Lucky Me // Niall Horan

By lostinparadise25

11.1M 146K 63.3K

I was just another fan to him. I didn't think by sending that one little tweet to Niall Horan, 1/5 of the fam... More

Lucky Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Stories to Read :)

Chapter 11

313K 4.8K 1.6K
By lostinparadise25

Chapter 11

"Did you find him yet?" I whispered into my phone. I was currently doing a three way call with Harry and Niall. I felt like a ninja or something, slipping into the shadows and sneaking into different rooms. Unfortunately, I was doing this all for nothing. I'd turn around a corner, bottle up in defense, but Louis wouldn't be there.

"I don't see him up here." Niall whispered back.

"I don't think he's out-" Harry started to say until we heard muffled cries.

"HARRY?!" Niall and I both screamed into the phone, but there was no answer. The line was cut off. He was gone. I started to breathe heavily, frantically looking around the room I was in. I rushed over to a window, but didn't see Louis outside. I pushed the curtain back and heard Niall.

"H-Harry's gone." Niall said finally.

"H-He was taken by the enemy." I said, adding in a few fake sniffles. "A moment of silence for him." Silence filled our conversation, as we paid our respects, but it didn't last long. "All right that's all he gets! He was the first one killed."

I heard Niall chuckling a bit as I went into the guest bedroom. I checked under the bed and in the closet, pushing past the few clothes they had inside. Nothing. Where was the stupid boy?

"I'm guessing he's outside." Niall said again. I could hear him opening and closing the bedroom doors. "But just be careful."

"Why? I'd hear him coming inside."

"I can't remember if we left the windows open in the kitchen and the living room." I felt my phone vibrate twice. Text from Zayn.

Heard Harry screaming like a little girl. Rushed over and Lou got me. I don't know where Li is. My hair's all sticky so hurry up.

I laughed softly at the text then replied to Niall who was still waiting on the other end. "I'll go lock them." I said, running over to the first one. I groaned, frustrated that the window wouldn't go down. I pushed as hard as I could but it seemed to be jammed. Ugh, I wish I was stronger. I froze when I heard someone behind me.

"Need some help with that, love?"

I was a bit scared to turn around. I could see his reflection in the window. I could see the smirk growing on his face as he walked towards me. I quickly turned around, pointing my bottle of chocolate at the mischievous boy. My hands were shaking but I watched as he backed up a bit.

"I'm armed, Tomlinson." I said.

"I am too, Goldie." He said back, holding up his whipped cream. I glared at him and he glared back. "Drop the chocolate bottle and your hair won't get messed up anymore."

I bit my lip. "I'm not scared of you, Louis."

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I don't mean to brag, but I'm -" He flipped his hair a bit, making me roll my eyes. "The best."

"I'm aware of that, Louis. You know what else I'm aware of?"

"What, Goldie?"

"THIS!" I squeezed the bottle as hard as I could, spraying the gooey chocolate all over his shirt. He started screaming, like I had stabbed him in the back or something. It was quite entertaining actually.

"All right, guys!" I yelled as loud as possible. "I got Louis! The game's overrmmm-" He quickly got up and clamped a chocolate covered hand over my mouth.

"It's not over yet." He said in a dark, creepy tone. Chills went down my spine. "Now they'll have to find you." I made muffled cries as he dragged me down the hall, humming innocently. Louis was known as the prankster of the group. He was like the evil mastermind. Never underestimate the carrot loving boy.

"Addie?!" I heard the boys yelling, obviously rushing to find me, but Louis quickly shoved us both into the closet in the guest bedroom. It was a walk in closet so it wasn't cramped at all. He was standing in front of the doorway, smirking lightly.

"Louis, the game's over." I said, a bit freaked out. He just chuckled, shaking his head.

"Oh Goldie, innocent little Goldie..." He took the chocolate bottle out of my hand when I wasn't paying attention. "The boys will never find you."

"They will come save me!" I said then remembered my phone was still in my pocket. I never hung up on Niall. Maybe I could hit the speaker button when Lou wasn't looking... I managed to hit the speaker button while he marveled at his 'weapons' of choice. He seemed to be almost deciding what to do with me. "They're sure to find me in the closet in the guest bedroom!" I said, just a little bit louder. Hopefully Niall would hear me.

"Well then I'll just do this before they come!" He screwed the top off the chocolate sauce and poured it over my head. The chocolate gooeyness dripped down from the top of my head and slowly slid down to my shoulder. It was cold making it worse. I just stood there in shock as my curls began to disappear, thick chocolate choking them out. He let out a quiet evil laugh.

"Why Louis?!" I screamed. "You're just jealous of my curls, aren't you?! If you loved them why did you get rid of them?!" I tried to stop the chocolate from dripping but it was already slipping down to my clothes. Some went down my back making me shiver.

He shook the whipped cream bottle as I tried to back up to the wall so he wouldn't do anymore damage to my hair. So this is how Zayn feels. I closed my eyes as I felt the back of the wall. He towered over me by a lot. I was only 5'4, much smaller than his 5'10. I knew I was going to be in the bathroom for a long time just trying to wash this stuff out of my hair.

"Drop the whipped cream, Louis." I heard a door burst open and a thick Irish accent say. I opened my eyes to see Louis's hand that was holding the bottle inches away from my face. He turned around to see the other four boys pointing their weapons at him. He groaned, dropping the bottle to the floor in surrender.

"Fine." He grumbled.

"Step away from Addie, and come out here." Liam said slowly sounding like a cop. I laughed softly as Louis backed up, an annoyed look on his face. Harry, covered in chocolate and curls sticking up all over the place. I guessed Louis designed his hair with the whipped cream. The other boys were no better. Niall was the only one who was spared. I wished I went upstairs instead. Harry quickly put the Doncaster boy's arms behind his back, pushing him out of the closet.

"Well, look at you." Zayn said, laughing at my body, covered in chocolate and whipped cream.

"You're no better!" I said, motioning to what Louis did to his hair. It was no longer a quiff. A mix of whipped cream and chocolate was pushing his hair down, reminding me of the hairstyle he used to wear during the X Factor days, when he was so cute and like a baby possum. "Niall was spared." Liam, Zayn, and I turned to Niall who was whistling innocently.

"Hmm? Oh, you know. Just got lucky! Being Irish and all." Niall joked with us.

"I SAY GROUP HUG!" Zayn yelled and we immediately caught Niall, rubbing all the chocolate off our bodies and onto him. I even whipped my hair, getting the chocolate on him. It was hilarious. Zayn and Liam took pictures, uploaded them on Twitter, then left Niall and I in the room.


"Ugh, I need to shower." I said, feeling all sticky. The smell of chocolate filled the whole house. I was kinda used to it since I worked in a bakery. "Umm, but thanks for saving me, I guess, Niall." I blushed a bit.

"Saving you, huh?" He chuckled. "I saved my princess from the evil Louis Tomlinson."

I giggled a bit, looking up into his eyes. They were sparkling and I couldn't help but get lost in them. He sent me a warm smile and tried to fix his hair a bit. I smiled lightly. He didn't have to change a thing about him. He was perfect. "Niall, unless there's chocolate in my ears, I think you called me your princess."

"I did now didn't I?" He kissed my head, chuckling a bit. "You know I was always asking for a princess, but I think they sent me an angel instead."


Awww...NADDIE! :D It's so fetch! ;)

If you received a random text or kik message from Breana C., DONT. FREAK. OUT.

Don't forget to vote and comment! If you don't you owe me five bucks. :D Yup, I'm going to get so many votes on this chapter. ;) Love you all bye! xoxoxo

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