Boku No Hero Academia | My he...

By ImShishi

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Boku no Hero Academia | My hero Academia [One shots] [Some may contain mature writings] Lemon/lime/smut whate... More

Izuku Midoriya [Zombie apocalypse scenario]
Katsuki & Shouto [Class A vs Villain Reader Scenario]
Katsuki Bakugo [ senpai-reader scenario ]
Shouto Todoroki [husband scenario]
Katsuki Bakugo [Hostage Scenarios]
Dabi and Shouto Todoroki [Brocon/Siscon cenario]
Mirio Togata (Childhood Friend Scenario)
Eijiro Kirishima [Summer Vacation scenarios]
Hitoshi Shinso [boyfriend scenarios]
Katsuki Bakugo [summer Vacation scenarios]
Dabi and Shoto Todoroki[ Angst Scenarios ]
Izuku Midoriya [Fornication Quirk scenarios]
Shoto Todoroki [ Fornication Quirk Scenarios ]
Tenya Iida [Husband Scenarios]
Katsuki Bakugo [Fornication quirk scenarios]
Eijiro Kirishima [Fornication Quirk Scenarios]
Dabi [Fornication Quirk Scenarios]
Kaminari Denki [Fornication Quirk Scenarios]
Shinso Hitoshi [ Fornication Quirk Scenario ]
Izuku Midoriya Ending [Fornication quirk scenario]
Shoto Todoroki Ending [Fornication quirk Scenario]
Katsuki Bakugo ending [ fornication quirk scenario ]
Alter end [ Fornication quirk scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [Summer Vacation scenarios]
Aizawa Shouta [ Husband/wife Scenarios ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Brocon/Siscon Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Truth or Dare Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Truth or Dare scenario ]
Eijiro Kirishima [ Summer Vacation scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Angst Scenario ]
Shigaraki Tomura [ Hostage Scenario ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Childhood friend Scenario ]
Eijiro Kirishima [ Angst Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Quirky baby Scenario ]
Note: Request
Hanta Sero [ Personal Tutor Scenario ]
Hanta Sero [ Birthday Scenario ]
Neito Monoma [ Boyfriend Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Boyfriend Scenario ]
Yo Shindo [ Childhood friend Scenario ]
Note: Author answers questions
Shoto Todoroki [ Force marriage Scenario ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Childhood Friend Scenario ]
Hanta Sero [ Childhood Friend Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ Hanahaki Diseas Scenario ]
Shoto Todoroki [ Brocon/Siscon Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Childhood friend Scenario ]
Tamaki Amajiki [ Summer vacation Scenario ]
Katsuki Bakugo [ OC Scenario ]

Tokoyami Fumikage [Boyfriend Scenarios]

4.2K 81 118
By ImShishi

Tokoyami Fumikage
[ Boyfriend Scenarios ]
Tokoyami x Reader

Title: Light and Darkness

Credit's to the artist


The camp for all class A has arrived, it was a secret camp that only few knew where it will held because of safety precautions and so the villains wouldn't infiltrate the camp or harm the students.

It was the night for the test of courage for class A and Class B that you're really excited about as you cling on to your reserved, serious and focused boyfriend, Tokoyami Fumikage.

"Let's see the stars while walking in the forest!"

You excitedly told him that dark shadow giggles at the corner as if like mocking you.

"What's the matter huh?!"

You asked dark shadow as if like threatening him.

"The trees at the forest are quite high and has thick bushes Y/N.."

Tokoyami honestly told you.

"Pshh.. b-but.. I want to see them.."

You told him and gave him a pout trying to be cute to him while walking behind your other classmates.

"Haist.. alright.. let's find ways for you to see them.."

Tokoyami surrendered and you gave him a loud


With a tight hug at his arm that surely made him blush.

Once everyone reached the forest, you thought you could choose your partner but then fate just wouldn't let you and you ended up with Tsuyu.

"Ughhh... I want to be with Tokoyami in there.."

You told Tsuyu as the two of you look at the forest and Tokoyami enters the forest with Shoji.

"You'll get your turn next time.."

