One Bloody Waltz | Vampire!BT...

By idontnanmolla

163K 4.8K 3.6K

❝Every part of you belongs to us now, your blood, your beating heart, your body, and soul, say that you're ou... More

I 🌹
II 🌹
IV 🌹
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VI 🌹
IX 🌹
X 🌹
XI 🌹
XV 🌹


4.4K 101 49
By idontnanmolla

Youngsters Oppressed, Leaders Gone Insane, Heartache is the Biggest Conflict




"Taehyung! Stop it!"

The wise yet nerve wrecked voice of Jin called out to the younger vampire as the latter stomped angrily towards the church which centered the village they called home, his whole brain was only settled on one thing, figuring out who the hell had caused his bride, the bride he cherished, cared for and loved, this immense pain and unsettlement. He still recalled the way the young bride woke up, unsure of her surroundings, like a lost soul who had recently dipped its toe into the sea of death; completely uncertain.

The young blonde vampire cared not for anything else, to him, the one thing that mattered was to punish those who dared touch his loved ones, and that woman, Kim Il-Ri, deserved severe treatment for what she'd done to his bride, her and that reckless harlot Troian, as well as his mother, but unfortunately, that woman had already been taken by the poisonous grip of death, and there was nothing he could do about it. The other two, though, they were going to get the torture, torture which reflected the barbarous treatment they'd administrated to his love, to me.

A strong, wielding and forceful arm roughly grabbed at Taehyung's arm, and he needn't know who it was, he recognized the force, the strength, and the caring but firm grip. Jungkook looked at the back of Taehyung's head with a look of worry, shielded away from one's eye by the expression of carelessness that he always wore, perhaps as a mask to protect his frail heart.

"Hyung," He spoke up, his voice lacking creakiness and weakness that each of the other five boys expressed, it was clear and firm, grasping at Taehyung's attention. The latter, seemingly didn't care, choosing to try and shrug the younger vampire's grip away, but despite his trials, it was a failure.

"Let me go, Jungkook-ah," With a groan, he whispered out the words in an aggressive yet obviously broken tone, and Jungkook simply sighed, pulling him forward to him, allowing the two vampires to face each other.

"It's not worth it, Hyung, not now, you're far too weak, we should be taking care of (Y/N)-ah," The youngest of the two spoke up, rationality lacing his voice despite his obvious shakiness at the eldest's tear-filled lilac eyes. 

The blonde bit his lip, attempting once more to pull away from the youngest's strengthening grip, which made the youngest of the two simply sigh nonchalantly, the concern in his eyes obvious in the swelling redness and the sheer coating of diamond worthy teardrops; his eyes glistened in the dim growing sunlight, his strength level loosening the more he acknowledged his Hyung, and role model, falling apart before his tearing eyes.

With a simple pull of his arm, the youngest wrapped the eldest in a warm brotherly hug, his own hurt and sadness catching up to him as he settled onto his Hyung's arm, a Hyung who was now weeping so openly; tears staining his beautiful cheeks with a trail of crystal clear ache and heartbreak, he held on to the youngest, allowing himself to let go of the support he tried to lean on, the support of revenge and anger, dispatching it in a fresh coat of tragedy and pure unfiltered unhappiness.

A certain short vampire's heart spasmed at the sight before he rushed towards his brother, the brother with whom he had shared laughter, sadness, tragedy, heartbreak, everything, and it didn't take him long to wrap his arms around his back, providing him with a second source of comfort. Taehyung needn't see, he knew who the overwhelming warmth and concern radiated from, he recognized the petite yet soothing hands, he knew the fluffy mass of hair belonged to none other than his brother, the brother who had stood by him through thick and thin, a brother who had never let his siblings go, a cousin who had never let the others go, a son who had never let his mother go, and a human who had never given up on his nature.

It took very little time for the three to collapse onto the ground, weeping and crying as they held onto each other, looking for reassurance and comfort in each other, their arms wrapped tightly around each other as they faced the ground, crying out of anguish and distress, out of sadness, out of anger, out of nervousness and out of heartache, deep, unexplainable heartache, an ache so profound, they could feel their chests tightening, and they cried, choosing to let out the unbearable pain rather than holding it all in, thus under the nurturing eyes and care of their three Hyungs.

The eldest watched the vampires in despair, his eyes filled with worry and concern, red with the kept tears which he managed to hold it so well. He hated seeing those three in such pain, such hopelessness and misery, it ached his heart, his mind, his everything. He wouldn't forgive himself if he let them be in so much sorrow, but at the moment, there was nothing he could do rather than let them cry, and allow their feelings to escape.

