Meeting with my darkest side...

By SadisticSinnerrr

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Abby is a normal girl till she finds her soulmate. With their love and bound, she discovers a part of herself... More

Meeting with my darkest side...
The beginning of my destruction...(Part one!)
The beginning of my destruction...(Part two)
First encounter...
Starting up
You? No...Not again!
A life without meaning...
Losing myself...
The arrival
This is not goodbye
Feels like home
Date me...
Bridges burnt to the ground...
Be mine...
Who knew...
Problems approaching...
Family business...
This can't be happening...
Close to an end...
Slowly dying...
Author's Note

Unknown man...

206 6 2
By SadisticSinnerrr

~“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”~

Mark Twain

‘What is this?’ I whispered inside Andrew’s mind through our powerful connection and gazed around. There was a thick black layer of smoke above us and the whole restaurant was slowly but steadily being burnt to the ground as I watched my friends fighting against hundreds of pale white, blood-sucking vampires, disgusting and ugly looking creatures made of a black, emetic slime with millions of little teeth plastered on an area where it was supposed to be their head. Albeit their whole face was covered in teeth and I watched in disgust and pain as the huge thing completely swallowed an elf.

Someone with a huge black sword in his hands attacked the black slime cutting it in half and the elf that was swallowed a few moments later exited the creature with disgust in his eyes. He leaned in and threw up the insides of his stomach cursing under his breath.

“Dude next time cut it in half. I won’t be there to save you!” The man with the sword mocked and run away attacking a huge red-haired wolf. There was no way I could have ever imagined how a battle could be. Vampires, wolves and other disgusting creatures attacked our team and Andrew informed me that the ones that weren’t in our team would have red, white or completely black eyes. I noticed a couple of vampires with their pupils red as blood and a few wolves that their pupils had joined the white around them in a jet-black symphony.

‘But how can that be? Why do they have different eye-color than our people?’ I questioned Andrew who at that moment rushed forward into the battle. He reached Lucia, whispered something at her and she quickly changed forms letting her wolf lead her as she jumped on a vampire sinking her huge white teeth in his neck’s flesh. The sight of her wolf was magical. She was enormous with two grey eyes and golden-colored fur.

Lucia swayed her head from side to side as I’ve seen my dog Rocky do a couple of times when he was playing with his toys and immediately the vampires head was thrown a few feet away crushing on the ground. Without a second thought I copied Andrew’s powers and set the dead body on fire smiling evilly.

‘Nice move.’ Lucia entered my head whispering softly. I winked back at her and entered her mind while attacking a blood-sucking leech that dared to raise his gaze on me.

‘Where are the rest of us? This place is insane! And we are like thirty people here. We are out-numbered!’ I yelled in our mental conversation so that anyone could hear me.

‘They couldn’t make it we weren’t expecting and attack and most of them are out of town. I don’t know what’s going on Abbs but I am scared!’ Her wolf growled in my mind. Without answering back I motioned my whip towards the vampire and it dug a hole in his heart and as the whip pulled backwards landing close to my feet. The paralyzed vampire dropped on the floor with his body making a thunderous sound. I heard bones cracking as I saw his eyes turned pail white and without losing any time I blinked once and his body caught on fire.

‘Behind you!’ Paul whispered in my mind. I found myself lucky enough to be able to crouch on time and avoid its attack. A thin stiletto knife entered my vision and the next thing I knew one single curl escaped my hair and slowly landed in front of me. Everything turned into slow motion as I felt my run heat up, clenching my jaw and forming fists with my hands I glared at the vampire.

‘No he didn’t!’ a few girls from our group exclaimed.

I giggled like a small cute girl while grabbing a thin but powerful stiletto knife from my boots and slowly made my way to an upward, straight-standing position. Turning around I stared into the vampire’s red eyes and my evil smile blossomed into a sarcastic grin as I felt my whip wrap around my arm taking its bracelet form.

‘Holly Cr*p!’ Jay exclaimed in our mental conversation and I could feel a few people of mine staring at me with fear in their eyes.

“Didn’t your mom teach not to mess with a girl’s hair?” I chanted and immediately run towards him pushing the knife in his guts. He whined and spit out blood but despite his pain he managed to grab my hair and connected my face with his knee offering me a huge headache. Thankfully my nose was still in place but tomorrow I knew I’d be having a huge knob on my forehead.

The moment I found my balance I pulled another knife from the inner case of my boots and connected it with his heart. The vampire dropped down completely dead and bleeding from his stomach and chest. I placed my foot on his chest and held him down as I pulled the knife out of him.

‘This wasn’t a vampire.’ I chanted.

‘Human.’ Everyone whispered in the mental conversation.

