My girlfriend's a vampire!?

By LordSkyrin

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Cover wasn't made by me it was made by the wonderful @Fangirl4654 (seriously try her out! Her covers are the... More

Ch.1 The beginning...
ch.2 What's she doing here!?
ch.3 The attack!
ch.4 Lizzie the Vampire
ch.5 New Classes?! (Updated).
ch.6 The confrontation
ch. 7 The job
ch.8 The date
Ch.10 The relic of creation
Ch.11 The demon of chaos
Christmas with a vampire Pt.1 (a VERY late, christmas filler/ real events)
Christmas with a vampire part.2
Ch.12 The reunion
Ch.13 The allies
Chapter.14 Her past Pt. 1
Happy Hauloween!
900 reads!?!

ch.9 Her ex and Her "gift"

59 2 0
By LordSkyrin

*present day, Cherri's P.O.V, Date: 10/ 21/ 2087*

I woke up from my bed and started getting ready to leave. I had called Meomi to let her know to close the café for the day. Master is already going to be waiting for us. I showered and brushed my hair and teeth. I slipped on some black leggings, a black skirt, black heels, a black crop-top that showed a lot of skin, then I slipped a black leather jacket over it to complete the look. I applied some mascara, eyeliner and black lip gloss. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I grabbed my keys and my phone and headed out the door. I locked my house door and headed towards Meomi's Café. Master was already inside. I grabbed the keys to the Café and unlocked it. I looked around and saw Meomi and master sitting in a booth. I went and sat next to Meomi.

Meomi glanced over to me and eyed what I was wearing. "You came dressed like that"?

Why of course Meomi. This is the first time we've seen master since the war.

"Let's just cut to the chase. Cherri tells us what you Know".

Anything for you master.

"You know my name now use it"!

Of course Don. Ciara visited the landlord and something happened. The goddess is back-

"Impossible! We took care of her already"!

Shut up and let me finish Don! The goddess is back but as a spirit.

"A spirit"?

Yes. And it seems to have taken some sort of interest with Ciara. Which means it's been watching us. It knows what we did!

"Shut up! You don't know that"!

Look at the facts Don! After the war, her precious Lizzie vanishes and now she's been given god-like powers!

"The goddess was killed! You have no way of knowing if she saw! Most likely after she died she lost some of her memories as Ciara has. She won't remember us or what we've done".

She's a goddess Don. Most likely death will be different!

"We're getting off topic!  Clearly, the goddess being a spirit wasn't the reason you called us here"!

Yeah, Meomi's right. I called you here because yesterday Ciara started to act weird. She was talking to no one in particular. Called out Lizzie's name and supposedly gave the goddess permission of her body.

"So. That's not important to us".

Listen! After she gave the goddess permission a relic fused with her body.

I watched Meomi go wide-eyed and Don's eyes go red with rage. He stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"What relic"!

The relic of creation...

"God damn those stupid goddesses! Believing themselves to be high and mighty"!

"What'll we do"!?

We won't be doing anything. Not yet. We should give her a chance to figure out what's happening.

"Are you mad"!

Yes. But if Ciara gets really mad and finds out what happened. The goddess might find her unworthy. Or she'll be so mad she'll go crazy and attack carelessly. She'll sink deeper into despair until she is willing to obey whatever her fate will be.

"Good job Cherri. This is a plan I look forward to seeing take place".

"Is it really wise to watch from the sidelines"?

"Shut up and take in the sight as it happens Meomi"!

I smiled up at them. Then it seems our plan is decided. I'll watch over them to view there progress on the plan.

"And what do you want me and master to do"?

You two will be doing what you've done originally. If we don't go where we normally are Donavin and Jaxton might figure out that something isn't right. I bet now they're going to be keeping an even closer eye on Ciara. After all, it was her last wish. Me, Don, and Meomi all cast our eyes to the basement entrance. Where Don has been staying and Meomi has been keeping watch.

"Isn't it great how she isn't calling out for help anymore"?

"Her lover walked in here once started working right above her and nothing. Not even a small cry for help".

"It's amazing how powerful your abilities are Cherri. One glance at your real eyes and anyone falls into your command".

She is mine now. She has been under my command for so long she couldn't possibly have a mind of her own anymore.

"I'll go back and watch your pet".

"I'll stay here and clean up the place".