The usually bright sunshine of the household wasn't as happy and ecstatic as usual, his blinding smile now replaced with a sickening frown which didn't suit his gorgeous features at all, the glow he held usually now absent, his eyes bloodshot as he let silent tears escape and taint his soft cheeks with a line of clear priceless liquid which shouldn't have to escape the warm sea of his eyes in the first place, such a beautiful soul deserved not to feel sadness or ache, but the sight of the three youngest members of their family crying in such melancholy had simply destroyed him, his positivity, his brightness, and frankly, everything he stood for, but he needed to let them free the overwhelming gloominess that had dirtied their hearts.

As for the second eldest, with his unflinching expression of carelessness and indifference, his eyes not holding a drop of emotion in them, thus despite the large amount of undying ache that had filled the whole of his body, causing him to look away, unable to take a look at the three youngest weeping and crying to their heart's desire. 

When had this happened? When had those three little brats become such emotional souls? 

Yoongi was in a state of distress and pure anger because those three weren't supposed to ever feel the bad emotions that life threw at one's self, their life was supposed to be rainbows and unicorns. 

When had their life gone so wrong that those three were forced to feel such unhappiness? Why was Jin not being the recklessly bossy person he was? And why was Hoseok crying?! 

Hoseok, the one vampire who was more positive than any human on this earth, hell, he was even more positive than a Disney princess! And yet, here he was, he stood watching the weeping trouble-trio whilst Hoseok and Seokjin acted way too out of character for his liking, and Yoongi didn't wish for this.

He wanted them to go back to what they were like, with him writing music, Namjoon reading, Hoseok helping Seokjin gardening whilst Jungkook and Taehyung played video games under Jimin's watchful eyes, with a lovely, gorgeous, amazing and simply beautiful and human bride looking over them from the top of the staircase, unaware of his own gaze at her splendid features. It seemed like those days were only a few weeks back, and yet, they felt like they were forever ago, and now they were stuck in a gloomy miserable stage, all because of an incestuous woman, his asshat of an uncle, his scum of a mother and their whore of an ex-bride. 

Turning his head towards the mansion, he looked at the large building with sorrowful ocean eyes, his vision blurred by the tears that now coated his orbs, tears he never thought he'd feel trailing down his cheek, but all the whilst, he stared, visioned and silently wept at the broken mess their household had become, much like it had all those years ago. His eyes squinted into a dangerous glare as his left hand tightened into a fist.

The six young vampires stayed there broken, unaware of the complete mess that was occurring in the misfortune graveyard that represented their home; they shouldn't have left Namjoon alone.

The depths of the mansion laid in utter silence, my unconscious body laying on a bed, matching the body of a certain logical vampire who laid infinite hallways away from my frail body, the darkness of the mansion and its elongated corridors separating us, an endless distance between the two of us, and even so, the freshly pumped blood that coursed through my body was not far away from his sensitive nose, to him, it smelled as if I were right there, showered in my own blood.

He had control, full control, but in his state of mental instability and stress, he seemed to have lost that control he was so keen on keeping, the horror of his nightmares always got to him, but he never lost control; he was always composed, always managing to hold the immense quantity of demons that littered his soul inside; disallowing them as little as a peak onto the outside world.

Today was a special case.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

"Mama!" A small seven-year-old boy shouted, his beautiful caramel colored skin glowing in the sunlight that shone through the sheer beige curtains of his mother's personal living room. His small laughs and chuckles turned into squeaks of happiness as the woman, who looked quite much like him, scooped him up onto her arms before administrating the softest of kisses onto his silky hair.

"Yes, Namjoon-ah?" She questioned, her hand coming up to ruffle the dark-colored locks of his head, locks that matched her own. Her smile was gracious and forgiving, filled with love and care for her young son. 

Upon his response, she heard loud yelps and knew it was the two other little devils and rapidly, she set him down before running towards the two battling siblings which made him pout and she chuckled; "I'll come back in a minute, sweetheart."

Her caring and nurturing nature allowed her to resolve the issue between the two young brothers in a matter of seconds and she grinned as she watched them hug and kiss each other; they had always been so affectionate to each other, bending down, she grinned widely as the eldest of the two kissed her cheek, whilst the other simply squeaked and threw his arms, wanting to be picked up and she obliged; after all, these three adorable, completely so, children were her source of happiness.

Walking back towards Namjoon with a small Taehyung in her arms and a Jimin trailing behind her, almost glued to her leg, she chuckled at Namjoon's stance; his already long arms crossed over his chest as he sat cross-legged, his plump lips forming a pout and she laughed.

"Yah, Namjoon-ah," She called out, but he refused, after all, she had willingly offered his place to Taehyung! How unfair!

"Hyung!" The young Jimin spoke, his large eyes peeking through his long hair as he looked at his elder brother, seeing as the eldest wasn't paying attention, he moved towards him, shaking him vigorously with the endless energy that resided in his body.

"We're going to make ice cream with Hoseok-Hyung and Jungkook-ah!!! As well as Aunty Areum! Don't you wanna join us?!" He questioned, his voice small but loud and Namjoon's eyebrows rose; how had his mother known he wanted chocolate ice cream?

