How I Fell for the Player

By BrittanyLeigh8

2.8M 61.9K 5.5K

Shannon Lane and Austin Burke are complete opposites. Shannon is the ordinary girl who is looking for the per... More

Chapter 1- The Party
Chapter 2- The Mall
Chapter 3-The Date
Chapter 4- Who is coming to dinner?
Chapter 5- A Nice Little Dinner Party
Chapter 6- Playing Along
Chapter 7- Answers
Chapter 8- Chorus, Auditions, and Terms
Chapter 9- Terms and Conditions
Chapter 10- Movie Night
Chapter 12- All Things Revealed
Chapter 13- Does he like me?
Chapter 14- Teen Mom
Chapter 15- Rumor Has It
Chapter 16- Good Time
Chapter 17- Another Date
Chapter 18- An Unexpected Arrival
Chapter 19- The Halloween Party
Chapter 20- No Escaping This Hell
Chapter 21- Explanations
Chapter 22- Forgiven
Chapter 23- Matchmaker

Chapter 11- The New Girl

103K 2.4K 250
By BrittanyLeigh8

(Chapter 11- The New Girl)


You know those days you have where you know as soon as you wake up its going to be a bad day or something bad is going to happen? Well I had that feeling today and I could only imagine what was going to go down.

I went to my closet and picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a halter top that I bought during my latest shopping trip with Tins and put them on. I studied myself in the mirror and was very pleased with how I looked. After slipping on my flats and fixing my hair in a cute pony tail I was out the door.

I ended up driving this morning because it felt like I have not driven in forever and I missed it. I texted Tins when I was in front of the school letting her know I was there and to meet me by the lockers. Since I was early to school I figured we could go to the cafeteria and have some breakfast instead of heading straight to class.

I picked my bag up out of the passenger seat and threw it across my shoulder and locked the doors to the car before heading inside.

Over by my locker I quickly spotted Tinsley and Richard eating each other faces off. I sighed in annoyance; don’t they have anywhere else to do that? I mean they are right in front of my locker after all.

I walked up behind them and cleared my throat hope they would separate but to my disappointment they didn’t.

“I hate to break up the make out session but I would like to get in my locker sometime today.” I said.

Hearing me talk they finally broke apart and Tins blushed. I swear that girl is falling head over hills for Richard. Tins usually never made it past two months with a guy but who know maybe Richard will be the lucky one.

“Sorry.” Tins mumbled moving out of the way.

“Sure you are.” I smiled teasingly.

“You wanted to get breakfast?” Tins asked.

“Yeah it would kill time plus I’m hungry.” I stated exchanging books in my locker.

“Me to come on.” She said.

I closed my locker and walked with her and Richard to the breakfast line. It smelled pretty awesome in there for school food. When we got up to the food I picked p a blueberry muffin and an orange juice and paid.

I looked around for a spot to sit which wasn’t hard to do considering that not many ate breakfast anymore. I found a window seat and sat down with my food. Window seats were always the best one’s because if you weren’t interested in the conversation going on at the table you always had the scenery to look at.

“Do you think you could come over tonight?” Tinsley asked.

“On a school night?” I said. “Doubtful but I’ll ask.”

“Good because we really need to talk.” She said seriously.

“Ok.” I said.

Oh lord could this be the bad thing I was feeling this morning. What if she’s pregnant or something? That would be bad. Her mom would kill her for sure. I don’t know though I am probably just over reacting or something.

You know all the great things I was telling you about the window seat before? Well they were paying off right now. Tins and Richard were already making out again which left me to do nothing so I starred outside at the football field and that’s when I noticed something. Austin was sitting on the bleachers next to the field with some girl but they weren’t doing anything other than talking.

My curiosity was eating away at me and I was dying to know who that girl was. I had never seen Austin with her before and he she didn’t look like his type at all so it was killing me to know who she was.

Note to self: Find out who this mystery girl is today.

“Hello Shannon.” Tinsley said waving her hand in front of my face.

“Yeah?” I said quickly snapping out of my thoughts.

