The Mirror's Reflection

By zorlia

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In Ancient Greece there was a young lady who was blessed by the Goddess Hecate with the power of magic, thus... More

Prolouge: A Mother Knows
Veranna of Greece
Home Again
Nine Muses Of Art

Heart Of a Mortal

219 2 0
By zorlia

Pic on the side is Atremis.


I sat beside Athena at the small table, watching in my mirror as some mortals danced in my honor. Athena was reading a book, it was a quiet day on Olympus. I looked up though when hearing a chair being moved. Artemis, Goddess of the night and of the hunt sat in front of me. She sat her bow and arrows on the table and looked at me. She was in the form of a young girl, like her maidens.

"I don't understand, why do you refuse to be on the council?" She asked. Athena paused in turning a page in her book, I tried not to chuckle. I smiled at her.

"Well, I do not think it fair." I said simply. Athena had shut her book and sat it down now. She looked over to me as well with raised eyebrows.

"Not fair? How in the Heaven's name is it not fair Veranna?" She asked, curious. I couldn't help it, I chuckled.

"Well, think of it in the view of the other Gods and Goddesses. The minor ones to be precise. To have a mere mortal be turned into a Goddess and given a seat in the council? All while there are more experienced, older, and most likely wiser Gods and Goddesses who will think that I do not deserve a place there. Those spots should be reserved for those that were born Gods, that way there won't be an uproar among the minor Gods and Goddesses." I explained. Athena nodded her head understanding the logic.

"Yes, there would be argument as to whether you deserve the spot, concerning your mortal mother." She said, eyes deep in thought. Artemis snorted, looking away.

"So you're turning it down because of being born a mortal?" She asked, straight to the point. I shrugged.

"In a way, yes that is why I am doing so." She shook her head, and looked at me smiling.

"I think we can get along Veranna, you are different from the others. I like that." She said. Athena picked her book back up, seeming bored with the comment.

"Of course she is different from us. She was born from a mortal and thus thinks like one in Godly form. Give her a few hundred years and she'll be like the rest of us." She said. Artemis ignored her though.



I walked the crowded halls to the back entrance, where both the gardens and the forest are. While passing by I crossed Snape's potions class and walked in. His class was still going, most likely someone had gotten on his bad side so now the whole class is suffering. I walked to his desk, where he was writing in a book.

"Professor Snape, why are the students not going to lunch?" I asked with a smile. Snape looked at me, then snapped his book shut.

"They are writing the ingredients on the board into their journals as notes. They will not leave until I check the journals and approve." He explained, walking towards me. I chuckled. Snape always amused me in some way for a reason.

"Yes well, be sure not to take too long. I'm sure they're hungry." I quipped, glancing at the students who were writing as fast as they could. Snape huffed glaring at the students.

"I'll keep that in mind." He then turned to me. "What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" I frowned, my anger spiking from the hostility from his tone and from remembering that Draco boy.

"About that, may I see you in private?" I asked, tone bright and cheery but my eyes hard as stone. Snape best be careful, he's treading on thin ice now. Luckily for him he noticed my mood and dismissed the class. Once the students were gone Snape face me with that scowl of his.

"What is it with you and your house always showing disrespect? It tires me in ways that you don't even comprehend." I said, no longer acting nice. Snape quirked a brow. I sighed.

"What I came here for is that one of your Slytherin students blatantly showed no respect in my classroom." I turned in a circle, running my hands over one of the desks.

"I expect non believers and skeptics to my studies, I even expect the odd insult or two. But be that as it may, Draco Malfoy needs to learn to respect ALL of his teachers, be they unwanted or not. I don't care if he fakes it. but," I turned to Snape, knowing my eyes were glowing. "He best shapen up or leave my class. whichever is up to him and you." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then when I opened my eyes I smiled.

"Now I'll be going for a walk outside." With that I turned around, ignoring the slightly trembling form of Snape. He, like others, didn't know what I was, but did know I was powerful. Not that I'd do anything rash. I just want Draco to seem more like what he should be. But never mind that. I walked outside and smiled at the sun on my skin. It felt so warm and sweet. I smiled up at the sun, where Apollo was, I know that was his doing. I looked around to make sure no one saw me and once I saw the coast was clear I held out my mirror.

I've had this mirror since we all lived in Greece, not caring how old it looked. I released my hold on the mirror, and watched as it grew in size. In a matter of seconds the mirror was large enough for me to walk into. I touched the surface with my fingertip and saw the ripples spread out, forming a picture. Sure enough Artemis had a full length mirror waiting for me in her tent. Slowly I walked through the mirror, finding myself melting within it and stepping out the other side and into the head tent of Artemis' camp.

"Veranna, it's been a while." I smiled at the small child form of Artemis. I held out my hand palm up and summoned my mirror before taking a seat in an empty chair. Artemis sat in her own chair behind a desk with maps covering its surface.

"Yes it has, but I am sorry to see you on a favor." I said smiling. Artemis waved her hand idly.

"I don't mind, in a way I owe you for getting Apollo out of that Shakespeare fad. I thought I would forever hear of that mortal's sonnets and my brothers own versions." I chuckled. I remembered that time. Dear Apollo had started to make sonnets similar to Shakespeare's because he was so "inspired" it went on for about half a century.

"Yes well, as for the reason I called you here." Artemis straightened, serious about the hunt. I placed my mirror on the desk, waving my hand over the surface. The image of a dead Unicorn appeared. Artemis frowned at the image.

"Lately there have been many deaths of the Unicorns in this forest, and from what I can tell, it's of no natural cause." Artemis nodded her head, pointing at a certain spot of the Unicorn.

"You thought right, that mark isn't an average wound, but I don't know what it could possibly be. It is interesting." As we talked about the hunt I started to forget about the next class, until the tent flap opened.

"Excuse me, but the camp is set up and complete Lady Artemis." I turned and smiled at Zoe, Artemis' lieutenant. She's such a sweet girl.

"Hello Zoe, how have you been all this time?" I asked. Zoe looked up, just noticing that I was there. She smiling and bowed.

"I have been fine as of late Lady Veranna." She said. Artemis rose from her chair and walked over to a vase filled with arrows and grabbed some, along with her bow.

"I'll start by finding some tracks from the latest death point. I'll go with your say on hunting at night, not that you have to worry." She smiled at the end. I smiled as well.

"Well, as long as we don't know the culprit I feel better knowing you'll be careful." I said. It was then that I realized how long I stayed.

"Oh dear, I forgot about class. Those poor students, they probably think that I'm a bad teacher for being late to my own class." I grumbled while preparing to leave. Artemis watched me in amusement.

"Why do you insist on being here, living here, with the mortals. Why teach what they won't learn?" She asked just as I was about to step through my now enlarged mirror. I looked over my shoulder with a gentle smile.

"Who else will teach them of their past if not me?" Artemis shook her head and at the same time both we Goddesses left the tent.



I walked to my home slowly, taking in the night sky. It was beautiful, as always. It wouldn't be long until I got to my house, or temple rather with its size. I felt a rush of wind come by, and looked over to see Apollo in his chariot, smiling at me.

"Care for a ride Veranna?"

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