Christmas with a vampire Pt.1 (a VERY late, christmas filler/ real events)

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Hey everyone!

"C-Ciara wait"?!

Hmm? What is it Lizzie? I'm just giving the readers a friendly greeting. It is Christmas Eve after all.

"I-I know. It's just..."


"It's not the appropriate time yet! (>_<) We were supposed to give them a GOOD explanation not just jump in out of the blue"!

Hmm. I'm sorry Lizzie.

"*Sighs* You're fine. Just try to think about what's happening around you before jumping out at people".


"If you guys couldn't tell already this is not an actual chapter. This is a filler because the author has been suffering from something you people refer to as writer's block".

But author~senpai didn't want to leave you guys all upset and alone on Christmas Eve so author~senpai is taking some time to write something for you guys!

Hey guys, author~senpai here and as Ciara and Lizzie said I haven't been able to come up with anything. But I wanted to give you guys something here for entertainment. So I'm going to be writing something to go with the Christmas theme. I hope you guys like it and enjoy. So let's start with the beginning, shall we?

*The morning of Christmas Eve (last year), 12/ 24/ 2086*

Lizzie! Lizzie! C'mon wake up! There's still so much to do!!!

"Mnn... five more minutes... zzz"

Lizzie No!

Just as Ciara was about to pull the covers from Lizzie the bell rang. Ciara turned around and climbed downstairs and looked through the peephole to see who was at her door. After seeing who it was Ciara smiled brightly and opened the door allowing the two boys to walk inside.

"Jaxton"! "Donavin"! Welcome! What brings you here this wonderful Christmas Eve?

Jaxton: We're here to celebrate with friends of course!

Donavin: is there anything you need...

Donavin's voice trailed upon seeing the non-decorated house. Donavin looked over at Jaxton and then turned his attention towards Ciara.

Donavin: Ciara why is your house not decorated?

Me and Lizzie have been very busy these past couple of weeks and never seemed to have time to decorate. Now it's Christmas Eve and we're off I tried to wake her up so she can help me buy and decorate the house but she's not budging. Have you ever dealt with her like this?

Jaxton: Not really no...

Donavin: Give her some time or just make her breakfast. That'll probably get her to budge.

Good idea Donavin! I'll be right back!

Jaxton: Do you really think breakfast will make her budge?

Donavin: Probably not...

Jaxton: *sighs* I'll go wake her up...

"You really should be more honest".

Donavin: L-Lilith?! What are you doing here?!

Lilith: Well it is Christmas after all. I don't have any family to spend it with...

Donavin: R-Right...

*Jaxton's P.O.V*

Lizzie... C'mon wake up. Ciara is making you breakfast.

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