A squeak from Taehyung, that hilariously enough came right after the word 'Jungkook' was uttered, was what brought Namjoon back to reality and he quickly got up, grinning.

"Of course I'm coming!" He started running towards the door when the small petite hand of Jimin hooked onto his own and his eyes widened.

"You lead, Hyung!" The youngest spoke, earning a clap from the young infant cradled in his mother's arms.

His mother chuckled before she nodded, taking Namjoon's hand into her own and quickly laying a kiss on his temple, the gesture respectful and also full of love and the eldest child grinned at his mother.


The small seven year old walked proudly, leading the family's way onto the kitchen, his sense of leadership showing greatly, even through his baby-fat filled body and his slightly off-set walk; the sense of pure control and composure obvious in his tone, his eyes and his stance, a true born leader.

But it seemed like no one was capable of keeping up composure for that long.

Even he.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

He genuinely wanted to be a good person, someone to count on, someone helpful, someone human, with human qualities, flaws, he wanted to be seen as the human he never was, and never could be; a human with a past of mistakes, a present of comfort and a future of opportunities, but he wasn't human, and he never could be, no matter what he would do or how much he oppressed his nature, his messed up life, his hellish experiences, his reckless past, everything would always catch up to him; this race was useless, because there was never a finish line.

He woke up with a jolt, his forehead tainted with a coat of sweat that slowly dripped onto the rest of his face, his eyes a dangerous yellow color, his mind emptied from anything other than the reckless memories of his mother's fake love, the care she showed, the affection, it was all unreal, only to get what she wanted in the end and she did; it was painful, it ached his heart, he could feel his chest throbbing with the feeling he had oppressed and neglected for so long; her life haunted him, and now her death did too?

Veins popped onto the usually spotless canvas of his cheeks, tainting the soft flesh with greenish blue lines, greenish blue lines that accompanied the growing fangs in his mouth, and it was out of his control as he stood, following his nose to the smell of the fresh heaven that he sensed in the house, the sound of the pumping blood loud in his ears, as if it were the only sound that could be heard by his inhuman ears.

In less than a second, he found himself facing the familiar door, his hand grazing the copper handle as he debated, still trying to control himself, still trying to bring himself back to a composure that he held for too long, far too long. The very little sobriety he had in him peaking for a brief moment, trying to bring him back to reality and settle the vampire in him, but it seemed that nothing would work right now; he was tired, exhausted, in pain, in happiness, his whole feelings were a mash of tangled spaghetti; have you ever tried untangling spaghetti?

His fist tightened around the handle, trying his best to constrain himself, but no, his vampire self, the killer inside him, it had all be restrained for far too long and he could no longer hold back; a single tear escaped his eye; he was in pain, so much so, he was fighting himself, fighting the demons within him, demons that wouldn't leave him, demons he never thought about when he was with me, but he couldn't control his need, his hunger, his thirst.

Pushing the door open, he waltzed in, his humanity no longer present in his usually gorgeous eyes, which had left place for frightening emotionless yellow hues that screamed hunger, his walk was messy, so different from his usual composed walk and class, and yet, here he was, shirt unbuttoned, face pale, veins blemishing the beautiful skin of his face, yellow eyes shining brighter than the sun outside, completely mismatching of the regular Namjoon.

The loud sound of him throwing the small wooden stool which was set by the vanity across was what woke me from a much needed slumber, my head was still spinning and I couldn't tell where I was, my exhaustion blurring my vision, even so, I could slightly make out the slumped body which was walking towards me, I could make out the slight faint silhouette of a person, seemingly hurt, or bent down, making their way towards me, and if it weren't for the slight dot of pink that I could see, I wouldn't have recognized whom I knew was Namjoon.

Rubbing my eyes, trying to remove the fuzziness of my vision, which did not work, I slowly sat up, wondering why he seemed so out of character, his slumped, almost drunken-like, walk was not something usual or familiar, so I assumed he must've been hurt. I tried my best to stand up, even through my dizziness and the ache in my stomach, I couldn't stand to see one of them hurt.

Slowly, I attempted to stand on my feet, only to be roughly pushed back by none other than the man who was now above me, looking at me with monstrous yellow orbs, my eyebrows rose, trying to comprehend why his eyes turned into such a threatening color, my answers were soon answered as he dipped his face onto the crevice of my neck, his nose taking in the sweet scent of my fresh blood, the feeling enhanced by the sound of my heartbeat as it pumped blood, every drop's number resonating in Namjoon's hungry mind.

I was frightened, especially as his breath quickened, but I had faith in him, in all of them, I strongly believed they were human, even if I was unaware of their pasts, I knew they were traumatized and I believed, ever so highly, I expected, that they weren't predators who viewed me as nothing other than the meal; all the moments we shared together, all the laughs and cries, all of them mattered to me, but did it matter to them?

