Chapter Three

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Jack felt someone play in his hair. He opened his eyes and saw his reflection.

He'd startled her without meaning to, but she approached him again. Her hands moved indicating him to get up. He would have recognized that sign anywhere. Come to think of it, his own mother made a similar gesture to get him to school when he was little. One thing he didn't expect was Jay to jump beside him and kiss him on the cheek before scampering around. He caught sight of Sue, she was grinning.

"Did you put her up to it?" he asked, happily.

"Only the wake up part," she admitted. "I guess you made another conquest all on your own," she teased him.

"And what do I need to do to get one from you as well?" he flirted back. To his surprise, she came to sit by his bed.

'Just ask,' she signed, mischievously.

His eyes opened wide. This was indeed the beginning of a terrific day. He signed 'Kiss me' while keeping his eyes locked on hers.

She leaned and kissed him on the cheek. Then she was out of reach before he had time to react.

"Now get up and get dressed. Jay and I are starving," she ordered him with laughter in her voice.

What happened to the shy and sweet Sue he knew? He stared at her in astonishment. He loved that daring side of her... come to think of it, there wasn't a side of the amazing Ms Thomas that he didn't like.

"Jack!" She brought him back to reality. "The kiss was supposed to make you go faster... at that speed, you are not getting one tomorrow morning," she told him while she packed her bag with hers and Jay's clothes. Both had been fully dressed for the last half-hour.

"I don't intend to wait till tomorrow morning," he replied to the back of her head.

He didn't see her blushing as she caught his reflection in the mirror. Was Jack coming on to her, or was he just more friendly than usual, she wondered. Over the years, they had developed a very close comfortable safe relationship. Was he trying to tell her he wanted to take the next step? Was she ready to venture into the unknown? She felt his hand on her shoulder and quivered inside. She liked the sensation he awoke in her. She turned her head toward him. She could lose herself in his deep brown eyes.

"I am ready," he whispered, liking what he saw in her eyes as he caught her off guard.

Jay's sudden appearance between them broke the spell. He scooped the little munchkin in his arms. She was holding her blue bear. Jack could have sworn that animal hadn't left her since he gave it to her. He tried signing eating with his free hand. He guessed she understood because she nodded eagerly. In the elevator, he tickled her under the tender gaze of Sue.

Sue was laughing at the paradoxes he was throwing at her during breakfast. Why did they bother asking for a booster seat when Jay ended on their lap anyway? Why order her breakfast when she ate from their plate instead? That parenthood thing was a totally new, exciting and scary experience for Jack who never had a chance to practice with nieces and nephews like Sue had.

He would make a wonderful father, she reflected, and a wonderful husband. Was she falling in love with the dashing agent Hudson? If she looked close enough, she would realize she wasn't falling for him... she was already down the abyss.

The sky that was blue and cloudless when they left, turned grey rapidly. Heavy rain and wind made driving slower. Again they alternated behind the wheel. They tried to keep their breaks as short as possible, which was harder to do than Jack expected. Jay didn't like being trapped in her car seat all day, but according to Sue, she was behaving very well for a three year old and between Levi, her bear and her books, they were able to keep her happy and amused most of the time.

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