“Are you coming to class or not?” She asked.

“Yeah sorry.” I replied getting up from the table.

We walked to our first period class which happened to be Math and I hated it. I was good at it but I hated it. It was way too early in the morning for it if you ask me. Luckily Austin was not in this class with me. It was only Jace and Tins. 

The class went by slow and boring as always and I was relieved when it was over. Next was one of my favorite classes, well elective I guess. I have always been interested in photography and if I wasn’t going into law I would defiantly consider a career in it.

No one I knew was in this class with me so I was pretty much by myself this time. I rarely ever made an attempt to meet new people. What was the point really when you would probably only talk to them in the one class you needed and acquaintance.

“Good morning my future photographers we have a new student today.” The teacher announced walking into the room with the girl I saw Austin talking to this morning.

“This is Coralene she will be joining us for the rest of the year.” Mrs. Elton said. (Pronounced Cora-lean)

“Why don’t you take the seat next to Shannon she is very welcoming and will help you with anything you need.” She added.

Coralene nodded her head but didn’t speak and made her way to the seat next to me. I guess it was meant for me to find out who she is because now she was right here next to me.

“Hi I’m Shannon.” I said holding out my hand to her.

“Coralene.” She said shyly taking my hand.

“Where are you from?” I asked feeding my curiosity.

“Well I’m from here originally but I have lived in North Carolina with my aunt for the past three years.” She stated.

“Wow that’s a big move from there to Cali.” I said.

“Yeah it’s different there then it is here. It’s a much smaller place.” She explained.

“Do you miss it?” I asked.

“Yeah, a little.” She said.

I know it probably seemed like I was questioning her to death but I just had to know how she knew Austin. How am I going to ask her without being too noisy? I don’t want to seem like a jealous girlfriend or anything. Not that I was his girlfriend or jealous I’m just saying.

I studied the girl for a minute as she was paying attention to something the teacher said and noticed her features. She was very pretty and nice but she seemed so shy and careful plus there was something about her that was so familiar that I just couldn’t place.

“So do you know anyone else here?” I asked.

“Just Austin, he is my rock. I don’t think I could get through the day without him.” She smiled. “Do you know him? Austin Burke?”

Suddenly my heart sank. “Yeah I know him.” I mumbled.

“He is just the sweetest and most caring guy there is.” She said.

“Yeah.” I said sarcastically but I don’t think she caught on.

Maybe I was wrong about her not being his type. I mean I’m not his type but yet he went for me anyhow.

I guess I don’t have any right to be jealous though. We came to an agreement we can do whatever we want on our own time. After all it was my idea.

“Me and my dumb ideas?” I mumbled to myself.

“I’m sorry?” Coralene asked.

“Nothing just talking to myself.” I chuckled.

“It’s alright we all do it.” She smiled.

Damn and she’s pretty and nice. I guess Austin really found the perfect girl. I wonder since he found her if he is going to call off the stupid relationship we have going on? There would really be no point now that he has a real girl friend right?

The rest of class passed by in a blur as did the next class and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I walked with Tins to lunch and looked around for Coralene half expecting here to be with Austin. I hadn’t seen her since Photography so I didn’t get a chance to question her anymore.

Tinsley and I got our food and sat down at our usual table. Like always we were the first one’s there so we had the pick of the seats. During lunch we always sat right in the middle of the cafeteria next the Basketball team and Chess club. Yeah I know weird right?

“Hi can I sit here?” A shy voice asked.

“Of course.” I said when I noticed it was Coralene.

Tins looked at me in confusion before I introduced them.

“Tins this is Coralene she is in my photography class and she’s also new.” I said.

“Nice to meet you.” She said to Coralene.

We all carried on eating our lunch until I decided to see if I could get anymore out of her. I’m pretty sure I think I got in figured out but I just want to make sure.

“So have you made anymore friends?” I asked.

“More like enemies.” She said quietly.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s nothing.” She mumbled.

“Why would you have enemies you’re so nice.” I stated.

