Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRE...

By cUtiE0502sEcRet

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Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 1
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 2
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 3
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 4
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 5
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 6
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 7
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 8
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 9
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 10
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 11
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 12
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 13
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 14
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 15
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 16
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 17
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 18
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 19
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 20
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 21
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 22
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 23
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 24
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 25
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!! Chapter 26
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 27
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 29
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 30
Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 31 End

Meeting the PRINCE of VAMPIRES was not on my VACATION LIST!!!!! chapter 28

22.3K 232 32
By cUtiE0502sEcRet

Chapter 28

Lucas' POV:

This could not have been happening! How in fuck did they find the cottage? No one knows it exists, that's why I choose it. I sighed in frustration. One minute I'm arguing with Mike about what we should do with Katie and the next the window breaks, and a small metallic ball enters the room, causing the whole thing to explode. Luckily for me, I escaped, and so did Monica and Mike. Now all I need to do is call the rest of the group. I wasn't really worried about Katie, because I knew she would be alive.

"Mike, have you called them yet?" I asked, trying to control my anger. Right now, we were in a secret room underground in the palace. Even though, no one knows about this room, it still looked quiet clean, with white sheets on most of the furniture and old paintings on the walls, there was no light source, but who needs it when you have super vision.

I heard Mike sigh loudly, "Yea I have! Now chill, they'll be here soon."

I just glared at him, I'm starting to get sick of Mike, he disrespects me and never does what I say correctly. He's lucky that his got the ability to see most of the future or I would have disposed of him.

"You know Lucas; we should have just killed the girl.... She was of no use to us anyway," Monica said sitting on an armchair with her legs up on the desk, looking thoughtful. I snarled at her.

"She's still useful! You know exactly why I wanted her alive, I need to get rid of my stupid family and become the only Vampire Royalty alive.... Plus she could be a great fuck buddy." I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of seeing Katie completely naked, having her delicious and exquisite body, all for myself...

I shook my head violently; I can't be thinking of her like that, she's a vampire killer, a very hot vampire killer. I couldn't help but groan.... this is not good at all!

I heard a snarl, "I bet she's not even good in bed." Monica said jealousy and hatred dripping from each word. I couldn't help but chuckle, while Monica scowled at me.

"Hey Boss, they're here." Mike said, interrupting the little argument.

"Good now lets go." I said teleporting all three of us to the beach on the other side of the Island.

"Well, well, isn't it The Prince of vampires...Our leader" Don bemused, I just snarled at him. Most of the Diablo followers were present, we all wanted one thing... The Pure Blood.

"Respect is good and I like it, now shut the hell up! We have a problem." I said, glaring at him. Don and I have never gotten along; he always wanted to be the leader, but unfortunately, I was better at it than he was, so he was stuck as the second in command.

Don snorted, "What'd you do now?"

"Someone bombed the cottage we were at, we had to evacuate. Katie's still there." I said still glaring at Don.

Don suddenly burst out laughing, it took him a whole minute to compos himself, "Well what's new? You never do anything right."

It took everything in me to not lung at him and kill him right there and then. Instead, I smirked at him. Don looked confused for a moment, but then his expression changed into anger.

"Why in fuck are you smirking?" he growled.

I felt my smirk grow bigger, "Because I have a plan, dumb ass."

He snorted, "I would so love to hear that plan of yours." he said sarcastically.

"Well then shut up and listen." I said gathering everyone closer so they could hear my plan, "This is how it's going to be...."

"Well that's a good idea, but the question is... will it work?" Don said, looking thoughtful, which was a surprise. He was usually the one complaining that my plans were shitty and would never work.

"It's a full proof plan Don, just get in there. Kill all the guards and whoever's there, and leave Katie and my family to me... My mother and Father are getting old; they won't be able to handle me." I said smugly, and it was true, vampires start losing their strength at their 6th century.

"Well then what in hell we waiting for?" Don said enthusiastically, which got him a few shocked glances from our followers.

"What?" he asked, looking offended; I just shook my head.

"Alrightie then. LETS MOVE!" And with that command we made our way towards the cottage. Some ran while others sprinted, everyone was excited and anxious to see what would happen. I, well, wasn't to worried. I knew everything would go as planned. I couldn't help but smirk, just the thought of seeing the expression on my parent's faces when I end their lives, my brothers might be a challenge. But as I said, I love challenges.

It took us less than a minute to get to the clearing where the cottage was situated. All my men were spread around the clearing hiding in the forest keeping a safe distance away from the guards.