‘Great!’ I entered Andrew’s mind and whimpered slightly knowing that only he could hear me.

‘Are you alright my love?’ he whispered in my head and I felt my body stiffen up when I noticed three humans approaching me.

I wanted to scream at them, yell, question them why they wasted their lives for Lilith’s sake but the only thing I could do and had to do was grab my guns from their cases and aim at them. I pulled the trigger and a bullet planted in one’s head while the other two tried to grab me but I managed to punch one in the face hearing the lovable cracking sound as his nose was broken and blood filled his face. The other human approached me again and when he was close enough I jumped forward grabbing his arm and placed the gun on his stomach.

“Bye.” I whispered and pulled the trigger. I heard a growling sound and turned around to face Jay in human form completely naked. He punched the man with the broken nose right on the face and the human whimpered in pain, more blood escaping his nostrils. I had the chance to put my guns in place and grabbed the set of my little swords that Andrew gifted me. The leather of the handle felt great in my palm as I held them tightly in my palms.

By the time I was done Jay ripped the head from the human with his human hands and threw it away.

“Burn him. He has been bitten and was starting to change.” He growled out and his wolf took his place. I nodded my head in agreement and set the body on fire without even staring at it.

“God d*mn it!” I cursed under my breath and with the swords in my hands I rushed my way towards a vampire that had climbed up Lucia’s back and was getting ready to bit her.

‘Jay do you mind taking care of your own girlfriend?’  Andrew grunted in the mental connection we had with the rest of the group. I pushed myself harder and when I reached Lucia I jumped on her back and knocked the vampire on the ground but before being able to kill him he jumped in the air with his fangs shining under the moonlight.

‘Aouch!’  I whimpered in my group’s minds as I felt the huge vampire land on me knocking my head and whole body on the ground. His mouth was so close to my neck that I could feel his cold breath caress it. Bringing my knee right between his legs I kicked him with all I had and pushed him off me glad that vampires did hurt down there.

He rolled on his back keeping his hands on that specific spot where I kicked him and I thought that this was my chance to finish him. I jumped on him and I brought both swords on his neck forming and X. Between the gap that the ends of them created I placed his neck and quickly pulled the swords unfolding the X. His head flew away and as I set his body on fire I felt someone gazing me.

Slowly placing my swords at their case I turned to face Andrew walking to me with lust in his eyes.

“You  should name that move ‘X’ it was pretty amazing.” He smiled evilly and wrapped one arm around my waist letting the other one drop on his side holding his shiny sword. His lips touched mine and we fought for dominance with him winning as always. Dominating the kiss, Andrew held me tight and I felt him growing hard with every passing second and his erection pocking me playfully. I wanted him. Right at that moment.

His body stiffen and I felt the arm that was dropped on his side holding the sword, rise and a sudden splashing sound filled the air. The familiar scent of human blood flooded my nostrils. I slowly opened my eyes as Andrew relaxed again and pulled backwards to smile at me.

A wolf was dropped dead and the body was slowly turning into a human form.

“You’re good baby.” I winked at him playfully and took off to join Lucia.

‘Everything okay?’ I whispered as soon as I reached her.

‘Find Jay. Something is not right!’ she cried out biting a vampire on the neck sending his head flying. Setting the body on fire I turned around to scan the area for Jay but he was nowhere to be found.

‘Jay?’ I whispered but none answered. It was impossible for me to track him when I couldn’t sense him, nothing. It was as if he was dead. After a few moment of panicking I managed to get a glimpse through his eyes and noticed he was in the burning restaurant, wounded and obviously frightened.

Without thinking much I returned to my body and sliced an ugly slime in two killing it immediately.

“Gross.” I yelled with a disgust grimace pinned of my face and run towards the restaurant where I knew Jay was located. Our opponents were slowly but steadily leaving the place, they were backing out of the battle. Scared, wounded and now after all this fighting, out-numbered.

I reached the restaurant and burst the door open. The flames hadn’t reach this floor but I could feel the heat and the smoke enter my lungs making it almost impossible to breath. Jay was there, laying on a corner still on his wolf’s form. Part of his grey fur was turned into a deep shade of red implying he was badly injured. The sight of him in this condition was heart breaking bringing tears in  my hurtful from the smoke eyes.

Stepping closer I could hear him whimper when suddenly he howled at the top of his voice and squirmed into a tiny ball.

‘What’s wrong?’ I cried in his head while caressing his wolf head.

‘Get Lucia. I am begging you. I don’t have much time!’ he bit out in my head.

‘I am not leaving you!’  entering Andrew’s and only his head I screamed to bring here Lucia and that this is important. A few moments later the restaurant’s door burst right open and I span my head knowing it would be Andrew with Lucia. But I was wrong.

