My Only Desire (Clementine x...

By jenajera28002

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This is a male reader X Clementine fan fiction but females can read it to cuz why not but it's my first one I... More

Chapter 1- Beautiful mother
Chapter 2- Taken
Chapter 3-When we first met
Chapter 4-New community
Chapter 5- Samuel
Chapter 6-Never broken a promise
Chapter 7- I've heard of you
Chapter 9- Out the cellar
Chapter 10

Chapter 8- drunk guard

553 17 5
By jenajera28002

After leaving the infirmary I'm escorted to where Samuel wanted to meet me.we head back to the factory.It's getting dark,soon everybody is going to call it a day, I see Clementine for a brief moment but continue to walk inside the factory.I head up a couple floors until we finally reach his office.

"In there I'll wait outside when he's done with you."


I left the guard waiting outside and walk in to see Samuel sitting down in his chair.

"Oh hey your here."

He points at another chair across from him.

"Sit down."

"What do you want?" I said while sitting down

"First what the hell's your name again I forget people's names all the time."


"Ohhh yea that was your name, Y/N your here one day and your already fighting and getting sent to the damn infirmary, you gotta see how that looks on you."

"I don't care how it looks on me I fought to stand up for someone."

"Oh yea that girl that you came with, what's her name?"


"Right Clementine pretty name, so you did it to show off for you girlfriend we know how that turned out." He said laughing that last part out.

"She's not my girlfriend and like I said to stand up for her."

I glare at him not breaking eye contact.

"That's why I wanted to see you again."

"What do you mean?"

"When you were out there ranting about how much of an bad of a guy I was I tried to stare you down make you shut up by just looking at you."

"I saw no fear in your eyes you chested up to me and everybody else,you were pissed but I didn't see once that you were willing to back down even after that beating I can tell you were ready to put your hands back up again weren't you?"

He's right I was if I had to for Clementine or for myself I would fight again.

"So what if I would why do you care?"

He jerks out of his seat yelling out loud my remark

"Why do I care!? My community needs people like you strong people who fight even when they seem defeated, I can make you into my best solider you and Clementine, I got word that she's a fighter to and if it's just been the both of you until now it's no surprise you've survived."

"You guys can have a future here within my community within Alcott."

Alcott so that's what they call this place.

I'm baffled that this guy actually thinks I'll want to work for him, Clementine would never,anyone here against their will doesn't he's crazy if he thinks I will.

"What the hell makes you think I'll actually be willing to?"

"I'm not expecting you to but your not going anywhere so either way with time you will be I know you will, with all that fight and rage you got in you working like everybody else won't cut it for you."

"Your fucking crazy."

"A monster right?"

"Yea you are."

"Tell me how well do you know the people of Richmond?"

"Does it matter you destroyed that place!"

"I asked you a question."

"If I'm being honest I never met anyone there in person I only know who they through Clementine telling me about them that's where we were headed before ending up here."

"You know that doctor in the infirmary,the pretty one is from Richmond."

"Yea I found that out myself she told me her name."

"Yea Eleanor, so I didn't kill everybody at Richmond I took in some people."

"Only the ones you wanted to she's a doctor she's useful and everybody else was just garbage to you!?"

"Who the hell are you to decide who lives or dies when they were just trying to live their lives and you go over there to take that away from them!"

He stays silent.

"Yea a fucking monster."

He gives a deep sigh and slowly gets up to sit back down in his chair again,after another moment of silence he speaks.

"You know it's not that hard to kill other people when you had to kill your wife."

I'm shocked at what he said...

"You killed your wife?"

"You see before I came to found this place it was just me, my wife Amanda and my daughter Lisa."

"What happened to them?" I asked hesitantly

"I wanted Lisa to learn how to defend herself, she was growing up in a world like this she had to, Amanda didn't agree but I knew it was something she had to learn how to shoot a gun and use a knife."

He takes another deep sigh, I already know it's going to end bad.

"I took her out to the forest to practice on a few walkers with me there only single ones where I know I can handle them, while I was teaching her on how to use a gun walkers came from behind us I grabbed her and ran,so many just started popping out of nowhere... I ended up getting grabbed and when I tried to push it off it took lunged to take a bite only... Lisa was the one who took it for me."

His voice grows lower talking about the death of his daughter.

"She was bit on her shoulder, I knew what that meant and so did her mother I had to put her down, but when I did Amanda lost it she went crazy on me telling me how it was my fault that our daughter was dead... she pulled a knife and tried to... We were struggling for a while I took the knife away from her but she threw herself at me and....fell on top of me."

"I shouldn't have had the knife in my hand..."

"I lost my family in one day so I guess that's how I can live with myself taking other people lives when I was the one who took my family's lives."

"I'm sorry...." is all what came to mind I can't imagine doing that to Clementine or A.J I would die with them.

"Listen your here to stay like it or not and you will give in to it eventually but go back to your cell we got another tough day tomorrow and we all need to be working you can leave, see you out there."

"You will see me out there but not in here." I think to myself.

I begin to walk out and the guard walks me back to my cell. He reeks of alcohol now having a bottle in his hands and almost trips a couple times. We walk down the steps right to my cell where I see Clementine looking after A.J and violet and Louis on their cell. Clem looks happy to see me and so do the rest.

"Get in."

I walk in and hear the cell door close behind me.

"Better get some damn sleep alright??" He burps going up the stairs.

"Y/N are you alright?"

"I'm fine Clem."

"Are you ok what happened after I left?"

"Nothing we just got back to work everything just moved from there until it was time to call it a day."

"Ok good I'm glad there wasn't anymore trouble for you."

"There was trouble?" Louis asked

"Yea got jumped by some assholes but we're fine now."

"Good cause I got some good news."

"What do you got? Clem asked.

"You see I may have looked over to a guard putting in the lock combination to the armory."


"Yea and the amount of shit they got in there, that's the most amount of guns I've seen in my life."

"Yea If were gonna bust out it's gonna have to be by the gate near the factory it's the only exit I've seen here so far."

"Sounds like the best escaped route then."

"By the way violet we have a smaller time window less then 15 minutes,for the guard tower we have about 8 minutes roughly for the shift between patrols."

"Then we'll have to be quick about it."

"Yea and oh Clem..."


"When I went to the infirmary I met someone you probably know."

"Who!?" Curiosity taking over her.

"Didn't you say there was someone named Eleanor at Richmond?"

"Your telling me she's here!?"

"I think so she said that was her name, dark hair and had a mole on the side of her eye."

"I can't believe it, that has to be her it sounds like her."

"Yea I think it is to."

"She'll have to come with us, if she survived then maybe Javi,Kate and Gabe did to."

"Maybe they probably only brought her here cause she's useful to them."

"I just hope they got away to."


I go over to pick A.J up he looks at me like if I'm his dad and it fills me with joy. I look at Clem thinking of her as his mother.

"Well guess we gotta go to sleep it's getting late." Louis rolled over and blew his candle out.

"Remember keep an eye out for anything we can use to our advantage." Vi said before rolling over to sleep to.

I still hold A.J in my hands, I look over to the cell door and can't help but look at it funny it doesn't look normal. I hand A.J over to Clementine who still sitting down and begin to walk over to the door.

"Y/N what are doing?"

I slowly clutch the metal handle bars and move it towards me it creaks and slowly the door opens.

"Hey violet I just found out another thing."

She sits up to look at me and pauses when she does.

"That guy had a little to much to drink......"

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