I made sure that I was standing behind Katie, watching her. I broke my mind wall, reading every thought she had. Since I'm a mind reader I HAVE to learn how to block out the thoughts of others, which I've been doing for awhile. But for some reason I just wanted to know what Katie was thinking, her mind was like a mysterious box, you would learn something every time you read her mind. But one thing shocked me....

The Reed Jamuel was standing right in front of her, talking to her. I couldn't help but stiffen, that man was known for killing anything and everything. He killed the strongest vampire alive, and lived to tell the story, though no one knows how he killed the vampire, because he always works alone or with Weres.

"Boss, Reed Jamuel is here!" Mike said, with fear visible in his tone, I turned my gaze towards him and gave him a glare.

"Thank you so much Mr. Obvious, I had no idea he was here." I said sarcastically to Mike, who in return, glared at me.

"I'm just saying. But this could jeopardize your plan, and you know that."

I couldn't help but sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, "Mike, shut up. Everything will go as planned. He doesn't know we're here nor does Katie. Reed only succeeds when he knows he's going to be attacked."

I heard Mike sigh, "Fine." about to walk away.

"Hey Mike, make sure everyone is in place." Mike just nodded and did as he was told; this was going to be a successful day...

Mike's POV:

"Hey Mike, make sure everyone is in place." Lucas said, turning his attention back to Katie, I just nodded. Right then I felt disgusted. How can a man be so cruel as to kill an innocent girl because of her blood. This was not going well and my sister had to warn the Royals fast.

While I made my way to my spot, not even bothering to check everyone else, I tried to open the connection my sister and I had, but it looked like the damn connection was busy. I couldn't help but mentally cuss my sister. That girl was just an airhead, even though she's about 100 centuries old. Both my sister and I, are vamwergel, It's a mixture of vampire, were and angels. We're the only ones of our kind left, I am the eldest being 150 centuries old. We never met our parents, the only thing we knew about them was that they were the greatest beings on the planet, which I'm guessing was total crap.

Our sent can be anything we want it to be, vampire, any were animals and even an angel, even though angels have long left the earth. Most people think we have God blood in us because of our way of being, but unfortunately, it comes with the angel territory.

I waited a few moments and tried again, this time the connection opened.

/Anastasia, You live?/ I mentally asked, I could hear her snicker.

*Well no hey! I'm half dead!* She laughed at her own joke, told you she was an airhead.

/Anastasia, would you please act your age! For heavens sakes I need your help/ I pleaded desperately.

I heard her sigh, *Mike what is your wish?*

Right then I couldn't help but chuckle, which made her angry.

*Michael Terrnor Golvia, what the fuck do you want!*

/Anastasia, I need you to warn the Royals. Lucas is going to attack, and we don't want that to happen/

I heard her sigh, *That boy needs to die and soon! He's giving me a Fucken migraine.*

/Ha, he's going to die. I bet Angelica won't let him live to tell the tale/

*Well I'm going to go tell them, make sure Katie is safe or your dieing with him.... understood.* she threatened. I couldn't help but snort.

/Little sis, go get your job done... while I do mine/

In that instant the connection closed, I seriously couldn't help but laugh. That girl is one of a kind; I just hope she warns the Royals on time....

Angelica's POV:

"HAA! When I find that boy I am going to beat the living shit out of him!" I cussed, walking through the wet forest. Lucas was going to pay for this!

"Honey calm down." Raphael said smoothly taking hold of my wrist, I couldn't help but sigh. His touch always relaxed me, no matter what situation I was in.

"I can't calm down. My own son is a Diablo follower. He tried to kill Katie and I sure as hell bet my life and grave, that his doing all this to get the fucken throne!" I said this all in one breath, and right now I was breathing hard in anger and frustration.

Raphael took hold of my shoulders and shook it lightly making me look into his deep forest green eyes, "Honey, I know what he wants. He's been at it for decades, we can't let him get away with this... even if his our own son. Plus if anything happens, Anastasia will warn us."

I couldn't help but warp my arms around his waist, while he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, into a tight embrace. I just melted into is body, feeling a sense of peace, but I knew that nothing could bring peace if the Diablo's weren't disposed of.

"Honey, we-" Raphael started but abruptly stopped. I looked up and saw that his face was blank; no emotion showed in his eyes, his lips were in a straight line and his body frozen in place like a statue. I eyed him once more very carefully, and saw that the vein on his forehead was showing, which only happened when he was having a mental conversation.

I sighed and snuggled up into him. After a few seconds, I felt his body relax while his arms tighten around me.