Of course.

But that wasn't the question to ask right now.

Busy with my thoughts, I barely noticed when Namjoon's voice peaked, sounding muffled due to him being so close to my neck and I shuddered at the sound of him, his thick voice, laced with emotions I couldn't comprehend, a hunger I knew nothing of, a need I couldn't understand; I felt clueless, completely so, in such a situation. All I recall is that I was frightened, frozen with fright and horror, unsure and insecure, I trusted Namjoon, but right now, the man above me did not feel like Namjoon, especially with the way he was speaking, his actions, his speech, everything about him did not give me assurance, unlike Namjoon. This was someone else.

"Three-hundred and twenty-four drops of blood," He started, his voice barely above a whisper and despite my weak state, I tried to push him away, only to have him grasp my arms in his hands, disallowing my movement.

"That's how much blood your heart is pumping per minute," He continued and I tried to remove my arms and thankfully, my trial was successful. He chuckled at my fighting stance before his hands gripped my hips, the gesture sickeningly domineering as he pushed my body down, once again robbing me off of free movement.

I tried to kick, but his inhuman strength wasn't something I could really fight against, he seemed slightly overtaken by something, diabolical almost, and that on its own frightened me, the look in his eyes and his violent behavior added onto already present fear. Once again, I set my hands on his shoulders and attempted to push him, which succeeded and I sprinted, towards the door, but no matter how fast I was, my speed would never match a vampire's. I felt the cold copper of the nob before I was roughly pushed onto the door, I could feel my ribs crushing slightly against the firm wood as he pushed me with his inhuman force, it hurt.

A single whimper of hurt escaped me, part of me still believed I could escape, despite my emotions overwhelming me, memories as well, how could someone as sweet as him change so suddenly? For a brief moment, I doubted what I had believed in so much; their humanity. I couldn't help it, my position led me to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, they weren't as human as they seemed; I was currently pushed up against the door in a violent way, feeling my ribs rubbing against the rough wood, what was I to believe?

He seemed to bask in the whimpers that involuntarily escaped me, smirking and letting out low chuckles at the pain he was administrating and the only thought on my mind right now was to find a way to get the fuck out of here; I tried to grab onto the knob, but his hand grabbed my own, and my (E/C) eyes instantly set on out currently intertwined hands, intertwined so tightly and pushed onto the copper knob, followed by the sickening sound of his laugh, a laugh which did not match, in any way, Namjoon's usual pure and genuine laughter.

"Stop trying," He whispered, leaning treacherously close to my ear, his tongue trailing a route of saliva from my shoulder to the vein on my neck and I squinted my eyes shut, disgusted by his gesture and my own inability to find a way to run away from the situation; my weak state was no help, and I, inwardly, reprimanded myself for being so weak, both physically and emotionally.

I could feel it; the sharp graze of his fangs at my neck and memories from my first day here came flooding back, filling my helpless body with fear and fright and only one word repeated itself in my mind, the voices in my head chanting the one word that I hadn't thought of in so long, a word I didn't think I'd ever think about again, I believed I was safe here, with seven vampires, I thought they wouldn't hurt me, so foolish.

How stupid could I have been? They weren't humans, and no matter how humanely they behaved, they would never be like me, they would never think about me as a friend or an acquaintance, or a potential significant other, to them, I was simply a blood bag, and I was so stupid for believing otherwise, they wouldn't change, their humanity peaked, surely, but they probably only behave like that so I could trust them, fall into their hands. I was a toy, nothing but a toy, a plaything, a doll to mess with before throwing into the trash with the rest of brides that preceded me. Why did I ever think I was different? I was too idiotic, too dumb, too naïve. Perhaps they did care, but that care would never be enough to oppress their nature.


I don't know how, perhaps with the strength and rawness of my sadness, I kicked Namjoon on the leg, using my free foot and attempted to push him back with the very little strength in my body, and successfully so, I escaped, opening the door before bolting onto the empty hallways, the seemingly never-ending corridors and hallways of doom, hallways I'd lost myself in, much like I lost myself in their care and affection, only to be stuck in this maze of obscure truths and messy feelings.

Part of me genuinely believed I'd be able to change them, bring out the best of them, perhaps it was because of my far too nice self, I deemed it possible that I would be able to change them, hell, fix them, but I held my expectations far too high and the ladder I was climbing seemed to be infinite, disallowing me to ever see those expectations come to life; who was I to change someone? Who was I to fix someone? I was just another sacrificial bride who, again, would only end up as her predecessors, dead, probably, drained of blood and left to rot.

I wasn't sure if my vision was blurry from my exhaustion, or from the pent up sadness that had gathered in me from my noir thoughts. I chose not to think of it, opting to try and reach a safe place as soon as I could, but it seemed like the longer I ran, the louder the haunting voice of Namjoon's currently satanic self.

