The Mirror's Reflection

By zorlia

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In Ancient Greece there was a young lady who was blessed by the Goddess Hecate with the power of magic, thus... More

Prolouge: A Mother Knows
Heart Of a Mortal
Home Again
Nine Muses Of Art

Veranna of Greece

167 2 1
By zorlia

Pic on the side is Veranna


I stood before them all, staring down at me from their thrones. I wondered what it was that called me to this place. I bowed, showing my respect to them. If I did not, I might just lose my life.

"Veranna, you have been called to this council for an important reason. Do you know what that reason is?" Boomed his Lord's thunderous voice. I took a breath for courage and shook my head.

"No I do not Lord Zeus." I said in my weak voice. I still could not stand, my head still bowed to the floor.

"Then what's the point in doing this? If the mortal can't recall the one thing that brought her here, then there is no point to all of this!" Shouted a rough and angry male voice from my left.

"Calm yourself Ares, it would be a second nature to be afraid after being summoned here. Give the girl a chance you boar." This time it was a female voice, and while seemed wise and soft, it was harsh towards the end.

"Athena call me a boar once more and I will beat you down to a bloody corpse!" Ares, roared. I flinched, scared. There was something to a snort after his comment.

"Challenging again? Do you never learn? How unsightly that mere mortals can learn when they are beaten and you can't. You must really be a mindless boar." Athena huffed. I cringed at the sudden pressure in the room.

"Now, now, you must not be fighting in the middle of council. Why don't you settle this at a later date young ones? Let us help the mortal." It was a warm comforting female voice that said this. I wonder who.

"Hestia is right, we should end this quickly." This was a firm commanding female voice. I think it was Lady Hera.

"Rise mortal woman." It was the same firm voice from before. I closed my eyes and with shaky legs stood up. Once I was standing straight I opened my eyes to see the one who could only be Lady Hera standing from her chair. I swallowed my fear. If I were to die then I die, but there is a chance I could live, even though it is small.



I sat at my desk waiting for the class to come, staring into my mirror. Instead of my own image it was one of the forest. I have been sensing some odd things from there. Of course there was nothing that I could find. I frowned, not liking this one bit. I heard the opening of my door and sighed. I waved my hand over the mirror and sat it on my desk. I stood up and watched as the classed filled with young students expecting an average class. I smiled to myself, this was going to be anything but average for them though.

Once the bells had rung again, starting the hour, I picked up the scroll that held my roster for the class. I counted the names there and the heads in my class. Good, everyone was here. I turned to the board behind me and wrote, Greek Mythology. I heard the murmurs and gasps from behind me.

"Greek Mythology? What does that have to do with magic?" I turned to a young man who, like the others here, was a first year. He had platinum blonde hair and seemed to be looking at me as if I was beneath him. How rude.

"The answer to that question differs for each Witch and Wizard. Now, I want you all to tell me your opinion of this class now that you know what it's about. I don't care if it's an insult, or a question, if you want to say it, just raise your hand. Once I call you stand up and state your name, then say what is on your mind." I said in a kind voice. The boy from a minute age rose his hand instantly, while others were more hesitant. I looked to him and motioned him to stand.

"Young man from earlier, what is it you would like to share?" I asked. He smiled, obviously liking the attention.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, as I'm sure you know. Well, it's just that my father told me about this class and how it has nothing to do with magic. All you do is tell some fake stories from Greek myths. Why is it a class here at Hogwarts?" I blinked, and smiled.

"This class is here because Dumbledore wants it here, among other reasons. As for the stories, I don't think they're fake at all. It's you who decides whether to believe or not." I told him. Draco frowned and opened his mouth to say something else but I rose my hand and stopped him. I pointed to his seat and he sat down.

"You only have one chance to say what you want." I looked around the room. "Anyone else?" I asked. There were now a few more hands raised. One of which was a girl with bushy hair. I could almost hear Aphrodite complaining at it's style. I pointed to the young girl and watched at she stood.

"Hermione Granger of the Gryffindor house. I wanted to know what exactly we will be learning and what Greek myths have to do with magic." She said. I smiled, this girl was one for knowledge. I nodded my head to her.

"Well Hermione, you will be learning stories as to how the wizardly world was born from mortals gaining magic, as well as other well known stories. Also, we will be learning of the twelve Olympian Gods as well as some minor Gods. We will talk about how some magical creatures were born from Greek myths and such forth. As for it has to do with magic, well that is for you to decide." Hermione smiled and sat down. She was a nice girl, more respectful than that other boy. Perhaps I should talk to Snape, see if he can straighten out the young man.

As time went by I called on and answer students who rose their hands. I also noted the glares from that Malfoy boy. Hmmmm, he really needs to show some manners. Towards the end of class I had to choose one last child. I looked around and noticed a boy with jet black hair and wire glasses. He sat beside a boy with bright red hair with a seemingly bored look upon his face. The black haired boy lifted his hand but quickly dropped it. I smiled and pointed to him.

"I see that you want to ask something but are too shy to ask. What is it young one?" I asked him. The boy looked surprised, then stood up, fixing his glasses.

"U-uh, I'm Harry Potter and I would like to know uh, ahem." He coughed and cleared his throat. I thought he was adorable. "I wanted to know, what was your name?" He asked. I blinked, surprised. Everyone else in the class looked at each other, not seeming to know either. I suppose I forgot to say my name once again. I wondered what I should say though....hmmmmm..........

"Veranna, my troops and I have appeared. We're in the Forbidden Forest, right where you asked us to be. The camp is being set up now. When will you arrive?" I smiled at the voice within my head. Artemis must be talking into a mirror. I walked back to my desk and sat down picking up my mirror and waved my hand over the surface. Artemis' face showed up, but before she spoke I opened my mouth.

"I'm terribly sorry for not saying my name. You may sit now Mr. Potter, please give me a moment." I glanced down at my mirror smiling at the blank look Artemis was giving me.

"I forgot to give them a name to call me. I wonder what I should use, considering I will be using myself in some of the 'myths'. So I can't use my full name. Any ideas?" Artemis snorted at me.

"Just come and meet us tonight." She went to set the mirror face down, thus stopping the call.

"Wait, I'll meet you at lunch, it's too dangerous at night." I murmurmed so the students wouldn't hear. Artemis frowned, but nodded her head before shutting the call off. I waved my hand over the mirror again and smiled at the class.

"You may call me, Professor, Professor Vera, or just Miss Vera. Any of which will do." As soon as I said that the bells rang, signaling lunch. "That is all for now, see you tomorrow!" The class packed and left. I sighed, and grabbed my mirror, It was time for me to see an old friend.


".....and because of these acts, we as a whole have decided to give you a reward. You will become a Goddess of Truth and of Secrets." I gasped. What Lady Hera just said, just for that simple act I am to be a Goddess? So many thoughts were rushing through my head.

"Do you accept?" I looked up at Lord Zeus when he asked that. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, then smiled. I opened my eyes.

"I accept."

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