Tsuyu cheers you up.

"I hope so.."

You answered Tsuyu and Shout at Shoji.

"Shoji! Take care of him for me!"

Shoji gave you a thumbs up and Tokoyami sighs but he looked at you to wave see you later.

You gave him a smile and sat on the grass waiting for your turn with Tsuyu, it was quite a while but your turn came to enter the forest.. you've realized it was quite dark inside and felt worried for Tokoyami that Tsuyu noticed.

"Worrying for him?.."

She asked.

"Honestly.. I'm more worried for Shoji.. Dark shadow can berserk at this amount of darkness.. but I hope.. it wouldn't get much darker.. I'll be relieved if he's with Todoroki nor Bakugo at least.."

You told Tsuyu as the two of you walk in the forest when suddenly.. it became more dark and the tragedy has arrived.. villains enter the forest and spread havoc to class A and Class B.

"N-no.. no, no, no.."

You mumbled and hurried to walk the trail towards the end to find Tokoyami as Tusyu follows you but then you realized you don't want her to get involved and hurt so you told her.

"Please.. hurry to Aizawa Sensei.. I don't want you to get hurt.. it's really hard to tame him.."

You told Tsuyu and run away from her without hearing what she have to tell you.. as you run to look for him, you found Bakugo and Todoroki fighting a villain called Moonfish.

It was hard for all of you to dodge and block all his attack that really made the three of you busy when you have to deal with Dark shadow and free Tokoyami.

An injured Izuku and Shoji came at the scene running away from something and you thought it's probably from someone..

"Bakugo!! Todoroki!! Move!!"

You shout and everyone of you dodge the large dark shadow spreading havoc, it was a large one truly so you asked Todoroki and Bakugo to light up their quirks to help Tokoyami weaken Dark Shadow.

You used up your light emitting quirk with Todoroki and Bakugo that Dark shadow shrinks and starts to calm down.

You run towards Tokoyami and hug hi really tight.

"You alright?.."

He asked you.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid.. I should be asking you that.."

You told him and started crying.

"I'm fine.."

He told you and pat your back to free him from that tight hug you gave him.

He looked at you seriously and wiped your tears using his thumb.

"Stop crying already.. I'll treat you your favorite snack.. alright?.."

He told you and you nod while wiping your tears yourself.


He told you and gave you a smile.

"It's the first we witnessed that quirk y/n.. we didn't know you could do that.."

Izuku said.

"Tss.. what a perfect match.. you've got yourself a human torch.."

Bakugo said.

"She's like a boost for Tokoyami perhaps.. she's using dark and light quirk.."

Todoroki said.

"Great.. you found a half half buddy.."

Bakugo mocked and kicked a rock.

"Are you mocking me?"

You asked Bakugo as if like you're asking a fight but Tokoyami held your hand and told you.

"That's enough.."

You looked at him and suddenly pulled you closer to him to hug you tight and told you.

"I'm glad to have you.. thanks for saving me Y/N.."

It was the first that Tokoyami engaged on hugging you first or be clingy in public, that really surprised you and made you really happy so you hugged him back and told him.

"I love you.."

"Yeh.. I love you too.."

He replied but then.. another battle has arrived for all of you.. all villains come together to take Bakugo from all of you that you used up your dark quirk to boost Tokoyami's Dark shadow and work together as one.

Tokoyami wasn't much the clingy type of boyfriend he is.. but he knows how to tame your anger issues and surely perfectly knows how to treat your childish acts.

Both of you might have similarities when it comes to quirk but the personalities are totally the opposite like light and darkness.. even so.. you two became the perfect match..

when there is left, there is right, when there is up, there is down, when there is fast, there is slow, and when there is light, there is darkness..

Opposites but intertwined.


Author's note:

Hi everyone I hope this is a worthy Tokoyami x Reader.. to be honest I'm not sure if I could pull this up.. I love this guy too.. he's really cool and I feel deep inside he's really sweet. I hope I pulled this up and c_lovebug33 enjoyed her request.. :D

Thanks for the request! ^_^

Next up! The special Fornication quirk scenarios!

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