Sweet as Maple Syrup (Remake...

By _FandomLover332_

6.2K 167 22

"Your mine now" "No" Matthew dare to say. Ivan just laughed "You say that and yet you fell right into my trap... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

535 17 2
By _FandomLover332_

Matthew woke up to the sound of silence, sleep heavy on his mind. He blamed Alfred for keeping him out until 3 in the morning. Stretching as he sat up in his comfortable that was screaming to him to stay in its warm soft mattress encased with warm blankets and forget about the world. So naturally Matthew flopped back down on the bed and closed his eyes to get more sleep.

The door slammed open and Alfred's shouting of 'Wake up sleeping beauty!' before Matthew was being crushed by his brother. Matthew groaned as he tried to block the sound of his annoying brother and the lack of air in his body.

"Get. off. or so help me that you'll never see your candy again!" Matthew threatened  the other male.

"You wouldn't!" Alfred gasped, faking the hurt in his voice.

"I will if you don't get off of me now!"

With that Alfred got off of Matthew and looked at the tired, now irritated, blond with a nervous look. Matthew slowly got up and yawned as he stretched, waking over to his closet and grabbed a black hoodie, a white shirt, grey ripped jeans, clean boxers and socks before going to the bathroom.

Alfred smiled before leaving Matthews room, He had felt better about the night before and hoped that what Kiku said was true. When Alfred made it to the kitchen he found Kiku fluttering around on making breakfast and their drinks. Alfred was coffee black with three sugar, Matthew peppermint tea, and for himself green tea.

"Good morning Kiku!" Alfred chuckled as he watched as Kiku jump a bit.

 "Good Morning Alfred." Kiku said.

Alfred grinned as Kiku said his name with out 'Master' attached to it. He walked over and ruffled the other males hair as he grabbed his coffee. Matthew walked into the room with out Kiku or Alfred noticing and grabbed his tea and sat at the table still tired and glared at his hyper brother.

"So Kiku do I have anything to work on today?" Alfred asked, tilting his head slightly.

"You have received some more paper work that needs to be done." Kiku said, turning to go sit at the table and stared at Matthew who was, still, glaring at his brother.

"Morning Mas-Matthew. How did you sleep last night?" Kiku asked catching himself on almost calling Matthew 'Master'.

"It was*Yawn* okay... I would have liked to sleep in longer if it weren't for Somebody trying to turn me into a pancake." Matthew said, growling the word 'Somebody'.

Alfred chuckled nervously and looked at the clock before dashing out of the room with Kiku's wrist in his hand.

"Sorry Matt, I have work to do! I'll see you at lunch or something!!!" Alfred shouted.

Matthew sat there groaning as his head meet the table. Matthew knew that Alfred was avoiding him but not for the morning incident but something else that Matthew wasn't so sure about. He thought about it fro a good five minutes before groaning as he stood up and grabbed a bite to eat before going into the living room and decided to watch some tv.

Matthew sighed as he was watching Chopped and looked out the window in the living room and frowned. He had taken a good long nap for about three hours worth but was still tired and he was getting annoyed by it. Matthew may like his rest but the consent feeling of tiredness was annoying and bothersome, he couldn't go an hour without wanting to sleep. So Matthew pulled out his phone for a easy way to stay up and there were a few suggestions that didn't revolve around coffee.

So Matthew turned the tv off, changing his clothes and went to grab a water bottle and his runners. He left a note stating that he went for a run and that he would be back before lunch and left. It was nice to get out of the house and go on a run for once, though Matthew would have liked to have gone on a run with someone but all well. Matthew put in some wireless ear puds and turned on some music and started his run after stretching a bit.

Matthew smiled as he ran down trails and paths that went to old places that people never visited. It was calming to be out in nature and to be listening to music just to keep him awake and focused on what is going on around him. Matthew came up to a small fork in the road and slowed down to a stop and took a water break and checked the time, 3:50pm. Matthew cursed under his breath knowing that Alfred would be worried.

Matthew started to head home taking the right trail that would lead to the area close to his favorite spot. Matthew smiled as a deer was running beside him within the trees and disappeared two minutes later. The return home was very peaceful and calming, Matthew made a mental note on going on a run more often... and to possibly to get Alfred and Kiku out of the office once in awhile.

When the blond saw his house he started to slow down until he was at a slow jogging pace before a wave of drowsiness hit him. Matthew stumbled as he walked up to the front door, opening it and stumbled in with a tired yawn. Matthew walked past Alfred who was playing on his phone, Kiku noticed Matthew just in time to see him go into his room. The blond grabbed the clothes that he had on earlier and went to the bathroom to shower and change.

