Astro Boy x Reader // The Apo...

By Sailor_Astro

5.9K 213 599

How long ago was it? I can't remember. Without people celebrating the end of the year, or the beginning of a... More

I'm Hungry
An Eye For An Eye A Zombie For A House
Finally Meeting Him
Is He Trustworthy?
His Home
Day In The Life Of Survives
Curiosity Killed The Survivor
Plans For The Future
Penny For Your Thoughts?
Starting A New
The End

This Is My Life

1K 19 30
By Sailor_Astro

You roll around on the floor trying to get a comfortable place to read your book. "Stupid carpet!" You grumbled, getting up. "Fine! If I can't read on the floor, then I won't read at all!" You threw your school book at the wall. It fell down and hit a few knives on the floor. "Yes Mom, I know! Put your knives on the kitchen counter! You don't want an incident like last time." You walked over to the book and knives and cringed, it was like you could still feel the pain of the blade stabbing through your foot, cutting past the skin. You picked up the book and then grabbed to two knives that laid on the floor. You placed them on a table and went back to reading, you started walking to the carpet. But when you got to the carpet, you saw that a light was shining through the window and onto the floor. Instead of sitting down, you walked past it and looked out your window. The streets below your apartment were filled with Zombies. You groaned and sat back down on the floor. "Looks like traffic is heavy Mum!" You opened the book and began reading it once again. You grumbled something and then sighed. You were defiantly going insane. You laid your back on the floor and continued to read out loud. "The girl stabbed the cake and pulled the knife down, slicing the soft bread in half." You yawned and grimaced as your mind wandered to your actions yesterday. 'The girl stabbed the zombie and pulled the knife down, slicing the soft decaying skull of the creature.' You thought. You closed the book and groaned. You shut your eyes tightly. If you couldn't read without being pulled back into reality, then you would sleep. Sleep away your problems.

"Hey! (Y/N) Get up!" Makoto rocked you back and forth gently.

"Huh..? Makoto?" You rubbed your eyes, sitting up.

"You fell asleep in class." Minako giggled.

"I-I did?" You asked, sitting up quickly and looking around, you where back in your school room with the sun shinning brightly through the window.

"We were learning something while you were snoring." Rei crossed her arms.

"Sorry guys, I guess I didn't get much sleep last night." You rubbed the back of your head and sweat dropped.

"It's recess. We should have some food." Ami smiled down at you.

"Okay!" You all agreed. You got up from your desk to follow your friend group out of the classroom and to your bags to get some lunch. Before you could leave the room, you stumbled over something. It clanked against the wood floor. You looked down to see a familiar knife.

"Shit.." You mumbled. The knife had a long handle and the blade of a kitchen knife. You cringed and continued to run off with your friends. You looked at them all and sighed. They were walking out and had decided to eat outside under a cherry tree.

"Makoto! Your lunch looks so good!" You marvelled at her well put together bento.

"Want to have some?" She asked. You frowned at her, you would always take her food and she would never mind.

"I'm all good. You enjoy your own food." You nodded. Minako leaned back and looked up at the sky.

"I enjoy sunny days like this. The lighting makes my hair look good." Minako pushed back her long golden locks and smiled like she was a princes. The others laughed at her vanity. She scoffed and crossed her arms, getting a little flustered.

"I think your hair is beautiful." You smiled at Minako. She looked at you and cocked her head to the side.

"Are you feeling okay (Y/N)?" She asked. You nodded and smiled.

"I'm just going to miss seeing you and how the light makes your hair shine brightly." You closed your eyes as your pained smile grew bigger.

"(Y/N)? Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Rei asked. You nodded.

"Yeah..." You blinked at the black haired girl. "You know Rei, you might be a little harsh on me sometimes, but I know you're just looking out for me." You sighed. "Thank you Rei. Thank you for your friendship."

"Eh?!" Rei sat up straight as her face got red. "That's not true! You're a slacker and I need to whip you into shape!" She lied. Ami laughed under He breath.

"Ami.." You turned to her. "I love your laugh." You sighed longingly. "You always study hard, to achieve your dreams." You felt your eyes well up with tears. "I know you'll become a doctor. Just keep studying." Ami would never achieve her dream, none of them could.

"I.. I will." Ami nodded, glancing at the others in confusion. Makoto shrugged at Ami and turned back to you, her eyes then widened.

"(Y-Y/N)! You're crying?" She stood up from the grass and came over to you, the others following her movements.

"Sorry guys." You dropped your smile. "I just.. I just love you all so much!" You freely let your tears fall. "I don't want you all to die! I don't want to be alone without you! I want to hug you, I want to study with you, I want to cook with you, I want to shop with you.. I want.. I want to see you all again!" You cried. "I miss you all so much." You pulled Makoto into a tight hug, she hugged you back, so did the others, huddling around you like you were the most important thing to them. "So much.." You sobbed in your friend's arms for a small while.

Ami, your shy friend who always helped you study hard. Rei, She always pushed you to be better than who you were. Makoto, such an amazing cook and very beautiful even if sometimes she didn't see it herself. Minako, She was stunning and always made you smile. Your friends, you never knew you needed them so desperately until they were gone.

You pushed Makoto away from you and the others stepped back too. "(Y/N)?" Makoto sadly looked at you. Minako whipped away the tears from your cheeks. You couldn't stop crying, you wanted to stop, you wanted to you, but nothing was in your power right now.

"(Y/N), you're worrying us." Rei furrowed her brow, crossing her arms.

"Is everything okay?" Ami asked. "We are here for you.."

You nodded and swallowed. "I'm fine! Just a little tired and emotional. Let's continue to eat." You looked down at your food. Then up at the sun. Everything suddenly turn grey, the clouds turned a gross green and the sun struggle to shine through them. You looked down the ground where your friends were once sitting. They where all gone. "Makoto? Minako?" You asked. Standing up. "Rei? Ami..?" Your bento lunch box fell off your lap as you started to run to find them. It seemed that you traveled at lighting speed to the outside of the school. You look around frantically, why did you have to be here? Why did it have to be Makoto? You loved her so much, almost more than all of your other friends. Suddenly, a hand lazily touched your back. You quickly spun around to see Makoto. She fell into your arms. Since she was quite a tall girl, you couldn't hold her. You slowly fell to the floor with her counting on you to support her. "Makoto!" She groaned and looked up at you. The side of her face was drenched in blood, it seemed to be drying up, making scab marks. The side of her cheek was ripped off. This allowed you to see her white and red teeth. As she moved her jaw up and down to talk, you could see she was biting her own ripped cheek muscles, flooding her mouth with blood from her shredded flesh.

"(Y/N).." She coughed.

"Stop it!!" You screamed. Getting up from your sleeping position and holding your throbbing head in your hands. "Stop torturing me!!" You pleaded. "I don't! I don't want to remember it!" You hit your head with your fists, making your headache worsen. "I don't want to remember!" You sobbed. You screamed until your lungs couldn't take the lack of air. You started to hyperventilate as your legs caved in from beneath you making you fall to your knees.

This was your life.

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