You can't run forever.

It's not going to get you anywhere if you run.

You're ours, mine, even if you run, I'll always, we'll always, find you.

You think the others don't want this? You think the others don't want to eat you up like I do?

Ha. Naïve.

With a sharp turn, I fell straight on my stomach, my tired legs unable to keep up with the speed I wanted them to go at and I groaned before crawling up to stance, trying my best to at least make it to the lowest floor, but it seemed like I hadn't even walked ten steps before I felt the familiar strong, yet still shaking, arms wrap around me and pull me in, pushing me against the nearest wall and blocking my escape routes.

My eyes met his own, those grim yellow orbs which were filled with hopelessness and gloom, free of any illumination and brightness, I bit the inside of my cheek, looking away, refusing to meet eyes to eyes with the man- vampire, before me, if I were to be bitten right now, even if not to death, I would not appear weak. Perhaps it was my pride's talk, but I'd rather look proud than scared, I didn't want him to think he'd known my weak spot, which would only rile him up further.

A chuckle left his lips as his hand traveled up my body, making sure to smooth across every little curve and twist of my figure and the feeling his hand left was one that had shivers running down my spine, shivers of disgust and dislike, and it seemed like he felt it, seeing as the grin of mischief which was once drawn onto his lips disappeared, leaving place for an angry look filled with some type of blame.

"Look at me," He ordered, an order which I didn't reciprocate to and he seemed pissed off. With a harsh twist on my neck, he made me look at him, and I yelped, the pain catching me off guard, as well as the newly developed fear that he might simply snap my neck.

"You really thought you could run from me?" He questioned, rhetorically of course, before a bitter laugh escaped his lips. My eyes formed a glare as I struggle some more to free myself from his deadly grip, but he wasn't having it, it seemed like the more I fought against his binds the more his grip tightened. His hand, which was holding my left arm, slowly moved upwards towards my neck, wrapping around the appendage, an appendage which gave him direct access to the fresh red liquid that my heart produced.

His hand never tightened around my neck, it simply caressed the throbbing mess it was, further driving me into fright, I took my chance the second he turned his hand, seemingly occupied by something else, I kicked him right onto his thigh before I bolted once more, this time not wasting any of my time, heading straight for the door, or at least the first floor, if I could make it with my wasted-like mind and my barely stood body.

As I ran, I couldn't help but think about the whole situation, I had never been scared of death, and yet here, I was seemingly running away from death itself, and for a small second, I couldn't help but feel slightly ashamed. Was I being a weakling by running from a fate that would eventually occur? Was I being a scaredy cat? Was I being stupid, idiotic, dumb?

At the moment, it seemed to me like no matter how much I tried to bring out the humans in them, it would never work, so why was I running? If they were vampires, and apparently, cold-blooded vampires, I'd die eventually, so why was I bothering? My whole body came to a halt at the realization of so, I'd end up dead, in whichever case. If they were after all more human than I believed, their initial bride wouldn't be okay with it, I'd end up dead, or their mothers even, and if they weren't, I'd die at their own hands. 

There was no escape.

Hearing Namjoon's loud footsteps, I hugged myself before I started walking, at a normal pace, not even bothering to head for the door anymore, simply entering the first room I could see and locking the door. Leaning against it, I rubbed my arms, trying to provide myself with a sense of comfort, why had I ended up here? This was so... promiscuous. Out of all people, why was I the one who had to end up here? What have I done to end up as seven vampires' bride? What had I done to be pulled into this waltz of doom and confusion?

I fell to the ground, my eyes shedding tears but my body too exhausted and lifeless to even react with my weeping. My whole body was frozen as I silently cried. Eyes and face void of any emotion aside from the tears that traced my cheeks. My ears failed to hear the loud bangs on the door, bangs from of one of the vampires whom I trusted so much, vampires I learned to trust, to want, to need and to desperately love, I was so foolish.

Abruptly, the loud knocks and hits to the door had stopped, and after a while, they turned into small attempts at turning the doorknob and my whole body jumped as I heard the innocent and kindness filled voice of Jungkook, I quickly stood up, backing away from the door.

"(Y/N)-ah, it's just me, please, open the door." He requested, his voice weak, begging almost, desperate for me to simply open the door, but my fear, confusion, hatred, whatever you call it, hadn't subsided yet, and I simply backed away.

"I promise I won't hurt you," He added, probably aware of why I refused to open the door, and cautiously, I walked up to the large wooden door, eyeing the doorknob with fear as I set my hand on it, the appendage shook violently as I stood unsure, disallowing me to hold a firm grasp on the door lock.