"Oh God I'm going insane
Chasing after you, please don't leave me

I see your heart washing away

And that's how you left me in the cold.

It's pitiful how you let me lose

You better run, better run

Your time is out, nothing you can do
Better run, better run

I can't remember when you hurt me so bad

But now the tables turn, apocalypse is coming

I can't remember when you left me so sad

But in the end I learned it rains in hell and angels could be bad" Matthew sang as he kept himself from falling asleep in the shower.

"Some say I'm losing my faith

But I know I'm just living on a prayer

Time keeps slipping away

Yeah, I'll watch you burn down this house that we made

It's pitiful how you let me lose
You better run, better run

Your time is out, nothing you can do
Better run, better run

I can't remember when you hurt me so bad
But now the tables turn, apocalypse is coming
I can't remember when you left me so sad

But in the end I learned it rains in hell and angels could be bad"

Matthew started to sing louder not really caring if Alfred or Kiku heard.... well he didn't mind Kiku, but Alfred would probably say something about his singing later. When Matthew finished showering he dried off and changed into his none sweaty clothes. Another yawn passed Matthews pale lips,making his way down to the kitchen for some food.

When Matthew walked in his saw Alfred looking at him with a nervous smile, Kiku was working on getting something for the three to eat. Matthew slowly walked to the table to join his brother and waited for Kiku to come back.

"So... Matt. How was your run?" Alfred asked looking at Matthew with a curious look, tilting his head slightly to the right.

"It was nice, I went down a few trails that we use to take." Matthew said, smiling lightly.

"Also I looked up online to see what would help keep someone awake and suggested a run. So I did that but, I'm still tired." Matthew said before yawning.

Alfred looked nervous at this, but before Matthew could question him Kiku had came with the food and drinks. He placed them in front of the two blonds before sitting next to Alfred, said blond started eating with a quick 'Thanks'.

"Thank you Kiku." Matthew said as he took a sip of Peppermint tea.

Kiku bowed his head and started eating. The air around them was tense, Matthew having know clue as to why, and Alfred and Kiku knowing why. This went on about about a good five minutes before Matthew yawned before speaking.

"Okay, spill it. What up with you two? You guys are acting strange... Especially you Al. Your not talking as much as you usually do and Kiku.... well... you aren't telling Al about any of his work load like usual." Matthew said, with a hit of annoyance in his voice.

"So spill it." he snapped.

Alfred looked at Matthew then at Kiku, who gave a pointed look, before looking at the annoyed blond. He gave in.

"Matt... promise me that.... you won't hate me or think less of me after I tell you this.... okay?" Alfred asked, looking at his coffee.

Matthew blinked before nodding.

"Okay, I promise. Though I don't see I need to? Why did something happen?" Matthew promised, before getting worried.

"No, No! Nothing like that.... well... Kinda." Alfred stammered a bit.

Matthew tilted his head confused at this. Kiku kicked Alfred's foot slightly and Alfred sighed thinking about his next words carefully, silently praying that Matthew doesn't storm out or yell at him.

"I.., I know that you have been.... very tired lately and... I know why." Alfred said slowly.

Matthew froze in shock.

"Y-you noticed?" Matthew stuttered.

Alfred nodded.


The brothers were quiet but it wasn't long before Matthew spoke.

"Al... please tell me why? Why I feel so tired, Why I always have to sleep all of the time! Cause I am sick and tired of feeling... well... Tired!" Matthew asked, pleading to his brother.

Alfred smiled at the small 'Tired' pun. He sighed before speaking up.

"Matt.... you are... well... your turning into a.... uh.... a..." Alfred started to stutter and tripped over his words a bit.

Matthew blinked.

"Turning into what? Alfred!" Matthew asked, slightly scared of what his brother was going to say.

Alfred took a deep breath and looked Matthew in his violet eyes and spoke.

"Matthew Your turning into a Blueblood."

Matthew froze.

A Blueblood?!


Here is Chapter 7.

I am so sorry for the long wait but I had school to deal with then the Christmas craziness started and life and all that wonderful stuff happening~ (Totally stressful, plus updating other stories as well)

But I have Finally finished this chapter! I am sorry for the cliffhanger, but hey I go this up and posted so that should keep you guys happy!

I don't own the song, I just happened to be listening to it and put it in this chapter cause people singing in the shower rocks!

I wish you all an early Christmas and a happy new year!

See ya My little Chibi readers!

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