StacyCat Stories

By MudkipBrony

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Stories about everyone's* favorite Minecraft Storymode YouTube ship. StacyCat! This book is only StacyCat rel... More

Only Us
Valentines Day
Boba Date
A Silent Regret
Even Romance Doctors need Love (Part 1)
Even Romance Doctors need Love (Part 2)
When I Don't Remember You

You're Right

56 1 1
By MudkipBrony

It was only a few hours after Jesse and the gang left to go on their heroic quest to save Beacontown! Though back in town Stacy and Stampy where standing in Stampys little garden and having a chat.

"You know Stacy, I can take care of myself you know." Stampy pointed out.

Stacy shifted her eyebrows to look a little surprised. "Really? I find that a little hard to believe Stampy. No offense."

"What do you think I was doing before I saw you at the mansion? Surviving! I can work quite well on my own, for your information!" Stampy argued.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Stacy said, shrugging.

Stampy stamped his foot on the ground like an angry child. "I can protect myself! I survived the mansion and the zombie attack!"

"Whatever you mean, jellybean," Stacy joked.

"Now is not the time for joking around! You didn't need to risk yourself to protect me you know!" Stampy growled. He didn't want his friend to get hurt just to save him.

Stacy looked at the snow and smiled. "Whatever floats your boat."

"Stacy, you're my friend. But right now you're really getting on my nerves! And stop saying 'whatever'!"

"Sure thing Sugarcube!"


"Don't crack your back, Jack." Stacy teased.

"Okay, you just made that one up!" Stampy growled.

"There's no need to argue any longer cutie-pie," Stacy said. Though immediately after she realized what she said and held back the urge to cover her mouth. If I make it look intentional then maybe he won't notice. She thought.

Though when Stacy looked back at Stampy he was slightly red. And in an attempt to not let the conversation die out he let out an awkward laugh. "Oh, I get it. Because we were arguing about cake and pie earlier. I get it... kind of."

Stacy gave Stampy a gentle nudge back to his home. "M-maybe you should go inside Stampy. You might catch a cold."

"But we promised Jesse that we would look after Beacontown while they're gone!" Stampy argued.

"Don't argue with me! Inside. NOW!" Stacy said assertively.

Like a little kitten, Stampy let out a little mew before agreeing to go inside his home to tend to his parrots. Leaving Stacy outside in the snow to recollect her thoughts.

Stacy hit her forehead (softly) a few times with her fist. Talking to herself she said, "What the Nether was that? Did I just call him cute? I mean some of the things he does are cute, like his little love garden. But still. Get it together Stacy!"

~~~A few days later~~~

Ever since Jesse (or Romeo but nobody knew that) came back to Beacontown everything changed. Structures were being taken down, animals killed, and Jesse seemed all-powerful and acted like a Dictator. Beacontown was supposed to be a safe place.

The people always had this uncomforting feeling that they were being watched, or followed. Stampy had felt this feeling before, ever since the Cassie Rose/White Pumpkin incident, he'd always felt that she was following him. He only got over his paranoia a few weeks ago, and now it was back and worse.

Although it felt wrong for thinking this, especially at a time like this, he was proving Stacy wrong. He could take care of himself! Though he was worried about her whereabouts. Ever since Jesse came back, she's been gone. I hope she's okay. Maybe she's just hiding? Stampy thought, hopefully.

But his cat sensitive hearing kicked in when he heard someone shout, "Let go of me you giant piece of rock!"

Moving through the small spaces in between the buildings and hiding behind a bush Stampy saw an Obsidian Golem carrying Stacy under its arm like she was some sort of an accessory. Stacy was yelling and shouting at the golem carrying her, but it didn't seem phased. Though it looked so done with Stacy's squabbling shenanigans.

Stampy had no idea what to do. How am I supposed to save her? He thought. What's my plan? How am I supposed to do this? Why is there a parrot on my head? What if I never get to- hold on. I have a plan!

The Scarlet Macaw on Stampys head looked down at the man it was standing on. Stampy had an emergency plan for anyone who tried to destroy/steal something from his house by training his parrots to... do that thing that birds have a tendency to do.

"Alright, Becca. Time to do what we've practiced. See that golem? He's stealing my friend, I need you to gather your friends and start operation 'Bombs Away!" Stampy whispered. As if the bird understood Stampy it flew off to rally the troops. While Becca the scarlet macaw was away, Stampy followed the golem from the shadows letting his sneaky cat side out.

Stacy still shouted at the golem as if it was going to let her go. "Just because Jesse told me to kill my cow and I didn't do it is no big deal! Can't you find stake elsewhere? I swear once I... what is that?"

Right on cue, a group of parrots flew towards the golem. The golem stood at alert and tried to bat the birds away but it was too slow for the birds. Stampy jumped out of his hiding spot and yelled, "Bombs Away!"

The birds let loose of these 'bombs' and started to poop on the golem. Stacy looked at Stampy and smiled at him but didn't say anything because the golem dropped her flat on her face and started to run away, birds in tow.

"Are you okay?" Stampy asked helping his friend up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Though there was much more fecal matter than I would've liked. But you were right, that was a good excuse to go to the jungle so much. You have to do that to Jesse later!" Stacy admitted, checking to see if any bird poop got on her.

"Don't worry about the poop. My parrots are trained professionals, they know not to harm any of my friends! But maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?" Stampy suggested.

"Agreed, follow me. I know a place that we'll be safe." Stacy said, grabbing Stampys hand and running into the dark alleys Stampy was just sneaking around in. But before Stacy could bring Stampy to this 'safe place' a blond man in a leather jacket approached them and gave them a daring offer, but they were up for the challenge.

