Bottom Namjoon One Shots

Par holyminhori

177K 4.8K 3.5K

I feel like there will never be enough bottom namjoon stories in wattpad. °°°°° © credits to @SEULCITY for th... Plus

jeon jυngĸooĸ
ĸιм тaeнyυng
parĸ jιмιn
jυng нoѕeoĸ
мιn yoongι
ĸιм naмjoon
ĸιм ѕeoĸjιn
мιn yoongι
jυng нoѕeoĸ
parĸ jιмιn
ĸιм тaeнyυng
jeon jυngĸooĸ
ĸιм naмjoon
ĸιм ѕeoĸjιn
Namgi: Requests
J̶E̶O̶N̶ J̶U̶N̶G̶K̶O̶O̶K̶

ĸιм ѕeoĸjιn

10K 313 244
Par holyminhori

Warning: Mentions of demons and stuff. This is just pure fiction based from the theological demons. There are a lot of dialogues. Sorry not sorry. :D


A dark room? Check. A pentagram? Check! Lit candles? Check!

Namjoon scanned his bedroom. The curtains were draped, covering the bright gleam the full moon was casting over his window. His bedroom wasn't completely dark due to the misty light illuminated by the series of candles that were encompassing a pentagram that he drew in the middle of his room. He was holding his old notebook as a substitute for a grimoire as he didn't really have the proper tools for the summoning ritual. He wasn't an expert either, though he knew about only a thing or two about summoning demons.

Yes, that's right. He's summoning a demon.

Namjoon is a fanatic of black magic. He loves reading about anything supernatural. Most especially, he has a bizarre affinity for demonic entities. There's something about those crimson-skinned horny(not that kind of horny!) grotesquely creatures that fascinates him. Maybe because of the way they exhibit pure evilness, deceiving anyone with lies and traps them to eternal suffering. Or because of the fact that demons are the epitome of sin. Or maybe because they're just plain interesting to Namjoon.

Namjoon wanted to summon a demon because you know...curiosity.

He was even wearing a robe just for the sake of it since he didn't happen to own a cloak. His robe was actually also his halloween costume from last year's. He planned to be Harry Potter, but he ended up dressing up as Draco Malfoy since he had blonde hair back then.

Namjoon took the expanse of his room before him. He took a long deep inhale then he exhaled breathily.

Okay, let's do this.

He approached the awaiting pentagram which is adorned with a sigil from a specific demon he wanted to summon. He stepped in the middle of the pentacle, slightly smudging the sigil he carefully drew with precision beforehand. With a thumping heart and fidgety hands, he reaffirmed in his head the spell he took from a website that will supposedly 'call' a demon. He didn't know if it's credible. Though it wouldn't hurt to try. And he has a whole list of possible working spells just in case the first ones wouldn't work.

Namjoon held out his left hand on the air, holding his notebook on the right. He started reciting the incantations.

"I, Kim Namjoon, in the name of Lucifer, the king of all demons, wish to summon the demon Chenor, the Wish Granter," he said with a loud, clear, and most comprehensive voice he could ever muster.

He waited for a few moments, staring intently at the pentagram.

Namjoon looked around him. He wanted to check if Chenor already showed up and he just didn't notice the demon. He even twirled around, awfully resembling an overly excited puppy. But there's nothing even remotely paranormal going on.

Namjoon slumped his shoulders. He looked down dejectedly, already looking at another set of words on the list for an another attempt.

"It's not working," he sighed. "Then I'll try thi--"

A sudden blinding explosion took over. Colors of red and green dense smokes erupted from the pentagram. Namjoon was blown away, resulting for him to be thrown ass first on the ground. The large quantity of smoke befogged everything from his field of vision. Namjoon frozed.

His heart pounded in an incredibly fast rate. He squinted his eyes to make out a gauzy silhouette over the foggy room.

The smoke slowly subsided, slowly revealing an appalling sight he couldn't believe he will ever get to see in his whole life.

His mouth went dry, his heart seemed to have stopped from palpitating. His palms started to sweat incessantly. He was visibly shaking.

