Ch.10 The relic of creation

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*Donavin's P.O.V*

So that was an example of what the relic of creation could do.

Jaxton: It's amazing, isn't it? That was just a small bit of what she'll be able to do with the relic.

That's why we have to train her.

"No. That is why I'm training her".

Lilith? What are you doing here? No. How are you able to speak with us without using Ciara's body?

Lilith: I used the relic to create a replica of my former body. Think of the body in front of you as a hologram.


Lilith: The relic of creation has an amazing yet strong ability. It can create things based on the user's thoughts. Harness it well and those objects may feel and appear lifelike. In combat, it's really powerful. It can be good in defense and of course Good for distractions. Of course, that depends on how well the relics harnessed.

Jaxton: Remind me to never get on Ciara's bad side if that happens.

Yeah, I second that.

Lilith: I'll work on trying to create a second dimension for us to train in. Till then, goodbye Donavin. Goodbye Jaxton.

Jaxton: Goodbye Lilith.


Lilith's hologram vanished into thin air leaving me and Jaxton alone. We both walked downstairs and stepped outside.

Jaxton: What do you think of that.

I personally think nothing of it. It would be great to see Ciara finally having something to focus on other than Lizzie and the past.

Jaxton: I agree... Hey Donavin?

What is it Jaxton?

Jaxton: I just had a worrying thought. If there's a relic of creation... Wouldn't you think that somewhere there's one to counter it?

Do you mean like a relic of destruction?

Jaxton: Yes. Exactly that.

I'm not going to lie to you. I believe that such a thing would exist. The only question is where is it.

Jaxton: Perhaps we should go searching for it our-

No! We can't! You heard what Lizzie and Lilith said! We aren't to leave Ciara alone.

"And why not"?

*Ciara's P.O.V*

I looked at Donavin and Jaxton and raised my eyebrow questioningly.

Donavin: Uhh... Y-you, see it's because... Because uh...

Jaxton: It's Because we can't stand being without you! Oh, we'd just miss you so much!

Donavin: Uhh Y-Yeah it's because of that. Uhh, come here Ciara!

Donavin wrapped his arms around me and I just frowned. I knew they were lying. It was pretty obvious from their horrible acting. I broke out of the hug and looked up at them.

If you don't want to tell me you could've just said so. Sure I'd be a little disappointed but I'd still accept it.

Donavin: We want to tell you it's just...

Jaxton: We don't think it's the right time. When the time is right we promise to tell you.

I hope you do. So, now that whatever that was is dealt with what do you guys think we should do now?

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