His blood-red pierced deep into my skin as he smiled widely. “Abby!” he chanted.

“Eric!” I stated and watched him step closer. His feet crossed the mental barrier I had placed and immediately I felt the whip slide down my arm.

“Stay where you are.” I growled out taking my attacking position. My held was a bit lowered as I glared at him hoping he would do something that I wouldn’t approve. I needed his head on a freaking plate with potatoes and lettuce. And I needed it now.

“Sexy!” his kind smiled blossomed into a lusty grin.

‘Abby run. The restaurant has a back door I’ll hold him off.’ Jay screamed in my head slowly taking his human form. This wasn’t good.

‘Lucia!’ I screamed inside her head.

‘On my way!’ I felt her pain as if it was mine. Without thinking I pushed the whip towards him aiming at his neck, instead of wrapping around him chocking him Eric grabbed the end of it and pulled the whip towards him drifting me on him. I bumped on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. The moment our eyes connected his pupils turned jet-black, the color he had when I knew him. When I thought I knew him.

Our time together passed before my eyes and everything reminded me of our moments together. He slightly caressed my curly hair and brought his hand under my jaw pulling me closer. He used to smile all the time and tell jokes having fun. With that thought a smile crawled and landed on my lips when he rested his forehead against mine still looking right into my eyes. Suddenly my whole body was on fire, aching but slowly I was starting to feel new, brand new.

‘Abby get away from him! He is trying to break your connection with Andrew. And you are letting him!’ Jay growled in my mind and his words pulled me out of my world. Finding myself I couldn’t hold back so I did what I felt doing.

“Get your hands off me you dirty little sc*mbag!” I yelled at him and my voice was loud and strong enough to surprise him that much that his eyes turned blood-red again and he pushed me away.

“You are dead!” a girl I thought I buried deep inside escaped. The assassin was taking over and this time I needed her more than anything. Letting myself go my feet run towards him, both of my hands pushed him on the whole as I felt myself pushing my grip on his neck harder.

The moment I believed in myself came, hoping and knowing I was capable of anything. Albeit he was the one to prove me wrong. Eric pushed me away sending my flying a few feet away. I fell to the ground, bumping my head once again that hard that I almost fainted. But I knew I was stronger than this.

Mentally cursing myself for thinking he was the guy I once met, I grabbed a knife from my back-pocket and rushed towards him. As soon as I made it closer my hand tried desperately to land on his heart but it was pointless. The front door burst wide open revealing a frustrated Andrew glaring at us. Eric placed his hands on my chest and pushed me away once more making me land on Andrew.

The moment Eric saw the look of love and caring in Andrew’s eyes he glared at me and then back at Andrew and jumped of the window running away. Once again…we lost him. I felt Andrew’s arms wrap around my waist as he held me close. My eyes rested on Jay who was back in his wolf form. Lucia licked his wound and placed her front palm on it pushing her foot in his wound.

Jay whimpered in pain but stayed in place, and I found myself witnessing a miracle. It was magical. Jay slowly started healing and as he did Lucia’s image trembled and she changed back into her human. Jay, fully healed now he changed himself and grabbed his girl smiling at her with the love and commitment in his eyes.

“Thank God we have a full moon tonight.” Andrew smiled and kissed the back of my head.

“Why?” I said and turn around placing my head on his chest sighing.

“If there wasn’t a full moon what you just saw wouldn’t be possible. It’s only feasible when the moon is complete and it can only happen between imprinted wolves.”

“Andrew!” Anna whimpered. “The sun will be up in a few minutes!” She whined.

“Let’s go!” Jay exclaimed. On the ride home I was informed that we didn’t lose anyone. Absolutely no one. We did have some injuries but none of us died. However there was a truck following us on the way home.

“Andrew what is that?” I motioned towards the black van behind us.

“Information!” he chanted happily.

When he parked the car he asked me to go upstairs with the excuse of ‘having some things to take care of.’ I found myself too tired to confront him and dragged myself in the apartment without saying anything else but a “okay I’ll see you upstairs” and a single hug.

The feelings surrounding me were nothing but hate, fear and disgust. Eric was much stronger than I was making me feel completely useless. I didn’t have nor the power nor the courage to stand in front him again and face him as an opponent.

I was slowly breaking.

But how could I think of Eric when the person I wanted was in my life already? I sighed hard slamming the door shut behind me. As I set myself on the couch waiting for Andrew I noticed something running down my sides.

“What the hell?” I yelled loudly and touched my sides.

“Blood? I am freaking bleeding?” I cried out as the pain hit me and it hit me hard. Removing my corset I felt my ribs move in place on their own and pushed myself to rush to the bathroom just as the door burst open. I mentally thanked God for not letting him see me bleeding like this. I grabbed some bandages and pure alcohol and took care of my wound before Andrew had the chance to see it.