The man-- no demon, was so enthralling. A gorgeous-- scratch that, the most ethereal looking man he has ever seen was standing there before him. If beauty has a personification, the guy-- no demon before him would easily be beauty itself. His looks were literally out of this world. Namjoon thought no human can even be on par with the demon's looks.

He was expecting the demon to look sickening and repulsive. He expects it to be crimson-skinned, with horns on its head, maybe with horrendous looking wings, and non-humanlike features. But the demon looked like he came straight out from heaven. He had jet black hair, luscious looking lips that strongly reminds Namjoon of the color of fresh raw blood. But the demon's eyes were the main reason why Namjoon could easily say the demon's the most beautiful being he had ever seen in his whole life. The demon has a dark iris as dark as the night sky in his left eye while his right eye has a glowing glint of gold that pierces through whoever would look at it. Do demons usually look that way?

The only reminder that distinguishes the 'demon' in front of him from looking like a normal human being was his huge majestic ebony wings. The sleek looking dark feathers looked so beautiful. Namjoon was mesmerized by the legit wings on the man's back.

The demon confidently strode towards him. Namjoon's eyes widened in fear and embarrassment.

The demon quietly scanned Namjoon, assessing his appearance. The demon looked like he was going to devour his whole being. Looking at him like he was a literal meal. Namjoon might just be imagining it but he swears he thought he saw one corner of the demon's lips curled up for a split second.

"Why, what a surprise. Why did a puny little human like you disturb my peace and quiet?" The deep timbre of the guy's voice sent chills throughout his whole body.

The demon squatted to level with him. His enticing set of different colored orbs were boring into his chocolate ones.

"I want to make a wish," Namjoon didn't know where the confidence came from but he was glad he answered without shaking. The demon smirked, as if satisfied at his answer. Then the demon stood up, Namjoon followed immediately.

"Well, okay then." The demon cheerily said. Namjoon didn't miss the odd glint of mischief on the demon's eyes. "But before anything else, I would like to clarify some things."

"Okay, go on." Namjoon nodded.

"One, you'll have three wishes at best. Two, you don't have the right to break off your previous wish unless you use another one of your wishes. And lastly, you will repay your granted wishes for six years," the demon counted with his slender fingers.

"How can I repay you in those six years?" Namjoon shuddered at the thought.

"It's a surprise," the demon winked, smiling cheekily.

Namjoon's heart suddenly leaped.

"So what is your first wish, master?"

"I-- uhh...let me think," Namjoon thought intently. What could he wish for? Money? No wait, he's already rich. He doesn't need more of it. Fame? Nah, it's not much his cup of tea. Love?

Namjoon blushed.

The demon raised one of his eyebrows at that.

"I believe you already have one in your mind?"

"Yes, I do." Namjoon stared back at the demon with determination.

"What is it that you desire, human?"

"I...want my crush to like me back." Namjoon's blush increases.

The demon nodded. "Your wish is my command." He flicked his fingers.

Namjoon's vision blurred. A constant ringing on his ears was the last thing he heard before he felt himself drop on the floor. Colors of black and gold were the last thing he saw before he passed out.

Namjoon woke up refreshingly that morning. He didn't know how he ended up in his bed. Must be because of his wish?


The demon! Where is he?

"Good morning," Namjoon's head flicked towards the source of the voice. The demon was there on top of his dresser...floating.

"G-good morning?" he sat up.

"You should get ready. Your crush is waiting for you," the demon smiled knowingly.

This demon likes to smile a lot.

Namjoon thought the demon's behavior is unlike what he have imagined. He thought demons were supposed to be hostile and evil. Not polite and cheery...and-- and...beautiful.

Namjoon feels uncomfortable. The demon was following him everywhere he went, watching his every move.

Chenor or 'Jin' as what the demon preferred to be called, was floating behind him as Namjoon walked along the school hallway. The other students who passed by them don't seem to notice the demon. It's not that they can't see him because they weren't the one who summoned him, it's because Jin chose to be invisible to them. It would cause an uproar obviously. Though the reason would be because of Jin's face.