"Please," My head perked up at the change of tone, it had become weaker, more desperate, tragically so and my heart tightened at the sound, he sounded so heartbroken, so sad, his unhappiness brought a heavy weight of guilt onto my shoulders and my body acted on its own, fully pulling up the lock before turning the small knob and opening the door, meeting his bloodshot eyes and a face streaked with tears. A lump formed in my throat, one of guilt and sadness, but those feelings left as soon as they came due to his following actions.

He walked into the door before he closed the door, locking it before he headed towards me, and I unconsciously backing away, probably out of fright, but he was quick to act, and his pace was fast, catching me off guard as he pulled me onto him before pushing his lips onto mine, his hands falling straight onto my hips, his grip on them tight and needy, taking away any possibility for me to pull away from the kiss, and despite every cell in me telling me to, I didn't want to pull away from him.

Plush and plump lips were firmly planted onto mine, kissing, biting, licking and simply laying there, begging for nothing other than a sense of comfort, of company, of presence and I reciprocated, despite the tears that still leaked from my eyes, meeting his own teardrops, slowly, I wrapped my arms and his neck, my hands finding his hair as I pulled ever slightly. 

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to understand what came onto me, but my mind wouldn't work, I was so focused on simply finding a way to believe in them still, in their humanity, but my mind seemed to be winning, even if I stood kissing one of them, I couldn't comprehend how I would ever be able to trust them; they'd always be chasing me for my blood, wouldn't they?

He pulled me up onto him, forcing me to wrap my legs around the strength of his upper body, our lips never leaving one another's. His kiss was feverish, passionate, demanding but sickeningly sad, demanding for me not to never leave, to stay by him, and these shared emotions were only heightened by his leaking eyes, breathless, I pulled away, my eyes still tightly closed as I held my forehead against his own, shaking my head slightly as I tried to grasp my breath. My action was not one of need for breath, but he was asking me for something I couldn't assure, not at the moment, I couldn't keep the promise he was asking me to make; I couldn't promise to leave him when I was obviously shaking from the actions of his cousin, a cousin who shared the same nature with him.

Somehow, despite my pulling away from him, he kept on greedily pressing kisses onto my sweaty skin, the withholding of my lips doing nothing but rile him up further as he continued to press his soft lips on every patch of free skin he could feel, his closed eyes, trusting his senses completely and I tried, hard, to grip the silver of sanity in my brain as I whimpered, weak noises escaping my mouth.

Finally coming to my senses, I pushed his body away from mine, allowing myself to drop onto the ground but he was quick, bending down and catching me in his strong arms before he looked at me, eyes filled with tears, his lips obviously swollen by the rough dance of passionate kisses we had just shared and I looked away, a coat of teardrops making its way onto my own eyes, simply by looking at him, but he didn't want that, his hand coming up to hold my chin, tilting my head and forcing me to look at him.

"Don't look away from me, look at me, (Y/N)-ah."

His request was clear, but I found it hard to swallow the order with the tone in his voice, broken, unsure, I couldn't look him in the eye, I felt ashamed, for some reason, I simply did, deep inside, I knew that I felt ashamed because I had fallen for them all, I was ashamed of my heart, of myself, of my feelings and my thoughts, I simply felt like I was being unfair to them, loving them when they'd never see me as anything but a piece of meat, or a bag of blood.

Slowly, I raised my head, meeting Jungkook's bright eyes which sparked with secured tears that he disallowed to escape, he looked at me with... pity? I didn't want his pity, and my eyes instantly left his own as I stood up faster, my shame triggering a physical strength, allowing me to get out of the suffocating room, I don't know, to this day, why I felt the way I did seeing him sat down in front of me, ordering me to look at him, but I knew I couldn't stay there, with the air growing tighter in my lungs and my eyes burning with captured tears that would never escape with his presence. 

I couldn't bear to have him cry, and I couldn't bear to have him see me cry. I didn't want to be there, I felt betrayed, ashamed, and mostly I felt alone, in a home where no one felt like I felt, where no one felt like a constantly chased blood bag, where no one knew what it was like to be human surrounded by a ray of supernatural creatures whom I couldn't read, whom I couldn't understand, even if they understood me and read through the pages of my heart like an open book. My head felt dizzy, my heart felt tight and heavy, and it was out of my complete control when I fell to the ground, my consciousness seeping away from my body, laying on a carpet of uncertainty and confusion.

What had I done to be here?

But it seemed like they had it as bad as I am, especially the youngest vampire, who now stood in his room, weeping and crying to his heart's desire; he couldn't understand, no matter how hard he tried, why had I decided to leave so suddenly? Was he not good enough? Were the kisses he offered not enough to make me forget?! Or did I want something else?! Jungkook, for the first time in his life, felt as if he were incompetent, and the fact that his incompetence had to do with me, he felt his whole world crumble beneath his eyes.

How could someone be good at everything, every possible thing he attempted; he had succeeded in it, whether it be logical, artisanal, spiritual, he didn't lack in any subject, he had a great physique, and not one girl, one woman, or man for that matter, had ever gone and refused him something, his smile was enough to conquer anyone, and his tears were enough to soften any soul, but why was it when he asked for affection and comfort from the woman he loved that he got rejected? It'd never occurred before.