“You coming?” he yelled from the living room.

“Be there in a sec!” I sighed. “I had a few wounds and I needed to take care of them!” the words slipped my mouth.

“What?” Andrew pushed the door open and made me sit down. He pulled my corset and took care of my wounds better than I would have. I whimpered in pain as the alcohol touched my skin.

“Hush my love.” He glared at me.

“You are such a j*rk from time to time. You know that?” I growled out in pain.

The look on his eyes frustrated me even more and I couldn’t hold myself, I punched him right on the cheek bone with all I had but all he did was grab me from the neck and give me a passionate kiss on the lips sticking his tongue in my mouth letting it play with mine. He pulled me on him and pushed me against the door securing me in place.

“When we get out you will try to be calm. You won’t mind what you’ll see okay? We need you out there my love and you need to restrain yourself.” He slightly bit my lower lip making me moan and then the door behind me burst open and I felt Andrew push me forward.

What I saw reminded me scenes of horror movies. A man was sitting on a chair without his shirt on, tied with a silver chain that seemed to burn his skin as it held him in place. Someone was standing right in front of him and the moment Andrew grabbed my hand the man raised his and punched the young wolf right on the face.

“What are you doing?” I cried out in disgust as I heard the yelp from the wolf.

“Abby we discussed about this!” Andrew bit out.

“But he is hitting him!” I cried again.

“Go inside. Now!” he yelled at me and pulled his hand away avoiding my gaze.

“I hate you!” I cried and run towards the bedroom locking the door behind me. The tears started streaming down my eyes as I let myself land on the bed. I cried myself to sleep and some time in my sleep I heard someone call for me, someone behind the locked door.

“Baby will you open the door?” Andrew knocked once again.

“No! Go away! You are sleeping on the couch tonight. First thing when I wake up will be to leave this place!” I yelled as another sobbing escaped my mouth. Before I could react I heard the key on the door turn and Andrew entered the room walking towards me.

‘You should remember that I can use your powers.’ He whispered in my mind and locked me in his arms. Still crying I pushed him away, punching his chest and arms repeatedly as he held me in place. I gave in to his touch and surrendered myself to him and rested my head on his chest sobbing, soaking wet his costume with tears.

“Baby please don’t cry…” he sighed and tightened his grip around me.

“I didn’t want to talk to you like this. But you needed to leave the room. I didn’t want you to witness that but I wished you could restrain yourself. You could have helped us.” He mumbled under his breath. I nodded my head in agreement and felt my surround me again.

The next day when I woke up it was already six in the afternoon and my belly growled in demand for food. I took a shower and cleaned my costume from the blood. My wound was already healed from those potions.

I run at the living room kissing Andrew ‘good morning’ and we ordered Chinese. When we started eating and watching a lame movie that was on the television the image of the young werewolf popped inside my head. I needed to know who that person was. Something about him seemed familiar.

However the look on Andrew’s eyes told me another story. A story that was a nightmare. I felt a tremble slide down my spine as I realized that the person I loved was my commander and despite my affection towards him I feared him.

“Andrew?” I whispered in his ear.

“Yes baby?” he answered while chewing on his meal.

“Would you ever hurt me?” I stared into his eyes.

“My love…you are everything I have. Being connected with someone doesn’t mean that it’s just a simple link between two people. It’s pure love. You are the part of my soul that’s been missing all those years. It’s the reason why we didn’t got on well with each other. When you turned seventeen your mind was unlocked. Mine as well. I’ve never known that I had someone like you in the world.

“But I found you. And I belong to you. I might kill, murder, be cruel but only to those who deserve it. You my love…you are my soul. You are the reason I breath and continue to live. You are the reason I took off at that battle. You are the reason I came back for. What else can I say to make you understand that I completely, absolutely love you?” he smiled sadly and slide his lips over mine.

“Just kiss me.” I whispered and I felt him press his lips against mine to share a kiss that only he could achieve. A kiss that transformed his words into feelings.

A/N: Hey guys! I am here again with a new chap xD

I am sorry if it’s a bit short but I am trying to improve myself at writing and it gets harder each time to track down things I wanna change.

I’ve noticed that I am losing my passion concerning a few scenes and people said that I rushed through the story bringing up a lot of things in a short time I’d like to apologize for that but I do have a lot to offer. From now I promise I’ll find myself.

I was afraid I kinda lost my talent…

Maybe writers block? I don’t know I am fighting against it though.

Please tell me if you noticed anything different. Love you guys all of you. And please comment down below it helps me keep up. Without knowing you guys do enjoy my work how am I supposed to keep on writing? O.O




Love you all!

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