Voyage of Discovery (Sue Thom...

By JSMarlo

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A road trip leads to a few unexpected discoveries. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Twelve

519 2 0
By JSMarlo

Sue knocked instead of using her key since Lucy wasn't expecting them until tonight.

Lucy gaped as she saw them. She was still in her pyjama, but she didn't care. She was so happy they were back. Lucy hugged Sue and looked at the little girl in Jack's arms.

"Oh my! She is gorgeous, guys," she told them. 'Hello Jay,' Lucy signed.

A smile appeared on Jay's cute little face and she signed 'Hi'.

Lucy tried extending her arms to see if Jay would come see her. Jay did. Lucy pointed to the bear she held and Jay signed 'blue bear'. Lucy smiled at her, nodding.

"Are you staying a little while?"

"Sorry, Luce, not right now," said Sue as she headed toward her room.

"We have lots of errands to run," apologised Jack. "How about we come back for supper and fill you in on everything that happened?"

"About six?" suggested Lucy, who was delighted when Jack agreed. "Perfect. When did you arrive in DC?"

"Yesterday afternoon. There was a house Anne insisted on showing us and we bought it last night. Sue will give you all the details tonight," added Jack who could read so many questions on Lucy's face.

Jay began wiggling and signed 'Down' for Lucy. Jack kept an eye on her as she explored the living room.

"Where did you stay last night?" Lucy knew Jack only had a one-bedroom apartment.

"My place," he answered, thinking nothing of it until he saw Lucy's incredulous expression. "It's not what you think," he quickly added. "But... we are living together," admitted Jack. "Can we keep that between us?"

"It's nobody's business, Jack... not even mine," Lucy reluctantly agreed. "Just tell me I booked your wedding soon enough, didn't I?"

"Yes... you did... though today would have been even better," he said, laughing.

Lucy rolled her eyes to him.

"You did a great job, Luce, and Sue and I are very grateful for everything," he assured her.

"Mama," they heard Jay exclaimed as she ran in the hallway to be caught by Sue.

"We could have supper together," suggested Sue as she joined them. She stared in confusion as they both grinned.

"We are," said Lucy. "I will see you tonight."

As soon as they left, Lucy took the phone and dialled.


They went to see Anne and signed the paper. The mortgage was approved, the house was theirs. Anne would give them the keys on Tuesday night.

They selected a white bedroom set for Jay and let her choose her sheets and comforter. She liked the one with blue teddy bears holding pink and yellow balloons. Jack figured it would match either one of the children's bedrooms. As they waited to have the delivery confirmed, Jack strolled in the crib section. He felt little arms hugging his leg and big brown eyes staring at him.

'Baby bed,' she signed. 'Jay no baby.'

He knelt down beside her.

'Jay big girl,' Jack signed back and she nodded. He kissed her little nose and she giggled.

'I love daddy,' her little hands told him.

'Daddy loves you.' He picked her up and hugged her fiercely.

Sue watched the exchange with misty eyes, smiling tenderly at them. She didn't miss the longing in Jack's eyes as his hand brushed the railing, and she found herself rubbing her tummy. She hoped she would carry another child soon.

They also bought some toys and some more clothes for Jay. By the time they got back at Jack's place, it was almost time to leave for Lucy's.


The entire bullpen was at Lucy's, impatiently waiting for their arrival.

"Well, I can see we were not the only one shopping," exclaimed Jack as their friends showered them and Jay with gifts.

"Little sheila needs toys, Jack," explained Bobby, grinning, as Jay was sitting on his lap, unwrapping yet another present. Jay had stolen her new uncle's heart instantly.

Jack looked around. She had stolen everyone's heart, including Myles who couldn't wait for his turn with little Jay.

"I talked to Anne earlier, she told me you bought a house and were moving in this week. If you need help, I believe a have a few days off I can use," offered Myles.

Jack smiled, as everyone was more than happy to help. From the sound of it, the bullpen would be empty this week.

"We did solve two high profile cases," pointed out D. "Thanks to Jack and Sue. And we put in lots of extra hours while we were at it. So I see no problem into scheduling some moving time."

"And I can get you the Bureau's moving truck. You know, the one we use every time you two get married," quipped Tara.

The others laughed.

Jack hugged Sue who was blushing. "We appreciate a lot, guys."

"Enough to start at the beginning," hinted Tara. "And tell us what exactly happened from the time you left for El Paso, that fateful Tuesday morning, not that long ago."

"Yah, mate. You were supposed to secure a testimony, not a wife and a daughter."

"You are talking about Jack, our great leader," teased Myles. "He is very efficient... slow, but efficient."