"They're going to attack." he whispered into my ear, I couldn't help but sigh in frustration, I knew this was going to happen, I just knew it. Why can't anything happen without violence?

I gave Raphael one last squeeze and I let go.

"Lets go!" I said taking hold of his hand, and we both made our way to the clearing....

Lucas' POV:

I just stood there watching Katie drink the water that Reed brought her, her body full of dust and her hair tangled up. For some reason I felt pity for her, she was so young, so many things she hasn't experience, and after today she wouldn't experience it. I sighed; it was time to take action. I can't let a Pure Blood live today, because within a few years more Pure Bloods will rome our world.

I took in a deep breath, and took a step towards Katie. I could see that the bottle showed my reflection, but luckily, for me it was blurry so Katie couldn't tell who it was.

When my men noticed I was getting closer to Katie, they all ran into the clearing and started to attack. Reed and Luke were to busy trying to help their men fight off my men, so they didn't notice me behind Katie.

"Well hello there Katie." I said I couldn't help but smirk at her horrified expression, which caused my fangs to show, this was going to be really fun....

Katie's POV:

I just stood there horrified, I couldn't move because, well, running would only make him want to kill me even more.

"Lucas." I breathe, slowly walking back, "Please..."

He started walking towards me slowly, his smirk growing bigger, making his fangs visible. I felt a shiver go down my spine while my blood ran cold.

"Lucas Please! I didn't do anything to you, please just let me live..." I pleaded feeling my eyes sting, while tears ran down my cheek.

His smirk disappeared, replaced by a hard look, "Katie, you have to die."

In that instant, he grabbed me, pressing my back to his chest. I felt a sharp cold objected pressed against my neck.

"You have to die...." He whispered into my ear, as if trying to convince himself more then convincing me, "Say your last words..."

I felt tears running down my cheek, my lips quivering and my body shivering in fear. I've always wondered what my last words would be... or how I would die. I would never imagine myself in this situation, what am I saying! Never in my life would I think that vampires existed. But it was better dieing this way, at least I knew how I would die and who would be the culprit.... but what would hurt the culprit more then death would hurt me?... right then a memory of my great grandmother and her stories about life.

"When an enemy hurts you or does something bad towards you or your family, remember that forgiving that person is a bigger punishment then getting even with him... you know why?...." my great grandmother asked, giving me a warm smile, I was eight at that time, and she was near death. I just shook my head.

"When you forgive that person, his conscience will always remind him of his bad doings, making him regret what he did.... and life is a cycle, what ever you do will always come back to you." she explained, ruffling my hair, "So be a good girl, and life will be a bliss."

Three days after that she died from old age, I cried for days, missing the old lady that loved me even though I looked nothing like her family, she still loved me as her own.... I will never forget her...

I took in a deep breath, "Lucas, I forgive you." I instantly closed my eyes... waiting for the pain of the blade.

"LUCAS, don't you even dare!" a voice boomed from across the clearing my eyes flew open. Everyone froze in place, I noticed that most of the men that belonged to the Vampire Royals, took that as an advantage and attacked the attackers, which was ironic for the Diablo followers.

Standing at the edge of the clearing, in all her mighty, was Angelica. And my, did she look furious, she made her way through the fighting that was happening around the clearing, grabbing the men that tried to kill her guards and warriors, snapping their neck and throwing them to the ground, like rag dolls. Right now, I was more scared of Angelica than Lucas, but I knew she wouldn't hurt me. Raphael was hot on her heel, but decided to join the fight, helping his people.

"Lucas, please." I pleaded, trying to get him to let go of me, and maybe trying to spear his life from Angelica.... maybe there was more chance of pigs flying then that happening...

Within seconds Angelica was standing a few feet in front of me, I couldn't help but cringe a little by Angelica's death glare towards Lucas, and I must say, her death glare could make the devil roll over and die.

"Lucas let her go." Angelica said in a deathly tone. I felt Lucas' chest expand, while he took a deep breath.

"Why should I?" he asked, growling a little in the process.

I saw Angelica's eyes go from a death glare to a lust red with a mixture of the darkest black there was. But suddenly her expression changed, her eyes returned to a normal blue and she was.... smirking!

"Because, she isn't a Pure Blood..."

Oh now she tells us!....

hey everyone :).. i'm so happy today! I got to upload twice! I would of upload soon and maybe even another chapter... but one of my friends decided to come and visit me so of course it would be rude to ignore her and just write my story!.. but i hope you all like this story :).. i'll try and uload another chapter today... but i also want to upload another chapter of my other stories!

SO ENJOY! :) Comment VOTE and fan :)


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