Bloodlust {OHSHC}

By crispyink

184K 6.4K 1.6K

Discontinued, but rewritten Honey-senpai x Vampire! Male! OC This Fanfiction is sort of like Trueblood. Vampi... More

001: Tabula Rasa
002: Incipient
003: Rúnda
004: Epiphany
005: Invitation
006 : Acceptance
007: Enthralled
008: Liaison
009: Propensity
010: Provocative
011: Cacoethes
012: Comminatory
013: Couthy
014: Addled
015: Ensorcell
016: Clinomania
017: Vorfruede
018: Eumorious
020: Basorexia
021: Redamency
022: Fracas
023: Covetous
024: Raillery
025: Plage
026: Affray
027: Doting
028: Covet
029: Vouchsafe
030: Hanker
031: Disconsolate
032: Divert
033: Sanguine
034: Factious
035: Movies
Important question!!

019: Cerulean

4.1K 143 11
By crispyink


Deep sky blue.


"Where are you heading off to?" Kaitlin stopped me from walking out the door. Malik was the only one who knew about Honey and I dating. He was the only one who knew I was going on a date with him today. 

"I'm going to a friend's house. I'll be back later," I answered calmly. I placed my hands into my hoddie's pockets and walked out the door before she could say anything else.

 I heard the front door open again behind me, but I didn't turn. I kept walking to the black sports car that was parked in the driveway. "Fish, can we talk for a sec?" Malik yelled. I stopped and turned towards him. Malik caught up quickly and looked at me with a smirk. "Goin' on a date with your man? Sorry, your boy?"

"Mal," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Fuck off, okay?" I replied and got into the car. I put on my seat belt and told the driver to start driving.

"May I ask why you are heading to a place like this, Codrin?" The driver asked and looked at me through the mirror. He had a stupid smirk on his face. 

"No," I said flatly. "I don't think that's really any of your concern." I continued looking out the window of the car. 

"I had no idea the youngest Pescariu son was interested in guys," the diver mumbled to himself. I glanced at him again. His eyes were locked on the road in front of him. 

"And I expect you to keep pretending that you don't know until I tell my family," I responded. 

"Of course, Codrin. It's not my place to say that sort of thing," the driver answered in a kinder voice. 

"Thanks," I muttered. I'll make sure you're fired if you say a word to any of my siblings or my mother. 

 When we got to the destination, I stepped out of the car. I knocked on the front door and waited for an answer. I could hear a pair of footsteps quickly run towards the door. 

"Hi, Fishie," Honey greeted. "Let's go!" he beamed then pulled me to the door. His small hand held onto mine tightly. "Where are we going?" he asked once we were in the car. 

"That's a secret, Honey," I answered. I reached over and pulled his seatbelt over him. "You'll have to wait until we get there, love." I heard a snicker come from the driver, so I sent a glare at him. I quickly pressed the button that raised the privacy screen and rolled my eyes. 

"Don't be mad, Fishie," Honey whispered. He held onto my hand again. "I'm excited. Are you excited?" 

"Of course, I am. I get to spend time with you," I mumbled and squeezed his hand for a second. Honey's cheeks pinkened. A big smile spread across his face, but he said nothing. 


The car stopped for a second time. I glanced out the window and grinned at Honey. "Are we here?" He asked with clear excitement in his voice. I nodded and hummed in approval. I lowered the privacy screen and began to speak to the driver. 

"I'll text you when to come to pick us up. If anyone asks, I'm at a friend's house," I stated. He gave me a curt nod and pulled the lever that popped open the trunk. I stepped out of the car and grabbed the wicker picnic basket and blanket from the trunk. 

"Oh! We're having a picnic?" Honey gasped. I nodded and shut the trunk. He drove off after we had walked a few feet away. "Did you uh, bring any cake?" 

"Of course, I did, silly," I chuckled. I held the basket and blanket in one hand and his hand on the other. "You always talked about how much you liked strawberry shortcake, so that's what I got you. I hope that's alright." 

"It's perfect, Fishie!" Honey responded quickly. "This place is so pretty, huh?" 

"Yeah," I agreed. The grass was a vibrant green. There were bright and colorful wildflowers everywhere. We found a spot on top of one of the hills and spread the blanket over the grass. Honey sat cross-legged next to me and watched me pull out the cake from the basket. 

"You brought something to eat too, right?" Honey stopped himself before he took a bite of the cake and looked at me with a curious face. 

"Yeah," I mumbled and glanced away. Before I could formulate an excuse on why I didn't want to eat, Honey reached into the basket and pulled the bottle of synthetic blood out. He handed it to me and gave me a hopeful smile. "I-I don't know, Honey," I mumbled and took the bottle out of his hand. 

"Rin, I know you're a vampire. It's who you are, and I really like you. I don't care if you eat fake human blood in front of me," he whispered. Honey leaned towards me and pecked my cheek. "I want you to be healthy, so you can't skip any meals, kay?" 

"Okay, I will. Thanks, Honey," I answered. "You're adorable, you know? You're adorable and sweet," I spoke and let out a small chuckle. 


After we finished eating, we laid flat on the blanket. The sky was a deep cerulean color, and the clouds were white and puffy. "Rin?" Honey asked from beside me. I already knew what he was going to say was more on the serious side.

"Yeah, love? What is it?" I answered and turned my head to face him. He was already looking at me. 

"Ummm," He droned on. Honey looked away from me. "I was just wondering... would you ever try-try real bl-blood?" His cheeks and the tips of his ears were red. His tan colored eyes looked everywhere but at me. Why would he ask this out of nowhere? Who put that thought in his "innocent" little mind?

"Honey," I started slowly. I reached over and cupped his cheek softly. "Why are you asking that?" 

"M-Malik said... that usually when a vampire and human date, they..." he trailed off again. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I knew exactly where that was going. 

"Don't listen to what my dumb brother says. I don't expect anything like that from you, so don't feel like you have to," I replied. I kissed his forehead softly. "I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to. You being comfortable and happy is my first priority, Senpai." 

"You... Rin- Fishie, call me Mitskuni, okay?" Honey whispered. His tan eyes met my blue ones. 

"Yeah, I will, Mitskuni," I whispered and began to grin widely. 

Wc 1146

I'm sorry I haven't updated in over a month. My uncle recently passed away, and I haven't really been motivated to do anything. I'm feeling better though, so I should start updating more.

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