When he was seated on his seat in the very back of the room, Jin mimicked him. He also sat in the air with an invisible chair, he was even leaning casually on nothing. Namjoon stared at him weirdly.

"Good morning, Namjoon," Namjoon visibly stiffened, his ears went red at the deep voice he oh-so-adore. Jin raised his eyebrow at the red-faced boy's reaction.

"Morning Taehyung," Namjoon cleared his throat. His movements became somewhat robotic from being so stiff. Jin facepalmed.

Taehyung sat beside Namjoon who was sitting upright.

"So he's your crush," Jin stated, not really asking as it was too obvious.

"Shut up."

"Hmm? Sorry?" Taehyung turned to look at Namjoon. Namjoon's eyes widened, his mouth agape.

"No! I mean it's not meant for you. It's for uhh my...b-butler! He was just saying...stuff," Namjoon pretended to hold his phone on his ear.

"Oh..." Taehyung chuckled then nodded.

Once he turned away, Namjoon went beet red at his stupid excuse. Great. Now Taehyung would think he's rude to his butler.

His first period went by weirdly. Taehyung's hand frequently brushed on his hand the whole time. Then he would whisper random things to Namjoon even though they weren't that close before to begin with. But Namjoon thinks it's because of his wish. Is it already working? If so, he wants to keep it coming.

Jin however, liked to disturb his euphoria. He would make faces in front of the oblivious Taehyung. He even slapped Taehyung! Although of course Taehyung didn't know why his cheek suddenly hurts.

Why you little!

Namjoon takes it back. Jin is still a demon. He will always be no matter what he looked like. He wanted to slap the demon back for what he did to Taehyung.

After their classes, Taehyung invited Namjoon to have lunch with him. On which he enthusiastically accepted.

Taehyung was noticeably getting touchy to him. Taehyung was putting his arm around his shoulder already. After Namjoon's class, Taehyung was already waiting for him.

Jin was following them impatiently. Throwing dad jokes and annoying remarks he could possibly think of. Which is every freaking minute.

Putting Jin's annoying presence aside, all went well with Taehyung. He was funny and he enjoyed his company very much as much as Taehyung's friends who were also there. They seemed cool. He was even invited to their frat party tonight even though it's a school night. Parties weren't Namjoon's scene. But since Taehyung is there and he invited Namjoon, who was he to decline?

"That won't do," Jin shook his head in disapproval.

For the nth time, Namjoon tossed another one of his possible outfits for the upcoming party.

"Ugghhh! Then what am I supposed to wear then? If you're such an expert," Namjoon placed his hands on hips.

"Thought you'd never ask, master." He said before rummaging on his walk-in closet.

"Oh my God! Will you stop with the master thing!" Namjoon groaned.

Jin however flinched and he started fidgeting. For the first time since Namjoon saw Jin, it was his first genuine emotion. There he saw fear in his eyes. Jin dropped on the floor, clutching his ears. He was teary while pleading at nothing in particular in a different language. Shaking his head vigorously with all his might.

Namjoon immediately ran and squatted in front of Jin. He held both Jin's forearms then carefully stroked it. Jin felt real and warm. As soon as Namjoon felt Jin's skin, an overwhelming sense of longing took over him.

"Hey, hey, Jin. I'm sorry! Please be okay. Everything's going to be fine. Just listen to me, okay? Look at me." Namjoon worriedly lifted Jin's chin.

Namjoon wasn't lying when he said everything's going to be fine because as soon as Jin stared at Namjoon, Jin's eyes started to have focus. But now, Jin was intently staring at the pair of chocolate brown orbs that were also staring back at him. The demon's mind felt at ease although his heart did not.

"Are you okay now?" Namjoon of course broke the moment.

"Yeah. Sorry if I scared you," he said.

"I thought you're going to die or something. Do demons also die? What happened? Why did you become like that when I--you know," Namjoon bombarded him with questions. Come to think about it, this guy could answer all of his questions about anything! Why hasn't he thought about asking him? Instead, he was so busy about Taehyung when there are far more interesting things he could do with Jin. Of course not those kind of things!

