Falling For A Hijabi (part 1...

By MaladaptiveDoc

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#1 in spiritual in 16/6/2019 Previously known as " My very own hijabi" Two young people finding shelter with... More

👑 Part 1 👑 chapter 1 Me, myself, and my family
chapter 2 The Fight that started everything
Chapter 3 The bet
chapter 4 The war is on
chapter 5 James who ?
chapter 6 The coincidence
chapter 7 On the way home
chapter 8 Lunch with the family
chapter 9 Inside the devil's den
chapter 10 The shock
chapter 11 Repentance
chapter 12 The teacher
chapter 13 My brother
chapter 14 The decision
chapter 15 In coma
chapter 16 Fighting for life
chapter 17 Welcome back
chapter 19 Dinner with his family
chapter 20 The date
chapter 21 Islamophobia
chapter 22 Facing the truth
chapter 23 The prom
chapter 24 The shooting
chapter 25 Between life and death
chapter 26 Dreams coming true
👑 Part 2 👑 prologue
chapter 1 Him, again
chapter 2 Remembrance
chapter 3 The truth revealed
chapter 4 Letters from the past
chapter 5 The girlfriend
chapter 6 Awake
chapter 7 Conspiracy revealed
chapter 8 Missing
chapter 9 Old memories
chapter 10 Assassination
Chapter 11 Hiding from the world
Chapter 12 Face To Face With The Beast
chapter 13 Departure
Chapter 14 Understanding
Chapter 15 Hostage
Chapter 16 The Speech
Chapter 17 In The Middle Of The Lake
Chapter 18 Come back for me
Chapter 19 The Path Of Allah
Chapter 20 In The ICU
Chapter 21 Seeking Approval
Chapter 22 Blessing
Chapter 23 Surprise!!!
Chapter 24 Preprations
Chapter 25 The Plot
Chapter 26 Again And Again
Chapter 27 Hidden Past
Chapter 28 Officially Married
Chapter 29 The Wedding
Chapter 30 Falcone Is Back
Chapter 31 Suicide Note
Final Chapter A Happy Closure
Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After
Epilogue 2 Meet Hamza
👑Bonus Chapters👑
Bonus Chapters 1 From Friend To Enemy
Bonus Chapter 2 Jealousy
Chapter 3 Hamza's First Words

chapter 18 The date that Almost happened

4.7K 499 32
By MaladaptiveDoc

James pov

It took me ages to gatther my strength to go and ask jannah out, and I thought the best way was to ask her family first as a sign of respect.

Jannah's mother was taken aback by my request, she was shocked and speechless for some time, then she smiled.

" Okay first come in, son " she warmly said.

I went in the house, sat on the couch. she went into the kitchen and came out with some cake and gave it to me.

" So you want to go out on a date with my daughter " she asked.

" Yes, ma'am " I answered.

" Son, I don't know how to break this to you, but we come from different cultures, in our culture dating before marriage is forbidden, our girls can't go out with someone they are not related to on their own, you need to understand that what seems normal in your culture, may sound outrageous in others" she said smiling.

" So, ma'am, is this a no " I said with a tone of saddness.

" It's not about you only, or because you are not a Muslim, if any person, even a Muslim, asks me for a date with my daughter, I would decline " she said trying to make me comfortable.

I didn't know what to say, it was really awkward, I guess I should have learnt more about her culture.

" Jannah was absolutely right, we are worlds apart " I said to myself.

" Son, our religion, Islam, is not only a belief system, it's a lifestyle, we try our best to follow Allah's orders in every aspect of our lives, that's the difference between us, you need to understand that jannah is different, her belief in Allah is the only thing that kept her going through all the bad things that happened to her after her father's death, james, if you really care about her, don't take that away, don't force her to abandon her principals" she said warmly.

I understood what she meant, she was kindly saying that I should leave her alone, that we have no future together, because of her religion, but she never thought that maybe I have tried but I couldn't do it.

