Dramione One-Shots

By salty_mermaid

69.6K 2.2K 443

Hi guys! So this is a collection of one-shots that I'll be doing, they'll be updated randomly but I hope you... More

The Start of Something
Leaving for Vacation
Scorpius's Magic
Run Away?
I Want It That Way
Wedding Dances
Pina Coladas
Amorous Maximus
Amorous Maximus Pt. 2
The (Unfortunately) Favorite Gift
Pregnancy Brain


4.9K 173 22
By salty_mermaid

"Come on, Draco!"

He laughed as she excitedly pulled him faster through the castle halls until they finally made it out to the grounds. Snow was falling all around them, and there were already many snowball fights going on between different students.

"I'm surprised you're actually skipping homework for this," He said, grinning down at her. 

She laughed. "Homework can wait a little bit longer, this is going to be so worth it!"

He looked up at the sky to watch the snow, asking, "What's going to be worth it?"

A ball of snow suddenly belted him in the face and he looked down to see Hermione nearly falling over from laughing so hard. He scowled, but soon was unable to stop it from turning into a grin.

"Oh, it's on, Granger!" He yelled, bending down to gather a large pile of snow into his gloves hands.

Hermione shrieked with delight as she started to run away, breathing hard as the cold air numbed her face. She wasn't fast enough though and Draco quickly caught up, dumping the large patch of snow over her head.

"Draco!" She exclaimed, feeling the snow run down her back. "You got it in my coat!"

He simply laughed and tossed a small amount of snow into her face, grinning like an idiot. "You started this war; you can't complain about a little bit of snow!"

"I can too!" She laughed, kicking snow up at him before running away again. 

He chased her through the snow and around all of the students, their laughter filling the cold air as they earned a few stares from everyone around them. Neither one of them paid the looks any mind though as they made their way further around the grounds. 

Hermione finally stopped just short of Hagrid's hut, panting and out of breath. She was smiling though as she dropped her hands to her knees, trying to catch her breath. After a few moments she straightened up and looked around, trying to find Draco.  

"Draco?" She called out, laughing slightly. 

There was no answer, and her smile started to falter as she took a few steps forward. "Draco, where are you?"

Hands suddenly grabbed her from behind and she laughed when Draco picked her up off the ground, spinning her around happily. They laughed together as he set her back down on the ground and she turned to face him.

"You prat!" She exclaimed, smacking him on the chest slightly. "You had me worried for a few moments!"

He simply grinned, shaking his head. "You worry too much, Hermione."

She laughed, and then noticed that he was watching her quietly, smiling at her. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "What, is there something on my-"

He cut her off by giving her a long kiss, catching her off guard. She stared at him for a moment before relaxing slightly, her mind frozen. Was he really kissing her?

Pulling away, he looked at her and then grinned. "I can't tell if you're blushing or just cold."

She gaped at him and he only grinned wider as he laughed. "Either way, you're adorable when your face is red!"

"Did you...did you just kiss me?" She stuttered, staring up at him.

He laughed and took a few steps backwards, putting his hands in his coat pockets as he said, "Well, it appears you didn't like it that much so I'll just head back to the castle then!"

He started to turn away, still grinning. She started to follow him, stomping slightly through the snow. "Wait, Draco!"

He turned back around just in time to catch her as she practically jumped into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck and pressing her lips against his again. He wrapped his around her tightly and held her against him, smiling into the kiss. She held it for longer this time, blushing furiously as she pulled away after a minute or two.

"I guess you did like it then," He said quietly, still smiling. 

"Shut up, Malfoy," She laughed, giving him another kiss.

He pulled her against him again and kissed her passionately as the snow fell around them, not caring how cold they were.

A/N: I'm supposed to be working right now...lol, it's cold here so I thought I'd give you guys some cute first kiss scene in the snow :) enjoy! <3

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