So between the food, the gifts, the laughs, the story was told and a few facts were deliberately omitted.

When the neighbour came knocking for them to keep the noise down, they took it as an indication it was time to leave. Tara hung around a bit longer. She had a special gift for Sue. Jack used the opportunity to take Levi for his walk, leaving the women alone.

Sue gaped as she opened the box. She could feel the heat burning her cheeks.

"I didn't want to embarrass you in front of the guys," explained Tara. "Only your husband should be privy of this sight."

Sue took the silky baby blue lingerie out of the box and delicately fingered it. "It is gorgeous," murmured Sue.

"And sexy," added Lucy. "Now, we think it's the right size, but try it on before Saturday and if we were wrong, you can exchange it."

She looked at the tag. "It should be perfect."

"Now, girl, remember," insisted Lucy. "Jack cannot see it before Saturday."

"Why would Jack see it before then?" asked Tara, staring at Sue. "Oh!" Understanding hit her. "You and Jack are..."

"Not exactly," said Sue, blushing even more.

"Jack won't be back for another fifteen minutes. Start talking," pleaded Tara. "Give me some romance to take to bed with me tonight."

"Yah, Sue. You got Jack, but we get the story."


The three guys met in the street.

"In one hour at his place."

"What if he doesn't want to come?"

The tall one smiled. "We kidnap him."


Between Jay, Levi, and all the gifts, the car was packed. They rode in silence as it was too dark for Sue to read him. He just held her hand into his.

Sue was smiling serenely. They had a very nice evening and the team was terrific. D asked them if they could come in on Monday morning since a briefing had already been scheduled with the assistant director.

They would be there. Jack had a feeling that more than the case would be discussed, but they would cross that bridge once they were there.

Jay didn't wake up when they put her to bed.

As he emptied the car, Jack came upon a box he didn't notice at the party. Sue took it away immediately, under Jack's mystified gaze.

Something worth finding out tonight, he mused with amusement. He left a soft light on for that purpose as she joined him, wearing a nightie with yellow happy faces on it.

"What do I need to do for you to tell me what is in that box?"

She cuddled against him. He tried kissing the devilish grin away but it just became wider. "Can I peek inside the box?"

She shook her head.

"Okay, explain something else then. How come Tara and Lucy can come here to look at your wedding dress and I cannot see it? Didn't you buy it for me?"

Her eyes were laughing and she remained immune to his charms.

"Has a cat eaten your tongue tonight?"

Trying her best not to let the cat out of the bag, she shrugged.

"Let me check." Before she had a chance to reply, he sealed her mouth with his, leaving both of them breathless and no corner unexplored. He kept one hand on her bare back, while he cupped her head the other.

Her eyes were so bright and alive as her hands travelled down his chest. "Lingerie," she whispered to him. "Specially for you."

"You know I really like your yellow one, I can barely resist th—" A finger on his lips silenced him.

"Trust me, you will love it," she whispered as she sought his lips.

His hand trailed down her back to her side and tenderly caressed her abdomen. Her nightie wasn't covering much anymore and the gesture brought back the memories from this afternoon. The love that Jack showered Jay with, the longing for another child, one that would grow inside her, underneath his hand. She was riding a giant wave and she let it take her wherever it wanted to go. She felt more hands wrapping around her and reality slowly sank back in as she felt the softest touch around her neck.

Gently they broke apart.

Jack smiled as he took in the picture they made. Jay had rolled their way and wrapped her arms around her mother neck, her head resting against Sue's back. She was still asleep.

"Wednesday night, little angel is getting her own bed," commented Jack. As he gently unwrapped Jay and moved her, he stopped and frowned. "Doorbell. I will be right back."

He got up, didn't bother with pants. He had no intention of letting anyone in. As he neared the door, it opened by itself.

Jack reached for a gun that wasn't there.


"You need better locks, mate. I will have a look at them in your new house. Wouldn't want anyone to break in."

Jack stared in astonishment as Bobby, Myles and D came in, grinning. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't that obvious?" asked Myles.

No, it wasn't, thought Jack.

"A night in town, mate. Consider that as your bachelor party."

"If it's the same to you," Jack told them. "I will consider the three of you breaking in my apartment as my bachelor party. Thank you, you can go now."

"Not so fast, Jack," said D, as Jack tried to push them out. "Bobby, get him some pants and a shirt."

"Bobby, don't enter my bedroom," warned Jack.

"Boxers won't get you in anywhere, Jack," Myles argued as he stopped him from following Bobby. "Not even silky black one."

"Crash! You are trespassing."

Bobby ignored Jack and froze in the doorway of the bedroom. From the soft light, Sue was staring back at him in totally consternation.

