Of course," Esmeralda said, fishing out a bag of orange powder from her pocket.

One of the twins took the bag of orange powder and grinned at his brother and said, "Imagine Filch's reaction when his cat is orange!"

Esmeralda waited for a while before the twins looked up and said in unison, "Oh, yeah, the entrance to Hogsmeade!"

The twin nearest the statue said quite softly, "Dissendium." to the one-eyed witch statue and a few seconds after he had said the word that Esmeralda did not think belonged to the English language, the hump on the witch opened and revealed a slide down to a tunnel full of darkness.

"And this will get me to Hogsmeade?" Esmeralda asked, stroking the edge of the tunnel that separated her from Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.

"Yep," said one of the twins.

"Just follow the tunnel and you will eventually end up in Hogsmeade, you can't get lost, it's literally walking straight forward." finished the other one.

The both of them smiled broadly almost like a smirk and said, "You came to the right guys." and with that, they left the two first years after wishing them good luck.

"Are you sure this is wise, Esmeralda?" Benjamin asked worriedly, watching Esmeralda climb up to the statue.

Esmeralda turned around with a certain twinkle in her eye and said, "A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men."

"That must mean you're the most cherished person of all of us," Benjamin said with a foolish grin on his lips. The torchlight from one of the torches gave his hair a golden like glow, which reminded Esmeralda a lot of her favourite spell, Ducklifors. His eyes had a certain twinkle in them as well and a mirrored torch made his blue eyes light up, but most importantly, his frown was gone.

"Your frown," Esmeralda said in confusion in a silent, almost whispered sound.

"What about it?" Benjamin said, smiling, even more, lighting his eyes up even more and at that moment, he truly was fabulous.

"It's gone and so is your dull eyes, they're lit up like a fire now," Esmeralda muttered, blinking rapidly, not one hundred percent believing her own eyes. "You're fabulous."

Benjamin was now smirking and ran over to her with the fire in his eyes playing around. The much too happy friend of hers that not only was happier than ever but also for once, fabulous embraced Esmeralda.

"Congratulations, Benji." Esmeralda laughed into his neck. "You are officially fabulous and more than welcome to enter F.A.R.T."

After a long moment of hugging in the dark after curfew, Benjamin let go of Esmeralda, looking as happy as Larry does. His eyes were wet and happy-tear were rolling down his rosy cheeks slower than Snape's talking.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, Esmeralda," Benjamin said happily and started doing a quiet happy dance on the floor with the music of laughter in the background.

Esmeralda rolled her eyes laughing and entered the tunnel, sliding down the slide with Benjamin coming a couple of moments later when he had finished his happy dance.


"Gilderoy?" Esmeralda knocked softly on the door to Gilderoy Lockhart's office and now found herself waiting for him patiently.

The door opened as fast as lighting and out appeared Gilderoy Lockhart with a fabulous pose. "Yes, Esmeralda?"

Esmeralda shifted on her feet and asked a question that would change many things, "Can Benji join our group, he's gotten fabulous since last time you saw him."

Gilderoy looked at her in a disappointed manner and said, "Esmeralda, Esmeralda, I trust you with my wig stash. Of course, he can join us in F.A.R.T."

"Thank you!" said Esmeralda embracing Gilderoy Lockhart in a bone-crushing hug that left Gilderoy Lockhart breathless.

When Esmeralda finally let go of him, Gilderoy Lockhart was panting as hard as one would do after sprinting five miles in half an hour. He may be fabulous, but his workout schedule had not been in use for over twenty years making him in as bad shape as a professional slacker, nevertheless managed to stay fit.

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about, Esmeralda?" Gilderoy Lockhart asked after gaining enough breath to talk.

"Nope," said Esmeralda happily, turned on her heel and walked down the stairs from Gilderoy Lockhart's office.

"Goodbye," Esmeralda said, to which she was smiled at. Gilderoy gave her a blow kiss and waved at her.