Why did I have to reject him?

The question reasoned in his mind as he hugged his body, trying to bring himself comfort, comfort that he didn't want from anyone but the bride who had come here on a faithful autumn day, a woman he thought would never stay in this hellhole of a mansion for so long, and yet, here she was, still alive, still breathing, her subtle and lithe blood still running fresh in her blood, agonizing him, but what agonized him even more was his own heart, a heart which had grown so accustomed to their bride, a heart which had grown fond of their bride, a heart which was now, fully, in their bride's warm hands, hands which seemingly wished not to hold him.

A sob left him for the last time before he stood up, loosening his tie and readying himself for a shower when three, perfectly spaced knocks hit the wood of his door and he turned around, muttering an invite to come in, and to his surprise, it was his eldest Hyung, Jin, with a very much fainted bride in his arms and despite every bit of his brain telling him to stay away, he simply had to jump the second he saw me, his arms, almost robotically, picking off my body from Jin's strong arms and onto his own.

"What happened? I thought she was with you," Jin declared, his brown eyes darting over the young vampire, his eyes raking over the room; the canvas, the paint tubes scattered around, it was a mess, and honestly, Jin was not surprised.

"She was, but she wanted to leave, I didn't oppose, I thought she was going to her room," The Maknae spoke, his tone hushed and hoarse, further proving that he was crying beforehand, the eldest, despite his nurturing nature, didn't bother to ask; at the moment, he cared more for the bride whom he had found scattered on the ground than his cousin, as selfish as that sounded.

"Well, you can keep her here, but be more careful," His voice held an obvious scolding tone, and his facial expression was contorted into an obvious scowl and the youngest of the two couldn't help but snort, "No need to be all reprimanding about it, Hyung."

"I do, Jungkook. You're not taking this seriously, she's hurt and," He was cut off straight by the burning glare that the young vampire administrated to him, his eyes slowly turning into the treacherous red they constantly adapted to whenever he felt oppressed or endangered, a burning red which matched his father's eyes.

"I'm not taking this seriously? Since I'm not taking it seriously, Hyung, how about you get the fuck out of here before I start taking your words seriously," Jungkook's threat was obvious, and Jin felt highly disrespected, but he chose to be understanding, his hand forming a fist as he ached to just throw a punch at this disrespectful mess he was facing, but he wouldn't go down to his level, and he just went out of the room, only to be met with Yoongi. How... convenient.

"Don't go hard on him," The lazy, but productive nonetheless, vampire spoke up, his eyes darting across the large hallway before finally falling on his brother, his eyes coated with little to no emotion, but the redness, the blunt and evident redness of his previous tears was still there.

A snort left the eldest's lips, "Wow, Yoongi, if we were to listen to you, this whole family would be a mess." Jin stated, it was not of his type to say such things out of nowhere, so Yoongi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in mock, even if his next words were in no way mocking; for once.

"He's just a kid." Yoongi truly believed those words, to him, Jungkook was a kid, and he would always be, he had a hard time believing how mature he'd gotten, how grown-up, but he still viewed him as the young child who skipped around with his father, a father he loved so much.

A pair of new steps came into the ears of the siblings, before a loud and angry tone of voice came out in an obvious question; it was evident who the voice belonged to, despite the difference of the emotions that hung onto that voice; the usual sunshine-like cheerfulness was replaced by the deadly sound of colére and anger, and it did not suit him one bit.

"If he's a kid, then why the fuck did you tell him about Namjoon and Ju-" He was cut off almost instantly by Yoongi's departure, completely unbothered by Hoseok, dismissing him completely, and Hoseok, this time, wasn't having Yoongi's shitty mocking behavior, so it was with a double up anger that he tackled him to the ground, his green eyes now shining brightly as vines of anger veins sketched their way onto his cheeks, his eyebrows furrowed; he looked monstrous.

Not like Yoongi cared, he simply laughed.

Jin, unable to watch the scenery unfold, he quickly separated the two, his own eyes turning a deadly blue as he peeled them off of each other. "That's enough, for the both of you, we're all fucking exhausted, so I'd suggest you both get the fuck out of my face and stop fighting over such a silly matter."

Profanity, for the first time in a lifetime, had left Jin's mouth and even he couldn't help but feel disgusted by himself as he pulled Hoseok along with him, his thoughts running loose himself; he was sure that the conflicts which were slowly making their way onto his family weren't caused by anything but the bride that had slid herself into all of their hearts, but what could he do? He wasn't sure how he was holding himself together, seeing as his whole body was burning with jealousy, jealousy caused by the fact that the woman he loved was with Jungkook, alone.