~~~After Romeo is defeated~~~

Once Romeo was finally exposed and defeated by the real Jesse everything was finally going to be normal again (hopefully for longer than a month or so). Once the battle was done the Ocelots all cheered and celebrated. Stacy gave Nell a hug and Stampy was floating down thanks to his legion of parrots.

Though when Stacy saw this she spoke to herself. "Like an Angel coming from Heaven... only Stampy is that angel..."

"Uh, what?" Nell asked.

Forgetting that Nell was right behind her Stacy panicked. "Nothing! Nothing important! I said 'Oh it's like Notch is giving us an angel because Romeo is finally defeated!' Yeah, that!"

Nell gave Stacy a suspicious look. Though when she finally understood and said, "You like Stampy, don't you Stacy?"

"You mean as a friend? So yeah I like Stampy." Stacy said. Okay, maybe she didn't figure it out yet-

"Not like that dude. I mean like... like-like. Love? That sort of thing?" Nell said, taking off her Ocelots jacket.

She knows! Quick! Make something up! Just don't lie- "Nell, Stampy is like a brother to me. Annoying sometimes but sweet. I feel like I have to protect him you know? That sort of thing." Stacy lied. Brain why are you so stupid!

"Ouch, dude. He's like right there." Nell said, pointed behind Stacy.

And sure enough, there Stampy was. Holding out his arms so that his parrots could rest on him. "Do you really only see me as a brother? That would explain a lot since you think I can't take care of myself!"

Stacy turned to face him and tried to explain her lie, "Stampy it's not like that! I was just-"

Though Stampy, once again like a child, stamped his foot on the ground and cut her off. "No! I don't want to hear it this time! I'll see you later! If I could, I would never want to see you for a really long time, but we live next to each other. So I'll see you later! Let's go home, guys!" Stampy shouted.

Like his entrance, Stampys parrots flew him away, chirping all the way. Stacy was about to go after him but Nell held her back. "Give him some space, dude. Talk to him tomorrow or something. But until then... I ship it."

"Ugh. Are you high on Grass again?" Stacy asked.

"No, I found this new thing called Sponge. You should try it, it's relaxing and good for your health." Nell suggested.

Though Stacy rejected Nells suggestion right away. Besides she didn't need a drug addiction to worry about. "No thanks. I don't do drugs, it's not a healthy thing to put in my fans minds."

"Of course you would think it's drugs. Whatever. Also, the birds said Stampy needs to eat less cake. He's too heavy for them. You might want to tell him that tomorrow." Nell said.

