The Recurring Nightmare~Yande...

By VilliansRule

3.1K 83 21

It has been a year since Y/n L/n escaped the infamous Jack the Clown and his horrid game of survival. Now the... More

Living A Wonderful Life
Nightmares at Work
A Trip To The Doctor


705 19 12
By VilliansRule

~Your POV~

The next morning I called up Alexander and told him I was taking his advice, his reply to have fun and take as much time as I wanted to unwind. After finishing up my conversation with him I texted Martha and told her the news before I got dressed in a simple t-shirt, parachute pants and sandals. Grabbing my satchel I began to head out my door when my phone buzzed.

From: Martha

Sent at 9:35 am

That sounds great, Y/n! Have fun on your trip since you deserve it! I'll take care of your clients while you're away and don't forget to update me!

I chuckled and sent back a reply before exiting and locking my door. Today was a day to gather some last minute traveling items before heading out in only a few hours. Hopping into my car I drove to the closest Walmart, it taking some time to find a parking spot as their seemed to be thousands of people there. After about 5 minutes of searching and parking I headed inside, peering down at my list and heading into the different aisles.

30 minutes later I stood in line with a cart full of traveling items such as hygiene products, a couple new books and one or two clothing items. While waiting in line I looked around and absent mindlessly tapped my fingers against the plastic trim, the ring on my finger clicking with my taps.  Peering down at it I couldn't help but shudder as the green gems glinted in the light. "Next!"

Looking up I saw I was the next customer so I pushed my cart forwards and began to unload my haul, going to the register to pay afterwords. The woman at the register smiled at me giving me my total, I ringing my debit card through. "What a gorgeous ring! What kind is it?"

Realizing the cashier was talking to me I replied softly, "Engagement."

"You're one lucky woman to get that for an engagement ring! It must have cost your fiancee a fortune."

The jack ass probably stole it in all honesty.

I just chuckled and grabbed my bags, wanting to escape the conversation as soon as possible. "Congratulations on the engagement!"

I cringed and quickly rushed out to my car, unlocking and putting my groceries inside before getting in the driver's seat and leaving. 

Arriving back at my apartment I was greeted by Opal, her meowing bringing my heart rate back down to normal. "Hey, girl. Martha's going to come and take care of you while I'm away, okay?"


"I knew you would understand."

Setting down my groceries I went towards my front door and opened the closet, quickly grabbing the suitcase from inside. Bringing it into my bedroom I set it on the bed and began to pack things inside of it, my excitement bubbling. Double checking that I had everything I quickly jogged to my front door. "Goodbye, Opal dear. I love you!"


Smiling I headed out the door and locked it, hiding the spare key under the doormat. Rushing off to my car once more I got in and headed towards the Orlando airport, my nerves getting the best of me. Parking my car and paying for a spot I walked inside the airport, scanning in and putting my suitcase on the conveyor belt after getting the information for it. Heading through security and to my boarding location I sat waiting until my zone was called, my nerves trembling as I haven't flown in quite awhile. Boarding the plane I headed towards my seat, I noticing I was stuck with another person. Sitting down by the window I plopped my carry on down on the floor before buckling myself in. "You must be my flight partner."

I turned my head to see a young woman standing there, a small smile on her face. I nodded and she sat down. "So where are you headed to?"

"Singapore, for a vacation. And you?"

"New York. I'm going for a writing convention."

"That sounds nice. I don't believe you mentioned your name."

"Oh where are my manners! The name's Cari. And you?"


"Well it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well."

Silence met the two of us before I peered down towards Cari's hands, them holding a cell phone on a Wattpad account. Curious I watched as she clicked the edit button, my eyes widening at the titles of her stories as I realized who they were about. Cari must have caught my eye as she smiled at me. "Oh, are you a writer too?"

"N-no. I've found I'm terrible at creating things l-like that."

"Now don't put yourself down like that! I'm sure you're a fine writer!"

"It's j-just not my thing."

"Oh I see."

An awkward silence met us as the flight attendants prepared us for lift off. My stomach twisted in knots as the plane began to move, my fingers nervously tapping against the armrest. "Oh don't be scared, Y/n! Flying is actually really fun!"

"I hope you're right, Cari."

Suddenly the plane lifted off, my breath hitching in my throat. However the aircraft soon steadied itself and my breath released itself, my fingers ceasing their movement as I relaxed. "See it's not that bad!"

"I-I guess you're right."

"So, whose the lucky guy?"


"Your ring! At least I assume it's an engagement ring."

"You'd be correct." Oh no. Not this again.

"Well...who is he? Somebody I'd know?"

"Probably not. He spends most of his time at work."

"Oh a workaholic. But I'm sure he loves you even if he is away!"

Honey, you have no clue.

"Y-yeah. But he has a funny way of s-showing it."

"People all have different ways of showing affection, Y/n."

That may be true but most people don't saw off their significant other's leg, scar up their back, murder all of their friends, force them to marry them and expect them to be okay with it.

"I guess you're right."

For the rest of the flight the two of us talked, Cari mainly giving me advice for the "future" and I knowing it wouldn't work on someone like Jack. As our plane landed and we were let off my passenger gave me a smile and a wave. "Goodbye, Y/n. It was fun talking with you! I hope everything goes better between you and your fiancee!"

I just gave her a smile before grabbing my bag and walking off, getting to my proper boarding area just in time. At least on this flight I can sleep.

Getting my passport scanned and getting on the plane I found my seat near the aisle this time, my partner being a middle-aged woman who was too busy on her laptop to notice me. I just shook it off and sat down, the usual spiel about plane safety being taught before we took off. I sighed as I relaxed myself, taking out one of my new books to read for a while before falling asleep for the night. 


Shout out to @CariKohai for being a fellow Jack fan and helping me with ideas for all of my HHN fanfictions. You should all go check her out as she's got some really good Jack fanfictions as well! 

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