"Demons don't die. We're far worse than death. I wasn't like this before, you know. I was an angel once. Before we defied Him." Jin's voice was filled with remorse.

"You're one of those fallen angels?"

"I was. Lucifer coaxed me to side with him. Even though I listen to his lections sometimes, I never joined his side. He was a good angel. But he took it too far. I didn't participate in the war in heaven but I was also punished and expelled from heaven."

Namjoon's heart clenched. He felt sorry for Jin. He didn't deserve to be like this. Maybe that explains why he's not hideous both inside and outside like all the other fallen angels. He was and is still good.

"Do you think you'll ever come back to heaven?"

Jin sighed and shook his head. "It's in the prophecy. We're bound to be punished in flames, the place where you humans call hell. Even though we're still not in hell, we get a taste of it everytime we hear His name."

"So hell's not real?" Namjoon's head and heart felt like bursting.

"It is real. But not yet," Jin shook his head.

"Oh. But you're innocent, aren't you? You have to be exempted. There must be a way! You grant wishes right? You can magic your way to G--Him or something!" Namjoon firmly put his hands on Jin's broad shoulders.

"I can't control my own desires, Namjoon. I grant your wishes. Not mine."

That shut Namjoon off. He was angry and sad. Jin definitely didn't deserve to be a fallen angel. He was wronged!

The party long forgotten. Instead, Namjoon asked Jin about anything he could think of. Jin knew a lot of things or more like close to everything since he was there since the beginning of time.

"Are aliens real?"

"Yes, they do."

"Are mermaids real?"

"If that's what you humans call low level demons that lurks in the ocean, then yes. They don't look anything like Ariel though."

Namjoon slept late but with a smile on his face. He conversed with Jin about almost everything. Even deep philosophical things. Jin was enthusiastic about it. They talked until Namjoon fell asleep.

Jin on the other hand, thought Namjoon was a breathe of fresh air. He was unlike any other human who have summoned him. They were consumed with greed and revenge. While little Namjoon was just pure and good. It's the first time he had a proper conversation without evil intent.

The fallen angel watched Namjoon sleep the whole night.

The next morning, a wailing Taehyung was clinging to Namjoon the whole time. He was giving all sorts of touches to Namjoon. The latter was getting incredibly uncomfortable. Unlike before, he would try to get out from the guy's touches as much as possible. There's even one time where Jin hit the back of Taehyung's head to make his hands stop from almost touching Namjoon's butt.

The cycle went on for almost a month. Namjoon would put up with Taehyung's clinginess, Jin would disturb Taehyung, and Namjoon and Jin would spend time together anywhere with a view where they would talk about deep philosophical things.

"I want to make a wish again." Namjoon said out of the blue. Namjoon and Jin were on his room. Jin was reading one of Namjoon's novels about the supernatural. He was pointing out rare truths and laugh about the made up ones in the book.

Jin gingerly closed the book. Setting it down warily.

"Okay. What is it?" He stood up, his wings ruffled a little. Namjoon also stood up, facing each other like the first time.

"I wish to break off my previous wish. I take it back," he said with decisiveness.

Jin was clearly surprised. He did not expect Namjoon to break off his wish. Taehyung was quite a handful, but in all honesty, he was a keeper. To be completely honest, Namjoon doesn't need to wish for Taehyung to like him. The guy already had his eyes set on Namjoon even before the latter made his wish. The wish only made Taehyung to act on his impulse. Of course, Namjoon doesn't need to know that. A little lie wouldn't matter. He's a 'demon' anyway.

"Took you long enough. He was a little annoying," Jin chuckled.

"It's not that! I feel guilty for forcing him to like me. He has the freedom to choose who to like. I felt like I derived him from his right." Namjoon looked so sorry that Jin was itching to tell him that Taehyung actually likes Namjoon for who he is. It's not hard to love Namjoon. It's not because of the wish.

"Besides, I kinda don't like him anymore." Namjoon touched his neck, his face heating up.

"Really? Why is that?" Jin's heart pounded erratically. Though of course he didn't have one since he's not human.