And I'll be heading out. Goodbye Meomi. Bye master.

"Goodbye Cherri".


With that, I walked out of the café. I think it would be best to start looking for the other members of our clan. I have a feeling that there is going to be a second war.

*Ciara's P.O.V*

I woke up with a bad feeling and I think that Jaxton and Donavin had the same feeling because when I woke up they were both standing at the foot of my bed watching me.

What's wrong?

Donavin: Nothing yet.

Jaxton: We feel like something will though.

Seriously? When are we ever going to catch a break?

All of a sudden I could feel her presence within me.

???: Is it okay if I control your body for a bit? I think I have an idea.

Go ahead if you must.

Jaxton: What?

???: Allow me to explain.

Jaxton: Who the fuck are you?!

???: My name is Lilith.

Donavin: Why does that name sound familiar...

Lilith: Because we've met before. Under a different circumstance. I fought alongside you all in the war.

Jaxton: Oh yeah you're that goddess chick. Wait for you're a goddess!?

Lilith: Yes. I was slain in battle. Now I am a wondering spirit and I live through her.

Donavin: Her name is Ciara.

Lilith: Ciara... I have a feeling that there will be another war. You will have to get stronger-

I ended up cutting her off by retaking control of my body. Wait! But I want to know what happened during the war! I have to know what happened to her!

I could feel Lilith retaking control of my body.

Lillith: And you will. I want you guys to also start training. You need to know how to wield my powers, Ciara. If you do you'll make it a quick win for your team.

I took control of my body once again. Okay, I will try to get stronger. After that I allowed Lilith to take over my body.

Lilith: Donavin, Jaxton. You two will also have to get stronger. As her protector, you must let anything happen to her. I must go now. But both of you please take heed of my words.

Jaxton: We will.

Donavin: Goodbye Lilith. It's nice to hear from you again. Although I wish it would have been in better circumstances.

Lilith: Me too Donavin. However one must be grateful to be alive no matter what way. I am still alive.

I looked around and realized I was back in control of my body. I looked up at Donavin and Jaxton.

What's the plan?

Jaxton: We train more and harness your powers.

Donavin: And we keep a close eye on you.

That's a plan I can agree upon it wouldn't be wise to take any chances.

Jaxton: That's very wise of you to say.

Thank you Jaxton.

I looked at Donavin and Jaxton. Should we get started with where we left off yesterday?

Donavin: We would like too however we have to get to work.

Oh yeah, right I forgot. I'll see you later then. Goodbye Donavin. Goodbye Jaxton.

Donavin and Jaxton: Goodbye Ms. Moore.

I walked them to the door and locked it as they exited the home. I can't believe how fast time is going by. We're mid-November right now. It's almost been two years since she went missing. Lizzie where are you?

*Don's P.O.V*

I walked down into the basement to watch Cherri's pet. She was covered in cuts and bruises. She looked exhausted. Personally, though I enjoyed seeing her like that. It's what she gets.

So how have you been holding up?

I watched her eyes glare in my direction. "Go to hell". I went over there and punched her in the jaw. Her neck snapped to the left by the force of my punch. She slowly turned towards me letting her neck go back to its original position.

Impressive. Even with my full force you still heal a lot quicker than others. It's what we should expect from the vampire Kings daughter.

"I swear when Ciara rescues me from this hell whole I'll-"

Oh. You don't know? Ciara died in the war. She isn't coming to get you. You're stuck here. Forever.

I watched her eyes widen in disbelief. She then looked towards the ground. I heard her muttering "This isn't happening". "It's a lie. It has to be". Over and over again.

Believe what you wish. As long as you face the reality that she isn't coming I'm good.

Suddenly Meomi came into the room. She said that Cherri had sent a gift for her pet.

What kind of gift is it?

"The REALLY special kind". Meomi said with an evil giggle. I let out a chuckle knowing all too well what she was planning. I turned and faced our prisoner.

Say your last prayers. Give your last wish because soon you won't be able to stand the people who are dear to you. I laughed menacingly and exited the room with Meomi.

*Lizzie's P.O.V*

I knew I wouldn't have long. I knew I was running out of time. So I used what little strength I had left and closing my eyes I silently sent her my last message.

Ciara? Ciara, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm okay. I don't want you to worry about me. I love you. Please tell Donavin and Jaxton to watch over you and I miss them.

