Hard To Forget.™

By MBCrazy1

1.4M 24K 6.8K

The last we heard of Destiny, she was left crying behind her school building and pregnant, while Trey was goi... More

Chapter 1 - Regrets.
Chapter 2 - Ex, Meet Current. Current, Meet Ex.
Chapter 3 - A Pretty Heated Discussion.
Chapter 4 - Moments Like These.
Chapter 5 - Gone Missing.
Chapter 6 - You know each other?
Chapter 7 - Secrets Unfold.
Chapter 8 - Struggles.
Chapter 9 - WYMM?
Chapter 10 - Phase One of OGDBIBDA.
Chapter 11 - Apologizing.
Chapter 12 - The Reason Why.
Chapter 13 - Breaking The News To Daddy Dearest.
Chapter 14 - Fate Doesn't Want It.
Chapter 15 - SURPRISE!
Chapter 16 - Just Dance.
Chapter 17 - Two In One.
Chapter 19 - Blast From The Past.
Chapter 20 - Another Chance?
Chapter 21 - The Dream.
Chapter 22 - Inmate C9844
Chapter 23 - A New Kind of Livid.
Chapter 24 - Prison Visit.
Chapter 25 - Welcome to the world.
So ....

Chapter 18 - The Wedding.

44.7K 1.1K 370
By MBCrazy1

Hey guys. Not much to say but I KNOW for a fact everyone will love this chapter. I tried to make it longer but I don't know if I did a good job & PLEASE don't kill me for the cliffy ;)


Pic (top to bottom) Trey, Destiny, Ashley, Tequan.


Chapter 18 - The Wedding.


When I woke up, it was still dark outside and the party was still going on. The clock on the side of the bed read ten thirty.

Thoughts of what happened hours before immediately filled my mind. Looks like the plan was working after all. Everything about last night was perfect.

What made it even better is that she was so passionate about it. We were so passionate about it. Her touch, her kisses. She wasn't hesitant and she wasn't shy like I thought she'd be. She completely gave into me and I loved that.

Her touch was frantic and her kisses were urgent. It just seemed as if she had wanted it for so long. And she probably did. The only thing keeping her from seeing that is Tequan. She's completely blinded by him. I know she still cares for me and I know she still wants me, but since he's in the picture she fails to realize that.

It's okay though because I will have her soon. I don't care what it takes.

I reached out, expecting Destiny by my side but she wasn't there. Confused, I sat up. With little light coming in from the window, I could tell she was nowhere in this room. I got out of bed and began searching for my clothes - which was not very easy. Everything was in various spots all over the room. 

I don't know when or how they got there, but I don't really care.

Since Destiny's overnight bag was still here, I figured she must have went back to the party so I exited her room and when downstairs to the kitchen. The cooks weren't there anymore so I suppose everything is now cooked and people are enjoying their food.

I open the door to the backyard and stepped out, shutting it behind me. It looks like no one left and wasn't about to die down. There were more people in the pool and less kids outside. I imagine their parents took them home or left them with a baby sitter so they could party longer.

I scanned the whole backyard, but spotted Destiny nowhere. Thinking that I probably missed her, I decided to scan again but was interrupted when a short, carmel skinned cutie was suddenly standing in front of me.


Since the wedding is in a tomorrow, everyone from out of town flew back out a couple of days ago. Ashley wanted to make sure everyone that was in the wedding would be on time. She wanted everything perfect and I didn't blame her. If it was my wedding I would want everything perfect too.

Alicia was in nothing but her pink and white polka-dotted bikini. The top appeared to be too small, hint why her boobs looked like they could spill out at any minute. Her stomach was nice and flat, very toned and she had a belly button piercing.

Me likey.

Alicia was sexy as hell. You'd have to be a blind fool not to see that. But she just didn't compare to Destiny. Destiny is more natural as to where Alicia is more fake. To me, there was just no competition between to the two. But that didn't mean I couldn't appreciate beauty when I saw it.

"Where have you been, Trey?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

I stopping eyeing her body hungrily and smirked, thinking of all the nasty answers I could give her, but I just settled with, "I had a headache so I went to lay down for a bit." It was partially the truth. I did lay down. Just naked. With my ex.