Between the two of them, Sue found her voice first.

"For your sake, Bobby, I hope you either have a very good life insurance, or a very good reason for barging in here."

"Lousy life insurance," came his reply. "Is getting Sparky drunk a good reason?"

She gave him a dark look.

"Well, I can see you and Jack agree on that one... hum... I will be leaving soon."

"How about now?"

"Yes, sheila, I mean... now... without Jack." Bobby slowly backed away from the bedroom as his plan backfired.

Catching only one side of the conversation, D and Myles let go of Jack, and exchanged a glance. Obviously Jack wasn't alone tonight. Which was when D nudged Myles who followed his gaze. In the living room were Jay's toys and gifts from the party.

Jack took a deep breath, hoping to contain his amusement. From the look and sound of it, Sue was chewing Bobby's head, and Myles and D weren't too sure of what was going on.

"Come to think of it, Donna might like it if I come home early. Good night, Jack." D made an expedited exit.

"Yes, good night, Jack. And... Sue doesn't need to know we were also here," commented Myles before he followed D.

Bobby was now facing his best friend. "Mate... bachelor party was a bad idea... forget we ever mentioned it... I will be leaving now... and hopefully wake up from that embarrassing dream... and nobody will remember it."

Bobby babbled his way out, but Jack prevented him from leaving.

"Bobby, if you do me a favour tonight, I will forget I want to twist your neck."

Somehow the seriousness in Jack's voice cut through the haze of Bobby's brain.

"Jack, I am sorry. You are my best friend. If I even suspected Sue might be here, I would never—"

"I know... it's just... I almost lost them, Bobby. I cannot live without them... Sue and..." Jack stopped Bobby from interrupting his explanation. "Bobby, I need you to listen, and then I need you to help me."

Bobby nodded as he would do anything for Jack.

"Take a seat. I will just tell Sue that we are having a little chat. I will be right back."


When he left Jack's apartment, Bobby was surprised to see that Myles and D had waited for him.

"How mad was Jack to keep you that long?" inquired Myles

"We are fine. Jack will make sure Sue gets over it. It would probably be best if we keep that quiet."

They both agreed.


Sue had her head in her pillow, sobbing quietly, when Jack went back to bed.

Hoping to ease her inner turmoil, he tenderly rubbed her back. The guys never meant to embarrass her, Jack knew. The fact that it never crossed their mind that Sue could be with him was an indication of how highly they regarded her. Still, Bobby had found her in his bed.

She offered no resistance when he rolled her on her back. He wiped a lone tear from her cheek, and felt such a relief when he realised she'd shed it because she was laughing too hard and couldn't stop.

The laughing spurt were getting shorter and fewer in between.

'I love you,' he signed.

"I love you, too, Jack. And I am fine. Was Bobby alone?"

"No. Myles and D were with him, and they were mortified."

"I did ruin your bachelor party, Jack." A part of her felt sorry. A very tiny part of her.

"It was probably the shortest bachelor party in history, but its memory will linger a long time," predicted Jack, smiling. "And I prefer our private parties better. Do you remember exactly where we were when we got interrupted?"

As his hands travelled along her side, she stopped them before they ventured any further.

"Yes, Jack. I remember. Your hands were very close of getting us in trouble... again. I am thinking of handcuffing you for the next seven days."

"I have a better idea, but I won't share it with you until tomorrow. In the meantime, you will have to cope with my wandering hands."

"In the meantime, we sleep. Good night, Jack."


Jack was having breakfast when the phone rang.


"Ten o'clock, mate," Bobby informed him. "Everything is arranged."

Jack looked at his watch. If they hurried, they could make it. "Thanks. We will meet you there."

Sue was watching Jack. "Are you going to share?"

"Yes. Would you mind if we go to a special Sunday service today?"

"No, why?"

"You remember that youth centre for children with addict parents where Bobby volunteers regularly."

"The one you sometimes help as well?" She remembered him mentioning how he enjoyed his visits there.

"Yes. I would like us to go to that service this morning, if you don't mind."

Sue found it peculiar, but she had no reservations about going there. She hoped Bobby didn't feel guilty about last night and wasn't trying to make it up to them.


The small community centre was located in one of the toughest areas of the city.

After Jack parked the car, he turned toward Sue, taking her hands and holding them over his heart.

"I know I have already asked you to become my wife, and you already said yes for Saturday. Today, I would like the mother of my little girl to marry me. Would you marry me before you marry me?"

She could see so much love and tenderness in his eyes and she could feel his heart beating frantically against the palms of her hand.

"Yes," she whispered, unsure what he really meant, but unable to resist him.