Stacy didn't even ask how Nell could understand the birds. She was too tired of all the Murder nonsense and mad at herself for making Stampy upset to care about anything else. Why did I say that?

~~~The next day~~~

The next day Stampy woke up late. He was too busy fixing things and avoiding Stacy the day before and hence waking up at around noon. Though as he ate his morning cake (or lunch) cake he heard a knock on his door. When he looked through the glass he saw Stacy looking back at him.

"I know you're in there Stampy I can see you through the glass," Stacy said, though her voice was muffled thanks to said glass.

"Go away, Stacy! I don't want to talk to you!" Stampy said.

"Come on!" Stacy pleaded, "you can't stay mad at me forever!"

"Technically I can and I will! Goodbye!" Stampy said in a huff. Finishing his cake and about to climb up the ladder into his parrot party room.

"Wait," Stacy said, causing Stampy to stop in his tracks. "at least let me explain. And maybe let me in?"

Stampy sighed as he walked to the door and opened it. "Fine. Please explain why you still think I can't survive without you protecting me?"

Stacy grumbled something and looked at Stampy directly in the eyes. "Okay look- For the love of the Ender Dragon do you really think that's what this is about? I never thought that way about you! I know that you can do things on your own! That parrot attack? Brilliant! I just don't want to lose someone else to something that I had the power to prevent. Sparklez and Dan... Lizzie. Even TorqueDawg although we all hated him. I could've prevented that! If not TorqueDawg and Sparklez I could've saved Dan and Lizzie... I could've at least saved Lizzie...

"Yet I couldn't even save one person. Not one! You're one of the few things I have left Stampy. I don't want to treat you like a child or a precious artifact that I need to protect with my life. I don't see you as a brother, the only reason I said that at all was to get Nell to stop nagging me about something I didn't want to talk about. You're my friend Stampy. I don't care if you're mad at me for the rest of our lives. Just know that I don't see you as something fragile, but as a person close to me who I don't want to lose."

As Stacy turned to leave Stampy turned her around for a hug. "It wasn't your fault that everyone died. You know that right? It was my fault, I never should've stolen that portal key from Dan..."

"I know it wasn't my fault, but I still feel that I should've done something. I should've been quicker and suspected it was Cassie. So it wasn't your fault either. Like you said, it was supposed to be a prank." Stacy pointed out.

"Yeah, a prank went wrong! Still, you don't need to protect me all the time, this doesn't have to be a one-way relationship. I got your back and you got mine!" Stampy said.

Stacy wiggled her way out of Stampys embrace. "That sounded a little strange Stampy... are you sure you worded that right?"

"Yeah? Are you okay? You look red, do you need to lie down?" Stampy asked.

"What? No, I'm fine! N-never better!"

"Really? Because it seems to be getting worse. Here, let me feel your forehead-"

When Stampy tried to reach to feel her forehead Stacy slapped away his hand. "I'm fine! Really! T-thanks but it's just warm out, you know?"

"But the weather is nice today. Stop being so restless and let me help!"

Before Stacy could react this time Stampy put one hand on her shoulder and gripped it tightly so that she won't move, and used the other hand to feel her forehead. "I'm telling you Stampy, I'm fine," Stacy reassured her friend, "i-its just that you said 'this doesn't have to be a one-sided relationship.' and I took it the wrong way."

Finally getting why Stacy was so red Stampy removed his hands off her. "Oh, jeez I'm sorry! Now that I think about it, it sounds embarrassing. Sorry."

"It's fine. At least you were kind enough to make sure I was okay." Stacy thanked.

"Like you said, it's fine. Hey, unrelated question, is that Wink barking to my parrots in my lovely garden?" Stampy asked.

The two turned to look at the heart Stampy build and there were two parrots sitting on it and Wink was sitting underneath said, heart. Though Stacy got an idea and started to run in the opposite direction of the garden. "Hold on, Stampy. I'll be right back!"

"Where are you going!" He asked.

"You'll see!"

~~~A few minutes later~~~

When Stacy came back, Nell was walking close behind holding a sponge. It confused Stampy at first but he decided not to ask. So the two let Nell do their thing and translate what the animals were saying.

The first bird was a big blue was with a little bit of yellow. His name was Blue. The second parrot was Stampys parrot who pulled through in the mission, the scarlet macaw named Becca.

Blue: Why are those humans looking at us?

Becca: No idea. Hey, do you think Master likes his friend?

Blue: Sure, Master Stampy likes all his friends. Well, he likes everything really.

Becca: No you bird brain! I mean as mates!

Blue: Definitely not! Master is too childish for Friend Stacy!

Becca: Well I think they belong together. Some things Blue are just meant to be!

Blue: Yeah, like me and Cricket. But not you and Ari.

Becca: Are you serious Blue! Are we seriously going back to that!

Blue: What? He left you for Lauren!

Sudden a mostly grey bird with a few blue and green feathers landed next to Blue. This bird was Ari.

Ari: Hey Blue! Oh... hello Becca... how are you?

Becca: Cut the malarky, Ari! Don't act all friendly with me! Like you suddenly care again!

Ari: Becca, I'm sorry I broke your bird heart but come on. You have... seeds?

Blue: You aren't helping Ari.

Wink: Birds. Always getting caught up in drama.