"I-- I like someone else now," he avoided Jin's stare.

Jin didn't reply but he was smiling contentedly.

"Okay then. Your wish is my command." Jin flicked his fingers. Unlike the first time, Namjoon was enveloped in warmth that made him feel drowsy. Before he felt himself drop, he felt a strong pair of arms caging him in. Once again, colors of black and gold were the last thing he saw before he fell into a deep slumber.

Taehyung changed after Namjoon broke off his wish. He wasn't clingy like before but Namjoon was still friends with him and his friends, which he was thankful for.

But Namjoon was wondering how Taehyung ended up confessing to him after a few months. Maybe the wish hasn't completely broke off?

Of course, Namjoon rejected Taehyung. His feelings just wasn't there anymore. They remained friends after that. Taehyung of course avoided Namjoon for a few days before they spoke again like nothing ever happened. It looks like their friendship even got stronger.

Namjoon was happy in those few months. Especially when Jin came into his life. Jin became Namjoon's literal guardian angel. He felt protected whenever Jin's beside him(which is all the time since the guy never disappears).

Little did Namjoon know that whenever he's already asleep in oblivion, Jin would stay somewhere else to prevent himself from waking Namjoon. The punishment was getting frequent. He would scream in agony whenever he loses one piece of his sanity. His wings were withering one by one. He would lose his sanity even if there's nothing to trigger him. This happens every single night shortly after Namjoon broke off his wish. But Jin knows now what's his real punishment.

Namjoon was his heaven and hell.

He's forbidden to love a human. That is a given. Heaven disowns angels that fall for human beings. It also happened before. It was not impossible to happen again.

Just when Jin had hope that he could come back to heaven, he...fell for Namjoon. Heaven would definitely let him rot in earth. His fate was sealed.

"Jin, your wings." Namjoon touched his raven wings. His wings felt like satin under his touch. It was just like he imagined.

"Why? What happened to it?" Jin became nervous. Did Namjoon notice?

"Nothing. It's just...what does it feel like to fly? And why do you have wings if you can float?"

Jin sighed in relief.

"We have wings because it speeds us up a whole lot faster. What I feel when I fly...I could never tell you accurately with words," Jin stood up, holding out his hand to an anticipating Namjoon.

Namjoon's eyes gleamed. His mouth was agape with excitement. He willingly took Jin's hand, a sudden bolt of electricity cursed through the both of them. But they kept quiet.

Soon enough, when they reached Namjoon's balcony, Jin suddenly carried Namjoon in bridal style. The younger let out a yelp and clung to him like his life depended on it. In a matter of seconds, they were off the ground. Namjoon saw his parent's enormous house getting tinier. Jin's huge wings were creating cool breezes of wind everytime it flaps. It was just like riding a roller coaster minus the ups and downs. It was scary but he can't help but love the adrenaline cursing through his body.

The view from above was just like riding a plane. Minus the plane itself. He felt exposed and afraid but happy nonetheless.

"You think we could go to Paris?" Namjoon joked, staring at Jin's handsome features up close. He was blushing since he was just inches away from Jin's lips.

"You bet," the fallen angel bolted so fast that Namjoon thought he left his soul there in his hometown.

"That was fun! We have to do it again, pwease!" Namjoon tried to say it cutely. Well, tried.

Jin couldn't help but fall for it regardless.

"Okay. Next time. But first, shall I tuck you in, master?"

"You sound just like Yoongi. Stop it," he chuckled, pertaining to his overly formal butler. Although Namjoon obeyed him, letting the fallen angel tuck him in.

"Sleep tight, Namjoon. Dream of me," he whispered before affectionately touching Namjoon's cheek. Namjoon sleepily leaned in to Jin's touch before falling asleep soundly. Jin watched him for an hour asleep before he painstakingly stood up. Little did he know that Namjoon suddenly woke up.

Namjoon saw Jin going out to the balcony. He saw Jin spread his wings slowly. He looked like he was going to leave. Namjoon felt fear in his heart.

Where is he going? Is he going to leave me?

The thought made Namjoon hurriedly scramble his way to Jin.

