Chapter Nine

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Bullpen, early Wednesday evening

"Lucy couldn't find anything wrong," announced Bobby to D and Tara as he stepped in with Myles and Lucy. "We also checked the park where Monroe said he shot Jamieson in the back. No sign of blood anywhere near that bridge. I would say Monroe missed. And he mistook Jamieson's reaction. He probably ducked from the shot."

"Guys," interrupted Tara. "His credit card was used five minutes ago in a strip club downtown."

"That's odd," said Myles. "D, do you want Bobby and I to check it out?"

"Yes, please."

"D, should we contact Jack and Sue?"

"Let's wait what Bobby and Myles find out, first." He began pacing, his gut feeling telling him he was missing something that was right under his nose.


"Let me help you, mom."

"No, you get your little one clean, I get the kitchen clean." It was one of those times Sue knew there was no arguing with her mother.

"I will help your mom," said her dad, handing her a very sticky child. "Cutie pie needs a bath."

Sue put Jay on the floor, holding her hand and taking her to the bathroom while Jack got their bags in the two guestrooms on the second floor.

When they came down with a very clean child holding three bears and a storybook, the kitchen was spotless.

"If you and Jack want to go for a quiet walk with Levi, your dad and I can read... signed Jay her story," offered her mom.

"That sounds like a good idea," said Jack, hoping Sue would agree, which she did.

'Come read a story with grandma,' signed Carla. She picked up her granddaughter and cuddled her. "You smell real good, too." And she went to sit by her husband.


The fuel light lit up. Jamieson figured he had maybe ten miles left before he totally ran out. He needed to fill up since he was still an hour away from his destination. He took the next exit.

He could look for a gas station. He had cash with him, but what if the attendant could later identify him. Maybe he should be looking for a replacement car with a different state license plate instead.

He began driving around town, looking for a new vehicle.


There was a park a block from her parents' house.

The sun was slowly setting down, colouring the western sky, pink and purple. Jack had his arm securely wrapped around her waist and her head against his shoulder. Every few steps he would steal a kiss from her.

"I still cannot believe you told my dad we couldn't wait." She felt him chuckle. "It wasn't your smoothest explanation."

He turned her chin toward him. "I will admit it wasn't. Good thing your dad has a great sense of humour."

"I guess he needs it, to be with my mother. She can be very oppressive."

He stopped and wrapped both arms around her, forcing her to face him.

"Your mom is trying very hard, Sue," Jack told her.

"I know. I saw it. It's just... it shouldn't be hard, Jack."

He kissed her tenderly, pleased when she deepened the kiss to which he responded in kind, totally oblivious to Levi who was running circles around them, trapping them with his leash.

Voyage of Discovery (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now