“Apparently it has to do with Austin. “ She said. “This girl named Lauren I think it was told me to back off that Austin was hers.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry about her. She just don’t know how to let things go.”

“It’s ok I’m not worried. Austin would kill her if he knew she threatened me.” She said.

“You guys are close huh?”

“Yeah.” She answered.

I looked down at my food and began picking at it. Not really interested in eating anything now. I don’t know why I’m taking this so hard. It’s not like I’m interested in Austin. At least I don’t think I am.

Tins, Coralene or I didn’t talk much for the first half of lunch of course that was until Richard came over to sit with Tins and I knew Austin wouldn’t be far behind. Maybe I would get lucky and he would sit with his friends today and I would have to see him with Coralene.

“Hey dude you sitting here today?” Drew asked and I’m pretty sure he was the same one who came on to me at the party last weekend when he was drunk.

“Yeah man, I’ll catch you later.” He said not even looking at him but Tinsley instead.

Before he walked off he turned toward me and Coralene. “Hi I’m Drew.”

“Yeah I know.” I said board.

“But you don’t do you?” He smirked at Coralene.

I rolled my eyes and tried to keep down my lunch. It’s not that Drew isn’t good looking because he is, it’s just he is a user just like the rest of them. He is with a girl for about two weeks tops or until she gives it up. I have never known him to have a real relationship.

“Back off man.” I heard Austin’s voice say.

“Relax I was just introducing myself.” Drew defended.

“Well you did now leave.” He said seriously.

Drew just shook his head and walked off to the Jock table where he normally sat.

“Stay away from that guy he’s bad news.” Austin said to her before setting down.

She didn’t object and nodded her head in understanding. I just sat in shock by what I saw. She just let him tell her what to do? I mean I agree with him but wow. I wouldn’t have done that.

“I see everyone has met Coralene.” He said hugging her and letting go.

Well at least he didn’t kiss her or something like that because that would be weird. I still can’t believe he is still not said anything to me yet. I’m still waiting for him to explain.

“Yeah she’s very sweet.” I replied.

“Has anyone given you any trouble today?” He asked her pretty much ignoring me.

“Not much.” She lied.

“What do you mean much?” He questioned.

“Nothing I’m fine.” She laughed. “I swear one day that vain is going to pop out of your head.”

“And it will be all because of you.” He joked.

She just laughed but didn’t respond. I could tell that they shared a deep bond with each other. He must have known her for a while because bonds don’t develop like that in a matter of days.

“Nice choice of friends. I approve.” He stated.

“Thanks.” She said.

She looked like she was nervous about something and started fidgeting with her jacket sleeve.

“I was thinking about trying out for the cheerleading team after school today.” He said quietly almost to where I couldn’t even here her.

“What?” He asked.

“I said I was thinking about trying out for the cheerleading team.” She spoke a little louder but just barely.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea pick something else.” He said sternly.

She sighed in disappointment. “Ok.”

Something about that situation bothered me. I know it’s none of my business but the girl has a right to make her own choices. If she wants to be a cheerleader then she should be.

It really surprised me at Austin’s attitude. I never pegged him for a controlling guy. He always seemed so laid back and easy going but from what I’m seeing now it’s the total opposite.

“What’s wrong with the cheerleading team?” I questioned.

It's not that I was sticking up for the cheerleading teams because I could careless about them but I'm sticking up for womens rights everywhere. I think Coralene should be able to make her own choices.

“Everything and she won’t be joining. She doesn’t need to be around those kinds of girls.” He snapped.

“When did you turn into such an ass?” I snapped back and stood up. “Come on Tins.”

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“To join the cheerleading team.” I smirked and with that I walked out of the room.



How did you like the chapter? I know it was a bit more serious than my other ones but I promise it will lighten up some.

So anyone have a clue who the new girl is? Why is Austin always with her? Is there another girl in Austins life? What does this mean for Tinsley?

You don't have to comment but I would love for you to so I will know how I'm doing and if I should continue the story. Please leave lots of comments and vote if you will. Thanks!

Also here is the pic of Coralene >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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