Por kaywild11

370 54 12

Sixteen year old Scarlet Jones joins a secret program with her two best friends. She scores top of the class... Más

The dream
Old Wonds
You Have A Child
Only Two More Days
We All Lost Someone
The Full Moon
He Is Inside You
Christmas Day
"He Isn't Coming Back"
"Watch The Stars With Me"
Purple Skies
More Sad Stories
We will see each other soon
"Come back to me"
I am rewriting this book

A Sad Christmas Eve

28 3 0
Por kaywild11

   What do I do stay here for the rest of our break? I have no one to go home to. I need to take my mind off of these things. If I keep being down I'm sure he will notice. 

"Hey, you. We are going hunting and I saw you are all alone so I figured you would like to come with."

It was Malcolm. Once again he has come to save me. 

"I never been."

"Well, I'll teach you. It'll be fun I promise."

As we walked up to the group of people one face stood out. Dayan. No, he wouldn't be the reason I stay behind. We stopped and no one spoke.

"Be polite and introduce yourselves."

"She already knows me. Why you had to bring her alone anyway she is only gonna slow us down."

"No, the real question is why are you here. Just fucked up all of our vibes."

She turned around and got in the passenger seat jeep. Malcolm Just frowned at Dayan then looked over at the guy I saw yesterday. -

He held up his hands and said "fine. I'm Dallas and that was our older sister Eva. She is a bitch so I advise you to stay on her good side."

She rolled down her window and said: "I heard that you idiot."

He started laughing and walked over to the driver's seat. Dayan slowly followed him. 

"They might act like they hate each other but they are actually really close. I'll sit in the middle so you won't have to sit beside Dayan."

Once we stepped out of the jeep I remembered that hunting meant killing animals. I can only kill a few animals and deer wasn't one of them.

"Hey what exactly are we going to be hunting?"

"Oh, the usual deer's bears whatever we see reality."

The thought of hurting a deer or a bear didn't sit well with my stomach.

"What you have a problem with that?"


He looks at me with a yeah right expression written on his face.

"What are you ok with killing?"

Fishing would be best but I don't know how to do that either.

"Hey guys we are going left up to the hill," Eva said before taking a gun and a bow and arrows.

Dallas followed her but Dayan stayed behind. Why?

"I don't even think you belong here."

"You just now figured that out, Malcolm."

"What do you mean?"

"What Malcolm means is that you don't have the guts to kill anything. I found that out when I first saw you."

I looked over at Malcolm and saw he was staring at the ground. Well, I see that's exactly what he was thinking.  


"And you give up too easily. Come on do you have any fight in you at all?"

How do I answer that? The truth is I didn't. I mean I did once. But that was only when I was mad. I never killed anything though and I wouldn't want to kill an animal first.

"Come on Scarlet let's go do some target practice."

Malcolm grabbed his things and started walking away.

"Fine whatever I'll go do things myself," Dayan said before walking straight into the woods.

There wasn't anything for me to get. Did he have my things too? 

I quickly caught up to him and asked: "hey do you have my stuff?"

"We will share."

We didn't say anything the whole walk to the target practice area. I didn't even know there was one all the way over here.

"We aren't practicing over there. We are going in here. This place has moving targets and everything. We aren't supposed to be in here because it is apart of the test but who cares. If we get caught we get caught."

We entered the dark building. The more we walked in the less visible he became. His footsteps stopped and I walked into him and lost my balance. He grabbed me by the waist to stop me from falling on the ground. 


"Clumsy I see."

He turned on the light. Then placed his things down. The room was separated by thick glass. You will be in there. I'll be up there controlling everything. 

After he was done making fun of me for almost missing every we went outside. Dallas had a hand on his hip-shaking his head.

"You know you aren't supposed to be in there."     

"Yeah I know and you not gonna do anything about it."

"Hahahaha Malcolm you know me too well. Fussing over something like this would be too essive." He got done scratching his head when asked: "well are you guys ready to go because we were thinking about leaving soon."

"Yeah, sure we can leave now."

"So Scarlet what are you doing for Christmas?"


"No, it's fine. I really don't know Dallas. I have no family now...."

"No Scarlet. You do I'll always be there for you no matter what. I promise."

Malcolm seemed serious. I believed him. I can trust him. 

"Yeah, You can count on me too. Well, the easy things I'm good at. Don't expect me to do anything too tiring."

"We are having a family get together you should come. Don't worry about my father or brother. I'm sure they won't say anything to you but if they do I'll handle them. Just have fun tomorrow ok?"

