Taming the Tattooed Boy

By lxstboy

225K 8.5K 4.3K

Senior year finally arrived, and you couldn't wait to leave as soon as the year finishes. Sure you'll miss th... More

Taming the Tattooed Boy
- ii -
- iii -
- iv -
- v -
- vi -
- vii -
- viii -
- ix -
- x -
- A New Enemy -
- Soundless Pain -
- Lost -
- Drained -
- His Past -
- Stupid -
- Mother -
- Time -
- Saving Her Arse -
-- He's Back --
- Unknown -
- Damn You -
- Not Guilty -
- Blanked Out -
- Reality -
- Untainted -
- Tonight -
- Savior -
- Sunshine -
- End -
updated note as if July 11, 2021

- Seduced -

6.5K 259 144
By lxstboy

READ ; This chapter does include a little hint of rape, and if that topic seems sensitive I highly recommend you skip that part and read towards the end. I'm sorry if it seems to offend anyone, if it does I apologize in advance.


Alec had been staring intensely as the boy returned him his phone, clearly irritated. Rebecca was clinging to his arm, and the sight still disgusted Alec.

Robbie smirked at her, scooping her for another kiss. Alec turned away before he could puke at the sight.

He pulled away, while she smiled, "Baby, what's the matter?"

"Your boyfriend has some business to attend to. I'll meet you back in my place after school?"

She giggled, rubbing her nose against his, "I'll be ready."

Rebecca pushed herself away from him, swaying her hips as she did. Her said boyfriend whistled, biting his lips as he leaned his back against his locker. His attention was now on the tall, broad-shouldered figure on his right, who's brows showed signs of annoyance.

"Keep your business private, man."

The teenage boy chuckled, "I know where she is. Now, will you just stand there and complain about my PDA or assist me with fetching back your precious 'Bookworm'?"

Alec exhaled, annoyed that he didn't have much of a choice. He didn't need to say another word, Robbie understand just from the look of his eyes.

The two quickly fled, ditching school unnoticed, except for a couple of janitors.

Your POV //

I could feel one of the men gazing at me, the lustful spark in his eyes so evident. He licked his lips, and as much as I hated to admit to myself, he wanted me. I attempted to scoot away from him, but even my ankles where bound to the legs of the chair. I had no escape, and it frightened me to the point where I was trembling. I was desperate for help, from anyone.

The corner of my eyes caught his sinister smile, I shuddered. He leaned his head closer to my neck, which was slightly exposed due to my clothing being torn from earlier.

He was chuckling, a dark chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. I felt his calloused hand run up to my thighs. I tried to pry away from his grip, but he seemed to appreciate my struggles. His other hand reached up to push away the strands of hair on my face. My eyes were visible to him. I knew he could see the fear shining through my orbs, but that didn't stop him. In fact, it encouraged him.

Breathing haggardly, he leaned closer to my cheek. I leaned back from his grip, but his hand jerked me towards him. I felt something warm, and wet run on my cheek. He'd licked me, I was disgusted.

My screams were muffled by the tape around my mouth, and I could do nothing but to silently cry. He gave my thigh a light squeeze of approval from my actions. He smirked again, this time leaning to my collarbones.

I held a breath, feeling his teeth bite my sensitive skin. I could already feel the marks around my collarbones as he continued to abuse me. By then, my face was soaked with tears. He seemed to have noticed, but instead of wiping them, he licked every last tear.

"Don't worry babygirl, I won't be gentle. I'll make your first time, memorable."

The hand on my thigh descended, and I felt it tug my skirt. Why did I choose to wear something so revealing that day?

He pushed my skirt upwards, but I instinctively squeezed my legs together, preventing him from any access. I was weak, he pried them open so easily. My ankles scratched against the legs, and I winced from the pain.

My protests were blocked, it was absolutely no use. For a moment, he pulled away from my neck, and I was relieved. That was until I felt him lower to my entrance.

"Nnnf!!" No. Please..

His grip was on my thighs, preventing me from declining his access.

This was it.

I'm far too young to accept my faith, but there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. My eyes were loaded with tears that seemed unstoppable. I felt him near my entrance, holding my breath for the worst, I shut my eyes.


My eyes snapped open, the same man, who was moments ago in between my thighs, now laid on the floor clutching his stomach. I turned my head, and to my surprise,

the same boy whom admitted his love to another girl had arrived to save my sorry butt again.

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