Lilith: She is asleep but I will give her your message Lizzie.

W-who are you! And how do you know my name!?

Lilith: I am a goddess who died during the war a year ago. My name is Lilith and I am dwelling in Ciara.

You better not hurt her!

Lilith: I won't. My job is to help her. I'm going to be training her. You, Lizzie, should save your strength. You want to come back to Ciara in good health, don't you?

O-of course I do.

Lilith: than rest my dear. You two will see each other again. I promise.

Okay... Thank you, Lilith... Ciara. I love you, more than life itself.

Lilith: Goodbye Lizzie. Till we meet in person.

I can no longer hear Lilith's voice in my head anymore. It's times like this that I'm grateful to be a vampire. Humans can't communicate using their thoughts. I wonder why a goddess is dwelling within Ciara's body. I was cut from my thoughts as I heard footsteps approaching the basement. I guess it's time for my "gift". And this is one I'm not looking forward to.

*Ciara's P.O.V*

I opened my eyes to find myself once again in the creative dimension. I looked ahead and saw the hooded figure.

???: Welcome back Ciara.

Am I supposed to know you?

???: Yes. It's me, Lilith.

It's nice to talk to you face to face like this.

Lilith: I agree, but that's not why I brought you here.

Then why did you bring me here?

Lilith: Lizzie was... Calling out too you.

Wh-Where is she!?

Lilith: I'm sorry but I don't know that.

What did she say?

Lilith: She told me to tell you that she's okay. To not worry about her. And that she loves you more than life itself.

I love her more than she does... I couldn't hold back the tears. They began to flow like a small stream.

How-How can I not worry about her!? She's been missing for a year! And I don't even know why or where she is! Then all of a sudden she... She tries to reach out to me to say that "she's okay"? No.. I don't believe it. Lizzie isn't the type of person to just disappear without a trace. She isn't the type too just vanish and leave the people who care about her to wonder what happened!


Lilith. Please... Just send me back home.

Lilith: Okay. I'll give you some time to process this... But first I need to talk to Donavin and Jaxton.

When I looked around I was no longer in the creative dimension. I was back home in Lizzie's bed. And when I looked in front of me I saw Jaxton and Donavin's worried faces. It was then that Lilith took over my body, sending me within my own mind.

Lilith: I Know why you are worried. What I tell you will help you understand what is wrong. Lizzie reached out to her.

Donavin and Jaxton: What!?

Lilith: Yes. She told Ciara she loves her and not to worry about her. She also told you guys to protect and watch over her. And that she misses you guys as well.

Jaxton: ...H-How is this...

Donavin: If she's able to talk to us after being gone for a year then it is right to assume that she is alive but most likely being held captive somewhere...

Lilith: That's for certain.

I blocked all three of them out. The tears fell from my eyes a lot faster than before. I missed her. I missed her so much. I hadn't noticed my spiritual body starting to glow. I hadn't even noticed my memories playing out in front of me.


I could see that this flashback took place after the date on the Ocean Isle. I remember after we got in the car and left the restaurant after we talked about how most of the people working there were vampires. The ride was quiet for a bit. Then I decided to ask Lizzie a question.


"Yes Ciara"?

Who is your ex-boyfriend? Lizzie frowned at the question but then she looked over at me and gave me a small smile.

"My ex-boyfriend's name is Don".

*Flashback ends*


I looked in front of me and saw Donavin and Jaxton.

Donavin... Jaxton... Wh-What are you doing? I was with her. I SAW her!

*Jaxton's P.O.V*

I punched Ciara in the face and knocked her out. It was for her own good. She wasn't sure how to feel and I feel if she stayed awake anymore she would've done something stupid. I turned to face Donavin who just got done placing her on the bed.

Donavin: If you hadn't done that and she continued like that I would've removed some of her memories.

Memory manipulation. That is what Donavin's ability is. He can remove, replace, and change people's memories. Pin him against an enemy and just by touching there head he can trick them into attacking they side or make them believe they don't belong. This ability of his comes in handy. Especially if you're captured with him by an enemy.

I looked over at Donavin.

We should cancel our appointments for tomorrow. That way we can talk more/ help, Ciara.

Donavin: I agree. Goodnight Jaxton.

Goodnight Donavin.

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