The birds: SHUSH WINK!

Wink: Sorry...

Blue: The dog is right though. Weren't we talking about something else before you and Aris past love life?

Becca: Yeah! We were talking about how Master is perfect for Friend Stacy!

Ari: Ooo! They have the cutest arguments!

Becca: I know!

Blue: I think you two are missing the point here... Friend Stacy and Master Stampy are just really close friends.

Wink: If that cat lover even tries to get close to my master... I don't even know what I'd do!

Ari: Well if Wink isn't going to do anything, then I say they're probably going to date!

Becca: I agree!

Wink: No! I won't let him take Master away from me! I'll yell at him everytime he gets close to Master! HEY! BUDDY! GET YOUR FILTHY, UGLY, CAT LOVING PAWS AWAY FROM MY MASTER!!

Blue: Good Wink!

Becca: You're no fun...

Ari: Seriously.

Blue: I'm telling you, it just isn't meant to be!

Ari: Lies!

Becca: You have to admit Blue, they do have chemistry.

Blue: Alright sure, they do have some sort of chemistry, but it'll never happen!

Becca: But Friend Stacy called Master Stampy a 'cutie-pie' and she said that he was an Angel!

Ari: Proof!

Becca: Master and Friend! Master and Friend! Stampy and Stacy!

Blue: Please don't start a chant...

Ari: Stamcy! Stamcy! Stamcy!

Becca: Cays! Cays! Cays! Cays!

Blue: Good gosh...

Ari and Becca: StacyCat! StacyCat! StacyCat! StacyCat! StacyCat!!!

Wink: DIE HUMAN MALE! But I won't bite you because Master says that's bad. BUT YOU WILL STILL DIE!

Blue: End my suffering...

Without Nell's translation, Stacy and Stampy would've never known what their pets thought of them. And it was really disturbing to find out. All the squawking and barking made anyone who passed by stop and see what was going on before continuing to whatever they were doing.

"Give me a minute, I need to drink more Sponge Water," Nell said, lifting the Spong over her head to take a swig.

Though Stampy ignored Nell getting high off some dirty water and saw Stacy heating up again. And a mischievous thought came into his head. "Stacy," Stampy asked, "are you okay? You're heating up again."

"Your parrots heard everything... and they think that we'd make a good couple, except Blue. Also, my dog wants to kill you, but can't because he knows that I'll end up scolding him. How do we know Nell isn't making this up!" Stacy argued.

"Because Nell is Nell. Hey, you're right, it is kind of warm out. You don't mind if I check your temperature again do you?" Stampy asked.

Stacy sighed at the question. "I'm fine Stampy. And I mean it this time, but if you're so paranoid about it. Then sure."

"You know, I heard that the classic way of checking someone's forehead isn't always the best way to check for their temperature. Do you mind if I try something else?"

"Uh, sure? As long as it's not weird. Just be careful of Wink, he might growl at you." Stacy agreed.

Carefully Stampy put a hand on Stacy's cheek and held it there for a moment. "Did I mention this before? Because you have soft hands Stampy." Stacy complimented.

(Yeah you thought I forgot about that joke didn't ya? Well, I didn't! If you read my first Werewolf book then you would understand the joke.)

Stampy smiled at his 'friend'. "Thanks! But that's not the temperature check."

Stacy gave him a confused almost concerned look. "So if that's not the check then what-"

Once again cutting Stacy off, Stampy leaned in and kissed her. The birds (Blue, Ari, and Becca) screeched at one another while Wink was barking like a madman. Nell just chuckled to herself and said, "StacyCat confirmed guys. You see that Blue? It's confirmed. Sorry Wink, better luck next time." Then she turned her back to the two to give them some sort of privacy, the pets doing the same though now quiet chirps and whimpers could be heard instead.

When Stampy pulled away he said (jokingly), "Good. You're at the perfect temperature!"

Stacy, on the other hand, didn't smack or retaliate the way Stampy had expected her to. She just gave him yet another look, an incredulous look. As if she couldn't believe what just happened. "So... I guess you knew the whole time then?"

"I got a hint when you protected me from the zombies. Then I realized you liked me when you called me a cutie-pie. And you said I was an angel which is really sweet of you. So I guess this has really been a one-sided relationship. But tell me... was it weird?" Stampy explained.

"No... no, it wasn't. I didn't mind it at all actually. So I guess we're dating now? Or something like that?" Stacy asked.

Stampy just couldn't keep himself from having that two-mile-wide smile on his face. "You're right."

~~~The End~~~

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