The latter wasn't necessarily pleased; partially because his brother deemed him as too much of a child to know the truth, and that frustrated him. At the moment, he would've been lying if he said he didn't prefer his lazy, art driven Hyung over the brother he shared blood with, but did it even matter? He was sure that each bond he'd learned to create with each and every one of the vampires who lived in the same house as him was going to be broken; Jungkook wasn't dumb, they all loved the same woman, me, and no matter how much they'd try to save their relations, drama and conflict was bound to grow.

Sitting on the edge of his bed with the bride laying down on it, he clutched his head in his hands, growing frustrated over god knows what; was it the fact that he knew the woman he loved didn't reciprocate his feelings? Or because his family viewed him as a fucking child? Probably both.

The same thick lump of sadness, of burning tragedy, he didn't know why it came back, but it was present, disallowing him to breathe, his lungs aching for a breath of fresh air, and yet, the air didn't enter his lungs til a heart-wrenching sob left him; the same thought running through his mind.

If you want to be taken as an adult, you shouldn't cry.

And yet, he couldn't stop, the tears, sobs, uneven breaths just kept leaving him in an almost calculated fashion, his heartbreaking further apart with every new sob, its pieces falling onto the cold ground every time his eyes shed a tear, and his hands growing shakier with every thought that he was, and would always be, the hopeless one of them all.

He still recalled what that bride had once told him.

Your heart is gold, and your hands are cold.

The statement had completely puzzled him, he recalled that confusion like it was yesterday, especially as she threw herself at him, his teenage body growing immediately alert with the grown woman sitting on his lap and moving lustfully against him; he was sure he'd come off as desperate; but he was pure back then, untouched, completely holy, a holiness and purity that she named to be coldness, and chose to remove from him, and as he thought about it, he couldn't help but question his own will during that moment.

The sound of a small moan was what brought him back down to reality, and despite his current traumatized state, he managed to turn around, and take a look at my body, which seemed to be coated in a sheer layer of sweat, the minimal clothing I had on offering him way more than he wanted to see, and in his current state of weakness, he wondered just what it would feel like to have me writhe underneath him, in the most sinful of settings.

Jungkook questioned; if Troian had gotten him to give himself up for her, would he be able to do the same? In his heart-broken state, he wondered just what it would feel like to become one with me, it didn't matter to him if I didn't love him, even though I did, he just wanted to do something that would've gotten his mind off the pain, and his heart of the breaking, and right now, that was the only idea which roamed through his mind, so he didn't hold himself, or even try to, instantly starting to hover over my unconscious body, lips already hooked onto the skin of my leg, teeth restlessly and recklessly nipping at any free patch of skin; his whole brain couldn't function, clouded with lust, and the idea that my body was nothing but a pale canvas, waiting to be littered with colors; much like his own had been.

Unclear thoughts and biased feelings were his guidance; his teeth moving from spot to spot in a frenzy of bites, his lips wrapping around to suck and leave an array of marks and spots, his whole being settled around marking my body, as if it were his to own, thus only because his heart believed it would never own my own; so perhaps he could claw at my body, with his own.

Competitive, jealous, needy; those were Jungkook's falsest traits, his flaws, his weak points, he couldn't bear the thought of someone else having me before he did, or someone else having me at all; he wanted to be the only one to hold my hand, to sleep by my side, to care for me, to pull me into a fever of butterflies, love, lust; everything a lover could bring to their partner, but he couldn't, because he had no right to claim me to be his own, he had no right to claw at me the way he was doing, knowing that there would always be the possibility that my heart, my soul and my everything belonged to someone else.

That didn't stop him at the moment, continuing to bite and kiss, almost as if he were using my body as a way to empty out his feelings, feelings which were now weights, constantly at his shoulders, pulling him down to the ground, feelings he was far too ashamed and 'cool' to show, feelings that no one other than himself acknowledged, feelings that perhaps, had caused him to end up where he was; hovering over their bride, his canines out and ready to pierce the soft and delicate flesh of her neck.

It seemed like everything slowed down; his mind tried to reason with him, but there was the constant nagging voice of god knows whom in his voice, lulling him, ushering him to take a bite, have a taste, to bask in the tastiness of the liquid which was my blood; this voice was strong, inspiring, providing him with a sense of confidence and passion.

Much like Namjoon-Hyung's voice had always done.

In the weakness he was in, he couldn't help but lean further down, the shallowness of my breath leading him further to dive into the appendage of my neck, and slowly, agonizingly slow, his teeth pierced through the (S/C) layer of skin, his arms coming to wrap around my frame as he sucked, falling into a La La Land that my blood provided him with.

How could he have done such?

In the depths of the mansion, a young woman, a spirit of a young woman at least, sat cross-legged, eyeing the man beside her with a mischievous glint in her beautiful, but secretive, brown eyes.

"It's good to have you back."

Your heart is gold, your hands are cold. 

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