When exiting the door to the defence against the dark arts classroom, she was greeted by an eager and hyperactive Benjamin, who with wide eyes asked, "Did I get in?"

Esmeralda laughed at his enthusiasm and said with a great smile, "Yes, there was no shadow of doubt that you would join us in F.A.R.T."


In the darkest part of the dungeon, a pale, blond boy with grey eyes waited in the dark for something or someone.

"What's up, Malfoy?" said a ringing voice from the staircase. A blond boy with an over-excited look upon his face appeared and Malfoy sighed.

"What's up, Malfoy?" repeated Colin Creevey, insisting on knowing how Draco Malfoy's day had been.

"This ugly ceiling, duh, now let's just get this over with." Draco Malfoy said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

Colin Creevey rolled his eyes and handed him the camera he had just yesterday polished five times. "I want you to take a photo of Esmeralda De Casseres, The Goddess of Gorgeousness."

Draco Malfoy shoved the camera away from him, "I don't think so," he said sternly.

"Oh, I do think so," said Colin shoving the camera into Draco Malfoy's pale face. "We had a deal."

"No we didn't, you had a deal, I never agreed on this." Draco Malfoy said, shoving the camera back into Colin Creevey's face, crashing into his nose, making a tiny bruise on the bridge.

"I can sue you for that." Colin Creevey said terrifyingly calmly, which somehow scared Malfoy a bit.

"I'll tell father if you do so." Malfoy countered with a slight smirk.

"What are you going to say?" Colin said in a mocking tone, sounding a bit like a baby.

Malfoy shrugged.

"Maybe tell him that you backed out of a deal like a scared bunny? He is very into deals, is he not? He'd want you to do this, not just for your own reputation, but also your fabulousness, which I have heard from reliable sources that you value above anything."

"Damn." Draco Malfoy said, amazed by Colin Creevey's skills as a blackmailer. "Why should I do this for you then?"

"To save your reputation, of course," said Colin Creevey simply.

"No," said Malfoy. "Why should I do this for you?"

Colin Creevey had not thought of that and ended up staring at Malfoy's perfectly styled blond hair for a long while.

"I need it," muttered Colin Creevey.

"Why?" Draco Malfoy asked curiously, wanting to know the whole truth before agreeing to some deal, he would regret later.

"I love her, Malfoy," said Colin Creevey with a twinkle in his eyes and a weird smile across his face.

"No, you don't, you're twelve, it's called a squish, you weirdo," Malfoy said looking overall disgusted.

"Call it whatever you want to, but I need a photo of her!"

"Fine, just give me the bloody camera, AND the photo of my fabulousness," said Malfoy dully.

Colin cheerfully handed him the photo and camera. "I trust you!" said Colin before leaving Malfoy in the darkness.

"I would trust me," muttered Malfoy in the darkness, entering the Slytherin common room, which screamed green and creepiness.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the castle, Hermione Granger was attempting to make Harry Potter join F.A.R.T.

"I said no, Hermione, I don't want more fame!" said Harry Potter angrily, on his way to get out of the burgundy couch that the two were sitting in, but was dragged back down by Hermione Granger's strong arms.

"It's not about making you more famous, Harry, it's about making you control fabulousness and use it to your own advantage." Hermione attempted to explain for the thousandth time that evening.

"No is a no, Hermione, accept it, I'm never going to join you in that farting group," Harry said simply, getting up from the couch.

"Please, Harry."

"No," Harry said walking away.

"We have a dulling club too, Harry!" Hermione attempted to suggest as what would be her last attempt.

Harry walked back, "You have a what?"

"A duelling club."

"What spells do you learn?" Harry asked, who was all out of the sudden curious about this group of farts.

"Spells like Ducklifors." Hermione said, "Esmeralda's spell."

Harry's eyes widened slightly and said, "I'll try one time, but it's not definite yet."

Hermione gave him a smile and said, "Lovely."

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