She huffed. "Well you had everyone waitiing! We still have to do presents and cake!" 

I glanced at the part again. It looked like no one cared to see me open presents and it seems like no one cares if they have to sing happy birthday to me. I didn't even know half the people here! This is more like a get to gether for the people going to the wedding tomorrow than it is my birthday party.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Well I'm here now."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand leading me through the crowd of people. She stopped at a table that had a cake with my face on it. I had to admit, that's a sexy cake. But it didn't do me any justice.

As everyone gathered around me to sing happy birthday, I couldn't help but think of where the hell Destiny could have gone. 

* * * *


Waking up the next morning, I was thoroughly confused as to why my alarm clock was ringing at six in the morning. It was Saturday so I didn't have work and there was nothing else to do for the wedding since it was...

Oh my gosh! The wedding is today!

With my new realization, I began to jump out of bed. The only problem with that is, I didn't realize my comforter was wrapped tightly around my body so I ended falling on the ground with a loud 'thump'. I groaned, rubbing the side of my head since it took most the impact of my fall.

After moments of being on the ground, Tequan's head peaked over the side of the bed. He looked confused as to why I was on the ground but amusement quickly covered his features, causing me to scowl at him in return.

"Any reason as to why you're on the floor, Destiny?" Tequan asked, eyes sparkling with humor.

I don't see anything funny! I could have hit my temple on the edge of the bed-side table and been knocked out concious or worse, I could have hit my temple and died!

"Nothing is funny here, Tequan." I growled through gritted teeth. 

He nodded. "I agree," he said, though his eyes were telling a whole different story. "But uhm, why are you still laying on the ground?"

I looked around and realized that I really was still on the floor. Scowling, but embrassed, I unweaved my legs out of the cover and got off the floor, leaving the cover behind.

Grinning in triumph, I turned to face Tequan and what I saw shocked me. He was laying on his stomach, butt naked as if it was a natural thing to do.

"Put some clothes on!" I scolded him.

He smirked. "It's nothing you haven't seen before, Destiny." He got off the bed and proceeded towards me. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me flush against his body. He nuzzled my neck, leaving soft kisses as he trailed up to my ear and whispered, "But you should really take your own advice."

For a couple of seconds, I was confused as to what he was implying but then I felt it. A breeze on both my private part. My eyes widened, something like a squeak leaving my mouth as I immediately made a break for the bathroom.

I could hear Tequan's laughter through the door followed by shuffling. I could only hope he was taking my advice in putting some clothes on. But then again, who am I to talk when I'm just as naked?

"Jeez, Destiny. It's nothing I've never seen before." He teased playfully.

"It's still not right to just walk around naked! You're only supposed to be naked for showers and sex!" I exclaimed. "Showers and sex, do you hear me?!" I yelled just to get my point across.

Tequan laughed and seconds the bathroom door cracked open and his hand popped through, a plain white T in it's grasp. I quickly grabbed the shirt and shut the door in this face, throwing on the shirt.

After I put the t-shirt on, I shuffled out of the bathroom and got a pair of shorts and a tank top, ignoring the lustful looks Tequan were giving me. I shuffled back into the bathroom, making sure the door was locked behind me.

"Don't take long, Destiny. We have to be at the church by eleven to get ready." Tequan reminded me.

Everyone that's in the wedding is getting ready at the church. There's going to be professional make up artists and hair stylists and more. The dresses were already there.

This is going to be a long day.

* * * *

Arriving at the church was chaos. There were people running around trying to make everything perfect and there was the occasional scream when something didn't go right. 

Me and Tequan went our seperate ways. Me too the basement of the church, and him to the attic, both of which were really nice despite their occupation. 

I was the last person to arrive. Some of the brides' maids were in the chair getting their hair done while the others were getting their make up put on. There were only a couple of chairs each so I had to wait a bit. 

Ashley or Craig were nowhere to be found. Someone had said they called saying they woke up late but I don't get that story seeing as I just saw my dad, kids, and Trey as I was walking in.

* * * *

Everyone was finally ready.

After three hours of chaos, the wedding was finally about to happen. I was already trying so hard not to cry. I never thought I'd see the day where my big bro wife's someone up! I just didn't think it was possible!

