Chapter Ten

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He was long dead before his body even hit the floor.

"Jack! Jack! What happened?"

Jack could hear D yelling as he approached Jamieson. He stood over the body. Jamieson was staring into nothingness.

Jack picked up his phone. "It's over, D. Jamieson is dead. I shot him." Jack could hear sigh of relief from all over the bullpen.

"I just confirmed with the team heading in your direction that the suspect was down. They won't barge in," reassured Tara. "They will be there within a few minutes."

"Thanks. I will call you back."

He hung up before making his way toward the master bedroom.

"Mr., Mrs. Thomas. Everything is fine. It is safe. You can open up."

Jack could hear furniture being moved around, then the door slowly opened. He came in. He hugged and kissed Sue before placing another kiss on the forehead of the sleeping child.

"I am fine, sweetheart," he whispered, answering her unspoken question. "He is dead."

She nodded, relieved the nightmare was over.

"I need you all to stay in here for a little while longer. At least, until the uninvited guest is taken out. I will come back shortly. I need to let the good guys in," he said, smiling. "And you buddy." He stroked Levi's fur. "You were a quiet guy. Good job."

He left the room, closing the door behind him. He knew Sue could handle seeing the body, but he didn't want Jay to be exposed to it. And as far as Sue's parents were concerned, her dad would probably be fine, but her mom... Jack wasn't so sure.

Jack went to meet the team downstairs. He was asked to hand down his gun for the investigation. He complied. Outside, an agent found evidence that Jamieson entered the house from the corner bedroom.

Jack led the team leader upstairs.

"Is that what they tell you to do in DC? Shoot for the head?" asked his counterpart as he stared at the dead man with a bullet between his eyes.

Jack was aiming for the heart. But something changed his mind at the last second. Was it the man's cockiness? Was it D's words after saying Jamieson was almost caught? Was it the slight bulge he detected under the shirt?

"He had a vest on," simply stated Jack.

The other agent knelt down and opened the shirt. The Kevlar vest was there. Jack was sure they would also find a bullet trapped in the back.

"How did you know, agent Hudson?"

"I just... knew."


After Jamieson was put in a body bag and taken out, Jack allowed Sue and her parents to leave the bedroom. It was a clean shot and Jamieson was removed before he made a puddle of blood.

Sue went in the living room and sat in the rocking chair with Jay and Levi while her parents were off to the kitchen. From where she was, she could see Jack discussing the case with the agent in charge and answering his questions. She also saw Jack talking to D and gave his cell to the other agents. Sue knew they were down to which team would close the investigation. To her, it didn't matter. Jack had stopped Jamieson and kept them safe.

Her mom came with some tea, but Sue declined. What she wanted, she couldn't get in a cup. Her mom picked the throw that was lying on the couch, and gently placed it over mother and child.

"Thank you, mom. Where's dad?"

"Talking with the guys... and you are welcome." But she didn't move away. Instead, she sat on the floor by her daughter. "I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life," admitted her mom. "You know when people say your life flashes in front of your eyes... well... when I heard that shot... it did."

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