" I'm sorry ma'am for taking your time, can I go now ?!" I said trying to make this less awkward.

" Stay for lunch, jannah can be here anytime soon" she said.

" Thank you, I don't want her to see me here " I said declining the offer.

I couldn't take her words off my mind that day, I kept replaying them in my head over and over, and I couldn't reach a final decision.

Next day at school I saw jannah by her locker, I approached her.

" My mum told me about yesterday" she said looking away.

" And...." I said with my heart beating fast.

" And she was absolutely right " she said.

" Is that your opinion ?!!" I asked.

" Yes James, this is my opinion, I have let this go far, it was a mistake, after saving me from Richard, I thought you were a friend, just a friend, I thought finally I'll have a backbone in this school, but I didn't know you had other plans in your head" she said angerily.

" Jannah, I went along with the friendship thing because I didn't want to lose you, I like you, alot actually, can't we just take it to the next level?!!" I asked.

" No we can't, and the next level for any Muslim girl is marriage, that's how we look at things James, didn't I tell you we are different ?!!! " She said sternly.

" What if I can't jannah, what if I can't let go of you, you said I saved you from Richard, the way I see it is that you saved me from myself, jannah, your beliefs not only saved you but also affected my life positively, that's why jannah I want to stick around, whatever label you will put on me, and for me right now, I'm pretty satisfied with being a friend of yours" I said lying to myself and to her, being a friend wasn't what I really wanted but that was the only way to let me be with her.

" Okay, just don't forget about your words, you said we are only friends, that's the best thing we can ever be" she said.

At lunch, I sat at her table, trying to give her company.

" So you are gonna sit to the loseres table?!!! " she asked.

" Anything for a friend." I said smiling.

Suddenly a paper ball hit her from the back.

" Ouchhh" she freaked out.

" Who did that ?!!" I asked angerily looking at the table behind us. Richard and Sophia were sitting there.

" So you are friends now with the terrorist?!!" Richard said.

" Cut the crab Richard" I shouted at him.

" What if I don't ?!!" He said.

" I will cut your tongue myself " I said standing up.

Jannah grabbed the sleeve of my jacket,

" just sit down, I'm used to that" she said.

"What do you mean?!!! I need to teach him a lesson" I said angerily.

" If you want to be my friend, you need to follow my rules, I don't want you to get into trouble because of me, please sit down " she said.

I surrendered to her request.

" So you are a chicken now " Richard said trying to irritate me.

" That's it" I jumped from my chair, jannah tried to grab me, but she couldn't, I went to where Richard was.

" I told you to leave me alone " I said.

" James, look at you, you sit to the losers table, with that towel head, look at yourself, have you gone crazy?!! " he shouted at me.

" It's none of your business " I shouted.

" No it's my business, you are my friend " he said angerily.

" I said kiss our friendship good bye" I said turning my back to him and returning to where jannah was.

" See, I didn't hit him, am I abiding by your rules now?!! " I asked jannah sarcastically.

" Kinda " she said smiling.

Then she said some Arabic word and began to eat.

" Is that a spell you are casting on me to make me fall for you?!!" I asked her.

actually, she didn't need to cast any spells, I have already fallen.

" What?!!" She said in surprise.

" The word you just said " I said.

" Oh, you mean Bismillah" she said.

" I guess so, what does it mean ?!!" I asked.

" It means in the name of Allah, we say it before starting doing anything to ask for Allah's blessing " she explained happily.

" Well, then Bismillah, am I saying it right?!! " I said smiling.

" Well that's a good start " she smiled in the cutest way ever.

I had the best school lunch that day.

I went home, studied for the first time in ages, damn that girl really changed me.

Suddenly my sister, Gen, came into the room, she was crying.

" I want...shahd...to...come....to my...birthday party...next...week, and her mother.....said no "she said crying.

I almost forgot about my little sister's birthday, I metally facepalmed myself.

That's when it hit me.

"Well, I guess, I have a plan" I said to myself.

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