Since I was Maid of Honor, I walk out first and I walk out all alone. I have to hold a small boquet of flowers in my hand as I two step down the aisle. My dress was cornflower blue and strapless. It went mid thigh and hugged me like a rubber glove. It especially got tight around my chest area, giving them an extra lift (not like I need it). 

I took a deep breath and walked out of the doors. Immediately all eyes were on me but my eyes were immediately glued to Trey, who was to Craigs left. He looked so handsome in his suit.

It was the traditional suit. All black but the tie was cornflower blue as well as his pocket hanky. I bet every groomsman is wearing the same thing but I bet no one could pull it off like Trey. 

He looked very spiffy.

As I approached the alter, Trey came down and held his hand out to me, giving me a dazzling grin as he did so. I gave him a smile and return and he escorted me to my spot on the alter before returning to his spot. 

* * * *

I can't believe it! My big brother is married. Craig. Can you believe it? The whole service was so beautiful! It took everything in my power not to cry. I really did not want all that make up to go to waste.

Right now, I was on my way to the wedding dinner.

Everyone had changed back into the clothes they had originally came in. The guests went back to their hotels to change so everyone in the wedding were the first to arrive. 

Inside, there were atleast fifty plus tables and various amounts of food. There was one long table in the front of the room and I'm guessing thats where all the brides maids/groomsman are going to sit, Craig and Ashley in the middle of the whole table.

There was also a dance floor complete with a chandelier hanging above it. Just to the side of the dance floor was the DJ's station.

After about forty-five minutes, the other guests were starting to arrive and the wedding dinner was in full swing.

Througout the night, losts of things happened.

Craig and Ashley had their first dance as husband and wife and it was too adorable. Ashley was beaming and they both had smiles on their faces so big, I'm sure their jaws were hurting by the time the dance ended.

Ashley also danced with her father. They both walked away with tears after that dance and I couldn't help to tear up to. The moment was too cute.

Throughout the night, I noticed how Alicia (yes, the hoe) would not keep her hands off Trey. I know it's not any of my business but she wouldn't even seperate two feet from him and it was starting to get on my nerves because he didn't look bothered what so ever. He was just chatting away.

The only time he managed to escape her was when he was trying to corner me. I already know what he wanted to talk about and quite frankly, I didn't want to think about it. I did a good job all day of keeping last night out of my mind and I really don't want to be reminded of it, especially not here.

I already feel guilty.

When the time came for Ashley to throw her flowers, Alicia ended up catching them and she got a dance with Trey. I can tell she was estatic about that. I mentally rolled my eyes. She's so fake.

It did hurt to see them dancing together but I did my best to just focus on Tequan as I had been doing all night. He was being exceptionally nice tonight and I was just happy to be with him.

The wedding cake was delicious. Craig and Ashley decided to do the traditonal cutting together. It was adorable and I had to get some pictures on my iPhone. 

I shared a dance with Trent and Ne'Vaeh and by the time it was over, I was nearly sweating and they were tired. I called their babysitter and ten minutes later she came and picked them up. Trey would be picking them up later tonight and staying with him at my dads since they have dance in the morning and I have work. 

All on a Sunday. Gah!

Craig and Ashley also got quite a bit of presents. Trey was kind enough to get them nearly one hundred condoms and loads of lingerie. How he managed to get that in the right size, I have no idea but I could tell him and my brother are going to have a serious talk about that.

As the night winded down, and people began to leave, everyone in the wedding was given a duty. Trey, Me, Craig, and a couple more people were in charge of cleaning the inside while everyone else was in charge of the outside. 

Big whoop, Craig put Trey and I together on taking the chairs back into the storage room and that's where he finally cornered me. I wasn't expecting him to do anything but as I made my way back to get more chairs he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall.

If I shouted, everyone would come running but I was too shocked to do anything.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked bluntly.

"I-I haven't-"

I stopped in the middle of my lie when I saw his eyes flash and his jaw begin to tick. "Don't play this fucking game with me right now, Destiny." He growled.

"What do you want me to say?" I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes. God, why am I so pathetic?

"Say you fucking felt what I felt last night!" He shouted.