"Only Bobby will know... and he won't tell anyone. This wedding is between us and God only."

As understanding slowed dawn on her, she nodded.

Bobby was waiting for them at the door, grinning.

"Jack, Sue, little sheila. Right on time. The minister is about to begin."

The room was packed. There weren't enough chairs for everyone, so they stood on the side. Sue saw lots of kids and teenagers greeting Bobby and Jack as agent 'M' and agent 'H'. It was a rough crowd, facing tough realities, yet they had hope for the future.

"Good morning, everyone," began the minister. "We have a special ceremony today." He smiled as he heard whisper in the crowd. "Don't worry, it won't be longer than usual and breakfast will be served in time."

The background noise died down after people cheered.

"Lots of you know agent Hudson."

Heads turned in their direction.

"It is with great pleasure that I agreed to marry him and his lady this morning."

Sue saw people clapping and whistling.

"Jack and Sue, if you would approach, please."

Bobby took Jay from Sue's arms and held her while her parents went in front.

Jack and Sue stood hand in hand facing the minister.

"A volunteer witness, please," asked the minister.

A touch looking teenager with tattoos on his arms and a scar across his face walked up to them.

"Agent H, ma'am. Name is Bunker and it'd be an honour. And if agent H ain't treat you right, ma'am, just come see me. Bunker is gonna take care of him." The teenager held Jack's gaze before a smile pierced through his rough exterior.

"Thank you," said Sue, smiling.

"Thanks, Bunker... I think," replied Jack.

"Now, anyone opposing this wedding?" The minister chuckled silently when a huge NO resonated in the room. "Good. Jack Hudson, do you take Sue Thomas to be your wife, the mother of your children, to love and cherish, through rough sea and smooth sailing, for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, I do," he said as he signed it.

"Sue Thomas, do you take Jack Hudson to be your husband, the father of your children, to love and cherish, through rough sea and smooth sailing, for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, I do," she said and signed while gazing deeply into his eyes.

"Do you have a ring, son?"

Jack pulled a special ring out of his pocket.

"You can slip it on your bride's finger."

Sue gasped as Jack placed the most exquisitely crafted ring on her finger. To Jack's relief, it fitted her perfectly.

"I pronounce you, husband and wife. You can kiss your bride but make it quick, I have a mass to finish before breakfast gets cold."

Jack could hear the congregation laughing as his lips gently brushed hers.

They joined Bobby and Jay who extended her arms toward her mom. True to his words, the minister ended the service just in time for breakfast.

Almost the entire crowd came to congratulate them after the service.

"The cute little babe, is she your kid?" asked Bunker after shaking Jack's and Sue's hand.

Proud of his family, Jack nodded.

"You take care of them, agent H." With that last advice, Bunker was gone with his buddies.


The minister convinced Jack and his family to stay for breakfast. The elderly people in charge of it were delighted when he accepted. They were trying to give those teenagers at least one good meal a week and a sense of belonging. The elderly people would mingle among the youngsters and listen without passing any judgment, and the young people opened up.

"Sometimes it solves problems, sometimes it doesn't, but usually it helps in not making them bigger," the minister said philosophically. "The young people don't like to be told what to do, but most of the time, if you show them a better alternate route and let them choose, they will choose wisely."

Sue was impressed. Lots of teenagers came to sit with them, some just listened, some asked questions, others were outright chatty, but all were candidly honest in their comments.

As the room emptied, Bobby came to sit with them. Jack and Sue thanked him for making their wedding possible this morning. He still felt bad about last night, but was relieved his friends didn't hold a grudge against him.

"I still want you as my best man next Saturday," Jack told him.

"I will be there, mate. You will be the most married man married to the same woman," he teased. "Or something like that."

Sue and Jack left shortly after.

In the car, Sue looked at her ring while Jack strapped Jay in her seat.

"It belonged to my grandmother. They were married for fifty-two happy years," he told her once he was sitting in the front with her. "After she died, my grandfather gave it to me. He told me to keep it for that special woman." He smiled and took her hand. Gently, he removed the ring. "There's an inscription inside my grandfather engraved. I mean it just as much, if not even more, than my grandfather did."

She took the ring and read out loud.

"Forever and for always. Love. Jackson." Tears filled her eyes, and he kissed them away. "It's beautiful, Jack... I... were you named after your grandfather?"

"Yes. My mom's father. He was quite a character."

"So are you, Jack Hudson," she teased affectionately.

He took the ring but placed it on her right hand instead.

"On Saturday, when I marry you again, I will slip this ring on your left finger... again... forever... In the meantime, it is the promise of my love and commitment... I love you, Sue." And he kissed her again.

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