Should I come? I'm not apart of the family and I'm sure Dayan will make me feel unwelcome. I would ruin it for them.   

"Hey, I don't want you alone here. If they say anything to you I will take you away and we can do something else ok?"

"What about Joseph will he be there?"

He looked at Dallas then he looked back at me. 

"He is on a mission."


"What she deserves to know that much."

"I know that much."

Dallas looked surprised then asked, "who told you?"

"General Shepard."

"Hm, fine whatever," Dallas said waving his hand as he walked away. 

Malcolm and I  walked back slowly to the jeep. Everyone was waiting on us but no one cared. The ride back was quite well except the few time Dallas messed with Eva. 

It's still wired to see no one here. It was later then I had expected. It didn't seem to be 3:00 pm all ready yet it was. I head noise in the living room. Was it Malcolm again? I got up from my bed and headed to the living room. It was Allen. What was he doing back already he had two more days left. I was still happy to see a familiar face. He turned around confused but I saw a small shimmer of happiness in his eyes. 

"What are you doing here?"

He asked the question before I had a chance to hug him. I stopped and put my hands in my back pocket.

"Um, they called me back to...."

Do I tell him the truth or lie? There is a high chance someone will tell him so I might as well tell the truth.

"To interrogate you?"  

How did he know that? Did they already tell him?

"No, they didn't tell me that I guessed."

Woah he is really good at reading me or I'm just really readable.

"Well, you guessed right. Why are you here?"

"The same thing."

"What why?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

He looked around as though he was looking for something they said: "put on warm clothes we are going on a walk."

He cants just order me around like that. Who does he think he is? Nonetheless, I did what he said. 

We were far from Lunar. I have never been this far out before. 

"Where are we going, Allen?"

He stopped then said, "to the place where I first found you."

What does he mean? We first met in Lunar, not this forest. Now that I think about it he does look slightly familiar.

We stopped and he sat down on a branch. 

"This is where I first saw the damn thing."

I sat beside him.

"What thing?"

"I don't know what it was. It looks like a small black panther but it couldn't have been one. The pattern and the eyes screamed something else. It couldn't have been from this world. It attacked me and I fought it off then it ran away. I ran after it and saw you."

Was it the demon in me? I tried to remember what he looked like. When I first saw him he was a child just like me. But he didn't talk or act like a child. When I saw him recently he was older like me. What does that mean? Does he grow with?

"Do you remember something about that night."

I've only been here for two months so it only happened two times. I remember the second so it had to be the first. 

"I remember a guy taking me to the hospital."

"Yes, that was me."

"Oh, that's why you look familiar."

"You don't remember what happened after that?"

"Nope, I blacked out?"

He looked confused than concerned.

"Does that happen a lot?"

"Every month since....."

"Every since what?"

"Well every since my mom and sister died."

He looked off in the distance than said "sorry."

"Oh, don't be that was years ago. I barely remember them."

He took a deep breath.

"I don't know if you not remembering them is best or it's just as fucked up as seeing them die right in fronting of you and remembering everything. There screams, how hopeless you were. By the person, you loved the most."

"Allen your family died in front of you?"

"Was murdered by my dad. It was late and he was drunk. They were arguing as usual. It was a typical night for me. Then I heard my mom yell and a gunshot. My older brother and I looked at each other terrified. He stood and locked the door. He struggled to put our dressers in front of the door. I tried to help him but he told me to hide under the bed. I did as I was told. Once he was finished he hid under it with me. He told me to not say anything no matter what. All I could think of was never being able to hug my mom again. My dad started hitting the door and screaming. He was crying because he killed her and he said it was an accident but how can you accidentally cock a gun aim it at her head and pull the trigger?"

He started tearing up and I did too.

"He said we all have to die now. My brother tried to reason with him but he wouldn't listen. He busts through the door and pulled us from under the bed. My brother fought to protect me and all I could do was sit there and be scared. He shot him in the chest then aimed the shotgun at me. He said I hope this fuck up the rest of your life then shot himself in the head. For years I wished he would have killed me with my brother. I couldn't live without him."

A tear dropped from his eyes then he whipped the rest away. I'm sorry. 

"No, it's fine. My dad died not long ago and something killed my sister right in front of me. I didn't feel anything when she died. The same thing happened to my mother. My biggest fear was not feeling anything when the people I cared about the most die. The next day I tried to live life as nothing happened but I broke down not because of his death but because I couldn't feel anything. Does that me I'm cold or...

He hugged me tightly.

"No Scarlet it doesn't. Maybe you were in shock still."

He let go and said, "we should get back it's getting late and we don't need to be here in the dark."

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