"Jin! Wait!"

Jin frozed.

"Where are you going? Are you going to leave me?" Namjoon looked like he was about to cry.

Jin melted at the sight. He doesn't want Namjoon crying because of him. Of course Jin never thought about leaving Namjoon. That's the last thing he was going to do.

"No! Of course not-- aah!" Jin suddenly dropped again. Just like the first time, he was screaming in agony, sputtering words in a different language. But this time, Jin's wings were wilting like crazy. Masses of feathers were falling on the floor. A dark essence was surrounding Jin's wings.

Namjoon was scared. Scared that he might lose Jin. He shakingly hugged the fallen angel, crying nonstop. Namjoon pleaded to make it stop. Jin was hurting. Tears were incessantly streaming across Namjoon's cheeks.

"P-please make it stop! He's done nothing wrong!" Namjoon hugged a thrashing Jin even more. He was hiccuping. He cried harder.

"P-please...I love him," Namjoon barely whispered.

As if on cue, Jin visibly calmed down. He stopped talking although his eyes were still filled to the brim. The ambience became quiet. Namjoon was hiccuping lightly. The two stared at each other.

"Jin? Are you back?" Namjoon hiccuped again.

"Namjoon," Jin hugged Namjoon tightly. Smelling the distinctive smell of Namjoon's favorite perfume. Namjoon wailed again.

"Jin! I'm sorry! I didn't know why you became like that! It's because of me, right?" Namjoon let go to stare at Jin.

"No, it's not! I'm okay now. That's what matters," Jin cupped Namjoon's cheeks.

Namjoon shook his head, his eyes started to tear up again. "No you're not! Your wings!"

Jin only notices the excruciating pain on his back, especially on his wings. His wings that were once full of sleek black feathers were nothing more than a crooked shape of cartilage that formed that of a wing.

"It was all my fault, Jin. I was too selfish. I thought I could keep you forever. You deserve justice. And here I was, prolonging your suffering. I should have done this a long time ago. I'm sorry," he cried. Namjoon doesn't want Jin to suffer any longer. Jin's wings were all he had as a remainder that he was and is still an angel. Fallen or not.

"No, Namjoon! I don't want you to!" Jin shook his head vigorously.

Namjoon tried to smile. He touched Jin's lips, tracing the plump flesh with his index finger. Tears streamed on Jin's cheeks. They both know what was going to happen.

"I love you too, Namjoon," the fallen angel said.

Jin closed the gap between them. They kissed passionately and longingly. Namjoon tasted sweet and pure...and good. Jin wanted to cherish this memory forever on his heart. If only he could give up heaven just for a day with Namjoon, he would.

Namjoon painstakingly broke the kiss. He was ready.

"I want to make my last wish," Namjoon closed his eyes to avoid Jin's stare.

"Namjoon, please don't. I can take it! I will endure everything. Just let me be with you for a little more." he cried.

Namjoon ignored Jin's persuasion. He has to do the right thing. For Jin.

"I wish...I wish that the Wish Granter, Chenor, will be served justice. I wish he will come back to heaven," Namjoon opened his eyes and there in front of him was the only angel he have ever loved, tears brimming on his black and gold hued eyes.

A blinding bright light encompasses Jin's figure. The light didn't come from Jin's body. The blinding light came from the sky above them even though it's midnight.

Namjoon squinted from the brightness. He wanted to at least see Jin a little more. A strong wind blew around them, preventing him to see clearly.

Namjoon could only make out Jin's silhouette enshrouded with bright light. He felt like the angel's figure was staring right back at him.

A hand came out of the tornado of bright light. The arm was radiantly glowing. Namjoon almost felt like passing out from the overwhelming brightness. But he persevered. He clasped his hands with the angel's hands. Even though he can't see the angel's face, Namjoon knows he's crying too.

A warm and soft touch was placed on Namjoon's forehead.

It was a kiss.

"You are my heaven. Thank you."

Then everything blacked out.

He was gone.


Sike!! Yes, that's the end. I realized all of the previous chapters were all happy endings. I loved writing this. ❤

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