I gluped, refusing to look him in the eyes. If I did that, I was a goner. So I just shook my head and said, "I can't do that."

"Why the hell not?!" He continued to shout.

"Please stop shouting." I pleaded. I didn't like that he was shouting. That means people could hear and I'm sure Tequan is one of those people. I was too afraid to look up, but I somehow already knew that we had attracted the attention of the others.

"Because nothing happened." I told him.

"Are you fucking serious?!" He shouted. "Are you really going to stand here and tell me - to my face - that us fucking is nothing?!"

I heard many gasps and that's when the tears started coming. That was it. He said it. In front of everyone and Tequan. I couldn't stop the sob from escaping my mouth. Everyone knows I'm with Tequan and now everyone knows that I cheated on him. With my ex.

When I finally found the courage to look up, my assumptions turned out to be correct. There was a crowd and Tequan was among those people. When we made eye contact, I could see the tears in his eyes and my heart literally broke.

He stared at me for all of two seconds before shaking his head and walking out.

"Tequan!" I cried, ready to go after him but then I realized Trey still had a hold of my wrists. "Let me go Trey. Right fucking now."

"No! We're talking about this."

I turned my head and glared at him. He was pissing me off. He knew what he was doing. He knew we had a crowd. And he knew Tequan would be one of the people in that crowd.

"You're so fucking selfish, Destiny! I wake up and you're not there. You don't answer a phone call or text. Then when I try to talk to you all day, you swerve me like I'm nothing. Am I really nothing to you?!"

He was yelling and my face and that was not helping my temper right now. On impulse I brung my knee right into his junk. He immediately went crashing to the floor clutching his man-hood. There were 'ooh's' in the background but I wasn't even paying attention.

I can't remember the last time I was this livid. I can't remember the last time I wanted to harm someone as much as I did right now. Trey pushed all the wrong buttons by doing what he did tonight.

I bent down to his level, getting right in his face like he was in mine. "I'm fucking selfish?!" I screamed in his face. "I spent the last three fucking years taking care of your kids." I watched as his eyes widened. "That's right. Your fucking kids. I let you go off to college to live your dreams while I had to give up on all of mine! If anyone is selfish it's you. If you cared like you say you do, you would have picked up that phone, but you didn't. If you care like you say you do, you would have told me ahead of time you were going all the way to New York, but you didn't because you don't fucking care! And quite frankly, I never think you will!" I screamed.

I walked away from him and up to my brother. "Give me your keys."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Destiny."

"Craig, I swear to God if you don't give me your keys you're going to end up on the ground like your idiot of a bestfriend over there or worse." I growled. Holding out my hand palm up I said, "Keys. Now."

That's all it took for him to hand over the keys. I didn't take any time to leave out of the building and to his car. Halfway there I was stopped.

By Ashley.

"Ashley please move," I sniffed. "I really can't talk right now." I tried to move around her but she wasn't having it.

"Please don't go after him." She pleaded.

I looked at her in confusion. "Why not?"

She closed her eyes tightly, like she was trying to calm herself and then when she reopened them, there were tears in her eyes. "J-Just please take my word for it. He's really pissed off, just let him cool down. Talk to him tomorrow but please don't go right now."

I didn't understand why she's begging me not to go after him. If the situtation were reversed, wouldn't she be running after Craig?

"Wouldn't you be running after Craig, knowing that you might loose him for forever?" I asked, looking right into her eyes.

When she didn't reply, I knew what the answer was. I side stepped her and proceeded to Craig's car, ignoring Ashley's pleads in the background.

I finally found the car and got in, starting the engine. My tears were blocking my vision but I don't care. I had to see Tequan and apologize. I only want him. I just need to make him realize that before it's too late.



Yes, I'm horrible, BUT The truth is finally out! I don't know about you guys, but I feel really bad for Tequan. He didn't deserve to find out that way :(  But Trey also didn't need to be yelled to that he's a father. :/ But Destiny is a fucking BOSS! :D

I think this chapter deserves some votes since the truth is finally out, don't you think? PLEASE VOTE FOR A FASTER CHAPTER :D!

Anyways, your thoughts on the chapter? :) I read every single comment, I promise.

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